Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
4/21/1987 |
Update or Other Action |
Public Notice: DERA Port Heiden & Port Moller"-The proposed action is to remove and
dispose of unsafe and unsightly structures and associated debris, including toxic and/or hazardous materials (THM) identified on-site. The document refers to Site Designation 14 SM WACS Site, landfill and sample type: soil matrix.
See site file for additional information. |
Louis Howard |
12/8/1987 |
Update or Other Action |
1987 Engineering Report "Sampling Results & Cleanup Design" refers to samples collected at Port Heiden: "53SL" White Alice Landfill, North (VOCs 8240), "54SL" White Alice Landfill, NE (VOCs 8240), "55SL" White Alice Landfill, South (VOCs 8240), "56SL" White Alice Landfill (VOCs 8240), Port Heiden (PCBs 8080) (VOCs 8240), "58SL" White Alice Landfill (VOCs 8240), & "59WA" White Alice Landfill (A/B/N Org. 8270). |
Louis Howard |
1/31/1994 |
Preliminary Assessment: 2.2 Site Operations & Source Characteristics: Regarding batteries, past history inspection and interviews have shown that approximately half of the batteries were shipped out by barge or airlift to Elmendorf Air Force Base (AFB) for disposal. The other half of the batteries generated at each facility probably were disposed of in the "old site" landfill.
See site file for additional information. |
Louis Howard |
5/16/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
2005 Remedial Investigation - refers to LF07 "Radio Relay Station Landfill" At the Radio Relay Station Landfill to the north of the pad the elevation averages approximately 75 feet. At the Radio Relay Station Landfill, groundwater was found between 30 and 50 feet bgs (depending on the elevation of the boring). Since there was no continuous overlying confining layer encountered during the subsurface investigation, the host saturated zone is considered
unconfined. Soil results of the landfill cover detected: 5.8 mg/kg, 360 "J" mg/kg and 4.6 mg/kg PCBs (all Aroclor 1260), Benzo(a)anthracene 7.2 mg/kg "M", benzo(a)pyrene 7.8 mg/kg "M", dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.6 mg/kg "M" and dieldrin 0.088 mg/kg "J". J Analyte was positively identified, the quantitation is an estimation. M A matrix effect was present. The aerial extent of buried debris is approximately 300 feet by 400 feet Groundwater detections had RRO at 1.8 mg/L believed to be "organic" in nature, but no silica gel cleanup was performed as part of the analyses.
See site file for additional information. |
Louis Howard |
10/31/2008 |
CERCLA Proposed Plan |
Proposed Plan: Remedial Action Objectives-1) to protect the current and future residents of Port Heiden by reducing the PCB, PAHs, and pesticides in soils and the benzene and solvents (e.g., TCE) in groundwater to meet cleanup levels, 2) to minimize sediment runoff associated with disturbance to area vegetation, and 3) to reduce the potential for contaminants in soil to migrate to groundwater or surface water.
Preferred Cleanup Alternative: Surface Soil Alternative 10 – Soil Excavation, Washing, and Off-Site Disposal in a Permitted Landfill. Groundwater Alternative 2 –Natural Attenuation and Long-term Monitoring.
Overall, this Preferred Alternative is: 1) protective of human health and the environment by eliminating contamination in a large quantity of soil and establishes institutional controls and a protection monitoring program for all remaining on-site contaminants; 2) compliant with regulations; 3) utilizes a permanent solution that removes contamination from Native and State- owned land, and reduces the risks at the former RRS to a point where the site is ultimately suitable for residential use; and 4) moderately priced compared with the other alternatives.
See site file for more information. |
Louis Howard |
7/1/2009 |
CERCLA ROD Approved |
2009 Record of Decision selected remedy for the Radio Relay Station Landfill LF07: At the
existing Port Heiden RRS Landfill, excavation of contaminated soil will stop upon encountering
landfill solid waste and the cap will be restored with clean soil. At the RRS landfill, institutional controls (IC) will be established to provide notice that the remaining buried wastes may contain contaminants of concern, that the cover should be maintained, and excavation into or development over the Port Heiden RRS Landfill should be restricted to maintain the integrity of cap and to prevent migration of contaminants.
