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Site Report: USCG Cape Sarichef LORAN and Light

Site Name: USCG Cape Sarichef LORAN and Light
Address: Cape Sarichef, NW end of, Unimak Island, Akutan, AK 99553
File Number: 2527.38.002
Hazard ID: 28
Status: Active
Staff: Livia Bracker, 9072697695
Latitude: 54.598333
Longitude: -164.925833
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The site has been used to operate a lighthouse and then LORAN station from 1904 to 1979. The facilities at the LORAN Station include a LORAN building with personnel barracks and related functions, gas shed, former lighthouse, operation light signal, sewage septic system, former wood garage, and POL island. USFW used the site for a couple years to support biological research. It has been abandoned since the early 1980s. Potential sources of contamination are 55-gal drums of POL product, abandoned fuel tanks (13 USTs (four 10,000 gallon, four 5,000 gallon, three 3,000 gallon, one 1,000 gallon and one 300 gallon), 3 ASTs (one 300 gallon + two 210,000 gallon)), generators, abandoned vehicles,debris, petroleum contaminated soil and a landfill. Asbestos may be present inside the building as pipe insulation. There are historical documents mentioning that a firing range at Cape Sarichef. Lead analyses were performed on two soil samples collected from the suspected location during 1998 ESA and the results showed that they are similar to the background level. The land is surrounded by, but was withdrawn from, the wildlife refuge back in 1901. Land ownership/management was assigned to the USCG. It was the site to build and operate a lighthouse and other navigational aides, most recently a LORAN station. However, in 1959 the USCG signed a permit or lease allowing the Air Force to construct and operate a DEW Line site, which later became a White Alice Communication Site (a different site under Cape Sarichef FUDs program w Haz ID 72). There are two 210,000 gallon above ground fuel storage tanks and a runway with associated lights, power supply building and UST about mid-point between the sites and they were used by both the AF and USCG.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
1/31/1986 Update or Other Action A Cape Sarichef DERA report was prepared by Ocean Technology, Ltd., as part of seven Aleutian Islands. It covers both LORAN site of USCG and the White Alice site of USACE. It is similar to a preliminary assessment report, which summarizes the site historical information and potential sources of contamination. What also covers in this report is the proposed remedial alternatives and cost estimation for restoration alternatives. Linda (Qi) Liu
11/4/1997 Update or Other Action CEU Juneau conducted Phase II site cleanup activities at Cape Sarichef. Hazardous materials were removed from the site; however, it did not completely remove hazardous materials. Future cleanup work needs to be conducted to remove: one 55-gal drum of antifreeze, one pothead in the transformer cage of the garage, one oxygen breathing apparatus canister, photographic laboratory chemicals, leaking parts washer, and three abandoned wall-mounted transformers in the transmitter room and one wall-mounted transformer in the radio room Linda (Qi) Liu
1/15/1998 Update or Other Action A site characterization report on Cape Sarichef and Scotch Cap submitted January 1998, but no formal ADEC review or approval occurred. John Halverson
6/12/1998 Site Visit A site visit was conducted by Tina Racy, Mark Ridgway and TEssa Muehllehner on USCG LORAN station, Scotch Cape LORAN station, and DoD White Alice site. Four USTs were identified and measured. Some samples were collected from the contaminated soil near the tanks. The contaminated soil or water or mixture from some of the USTs were pumped out later of the year 1998. Linda (Qi) Liu
10/13/1998 Interim Removal Action Approved The USCG pumped fuel out of the USTs 6,8,9,10,12 and 13 at the LORAN station and temporarily stored it in 29 55-gal drums of gasoline and 47 55-gal drums of diesel inside the LORAN building. Future work needs to be planned for the following actions: 1. remove and dispose hazardous and non-hazardous materials/waste; 2. remove and dispose of contaminated soil; 3. characterize landfills. Linda (Qi) Liu
12/31/1998 Update or Other Action Woodward-Clyde completed three investigative reports characterizing environmental concerns at the LORAN Station Cape Sarichef and Light Station Scotch Cap. The reports indicate the presence of asbestos-containing materials and lead-based paint at both locations. The asbestos and LBP were found to be in poor condition throughout these two facilities. Linda (Qi) Liu
