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Site Report: Gulkana Prepositioning Area & Army Site NALEMP

Site Name: Gulkana Prepositioning Area & Army Site NALEMP
Address: ~MP 117.3 Richardson Highway, Gakona, AK 99586
File Number: 140.38.057
Hazard ID: 26751
Status: Active
Staff: Kelly Walker, 9074512166
Latitude: 62.143719
Longitude: -145.476651
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


This site includes the portion of the Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) at the Gulkana Prepositioning Area & Army Site (F10AK031900) that is being remediated by the Native Village of Tazlina under the Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP). The project includes removal of an abandoned 315,000-gallon aboveground storage tank (AST) and debris, including tires, food service unit, stove, water cooler, vehicle batteries, propane tanks,5-gallon paint buckets, and several 55-gallon drums, within approximately 11 acres surrounding the AST. Some work on the larger project area was also conducted directly by the Department of Defense and is tracked separately under Hazard ID 4298 ; File No. 140.38.044.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
3/22/2017 Site Characterization Workplan Approved On August 25, 2016, DEC reviewed the redline version of the Work Plan for Above-Ground Storage Tank (AST)/Debris Removal and Confirmation Sampling at Gulkana Prepositioning Area and US Army Site near Glennallen, Alaska prepared by the Native Village of Tazlina. Project objectives for this field effort include the removal of the 315,000-gallon AST at the Gulkana Prepositioning Area and United States Army Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS), removal of debris within the 11-acre property boundary of the site, and confirmation soil sampling within the footprint of the converted AST, at the cleared gravel area of the former AST, and along any piping associated with the ASTs. DEC approves the work plan with the understanding that the revised cleanup levels under 18 AAC 75.341 are applicable to this site and should be reflected in subsequent reporting documents. Joy Whitsel
8/10/2017 Site Added to Database A new site has been added to the database Mitzi Read
10/11/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the report dated September 2017, that details the debris and hazardous material removal at three areas of concern including: the South AST and Fuel Piping, the Cleared Gravel North Area AST Footprint, and the Debris Area at the Gulkana Prepositioning Area and US Army Site in Glennallen, Alaska. Diesel range organics was the only contaminant of concern found in exceedance of cleanup levels established in 18 AAC 75.341 (Table B1 and B2, Migration to Groundwater cleanup levels) at a maximum concentration of 753 mg/kg located at Debris Area Number 3. DEC concurs that additional characterization is needed to determine the lateral extent of contamination at this area. Joy Whitsel
4/12/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved Debris Removal and Site Assessment Work Plan. Gretchen Caudill
8/15/2019 Update or Other Action DEC approved transport of 2 CY of tar scrapings and contaminated soil for thermal treatment. Gretchen Caudill
8/29/2019 Update or Other Action Transport request from 8/15/19 was amended and approved. Eric Breitenberger
7/12/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review completed for the Follow-on Debris Removal and Site Investigation work plan for the Gulkana Prepositioning Area and U.S. Army Site, Dry Creek Area - Dump Site #1 and AST Impact Area - Debris #3 Area for the Native Village of Tazlina. This work plan details the continuing debris removal and site investigation efforts at the Gulkana Prepositioning Area and U.S. Army Site. Comments have been provided to the contractor and responsible party. Kelly Walker
7/27/2021 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Follow-On Debris Removal and Site Investigation work plan was approved for the the Gulkana Prepositioning Area and U.S. Army Site. This work plan details the continuation of the debris removal at Dump Site #1 and the delineation of contaminated soils at AST Impact Area - Debris #3 Area. Activities at Dump Site #1 will included removing, segregating, and disposal or recycling of former military debris and containers. The bulk of the steel drums and vehicle bodies were removed during the 2019 field season. Activities at the AST Impact Area - Fuel Release Area (Debris #3 Area) will include a UVOST soil boring advancement accompanied by additional soil borings to collect analytical samples. Additionally, up to three temporary monitoring wells will be installed to evaluate the groundwater at this site and to collect analytical samples to determine if groundwater has been impacted. Kelly Walker