If future property use includes disturbance of the institutional control area such that the remaining pesticide contaminated soil comes in constant contact with water, or other information becomes available which indicates that the site may pose an unacceptable risk to human health, safety, welfare or the environment, the land owner and/or operator are required
under 18 AAC 75.300 to notify ADEC and evaluate the environmental status of the contamination in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Further site characterizations and cleanup may be necessary under 18 AAC 75.325-.390. In the future, if soil is removed from the site it must be characterized and managed following regulations applicable at that time. Pursuant to 18 AAC 75.325(i)(1) and (2), ADEC approval is required prior to moving or disposing of soil that is, or has been, subject to the cleanup rules found at 18 AAC 75.325-.370. |
Louis Howard |
11/15/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Institutional Control Performance Report. At the RRS landfill, ICs will be established to provide notice that the remaining buried wastes may contain contaminants of concern, that the cover should be maintained, and excavation into or development over the Port Heiden RRS Landfill should be restricted to maintain the integrity of cap and to prevent migration of contaminants.
See site file for additional information. |
Louis Howard |
8/1/2014 |
CERCLA ROD Periodic Review |
First 5 Yr. Review including LF007. During the site inspection of ERP Site LF007, it was observed that the landfill appeared to have subsided in places, and in one instance, the subsidence exposed metallic debris. Some metal debris was also visible on the ground surface. While this is not indicative of current exposure, if left unchecked, the landfill cap may further erode and contaminated soil may be exposed. Recommendation: Address exposed debris and subsidence at ERP Site LF007.
See site file for additional information. |
Louis Howard |
12/31/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
Jacobs technical memorandum. North Landfill (LF007)
Approximately 2,033 cy non-TSCA volume based on delineation sample results. Approximately 1,333 cubic yards TSCA volume based on delineation sample results. Samples were collected from ten additional locations within the North Landfill cap at approximately 1 and 3 feet bgs to further refine these estimates. Of the ten locations sampled nine contained PCB concentrations greater than 1 mg/kg and four contained PCB concentrations greater than 50 mg/kg. The highest PCB concentration detected was 400 mg/kg at 12 inches below ground surface (bgs). Landfill debris at these locations was encountered while hand auguring at depths much shallower than previously indicated (approximately 2 feet bgs) and in some locations was observed extruding from the cap.
In the case of the North Landfill, where the contaminated cap is known to be 48 inches thick. Where sample results above the cleanup level were on the bounding edge of a contaminated area, stepout grid volumes were required for characterization. It was assumed when calculating the potential total volume of PCB-contaminated soil that these grid cells are above the cleanup level to the depth of the contaminated adjacent grid. These volume estimates will be refined as additional data becomes available.
See site file for more information. |
Louis Howard |
4/8/2015 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Port Heiden Status Meeting (8 April 2015)
Attendees: Keith Barnack, USAF, Meseret Ghebresllassie, USACE, Craig Scola, USACE, Louis Howard, ADEC, Brian Englund, ADEC, Lou Ehrhard, KEMRON, Greg Rutkowski, Jacobs, Hillary Jochens, Jacobs, and Drew McClure, Jacobs. Determine a procedure for removing contaminated soil from the North Landfill area. The consensus is that the contaminated soil within the landfill cap will be removed and the cap will be replaced. The solid waste within the landfill will not
be removed. The cap will be replaced with clean material. Prior to conducting this work, a plan documenting the removal of only the cap and a design for the replacement will be submitted.
