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Site Report: Wildwood AFS Landfill Area

Site Name: Wildwood AFS Landfill Area
Address: 3.5 Mile North Kenai Road, Wildwood Drive, Kenai, AK 99611
File Number: 2320.38.051
Hazard ID: 282
Status: Active
Staff: Kathleen Iler-Galau, 9074512153
Latitude: 60.613870
Longitude: -151.298017
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The Landfill Area and associated borrow pit are located approximately two miles north of the Main Complex Area, on the northwest side of Perimeter Road. The former landfill area encompassed approximately 12 acres. Surface water ponds exist immediately southwest of the area. The landfill was reportedly used for solid waste disposal during operation of Wildwood AFS. Debris, including wood, tires, metal, and general household waste, was present on the Landfill surface during the RI. Based on available information, VOC contamination (primarily vinyl chloride) exists in groundwater at the Landfill Area in excess of the cleanup target. Although contaminated soil above cleanup targets was not found, the nature of the past use of this site suggests source contaminated soil probably remains somewhere in the former landfill area. The landfill area has been capped. The initial cap has since been excavated beginning 2019.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
4/7/1990 Update or Other Action Phase II HTRW report completed. Several areas found to be contaminated with petroleum or other hazardous substances. Several different source areas of concern were identified within the larger site. The landfill area was investigated, a well point was installed and sampled, a geophysical survey indicated about 16,000 square feet of landfill area (excluding the trenches). A pond is adjacent to the landfill. 60-80 drums, some leaking unidentified wastes was identified ~ 150' north of well point #1. John Halverson
2/3/1992 Update or Other Action OHM conducted a removal action for the Corps and submitted a summary report. It indicated that ~ 26 drums of waste were removed from the general area of the disposal trenches. John Halverson
1/25/1995 Site Characterization Report Approved Received the draft-final Phase III Remedial Investigation Report - Cleanup Design, prepared by E&E, for the Corps. It documented low levels of vinyl chloride in groundwater beneath the landfill and solid waste on the ground surface in the landfill and trench disposal areas. John Halverson
8/22/1995 Long Term Monitoring Established Received groundwater monitoring plan documents from the Corps calling for quarterly and semi-annual monitoring from various wells throughout the Wildwood AFS site. John Halverson
8/22/1995 Update or Other Action Received the final baseline human health risk assessment report for Wildwood AFS. It concluded that an unacceptable risk may exist under current or potential future land uses at the landfill area along with some other areas at the larger site. John Halverson
4/1/1996 Risk Assessment Report Approved Received the final Ecological Risk Assessment Report (Tier I) for Wildwood AFS. It recommended either proceeding to a Tier II ecological risk assessment or conducting removal/remedial actions to address hot spots. John Halverson
4/18/1996 Proposed Plan The Corps finalized the proposed plan. Preferred alternatives included: Main Complex tank farm and USTs 5-1 and 5-2 - vapor extraction and air sparging; Maintenance Building, ACS MARS, Quonset Hut and Disposal Trench Area Burn Pit - soil excavation and off-site treatment followed by no further action; Operations Building - excavation and off-site treatment followed by natural attenuation and institutional controls; Landfill and Disposal Trenches - capping, natural attenuation (landfill area only) and institutional controls. John Halverson
6/3/1996 Update or Other Action Received a groundwater monitoring report for tank farm area from sampling in August 1995. It covered the main complex area tank farm and USTs (significant fuel contamination), ACS/MARS facility (low level DRO), Operations Building (DRO and low TEX), Landfill (low level VOCs) and Trench disposal areas (DRO and benzene at burn pit area). John Halverson
7/20/1996 Update or Other Action ADEC received a draft record of decision for the Wildwood Air Force Station FUDS. It called for capping the landfill and disposal trench areas with soil, grading and revegetating the areas and monitoring groundwater. It also called for documenting the disposal site locations in the appropriate land records as an institutional control. Due to challenges over implementing institutional controls and a few other issues, the ROD has not been finalized. John Halverson
