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Site Report: VECO Eastwind

Site Name: VECO Eastwind
Address: 6501, 6601 and 6645 Changepoint Drive, Formerly 6400 Rovenna Street, then 6400 Seafood Drive , Anchorage, AK 99518
File Number: 2100.38.416
Hazard ID: 2735
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.161092
Longitude: -149.904034
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Contaminated soils and groundwater documented at the former VECO Eastwind, Inc. heavy equipment storage and maintenance facility. Contaminant sources were surface spills from aboveground tanks, drums and washdown areas, and regulated diesel and gasoline tanks. Groundwater contamination remains to be addressed. During construction in 1998 following issuance of an NFA for soils, additional soil contamination was discovered and the site was re-opened. Note: LUST hard-copy files for File no. 2100.26.221 combined with files for this contaminated site in June 2010. See also Alaska Refrigerated Services Cold Storage Building site, 2100.38.537 (this site is related to a single aboveground storage tank spill located within the VECO Eastwind site).

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/12/1995 Enforcement Agreement or Order ADEC received Compliance Order by Consent (COBC) between Eastwind, Inc. and ADEC signed by Eastwind counsel on 9/8/1995 for regulated UST issues. COBC provides two options; respondent can either upgrade tanks or close them by a prescribed date. Accompanying letter by Eastwind counsel selects tank upgrade as option it will pursue, requests extension of time for upgrading tanks, and requests that ADEC sign COBC and return a copy. Former Staff
10/17/1995 Update or Other Action On file: "Work Plan for Underground Storage Tank (UST) Closure Activities, 6400 Rovenna St." dated October 17, 1995, prepared for Eastwind Construction, Inc. by AGRA Earth & Environmental. Eileen Olson
12/13/1995 Update or Other Action ADEC received cover letter dated December 12, 1995 prepared by VECO Eastwind with attached site assessment prepared by AGRA Earth & Environmental. Eileen Olson
8/21/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC received Corrective Action Plan with cover letter dated 8/20/1997 prepared by TELLUS. Eileen Olson
10/13/1997 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC review of "Corrective Action Plan for 6400 Rovenna Street...August 1997" dated August 21, 1997 and prepared by VECO/Eastwind consultant TELLUS, Ltd. The letter requests a revised work plan to include only non-regulated tank sources (non-UST). Also requested were copies of any previous work plans and reports for non-UST contamination, noting that the 1992 Shannon & Wilson report referenced in the TELLUS plan has not been submitted to the Department. (See database entry for "Supplemental Corrective Action Plan...April 1998" received April 7, 1998). Eileen Olson
10/16/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC received 1992 report on this date "Environmental Site Investigation, 6400 Rovenna Street, Anchorage, Alaska, September 1992" prepared by Shannon & Wilson for Nat'l Bank of Alaska. A work plan was not submitted to ADEC for the work, which was done in August 1992. The report describes the property occupied by Eastwind, Inc.'s operations as having the legal description of Tract A, Industrial Equity subdivision, comprising 14.7 acres, with two structures on the property including an office building and a heavy equipment shop. Various minor structures were also present including a drum storage shed, and a 5,000 gallon tanker truck was present at the site that was used to store waste oil. The majority of the property is described as unpaved with the exception of the asphalt pavement located around the office building, the equipment shop and the pump island. S&W excavated 13 test pits (TP1 through TP13); installed 5 borings that were completed as monitoring wells (B1MW through B5MW); sampled the groundwater from the 5 wells; and sampled the on-site drainage effluent and drinking water well. Also included in the report was a review of land ownership and use, with air photo analysis, for the previous 20 years. Regulated Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) at the site are described as a 2,000-gallon gasoline UST and a 12,000-gallon diesel UST. A strip drain (floor drain) within the slab and running the length of the equipment shop discharges into a drain pipe buried about 4 feet below the ground surface and extends into the yard area to the south of the shop. An expandable plug had been placed on the end of the pipe at an unknown time. No oil/water separator system is connected to the drain system. Groundwater is present from 2 to 8 feet below ground surface in the 5 monitoring wells with flow direction generally to the west. 23 soil samples and 9 water samples were collected and analyzed. (This database entry identical to entry under Haz. ID 24736 because both CS and regulated UST sources are included in the report). Eileen Olson