See site file for more information. |
Louis Howard |
4/28/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
2016 Interim Data Report. Of the samples collected for PAHs, only one sample from the North Landfill exceeded the
cleanup level listed in the ROD for benzo(a)pyrene of 0.49 mg/kg at 1.4 mg/kg. Remedial
activities in the North Landfill have not yet been completed and additional excavation at this
location may occur in order to remove PCB-contaminated soil. Five of the pesticide samples
had dieldrin concentrations greater than the cleanup level in the ROD of 0.015 mg/kg, ranging
from 0.016 to 0.058 mg/kg. As specified in the ROD, dieldrin-contaminated soil will only be
removed if the concentration exceeds the 18 AAC 75.341(c) Method Two human health risk
direct contact value of 0.32 mg/kg (USAF 2009). The dieldrin concentrations did not exceed
that value and therefore additional removal was not required. The VOCs 1,2,3-
trichlorobenzene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene were not detected in any of the samples collected
following the removal of PCB-contaminated soil with concentrations greater than 1 mg/kg,
indicating that these compounds were collocated with the PCB-contaminated soil.
See site file for more information. |
Louis Howard |
5/29/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
Explanation of Significant Differences. At the LF007 North Landfill, only benzo(a)pyrene exceeded the ROD cleanup level of 0.49 mg/kg in one sample at a concentration of 1.4 mg/kg. The ROD states that additional excavation activities may be needed to remove the benzo(a)pyrene contaminated soil. During PCB-contaminated soil excavation at the LF007 North Landfill in 2016, PCB-contaminated soil volume was greater than anticipated and other potentially hazardous material was identified.
Based on these observations made during excavation activities, the Work Plan (USAF 2016a) may need to be revised to provide procedures and sampling requirements as well as waste handling, transport, and disposal requirements for the other potentially hazardous materials in the North Landfill. Currently, the Work Plan focuses primarily on PCB-contaminated soil. |
Louis Howard |
2/1/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
Work Plan for Supplemental Remedial Investigation at RRS Landfill LF0007. The following field activities will be performed to support the Project Objectives: Dig test pits within the landfill boundary, documenting and segregating landfill debris encountered, in order to further characterize nature and extent of landfill contents. Install and develop groundwater wells to further characterize and delineate impact to groundwater. Collect and analyze groundwater samples from all newly installed and existing (if any) groundwater monitoring wells to characterize impact to groundwater and to determine if further delineation is needed. Collect and analyze soil laboratory samples from test pits and well borings to determine if contaminants are present and if further delineation is needed.
See site file for additional information. |
Louis Howard |
2/28/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
2016/2017 Port Heiden Removal Action Report. During excavation of the North Landfill, two drums were identified with unknown contents. The drums were removed, placed into overpacks, and staged for sampling and removal in the 2017 field season. Contamination at the North Landfill will be addressed under a separate contract. |
Louis Howard |
10/17/2019 |
Site Added to Database |
A new site has been added to the database |
Mitzi Read |
10/21/2019 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 80502 name: LF007 Former Landfill |
Louis Howard |
2/18/2020 |
Update or Other Action |
Draft 2019 Technical Project Report for Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control at four sites: Former Composite Building (OT001), Black Lagoon (WP002), petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL) Pipeline (SS006) and Landfill and Debris Burial Area (LF007).
During the July 8 through July 11, 2019 field event, the landfill was observed to be capped with
black plastic secured with sandbags. The cap was found to be torn in several locations, with
some of the sandbags busted open. Several discarded drums that had either eroded to the
surface or have been placed on the surface of the disposal area were visible from beneath the
landfill cap. Surface vegetation was present in areas outside of the plastic landfill cover at
approximately 10-40%.