8/27/1996 Update or Other Action Received the December 1995 groundwater monitoring event report. It covers the tank farm area and former USTs at the main complex (significant petroleum contamination in GW at and downgradient from tank farm), the ACS MARS facility and Quonset Hut area (low level DRO in GW), the Operation Building (DRO and TEX in GW), Landfill (low level VOCs) and Trench Disposal Areas (DRO, benzene at burn pit area). John Halverson
11/22/1996 Interim Removal Action Approved Received final "Remedial Action Report Interim Removal Action, Wildwood AFS" by Harding and Lawson Associates, October 28, 1996. Conclusions, based on confirmation samples at the end of the removal document that within the Trench Area Burn Pit elevated DRO (1,200 - 18,000 mg/kg) remains in soil. John Halverson
8/13/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC received the workplan for Phase II Remediation, Wildwood AFS, by HLA/Wilder, dated July 2, 1997. Plan called for capping the disposal trenches and landfill areas with a soil cover and revegetating them. ADEC reviewed and commented on the draft workplan, but the comments were not all addressed. No formal approval was given on the plan. John Halverson
12/9/1997 Update or Other Action Received the groundwater monitoring report for sampling done in July 1997. Groundwater levels have dropped significantly, some MWs have gone dry. Sampling was done at the tank farm and former USTs at the main complex (sheen and noticeable fuel odor present in two MWs, free product in MW AP-365; also 1,2 DCA level increased in a downgradient, off-site MW), Landfill (low level VOCs), Operations Building (up to 6 mg/l DRO), Rifle range (260 ug/l total lead) and Firing Range (12 ug/l total lead). John Halverson
5/15/1999 Update or Other Action Received groundwater monitoring report for sampling done in July 1998. Tank farm area (GW level rose slightly, free product found in 3 MWs, GRO increasing in down-gradient MW, 1,2DCA increasing in downgradient MW), Landfill area (low level VOCs, near cleanup levels), Operations building (DRO low levels, need new wells in better locations), Rifle range (total lead and antimony decreased, dissolved lead and antimony N/D), Firing range (total and dissolved lead and antimony N/D). John Halverson
9/3/1999 Update or Other Action ADEC received the Remedial Action Report, Phase II Remediation, by HLA/Wilder, dated August 25, 1999. It documents work done between June 1997 and November 1998. The landfill and trench areas were capped as specified in the workplan. Trench area burn pit still has residual soil contamination that needs to be addressed, either through institutional controls or further cleanup. John Halverson
11/10/1999 Site Added to Database Multiple contaminants. John Halverson
9/12/2002 Site Number Identifier Changed Workplan changed from X5 to x9. Sequence Number changed to 03 from 01 to accommodate changing the Workplan. The DBA pointed out to the project manager that despite this site being listed as a military landfill, vinyl chloride appears to be the biggest chemical of concern. John Halverson
2/3/2005 Update or Other Action File number issued 2320.38.051 Aggie Blandford
6/21/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff visited all of the Wildwood sites with the new project manager and the environmental engineer for the site. Staff also observed the ROST/LIF in operation. Debra Caillouet
6/15/2007 Update or Other Action The Declaration of Project Closure Decison for the CON/HTRW project at Wildwood was signed. Debra Caillouet
9/26/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 71261 name: Landfill Debra Caillouet
11/16/2009 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Final Work Plan, Soil Assessment and Groundwater Monitoring of Non-Tank Farm Sites, Former Wildwood Air Force Station, Kenai, November 2009 will sample groundwater at the site. Debra Caillouet
6/4/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2009 Report Soil Assessment and Groundwater Monitoring of Non-Tank Farm Sites Former Wildwood Air Force Station, FUDS The results of the chemical analyses were compared to Table C of the ADEC 18 AAC 75.345, Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Control. In the 1995 RI, vinyl chloride was the only landfill COC reported above the regulatory guidance (ADEC, 1990), with the exception of RCRA metals (see Section 4.1 above). Vinyl chloride results reported in the 1995 RI and the results from the 2009 sampling event are compared in Figure 4-1. Complete analytical results (Table B4) and a sample tracking table (Table B1) are presented in Appendix B. Groundwater sample results are summarized below. • Vinyl chloride was detected in wells LF-MW1 (AP-373) and LF-MW2 (AP-369) at concentrations (0.21 µg/L and 0.12 µg/L, respectively) one order of magnitude below the ADEC cleanup level (2 µg/L). • All other detected VOCs in both Landfill wells were one to four orders of magnitude below respective ADEC cleanup levels. Debra Caillouet
