Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
6/15/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Treatability Study workplan for Fire Training Areas FT01 and FT04 (dated September 1995). Excavation and off site bioremediation of soil, instrinsic remediation of groundwater, and managed wetlands were recommended for FT01 and vicinity (RAPCON). Intrinsic remediation for soil and groundwater was recommended for FT04. |
Louis Howard |
11/15/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Aerial Photographic Analysis, King Salmon Airport Study Area. Prepared by EPA Region 10, Research and Development, Characterization, Research Division, TS-PIC-9710003S, dated November 1996. |
Gretchen Pikul |
3/15/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Feasibility Report (final revised) - dated March 1997. Preferred alternatives were identified for groundwater, wetlands, and soil in each 5 groundwater monitoring zones associated with the main base. |
Gretchen Pikul |
5/6/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Final Treatability Study Report for FT04 (draft dated January 1997, final dated May 1997) and Feasibility Study Screening Assessment (dated May 1997). |
Gretchen Pikul |
10/21/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
RAPCON Excavation Activities and Summary of Findings, Fire Training Areas Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, King Salmon Airport (memorandum dated October 15, 1997). |
Gretchen Pikul |
10/21/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Technical Memorandum for Fire Training Areas 1 and 4, Summary of Findings and Recommendations May 1997 Groundwater Sampling Event (dated September 3, 1997). |
Gretchen Pikul |
11/28/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Remedial Process Optimization Scoping Visit Report - June 26-28, 2001 (no draft received; final received September 26, 2001 - many comments and issues to be resolved; comment resolution meeting during EPA Seattle meetings November 28, 2001). |
Gretchen Pikul |
11/29/2001 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Air Force, ADEC, and EPA at EPA Seattle office - November 26-29, 2001. |
Gretchen Pikul |
1/28/2003 |
GIS Position Updated |
Updated Quadrangle, Latitude, Longitude, Section, Township, and Range fields using and site maps. |
Former Staff |
3/25/2004 |
Proposed Plan |
Proposed Plan for Final Remedial Actions at Landfills and Fire Training Areas in Groundwater Zone 5; ADEC received electronic version via e-mail on November 12, 2003; general direction meeting on November 13; ADEC management briefing meeting on November 21; comment resolution meetings on November 24 and 25; draft final received December 12, 2003; PACAF and Air Staff comments received January 9, 2004; comment resolution meeting/teleconfernce with PACAF and Air Staff on January 22, 2004; comment resolution meeting with project managers on February 4, 2004; 2nd comment resolution teleconference / meeting with PACAF and Air Staff on March 11; ADEC received final Proposed Plan on March 25 and posted on ADEC webpage on March 30; Public comment period from March 27 to May 7, and public meeting on April 27. |
Gretchen Pikul |
7/20/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Implementation of Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Recommendations Work Plan; draft dated and received in June 2004; ADEC comment letter dated June 28, 2004; Comment Response on July 9; comment resolution meeting on July 19; final received on July 20 (some errors are present – see Comment Response in work plan jacket for details). |
Gretchen Pikul |
10/7/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Record of Decision for Zone 5; preliminary meeting held on August 24, 2004; draft ROD received October 7 via e-mail. |
Gretchen Pikul |
11/15/2004 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) team met with Air Force, ADEC, and EPA at at contractor's office in San Antonio TX - November 8-12, 2004. The primary purpose of this meeting was to evaluate the current status of cleanup efforts at the King Salmon AS and draft the RPO report due in March 2005. |
Jeff Norberg |
6/16/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Implementation of Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Recommendations Report; draft dated March 2005 received March 30, 2005; ADEC comment letter dated May 16, 2005; Air Force Comment Response and ADEC approval letter issued on May 20, 2005; final dated June 2006 received on June 16, 2006. |
Jeff Norberg |
1/31/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
File number issued 2569.38.019.05. |
Aggie Blandford |
1/29/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed. |
Jonathan Schick |