See site file for additional information. |
Louis Howard |
4/13/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Staff commented on the draft work plan for 2020 PCB-Contaminated Soil Removal Action at the Former Radio Relay Station and the LF007 RRS Landfill Cap. Main comment was to address 5,900 ton limit for the contractor this summer is that ADEC expects the Air Force to prepare to contract additional work if this arbitrary limit for PCB-Contaminated soil removal is reached this field season. Other comments were to require that the updated contaminated media transport & treatment form be filled out, signed and sent to ADEC prior to any transport/disposal of contaminated media out of state or at a local landfill. Lastly, there were a few contaminants listed that indicated there were no cleanup levels listed or available, however, they did have cleanup levels listed in 18 AAC 75 regulations and should be referenced.
See site file for additional information. |
Louis Howard |
4/28/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC staff reviewed and provided comments to the U.S. Air Force on the "Draft Supplemental Work Plan, Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station Sites OT001, SS004, SS006, LF007 and WP002" dated April 2020. The document describes the USAF's intent to conduct groundwater monitoring well decommissioning and
repair, install land use control (LUC) warning signs, and conduct Incremental Sampling
Methodology (ISM) of soils in two landspread areas (LSA) to support their closure. |
Louis Howard |
5/12/2020 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC evaluated and approved the “Final Work Plan, 2020 Remedial Action Operations, Land
Use/Institutional Control, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Sites OT001, SS004, SS006,
LF007 and WP002” dated May 2020. The work plan describes the United States Air Force’s intent to decommission and repair groundwater monitoring wells, install land use control warning signs, and conduct incremental sampling of soils in two land spread areas. These activities will occur at the Port Heiden contaminated sites OT001, SS004, SS006, LF007 and WP002. |
Melinda Brunner |
5/15/2020 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
DEC evaluated and approved the “2020 Work Plan, Polychlorinated Biphenyl Contaminated Soil Removal Action, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station and Radio Relay Station Landfill Cap, Port
Heiden, Alaska” dated May 13, 2020. The work plan describes the United States Air Force’s intent to remove polychlorinated biphenyl contaminated soil at Port Heiden’s former radio relay station, including from the landfill cap at LF007. |
Melinda Brunner |
7/22/2020 |
CERCLA RI Report Approved |
Potentially-impacted LF007 groundwater was investigated by installing five new monitoring wells. One well was installed upgradient of LF007, one well was installed within the LF007 footprint, and three wells were installed downgradient. Groundwater was successfully collected from four of the five wells for analysis (one well went dry prior to sampling). Four groundwater samples and associated quality control samples were analyzed for fuels, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ethylene dibromide (EDB), semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), pesticides, herbicides, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals, nickel, vanadium, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and hexavalent chromium. One groundwater sample from the well nearest the highest historical groundwater TCE detection was also analyzed for 1,4-dioxane. Supplemental RI groundwater results were all below project action limits (PALs).
LF007 impacted soils and buried landfill contents were investigated by test pitting and soil
sampling during monitoring well installation. Eleven test pits were installed with an excavator
through the landfill cap soils, buried landfill contents, and native soils to maximum depths of 5–12 feet below ground surface (bgs). Cap soil thickness and buried landfill contents were
documented for all eleven test pits, and soil samples were collected from 10 of the 11 test pits. TheGeoprobe® retrieved soil samples from the monitoring well borings in acetate sleeves up to a depth of 50 feet bgs using Macro-Core® tooling. In total, 31 soil samples and associated quality control samples were collected and analyzed for fuels, VOCs, EDB, SVOCs, pesticides, herbicides, RCRA metals, nickel, vanadium, and PCBs. Some test pits contained drum carcasses. No transformers, fluid wastes, identifiable asbestos-contaminated materials, unexploded ordnance or discarded military munitions were encountered. LF007 soils were found to have concentrations of both previously documented contaminants of concern (COCs) and other Supplemental RI chemicals of potential concern (COPCs) above their respective PALs |
Darren Mulkey |
7/22/2020 |
CERCLA RI Report Approved |
The objectives of the Supplemental RI were to identify data gaps and gather additional evidence
regarding impact to soil and groundwater that may remain at LF007 from activities conducted
during USAF operations and that may pose a threat to human health and/or the environment.