3/12/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Kenaitze Indian Tribe NALEMP March 12, 2019 Draft Debris Removal Work Plan aimed at removing and disposing 1,500 cubic yards of debris from the 12-acre landfill [Wildwood Air Force Base Landfill Area (File No. 2320.38.051 / Hazard ID: 282)]. Proposed activities do not include disposal of contaminated soil or groundwater offsite, nor any cleanup provisions. ADEC does not object to the activities outlined in the plan. ADEC issued a "non-objection letter" to the plan on May 1, 2019. Joshua Barsis
6/16/2020 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The department approved a workplan to conduct annual groundwater sampling at the Former Tank Farm and Operations Building AST/UST, and to install two new monitoring wells in the 12-acre landfill and 1 new monitoring well at UST 502-1. The two wells that will be installed at the landfill will be installed in the locations of wells LFMW1 and LFMW2 that were previously sampled in 2009. The department requested samples from the new wells would be analyzed for the extended list of VOC rather than just vinyl chloride as proposed. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
8/20/2021 Site Characterization Report Approved ADEC reviewed the 2020 Groundwater Sampling Report for the Former Tank Farm, Operations Building Former ASTs/USTs, 12-acre landfill, and UST 502-1. At the 12-acre landfill two wells LF-MW1 and LF-MW2 were installed and sampled for VOC. Vinyl chloride was detected in MW-1 at a concentration of 0.000197 mg/L, marginally above the ADEC groundwater criteria of 0.00019 mg/L. No other compounds were detected above ADEC groundwater criteria in any well. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
8/26/2021 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The 2021 and 2022 Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Addendum for the Former Tank Farm, Operations Building Former ASTs/USTs, 12-acre Landfill and UST 502-1 received on August 25, 2021 is approved.In 2021 following the NALEMP debris removal activities at the 12-acre Landfill LF-MW1 and LF-MW2 will be sampled and analyzed for vinyl chloride. In 2022 LF-MW1 and LF-MW2 will be sampled and analyzed for vinyl chloride. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
8/3/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A NALEMP Draft Report for the Removal and Disposal of Debris in the landfill was reviewed. The report includes work at other hazard ids. In 2019 and 2020 500 cubic yards of debris were removed and disposed at the KPB landfill. Six lead acid batteries and 340 pounds of lead cable were removed and disposed at appropriate facilities. In 2021 approximately 169 tons of debris were removed and disposed at the KPB landfill. No soil or groundwater sampling was part of the scope of work. The consultant recommended additional survey to inform future debris removal and a TCLP for PAH analyses of asphalt from a portion of the landfill. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
5/25/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Addendum, Wildwood AFS Former Tank Farm, Operations Building Former ASTs/USTs, 12-acre Landfill, and UST 502-1-, and Third-Party Waiver Request, dated April 2023. The work plan describes the scope of work for the sampling of groundwater monitoring wells at the Former Wildwood Air Force Station (AFS) Operations Facility, 12-acre Landfill, and Underground Storage Tank (UST) 502-1. Groundwater will be analyzed for diesel-range organics (DRO) at the Operations Facility and at the at the former UST 502-1. At the 12-acre landfill groundwater will be sampled for vinyl chloride. The work plan included a waiver request under 18 AAC 75.390(b) for the requirement in 18 AAC 75.333(b)(1) that a qualified environmental professional (QEP) be an impartial third party. DEC approved the Third-Party Waiver Request. Ginna Quesada