5/24/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review completed for Follow-On Debris Removal and Site Investigation Report for the 2021 field season. This report details the continuation of the debris removal and site characterization at the site. Field work at Dump Site #1 consisted of debris removal and excavation of contaminated soil. Additional characterization of contaminated soils was conducted at the Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) Site Fuel Release Area. Report is still in review. Kelly Walker
6/7/2022 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 80113 name: 315,000-gallon AST and Debris Kelly Walker
7/21/2022 Compliance Advisory Letter Compliance advisory letter sent regarding failure to obtain transport approval in accordance with 18 AAC 75.325(i). Lead- and petroleum-impacted soil and granular activated carbon (GAC) media were transported to US Ecology's Anchorage Support Center where the lead impacted soil was ultimately transported out of state. A Contaminated Media Transport and Treatment or Disposal Approval Form was not submitted and approved prior to transport. DEC requested a corrective action plan to be submitted detailing how the contractor will ensure that transport approval is obtained prior to transporting contaminated media or investigation derived waste from contaminated sites. A corrective action plan was submitted to DEC on 8/19/2022. DEC will review and provide a response. Kelly Walker
9/6/2022 Update or Other Action Compliance Advisory for failure to obtain transport approval for transporting contaminated media and investigation derived waste at the Gulkana Prepositioning Area and US Army Site has been closed. A corrective action plan submitted detailed additional steps to prevent transport of contaminated media or investigation derived waste from contaminated sites in Alaska. DEC considers this matter to be closed and letter has been issued notifying contractor and RP of closeout. Kelly Walker
9/7/2022 Site Visit Site visit completed on September 6. Meeting held at Tazlina Community Hall with DEC, USACE, and Native Village of Tazlina and their contractor. The 2022 field season and upcoming planned work for 2023 was discussed. Site walkthrough was completed for Debris Area No. 3 and the Fuel Release Area. Sites that are planned for additional debris removal were also viewed. Kelly Walker
9/23/2022 Site Characterization Report Approved Follow-On Debris Removal and Site Investigation Addendum Report reviewed and approved. Report detailed the additional excavations at Dump Site #1. Locations of lead-based paint cans and chips were excavated and confirmation samples were taken to confirm clean margins. Additional investigation was conducted within the footprint of the concrete pile. All confirmation samples came back with lead below ADEC Method Two Soil Cleanup Levels. Kelly Walker
11/4/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Well Decommissioning Report for the Fuel Release Area/Aboveground Storage Tank has been reviewed and approved. Report detailed the decommissioning of three groundwater monitoring wells in the Fuel Release Area. Wells had limited to no recharge, due to permafrost, making sampling of groundwater in these wells infeasible. Casings were removed and borings were filled with bentonite to surface level. Additional groundwater investigation will be conducted in 2023. Kelly Walker
7/28/2023 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC reviewed and approved the Remedial Investigation and Removal Action Work Plan for the Gulkana Prepositioning Area and US Army Site. This work plan is a continuation of debris removal, contaminated soil removal, and site characterization. Additional debris areas will be investigated and debris will be characterized and removed from the site. Up to 20 soil borings will be advanced in the AST Impact area, with up to 20 wells to be installed. Kelly Walker
8/10/2023 Site Visit DEC staff traveled to the Gulkana Prepositioning Area and US Army Site to view status of debris removal and site investigation at the AST Impact Area and Debris Area No. 2. DEC staff discussed site status with USACE, NVT, and contractor personnel and discussed future sampling efforts planned in 2024. Kelly Walker
5/14/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and approved the "Remedial Investigation and Removal Action Work Plan Addendum" for the Gulkana Prepositioning Area and Army Site. This work plan addendum is a continuation of the 2023 approved "Remedial Investigation and Removal Action Work Plan". Additional debris removal from the Dry Creek Area is planned, with up to 25 cubic yards (CY) of debris and up to 2 CY of contaminated soils are expected to be removed. At the AST Impact Area, up to 14 soil borings will be advanced to further investigate impacts of past site activities. The full/final comprehensive report for the 2023 and 2024 field seasons is expected to be submitted Winter 2024 or Spring 2025. Kelly Walker

Contaminant Information

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Hazard ID Site Name File Number
4298 Gulkana Prepositioning Area & Army Site FUDS 140.38.044
4299 Gulkana Prepositioning Area & Army Site FUDS MMRP 140.38.045

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