Supplemental RI field work was conducted during July and November 2018. Waste load-out
occurred in June 2019. Project wastes were disposed at facilities in Arlington, Oregon during
September and October 2019. |
Darren Mulkey |
3/10/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC submitted comments on the Draft 2020 Technical Project Report, 2020 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska, sites LF007, SS004, SS006, OT001, and WP002, dated February 2021, in a letter on this date. |
Sammi Castle |
5/26/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
5/25/2021 ADEC approved the Final 2020 Technical Project Report, 2020 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska, sites LF007, SS004, SS006, OT001, and WP002, dated May 2021. |
Daniela Fawcett |
6/4/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviewed and responded to the Draft Final Federal Uniform Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plan for Long Term Management and Remedial Action Operation Activities, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska, dated March 2021. The document was received by DEC on May 10, 2021. The work plan describes the LTM and LUCs/RA-Os for four site at the LRRS: OT001, SS006, WP002, and LF007. 23 groundwater monitoring wells are to be sampled, and monitored natural attenuation parameters.
DEC responded with comments to incorporate the recommendations from past sampling events, such as the Final 2020 Technical Project Report, into the Work Plan. |
Cascade Galasso-Irish |
8/31/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC Approved the Final Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plan for Long-Term Management and Remedial Action Operation Activities Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska, dated August 2021. The proposed plan explains the conceptual site model (CSM), defines the remedial action operations and long-term management and land use control inspections inspection activities to be completed at each site in Port Heiden, Alaska. The sites included in this plan are the Former Composite Building, POL pipeline, Black Lagoon, and Landfill and Debris Burial Area. |
Ginna Quesada |
9/9/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed and sent letter of approval for the Final 2020 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control Report, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station Sites OT001, WP002, SS006, LF007, dated September 2021. The report presents the results of the 2020 Environmental Long-Term Monitoring program in Port Heiden, Alaska. The sites included in this plan are the Former Composite Building, POL pipeline, Black Lagoon, and Landfill.
Although two signs in good condition were observed at Sites OT001 and LF007, none was observed at Sites WP002 or SS006. The field crew observed evidence of unauthorized site use, including all-terrain vehicle/utility terrain vehicle tracks at Site SS006, and settling of the excavation backfill at the surface within the former pipeline corridor. Of the 16 wells at Sites OT001 and WP002, 5 wells need repair or replacement. Samples from 3 wells exceeded Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Human Health Cleanup Level for manganese, including BLO-MW01, BLOMW07, and DSA-MW02 (ADEC, 2020). Tetrachloroethene was detected above ADEC Human Health Cleanup Level in DSA-MW02 (ADEC, 2020). Trichloroethene was detected above the ADEC Human Health Cleanup Level in BLO-MW01, DSA-MW01, and DSA-MW02 (ADEC, 2020). Diesel range organics (DRO) concentrations exceeded the ADEC Human Health Cleanup Level (ADEC, 2020) only at BLO-MW01. Of the seven wells at Site SS006, three need repairs. All seven were sampled for DRO and samples from wells 066-MW05 and 215-MW09 exceeded ADEC Human Health Cleanup Levels (ADEC, 2020). |
Ginna Quesada |
10/20/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approved the final 2020 PCB Soil Removal Action report concerning the Port Heiden RRS OT001 Composite Facility and LF007 Landfill. This Polychlorinated Biphenyl Contaminated Soil Removal Action Report describes the soil remediation activities conducted at the former U.S. Air Force (USAF) Port Heiden Radio Relay Station (RRS). During the 2020 field season, significant percentages of the scoped tonnages for both non-TSCA PCB-contaminated and TSCA PCB-contaminated soils were excavated and transported to the Oregon disposal facility without incident. The estimated remaining PCB contaminated soil in the RRS area above the PAL is 450 tons. Further delineation is planned near Antenna Pad 1 where contaminated soil was eroded and migrated down onto grids that had previously been characterized as clean. The USAF conducted a supplemental RI. The report stated the following about LF007 (USAF,