10/22/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC received "Corrective Action Plan for 6400 Rovenna Street...October 1997" dated October 21, 1997 and prepared by TELLUS for VECO/Norcon counsel Eide & Miller. The plan summarizes investigation and cleanup actions to date including LUST and contaminated sites sources and proposes remial action including structure removal and the excavation, removal, and thermal treatment of impacted soil. The plan proposes installation of six shallow groundwater monitoring wells to be monitored semi-annuallly. Eileen Olson
12/12/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC received field summary report for Rovenna Street non-UST areas with cover letter dated December 11, 1997. Eileen Olson
3/2/1998 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC review letter for "Field Summary Report, Non-Underground Storage Tank Contaminated Areas" and "Field Summary Report, Former Underground Storage Tank Areas" by VECO/Eastwind consultant, both dated December 1997. The report for the former UST areas documents the excavation and off-site transport for thermal treatment of approximately 1,310 tons of hydrocarbon impacted soil, with all confirmation sampling results showing no contamination remaining in soil above ADEC's most stringent cleanup levels for DRO, GRO and BTEX. The non-UST report documented investigation of the former drum storage shed, the area east of the storm sewer catch basins, the area east of the former shop building, the floor of the northern shop bay, beneath the strip floor drains in the southern shop bay, the area just southwest of the former shop building, the drainage ditch along the property's western boundary, and a soil stockpile near the former helipad. An addition ~100 tons of soil excavated from non-UST sources was transported off-site for thermal remediation, for a total of 1,413 tons for all sources. Confirmation sampling results for all sources indicated that level A cleanup levels were achieved for the contaminants of concern, GRO, DRO and BTEX. ADEC's review letter requested copies of field notes for regulated UST and contaminated sites work, and asked that the number and locations of remaining monitoring wells be identified. Eileen Olson
3/31/1998 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC review letter for information provided by VECO on March 4, 1998 in response to ADEC review letter of March 2, 1998. ADEC's letter requests a work plan for additional investigation by VECO/Eastwind, noting that the site investigation was not done in accordance with the TELLUS plan dated October 21, 1997. In the plan, TELLUS proposed to investigate the contaminated areas identified in the September 1992 Shannon & Wilson report “Environment Site Investigation, 6400 Rovenna Street.” It appears that TELLUS did not investigate the areas identified in the Shannon & Wilson report for which additional investigation and/or corrective action was recommended. These areas are identified by Shannon & Wilson as (a) the drum storage area, (b) test pits 11N and 11S, (c) the area around the waste oil tanker truck, (d) the wash down area, (e) the area around the drum storage shed, (f) boring B5MW, west of the former UST, (g) test pit TP5, east of the storm sewer catch basin, (h) boring B1MW, southwest of the heavy equipment shop, and (i) test pit TP13, at the west end of the buried culvert. In addition, ADEC noted that surface and groundwater impacts identified in Shannon & Wilson’s report have not been addressed, and the Department has not received documentation showing that all of the on-site wells were properly abandoned. Shannon & Wilson identified one hand-dug water well and installed five groundwater monitoring wells in 1992. Surface water and monitoring wells were sampled only at the time of installation and were found to be impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons. The Department requests that you provide a work plan for investigation of the areas of soil contamination identified in the 1992 Shannon & Wilson report, and for investigation of the areas of potential surface and ground water contamination at the site. Eileen Olson