5/26/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2021 Groundwater Sampling Report, Wildwood AFS Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS), Property F10AK0251, dated March 2023. The report describes the sampling of groundwater monitoring wells at the Former Wildwood Air Force Station (AFS) Operations Facility, 12-acre Landfill, and Underground Storage Tank (UST) 502-1 to evaluate the remaining groundwater contaminant trends at the sites. Groundwater was analyzed for diesel-range organics (DRO) at the Operations Facility, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at the 12-acre Landfill, and DRO at the former UST 502-1. DRO was detected at the Operations Facility, in monitoring well MW-2, at concentration of 2.18 milligrams per liter (mg/L), exceeding the 18 AAC 75.345 Table C groundwater criteria of 1.5 mg/L. Vinyl chloride was detected at the 12-acre Landfill, at a concentration of 0.21 micrograms per liter (µg/L), above the 18 AAC 75.345 Table C groundwater criteria of 0.19 µg/L in MW-01. Ginna Quesada
8/29/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for the Draft Work Plan Removal and Disposal of Debris at the Landfill Wildwood Remediation FUDS# F10AK0251 Kenai, Alaska, dated August 2023. The work plan describes the proposed removal of 300 cubic yards of metal debris and contaminated media at the Former Wildwood Air Force Station (AFS) Landfill located in Kenai, Alaska. The removal action will include a geophysical survey towards the northwest corner of the landfill. Field screening will be conducted to guide the collection of analytical samples to determine the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Ginna Quesada
10/2/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC submitted responses to comments for the Draft Work Plan Removal and Disposal of Debris at the Landfill Wildwood Remediation FUDS# F10AK0251 Kenai, Alaska, dated September 2023. Ginna Quesada
10/4/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final Work Plan Removal and Disposal of Debris at the Landfill Wildwood Remediation FUDS# F10AK0251 Kenai, Alaska, dated October 2023. Ginna Quesada
2/23/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed the 2022 Groundwater Sampling Report Wildwood AFS Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) Property F10AK0251 HTRW Project -05 Former Tank Farm, CON/HTRW Project -06 Operations Building Former ASTs/USTs, HTRW Project -07 12-acre Landfill, and CON/HTRW Project -08 UST 502-1 Kenai, AK, dated June 2023. The report describes the 2022 groundwater monitoring event at the former Tank Farm, 12-acre Landfill, UST 502-1, and at the Operations Building Former ASTs/USTs sites located at the Wildwood Air Force Station, Alaska. The report recommends continued monitoring at the Operations Building and 12-acre Landfill and project closeout after the remaining sampling events. Reduced sampling frequency is proposed at the Tank Farm and the decommissioning of groundwater monitoring wells and project close out for the UST 502-1 site. Ginna Quesada
4/5/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has reviewed and approved the 2022 Groundwater Sampling Report Wildwood AFS Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) Property F10AK0251 HTRW Project -05 Former Tank Farm, CON/HTRW Project -06 Operations Building Former ASTs/USTs, HTRW Project -07 12-acre Landfill, and CON/HTRW Project -08 UST 502-1 Kenai, AK, dated June 2023. The report describes the 2022 groundwater monitoring event at the former Tank Farm, 12-acre Landfill, Underground Storage Tank (UST) 502-1, and at the Operations Building Former Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs) /USTs sites located at the Wildwood Air Force Station, Alaska. The report recommends continued monitoring at the Operations Facility and 12-acre Landfill and project closeout for the UST-502-1 site. Brian Watts
7/9/2024 Site Visit DEC staff conducted a site visit to the Wildwood AFS area in Kenai, Alaska. The purpose of the site visit was to inspect multiple sites within the Wildwood Air Force Station and observe groundwater monitoring fieldwork. Sites inspected were; 12-acre Landfill, disposal trench area, Underground Storage Tank (UST) area near the Correctional Facility, and the Operations Maintenance Building. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers staff accompanied DEC staff around the facility for the inspection. Peter Campbell
7/29/2024 Update or Other Action DEC provided the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers with a letter summarizing site inspection notes from a July 9, 2024 site visit at various Wildwood AFS sites. The letter described several deviations from the approved work plans (dated 2016 and 2023), and requested USACE discuss impacts of the deviations and issues in the reporting. Erica Blake

Contaminant Information

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Hazard ID Site Name File Number
27775 Wildwood AFS NALEMP 2320.38.092

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