8/10/1999 Update or Other Action A letter to Commander, Maintenance and Logistics Command Pacific from Commanding Officer USCG/CEU Juneau regarding Cape Sarichef USTs. It mentioned the cleanup issues as follows: 1. the 18,500 gallons of fuel remaining in the two ASTs which are listed on the license are out compliance with EPA regulation in 40 CFR 112; 2. hazardous materals abandoned onsite are now considered hazardous waste and out of compliance with RCRA regulations; and 3. drums of lube oil and used oil left outside upon the FWSs abandonment of the facility have contaminated the ground in violation of ADEC 18 AAC 70. The fuel in the ASTs is also a significant risk to the environment due to the PCB levels. Linda (Qi) Liu
9/23/1999 Update or Other Action Cape Sarichef site, Reckey 198125X912716, was split into two sites because of two unique responsible parties. John Halverson
1/30/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC met with USCG, USFWS and BLM. This meeting concluded that property transfer will not be possible until the site cleanup work is complete. Linda (Qi) Liu
10/20/2003 Enforcement Action A letter to Ms. Linda Nuechterlein/ADEC from K.H. Calvo, Commander/USCG regarding a final reminder for 3rd Party Inspection of USTs. USCG has not taken any action regarding the USTs at Cape Sarichef and will not complete 3rd party inspection prior to annual deadline. In 1998, USCG reached an agreement with ADEC to address issues associated with remote sites. As the five year mark approaches USCG has yet to complete actions at this site. Linda (Qi) Liu
11/10/2003 Update or Other Action A letter to Lt. Col. Mark S. Tissi from K.H. Calvo of USCG regarding a 5,000 gallon storage tank claims responsibility for only 6 USTs at Cape Sarichef, stating that all of these tanks were emptied and secured in October 1998 to give them an official “Taken Out of Service” status according to 18 AAC 78. Linda (Qi) Liu
8/16/2005 Update or Other Action PGDC submitted a Site Survey Investigation report on behalf of USCG. It covers USCG Cape Sarichef LORAN station, USAF Cape Sarichef White Alice site and Scotch Cap LORAN station. It summarized the spatial survey results at the three sites with the purpose of potential future improvements including new towers and buildings, as well as retrofit of existing building. The investigation also included an examination of existing facilities, soil inspection, and suitability for proposed construction evaluation. The recommendation was to either install three new pre-fabricated fiberglass shelters at each sites or install these infrastructures at only two LORAN stations. Linda (Qi) Liu
5/10/2006 Update or Other Action File number issued 2527.38.002 Hannah Lager
7/11/2006 Update or Other Action Staff provided comments on a removal/site characterization workplan for Cape Sarichef and Scotch Cap. The USCG effort will dovetail on the USACE FUDS effort up at the White Alice site. Fieldwork should begin in August. Anne Marie Palmieri
7/12/2006 Update or Other Action All past site reports were received from the USCG electronically and have been placed in the site file (2527.38.002) on the Juneau server. Anne Marie Palmieri
3/28/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Anne Marie Palmieri
12/7/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC met with USCG PM (Mark Ridgway), USACE, and Jacobs to discuss actions in the future. ADEC requested a letter from USCG stating that the site would be only used for industrial purposes so it could be closed with ICs. ADEC expressed concern over the USCG not having a system for monitoring and documenting ICs at USCG sites. USCG wanted to develop a workplan to prioritize the sites based on a balance between ADEC and USCG drivers. Cape Sarichef is USCG's priority since divestiture will be held up by the buildings on site. They want to release the remaining 7000+ acres to the USFWS. Linda (Qi) Liu
7/1/2015 Update or Other Action The USCG was contacted regarding this site in coordination for the 2015 Remedial Investigation conducted by the USACE at the Cape Sarichef FUDS, ADEC File No. 2527.38.001. It was suggested that field efforts for both sites be coordinated, however the USCG did not have any funding budgeted for Cape Sarichef. Jessica Morris

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