2020b): “Horizontal and vertical delineations of LF007 surface and subsurface soil contamination are incomplete. Known site COCs and other Supplemental RI COPCs exceeded PALs at multiple soil sample locations and depths. Additional surface and subsurface soil data would be required to determine extents for each COPC; however, sufficient data was collected to develop FS alternatives… “Additional data would be needed to fully delineate horizontal and vertical extents of COPC impacted soils. Based on available information, the LF007 contaminated soil volume (petroleum and CERCLA constituents combined) is
estimated to be on the order of 23,000 cubic yards, assuming an expansion factor of 1.15 from in-situ volumes with no reduction for entrained debris volume.” The report stated the following about debris in the landfill (USAF, 2020b): “LF007 debris and trash volume is estimated to be on the order of 8,000 cubic yards, with no reductions for ex-situ debris compaction or separation of entrained soil volumes. This estimate assumes an areal debris extent of 53,600 square feet and the Supplemental RI average
observed maximum debris depth of 3.9 feet bgs.” Certain aspects of the work turned out to be more difficult than expected. |
Ginna Quesada |
3/4/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approved the 2022 Work Plan PCB-Contaminated Soil Removal Action at Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska, Final, January 28, 2022. The work plan describes the further characterization of the North Landfill and the planned remedial actions to remove PCB contaminated soil at the Radio Relay Station in Port Heiden, Alaska. The sites included in this report are the Former Composite Building OT001, the Landfill LF007, the Black Lagoon WP002, Septic Tank Outfall SS004, the Contaminated Soil Removal Areas, the Focus Area, the Antenna Pads, and the Drum Storage Area. |
Ginna Quesada |
8/11/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed and submitted comments regarding the Draft Final 2021 Remedial Action Operations and Land Use / Institutional Control Report, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska, Dated June 2022.The report describes the 2021 Land Use Control (LUC) and landfill cap inspection activities at the Former Composite Building OT001, the Landfill LF007, the Black Lagoon WP002, and the POL Pipeline SS006 in Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska. Groundwater monitoring was also conducted at OT001, WP002, and SS006. |
Ginna Quesada |
11/2/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approved the Final 2021 Remedial Action Operations and Land Use / Institutional Control Report, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station Sites OT001, WP002, SS006, and LF007, Alaska, dated October 2022. The report describes the 2021 Land Use Control (LUC) and landfill cap inspection activities at the Former Composite Building OT001, the Landfill LF007, the Black Lagoon WP002, and the POL Pipeline SS006 in Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska. Groundwater monitoring was also conducted at OT001, WP002, and SS006. |
Ginna Quesada |
4/7/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviewed and provided comments regarding the 2022 Polychlorinated Biphenyl Contaminated Soil Removal Action Report Port Heiden Radio Relay Station Port Heiden, Alaska Draft, dated March 10, 2023. The report describes the removal of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contaminated soil and sampling results collected during the 2022 field season at the Radio Relay Station in Port Heiden, Alaska. The sites included in this report are the Fromer Composite Building OT001 and the Landfill LF007. No further action was recommended for the OT001 site and further characterization, and remediation was recommended for LF007. DEC does not concur with the recommendation for no further action at OT001 as PCB contamination remains that exceeds the project action level of 1 mg/kg. |
Ginna Quesada |
5/17/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approved the 2022 Polychlorinated Biphenyl Contaminated Soil Removal Action Report Port Heiden Radio Relay Station Port Heiden, Alaska Final, dated May 12, 2023. The report describes the removal of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contaminated soil and sampling results collected during the 2022 field season at the Radio Relay Station in Port Heiden, Alaska. The sites included in this report are the Fromer Composite Building OT001 and the Landfill LF007. No further action was recommended for the OT001 site and further characterization, and remediation was recommended for LF007. |
Ginna Quesada |
10/17/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviewed the Draft Preliminary Assessment Report for Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Areas Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska, Dated October 2023. The preliminary assessment describes the document search and interviews to identify the potential presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) associated with aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) at the Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska. No evidence of AFFF use at the site was encountered. The assessment recommended no further remedial action planned for the site.