4/3/1998 Update or Other Action Site visit by CSRP and LUST staff. Eileen Olson
4/8/1998 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC conditional approval of "Supplemental Corrective Action Plan" dated and received on April 7, 1998, prepared by TELLUS for VECO/Eastwind. Eileen Olson
4/22/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC received field notes by TELLUS dated 4/22/1998. Eileen Olson
5/5/1998 Cleanup Plan Approved ADEC conditional approval of the "Amendment to Supplemental CAP (plan) for 6400 Rovenna Street" (site), prepared by TELLUS and received on May 5, 1998. Eileen Olson
5/11/1998 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received hand-delivered letter from VECO Eastwind representative with attached sample results and field notes for final confirmation sampling, including request to transport for thermal remediation 60-80 cubic yards of contaminated soil to Alaska Soil Recycling, and request to backfill open excavations D, E, and OE. (Verbal approval granted same day by ADEC to transport soil and to backfill). Eileen Olson
5/12/1998 Site Characterization Report Approved ADEC letter granting 'No Further Action Requested' status to VECO/Eastwind for site soils only. This action was rescinded 8/24/98 when additional contamination was discovered. Letter notes that groundwater contamination remains to be addressed and that ADEC expects to require installation of at least two monitoring wells. Eileen Olson
5/21/1998 Site Added to Database Site added by staff. Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination documented in site soils and groundwater. Eileen Olson
5/21/1998 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Eileen Olson
6/11/1998 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received letter from DOWL, consultant for developer (ASI), asking for acknowledgement that the "No Further Action" status granted by staff in the May 12, 1998 ADEC letter applies to soil only and includes the properties described as 1) Rovenna Street Tract A (ADEC File NOs. L55.60 and CS 100.188), 2) Lot 2B, Block 2 and Tract C1, Denali Industrial Subdivision, and 3) Tracts B and C, Industrial Equity Subdivision, all in Anchorage. Staff confirmed that 'No Further Action' status applies to soil only on all the listed properties/sites but that groundwater contamination has not been fully addressed. Eileen Olson
6/12/1998 Update or Other Action Two reports by DOWL Engineers for Cash Barner Architects received: the "Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, Alaska Seafood Center, Lot 2B, Block 2 and Tract C1 Denali Industrial Subdivision, Tracts B and C, Industrial Equity Subdivision...August 1997" that includes loose inserts defining property limits, and the "Phase II Environmental Site Study, Tract B and C, Industrial Equity Subdivision...October 1997." Note that the Eastwind, Inc. business and operations took place on Eastwind's 14.7-acre Tract A of Industrial Equity Subdivision. The four properties evaluated for the subject Phase I study included areas that were largely undeveloped. The Phase I report notes that fill material from the Eastwind site was disposed of on Tract C. No evidence of contamination was observed on the properties, although trash and junked cars were documented. The Phase II report documented work done on Tracts B adn C, both east of the Eastwind property (Tract A), all within the Industrial Equity s/d). The Phase II work was done sept. 15-18, 1997 and included installing a monitoring well and drilling four shallow (3-5 feet below ground surface) borings. Samples from the borings were collected at the fill/natural ground surface interface, with the highest concentration 112 mg/kg DRO; other compounds and samples did not exceed the most stringent cleanup levels for DRO, RRO, GRO, BTEX and HVO and metals by the EPA method 7000 series. MW-01 was placed about 30 feet west of center of the boundary between Tract B and Tract A, and was completed at 15 ft. bgs and screened from 10-15 feet; the groundwater was present at about 5 ft bgs and contained 0.172 mg/L DRO. DOWL recommended that a test pit be dug at the SA-3 boring location to depths greater than four feet bgs where the sample was collected, and recommended that two additional monitoring wells be installed to further investigate the low-level groundwater containation at MW-01 with soil samples collected at the soil/groundwater interface. Eileen Olson
6/17/1998 Update or Other Action On file: letter from TELLUS to VECO Corporation Tom McKee regarding wellpoint sampling done on May 26, 1998 in accordance with Corrective Action Plan. Following sampling of two wellpoints, 'F' and 'H', the wellpoints were extracted and the borings were filled with bentonite chips. Wellpoint F had 6.83 mg/L DRO, H had 2.29 mg/L DRO. Eileen Olson
6/18/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC received "Final Supplemental Field Summary Report...June 1998" prepared by TELLUS for VECO's counsel Eide & Miller. The report includes field notes requested by ADEC and documents the satisfactory post-treatment results for thermal remediation of the 1,413 tons of impacted soil transported to Alaska Soil Recycling in October 1998. No review letter was sent as essentially all information was included in past submittals. Eileen Olson
8/14/1998 Site Visit In response to a complaint, staff visited a Municipality of Anchorage ball field site that received petroleum impacted soil from the VECO Eastwind site during excavation for the cold storage building under construction at approximately 10:30 a.m. ADEC staff then visited the VECO Eastwind site where the Alaska Seafood International (ASI) facility is under construction. Frances Theys of Alaskan Refrigeration Services (ARS) was the representative from a Wisconsin-based cold storage company that is building a cold storage facility. Later Richard Holden of ASI explained that the cold storage facility will be owned by ARS and leased back to ASI. It appeared that contaminated soils had been excavated from within an 40 by 60 foot area that had been backfilled by the time ADEC visited the site. Upon returning to the ADEC office staff called Mike Pokel of Alaska Refrigeration Services Alliance Center in Wisconsin. Later ASI took responsibility for the soil, which was contaminated by the previous owner's activities either from regulated tank or unregulated contaminant sources. Eileen Olson
8/14/1998 Site Visit In response to a complaint, staff visited a Municipality of Anchorage ball field site that received petroleum impacted soil from the VECO Eastwind site during excavation for the cold storage building under construction at approximately 10:30 a.m. ADEC staff then visited the VECO Eastwind site where the Alaska Seafood International (ASI) facility is under construction. Frances Theys of Alaskan Refrigeration Services (ARS) was the representative from a Wisconsin-based cold storage company that is building a cold storage facility. Later Richard Holden of ASI explained that the cold storage facility will be owned by ARS and leased back to ASI. It appeared that contaminated soils had been excavated from within an 40 by 60 foot area that had been backfilled by the time ADEC visited the site. Upon returning to the ADEC office staff called Mike Pokel of Alaska Refrigeration Services Alliance Center in Wisconsin. Later ASI took responsibility for the soil, which was contaminated by the previous owner's activities either from regulated tank or unregulated contaminant sources. Eileen Olson
8/15/1998 Site Visit Staff met with contractors to review west Anchorage park site; all potentially contaminated soil had been removed and returned to the VECO Eastwind site and no additional work was required at the ball field. (In the days to come ADEC learned that additional impacted soil from the VECO Eastwind site had been transported to the Sand Lake clean fill site by the subcontractor to Alaska Refrigerated Services. Identification and return of the soil to the VECO Eastwind site was completed in 2002). Eileen Olson
8/24/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC letter to VECO/Eastwind rescinding no further action status after contaminated soil from the site was transported to a municipal ball field. ADEC requested additional investigation of VECO Eastwind site. Eileen Olson
9/1/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC letter to NORCON counsel Jack MIller responding to Miller's letter dated 8/27/1998. Letter is essentially a rebuttal to Miller's statement that there is no credible evidence to indicate that Eastwind had any responsibility for contaminated soil transported from an Eastwind excavation to a Municipal park site. Eileen Olson