Ginna Quesada |
10/27/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC submitted comments regarding the Draft Final 2022 Remedial Action Operations and Land Use / Institutional Control Report, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Sites OT001, WP002, SS006, and LF007, Dated August 2023. The report describes the 2022 Land Use Control (LUC) and landfill cap inspection activities at the Former Composite Building OT001, the Landfill LF007, the Black Lagoon WP002, and the POL Pipeline SS006 in Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska. Groundwater monitoring was also conducted at OT001, WP002, and SS006. |
Ginna Quesada |
1/2/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC submitted responses to comments for the Draft Final 2022 Remedial Action Operations and Land Use / Institutional Control Report, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Sites OT001, WP002, SS006, and LF007, Dated December 2023. |
Ginna Quesada |
1/5/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approved the Final 2022 Remedial Action Operations and Land Use / Institutional Control Report, Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Sites OT001, WP002, SS006, and LF007, dated January 2023. |
Ginna Quesada |
4/8/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviewed and provided comments for the Draft Site Investigation Workplan for 2024 Site OT001 Feasibility Study at Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska, dated March 2024. The work plan describes the proposed groundwater sampling and monitoring well installation activities at the Radio Relay Station Landfill (LF007) and the Former Composite Building OT001 located at the Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska. |
Ginna Quesada |
10/31/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviewed and provided comments for the Draft 2023 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control Report; Port Heiden Radio Relay Station: Sites OT001, WP002, SS006, and LF007 dated October 2024. The report summarizes the 2023 institutional control and land-use control (IC/LUC) and landfill cap inspection activities, and annual groundwater (GW) monitoring at Port Heiden Radio Relay Station (RRS) sites. The report states that the majority of the LUCs were functioning as intended. RRS site WP002 was missing a LUC warning sign, while the geotextile fabric at LF007 landfill was windblown and may not be covering the remaining PCB contamination. RRS site OT001 showed areas of significant erosion. Nineteen monitoring wells were sampled across the RRS sites, and a Mann-Kendall analysis was used to indicate increasing, decreasing, or no trends in the data. Based on the IC/LUC inspection and the GW monitoring the report provides recommendations for future field. |
Matthew Fleetwood |
11/1/2024 |
CERCLA ROD Periodic Review |
The DEC reviewed and provided comments for the Third CERCLA Five-Year Review for Sites OT001, WP002, LF007, and Four Unnumbered Sites (Antenna Pads, Contaminated Soil Removal Areas, Focus Area, and Drum Storage Area) and Second Non-CERCLA Periodic Review Report for Site SS006 at the Former Port Heiden Radio Relay Station, Alaska. The comment matrix and response letter were sent to the PM on 11/1/2024. The DEC is in disagreement with the Air Force regarding the protectiveness statement. Not enough of the remedy has been implemented since the second FYR to achieve a Protectiveness Statement of Short Term Protective. Based on the provided information, evidence, and DEC’s interpretation of FYR guidance and expected answers to Questions A, B, and C, the DEC requests that the Protectiveness Determination remain Protectiveness Deferred. |
Matthew Fleetwood |
1/29/2025 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviewed response to comments (RTCs) for the Draft Final 2023 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control Report; Port Heiden Radio Relay Station: Sites OT001, WP002, SS006, and LF007 dated October 2024. All DEC comments were addressed and the final document was requested from the project manager (PM). |
Matthew Fleetwood |
2/6/2025 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approved the Final 2023 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control Report; Port Heiden Radio Relay Station: Sites OT001, WP002, SS006, and LF007 dated October 2024. |
Matthew Fleetwood |