9/10/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC received "Sampling Plan for Roadway and Ditch, Alaska Seafood International, Tract A, Industrial Equity Subdivision" prepared by DOWL and dated September 3, 1998. Eileen Olson
9/23/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC received letter from VECO counsel with attached soil sampling test results and TELLUS field notes, noting tht analytical results show that all samples in the vicinity of the former USTs were below cleanup levels. TELLUS information does not include a narrative-style report but cover sheet is titled "ASI Resampling Effort" and TELLUS cover letter is dated 9/10/1998. Eileen Olson
11/19/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC received DOWL "Sampling Plan for Within Building Area, Alaska Seafood International" dated November 19, 1998. Eileen Olson
11/24/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC letter reminding RP's representative that work plan approval is required before work is completed. Work included investigatory borings before the freezer bldg. slab was poured. Work was done without workplan approval. Eileen Olson
1/14/1999 Update or Other Action ADEC received DOWL letter report "Summary of Findings - Test Boring Samples From Refrigerated Services Building" dated January 13, 1999. (See Alaska Refrigerated Services Cold Storage Building site). Eileen Olson
2/4/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting participants included Eileen Olson & Robert Weimer (DEC), Heather Newman, Cory Lloyd. & Dave Cole (DOWL Engineers), Richard Holden (Alaska Seafood International), Mike Vogel (Cash Barner Architects). Also attending the first part of the meeting: Jim Rogers, Steve Lovs, & Wes Vandermarlin (Alaska Sand & Gravel). The first part of the meeting was a discussion about the removal of contaminated soils that came from Alaska Seafood International's (ASI) 6400 Rovenna Street site onto, and placed as fill at Alaska Sand & Gravel (AS&G) Sand Lake Pit fill area in early August 1998. The Sand Lake pit has a conditional use permit that restricts what can be used as fill, and under that permit AS&G has been requiring that all material be free of contamination (non-detect). On 10/9/98 DEC approved a work plan from DOWL that ca lled for removing all fill soils that had a detectable level of petroleum contamination. The second part of the meeting then moved on to discussions on the remaining work to be done at the 6400 Rovenna Street site. (See 2/8/1999 Notes for Alaska Seafood International 2/4/99 meeting, on file). At the meeting DOWL stated that Eileen Olson
4/30/1999 Update or Other Action Review of "Supplemental Field Summary Report", received April 28, 1998, and "Supplemental CAP Area 'E'", received April 29, 1998. Eileen Olson
6/25/1999 Update or Other Action Date of letter from Jack Miller of Eide & Miller, lawfirm for VECO, stating that there is no evidence that Eastwind or VECO are culpable for contamination at Rovenna St. Eileen Olson
7/7/1999 Update or Other Action ADEC received "Sampling Plan for Roadway and Building Sidewalls" prepared by DOWL and dated 7/7/1999. Eileen Olson
7/16/1999 Update or Other Action ADEC received DOWL report "Summary of Findings of Samples Collected from Ditch, Alaka Seafood International, Tract A, Industrial Equity Subdivision" dated July 14, 1999. The report concluded that all soil confirmation samples were below cleanup levels. Eileen Olson
7/23/1999 Update or Other Action ADEC conditional approval of "Sampling Plan for Roadway and Building Sidewalls" Eileen Olson
9/30/1999 Update or Other Action ADEC review of report titled "Summary of Findings, Anchorage Sand and Gravel, Sand Lake Pit, Anchorage Alaska" for soils excavated from the former Eastwind site at 6400 Rovenna. (Duplicate entry in database for LUST site at same location; Hazard I.D. 24736 because report includes both LUST and CS elements). Eileen Olson
10/7/1999 Update or Other Action (Note - this is a separate site within the VECO Eastwind site - see Alaska Refrigerated Services site). ADEC received letter report "Summary of Findings of Corrective Action for Contaminated Soil Area Adjacent to the Cold Storage Building at Boring Locations 6 and 7, Alaska Seafood International, Tract A, Industrial Equity Subdivision" dated October 7, 1999, prepared by DOWL Engineers for ASI. Work was conducted according to DOWL's August 13,1999 approved plan. Excavation was terminated 6 feet from foundation wall to avoid compromising the building foundation. Confirmation samples showed DRO and GRO remaining above cleanup levels. Eileen Olson
1/7/2000 Update or Other Action Letter to VECO requesting results for investigation of contamination at the ASI property, adjacent to the cold storage building. Contaminated soil excavated for construction of the building was transported to the Sand Lake clean fill site. (See 8/15/1998 database entry). DEC requested an updated map, analytical data sheets, and information about sampling methods. Eileen Olson
1/25/2000 Meeting or Teleconference Held STP and CSRP staff met with the consultant for Alaska Seafood International to discuss workplan requirements for completing characterization of the clean fill pit where contaminated soils from the VECO site were disposed of in August 1998. The consultant will submit a workplan within two weeks. Eileen Olson
5/10/2000 Update or Other Action CSRP and STP staff issued a joint letter approving a work plan for characterization of the bluff face at the clean fill site where contaminated soils from the former VECO site were transported in August 1998 during a construction project. (Duplicate entry in database for LUST site at same location; Hazard I.D. 24736 because report includes both LUST and CS elements). Eileen Olson
8/31/2000 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Conditional approval of RI WP for assessment of contaminated soils at Sand Lake clean fill upland area. (Duplicate entry in database for LUST site at same location; Hazard I.D. 24736 because report includes both LUST and CS elements). Eileen Olson
10/11/2000 Update or Other Action ADEC notified that DOWL completed work along bluff face, and next week plans to do additional work at top of bluff, and in areas where results exceeded 250 ppm DRO. Eileen Olson
5/13/2002 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter approving site closure status for the Sand Lake clean fill site. Further work needed at the Rovenna street site. (This database entry identical to entry under Haz. ID 24736 because both CS and regulated UST sources are included in the report). Eileen Olson
6/18/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff Robert Weimer met with DOWL regarding the need for monitoring wells, stockpile data, a Release Investigation/Corrective Action Plan (RI/CAP) for diesel spill north of freezer building, and info on road and ditch cleanup. (This database entry identical to entry under Haz. ID 24736 because both CS and regulated UST sources are included in the report). Eileen Olson
7/30/2002 Update or Other Action DEC received plan dated July 23, 2002 "Proposed On-site Use, Sampling, and Disposal of Stockpiled Soils, Alaska Seafood International". Robert Weimer
9/12/2002 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Conditionally approved stockpile sampling WP. (This database entry identical to entry under Haz. ID 24736 because both CS and regulated UST sources are included in the report). Eileen Olson
11/28/2003 Update or Other Action Reranked based on knowledge of volume of contaminated soil at site; changed quantity value from 2 to 4 Eileen Olson
1/23/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC letter to VECO requesting re-installation of monitoring wells that were temporarily removed so that construction of seafood plant could progress. Eileen Olson
3/30/2004 Update or Other Action Received stockpile sampling report for soils at the ASI property, including soils that were returned after being improperly disposed of at the Anchorage Sand & Gravel Sand Lake clean fill site. Eileen Olson
4/9/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter to VECO Alaska Inc. reviewing report submitted 3/30/2004. ADEC's letter requests a workplan by 5/15/2004 to install and sample wells. Letter includes attached four-page site summary, subject line: "Site summary and request for work plan for monitoring well installation and additional sampling of stockpiled soils at the former VECO Eastwind Construction property." Eileen Olson
5/6/2004 Update or Other Action Rec'd letter from attorney for VECO Eastwind responding to April 9, 2004 letter, identifying NORCON as the contact for the VECO/Eastwind site and discussing ownership of the site including statement that NORCON owned the property prior to the sale of the property to Alaska Seafood International (ASI) and that VECO has never had an ownership interest in the property. In the letter Norcon agreed to submit a work plan on or about June 15, 2004 regarding shallow groundwater monitoring but would not agree to take responsibility for stockpiled soil referenced in ADEC's April 9th letter. Eileen Olson
6/30/2004 Update or Other Action File number changed from CS100.188 to 2100.38.416 Sarah Cunningham
7/16/2004 Update or Other Action Reviewed and approved plan for stockpile sampling by AIDEA's consultant Shannon & Wilson to be done July 19-20. Plan was received and dated July 15, 2004. Eileen Olson
8/17/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC letter to counsel for NORCON with subject "Request for revised monitoring well work plan for former VECO/Eastwind site". ADEC's letter requests a revised plan to install a total of three monitoring wells and notes that ADEC has requested reinstallation of the wells in letters dated Jnuary 23, 2004 and April 8, 2004. Eileen Olson
9/21/2004 Update or Other Action DEC letter to Norcon through attorney Jack Miller, titled "Second request for monitoring well" Eileen Olson
9/22/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC letter "Request for revised monitoring well work plan for former VECO/Eastwind site at 6400 Rovenna Street" to Jack Miller of Eide & Miller, representing NORCON. Eileen Olson
9/22/2004 Update or Other Action Stockpile sampling results by AIDEA's consultant reviewed and preliminary approval granted to landspread or transport stockpiled soil offsite. 22 cubic yards of contaminated soil will need to be treated. Eileen Olson
10/4/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC received letter from NORCON requesting any documentation ADEC has that NORCON is responsible for known contaminated soil that remains on the site. Eileen Olson
10/4/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC approved plan of same date by AIDEA consultant to transport 22 cubic yards contaminated soil for thermal treatment offsite. Eileen Olson
10/6/2004 Update or Other Action Approval granted to AIDEA to spread characterized stockpiled soil on site or at the MOA compost facility for berms. Eileen Olson
6/17/2005 Update or Other Action Report prepared by Shannon & Wilson received electronically by ADEC: "Environmental Baseline Assessment, May 2005." The report describes work done during January and March 2005 including completing 6 borings as monitoring wells, with a well completed in each of the former AST release and LUST excavations, and additional wells installed in the assumed downgradient direction. Eileen Olson
6/13/2006 Update or Other Action NORCON letter to AG's office dated 6/13/2006 provided to CS staff in January 2007. Eileen Olson
3/14/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC letter to NORCON with subject "Requirement for Groundwater Monitoring Plan for Former VECO/Eastwind Contaminated Site" requesting that NORCON submit a groundwater monitoring plan by April 30, 2007 to sample five existing monitoring wells at the site, with the first monitoring event to take place by May 15, 2007. Eileen Olson
4/23/2007 Update or Other Action NORCON letter to ADEC dated 4/23/2007 to ADEC requesting that ADEC "withdraw its request that NORCON undertake a groundwater monitoring program at the referenced property." Eileen Olson
5/3/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC letter to NORCON in response to 4/23/2007 letter from NORCON. ADEC's letter requests that NORCON comply with most recent request in a letter dated March 14, 2007 to monitor groundwater at the site. Eileen Olson
7/8/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC received "Groundwater Quality Monitoring Report, Well B5MW at the former ASI Plant Facility" dated July 7, 2007 for sampling done on June 14, 2007, prepared by TELLUS, Ltd. for NORCON, Inc. Jack Miller. The groundwater sample was analyzed only for residual range organics (RRO) with a result of non-detect. Well B5MW was installed by Shannon & Wilson in March 2005 (see 6/17/2005 database entry - Environmental Baseline Assessment). Non-detect results corresponded to method reporting limit of 0.391 mg/L; the RRO cleanup level is 1.1 mg/L. Eileen Olson
1/9/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 73711 name: auto-generated pm edit VECO Eastwind, Inc., Former Eileen Olson
6/14/2010 Update or Other Action Combined L55.60 - Alaska Seafood International file for LUST site with this file. Pictures and documents from 1997-2007 are in filing cabinet labeled 2100.38.416 per project manager's request on June 1, 2010. Susan Carberry
8/3/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2012 Sports dome parking lot project: Approved with conditions sampling & analysis plan by Montauk Environmental received this date for chacterization of soil to be considered for off-site disposal or reuse. Soil that will be used on-site will not require field screening or sampling. Up to 10,000 cubic yards of soil will be excavated to a depth of up to 2 feet and replaced by suitable engineering-specified fill during construction of a parking lot adjacent to the sports dome on the site. Eileen Olson
8/14/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2012 Sports dome parking lot project: ADEC letter conditionally approving transport of stockpiles A, B and C to the Municipality of Anchorage ballfield tract at 769 W Klatt Road. Eileen Olson
9/25/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2012 Sports dome parking lot project: Staff approved transport of ~250 cy of DRO contaminated soil to Alaska Soil Recycling for thermal treatment. Soil included Stockpile FF (200 cy) and Stockpile KK-1 (50 cy). Eileen Olson
10/1/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2012 Sports dome parking lot project: Staff approved transport for thermal remediation at Alaska Soil Recycling of DRO-contaminated Stockpile AA (200 cy). Eileen Olson
9/11/2013 Site Visit Staff met with owner representative (Changepoint, dba Anchorage Community Development) and consultant Shannon & Wilson at the VECO Eastwind site to discuss monitoring well status and the next steps for obtaining site closure. Key monitoring wells could not be located during the site visit; the consultant will return later to attempt to locate the wells. Contamination at the site was associated with VECO’s operation of the site as a heavy equipment storage, maintenance and staging facility from the early 1980s through the mid-1990s. Contaminant sources included regulated and unregulated diesel, gasoline and waste oil tanks and surface spills. (Identical database entry made for Alaska Refrigerated Services Cold Storage Building site (File no. 2100.38.537 and Eastwind/VECO Yard (former) (File no. 2100.26.221). Eileen Olson
1/28/2014 Site Visit Accompanied consultant and company representative on cold storage building survey to determine what alternatives there may be to subslab soil gas sampling. A glycol circulation system and associated liner and sand bedding would like interfere with or potentially be damaged by probe installation, or results may be biased low due to presence of liner approxmately 2-1/2 feet below the slab. Facility is occupied by Sysco for food storage and transport. Eileen Olson
2/24/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter issued conditionally approving "Work Plan for Additional Soil Assessment and Collection of Indoor Air Samples at 6601 Changepoint Drive, Anchorage, Alaska" dated February 17, 2014; corresponding to the following sites: Alaska Refrigerated Services Cold Storage Building (File no. 2100.38.537); VECO Eastwind, Inc. Former (File no. 2100.38.416); and Eastwind/VECO yard (File no. 2100.26.221). Eileen Olson
4/1/2014 Update or Other Action ADEC received BGES report "Additional Soil and Groundwater Assessment, March 2014" on April 1, 2014. The report was reviewed to determine whether the associated Alaska Refrigerated Services Cold Storage Bldg site was eligible for cleanup complete with ICs status and will be included in the review process for evaluation of closure eligibility for the Eastwind/VECO Yard LUST site and VECO Eastwind contaminated site. Eileen Olson
5/22/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 73711 Surface and UST spills. Eileen Olson
5/23/2014 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued Cleanup complete determination issued that includes both VECO Eastwind site closure and corrective action complete status for groundwater associated with Eastwind/VECO LUST site. (Soil at the LUST site was granted closure in a previous decision document - see file no. 2100.26.221 and Hazard ID no. 24736). Eileen Olson
7/1/2015 Update or Other Action ADEC approved transport of investigation derived waste (IDW)(soil from borings) to Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR) for thermal treatment and approved discharge of IDW groundwater to the ground surface following review of groundwater sampling results. MW1 to be decommissioned approximately 7-7-2015. Eileen Olson
8/7/2015 Update or Other Action This file has been archived Barcode 896986 Box 420 Susan Carberry

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