10/21/2008 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff took part in a site visit to a number of pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 2 day visit. Sites, especially the pending Multi Site Inspection sites, were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and potential sampling locations as the work plans are still being formulated. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project managers from the USAF and thier contractors. A Restoration Advisory Board meeting was held during the site visit. The topics discussed included the most recent basewide monitoring program, a discussion of the Multi-SIte inspection project, an update on the status of the Groundwater Zone 5 Records of Decision, and a brief discussion concerning the TCE treatibility Study in Groundwater Zone 1. The next RAB meeting has been tentatively scheduled for April 21, 2009. |
Jonathan Schick |
4/21/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC staff conducted a site visit to pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 2 day visit. Sites were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and to become more familiar with the layout and topography of the area. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project manager from the USAF and thier contractors. A Restoration Advisory Board meeting was held during the site visit. The topics discussed included the most recent basewide monitoring program, a discussion of the Multi-Site inspection project which is entering Phase II this summer, an update on the status of the Groundwater Zone 5 Records of Decision, and a brief discussion concerning the TCE treatibility Study in Groundwater Zone 1. The next RAB meeting has been tentatively scheduled for October, 2009. |
Jonathan Schick |
7/28/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved a Draft version of the Report for Remedial Action Projects for LF006, FT004, OT010, Lake Camp and the Biocells. |
Jonathan Schick |
8/26/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved a draft version of the work plan for additional remedial action at several sites including FT004, LF006, DA037 and SA039 where some batteries and lead impacted soil remain as well as additional POL contamination and drums are slated to be removed and also serveral stockpiles of pesticide contaminated soil will be containerized and shipped off-site. The plan's review is on a hold due to contracting issues with the Air Force. |
Jonathan Schick |
9/22/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff reviewed the work plans for battery, drum, and pesticide soil removal for various sites at King Salmon including FT004, LF006, DA037, and SA039. Comments were submitted to the Air Force Project Manager and they were regarding the need for additional detail about storage and shipment of impacted soils and also some questions about the figure depicting the pesticide impacted soil stockpiles that are slated to be shipped off-site for disposal. Additionally some text errors were corrected. |
Jonathan Schick |
9/24/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved responses to our comments and concur with the changes made to the Draft version of the Battery, Drum and stockpile removal action work plan. Staff sent a letter to the USAF project manager approving the plan for implementation in the field. |
Jonathan Schick |
9/29/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter containing comments on the Draft Report for Remedial Action Projects for LF006, FT004, OT010, Lake Camp and the Biocells. The comments were regarding the use of propper Personal Protective Equipment at the PCB impacted sites and the inclusion of the Laboratory Data Review Checklist with the Final Report. |
Jonathan Schick |
10/5/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC contaminated sites staff recieved a draft copy of a work plan for continuted excavation of petroleum impacted soil at the Fire Training Ground, FT004. The plan detailed the Air Force's plan to remove an additional 500 cubic yards of impacted soil this season. |
Jonathan Schick |
10/11/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC Contaminated sites staff submitted a letter to the US Air Force with comments on the recently submitted excavation work plan for Fire Training Ground FT004. The plan detailed the previous confrimation sample results and depicted them on a figure. The plan proposed to removal an additional 500 cubic yards of impacted soils from the site. ADEC is concerned that an additional 500 cubic yards may not be adequate to achieve the remedial action objectives proposed for the site. The plan also proposed an elevated PID screening level for segregating soils on-site. ADEC staff stated in the letter that adjusting the PID action level for this site would not be appropriate. |
Jonathan Schick |
10/20/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC staff conducted a site visit to pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 2 day visit. Sites were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and to observe some of the work that is being conducted to remove POL impacted soils and PCB impacted soils at OT010. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project manager from the USAF and thier contractors. A Restoration Advisory Board meeting was held during the site visit. The topics discussed included the most recent basewide monitoring program, remedial action cleanup programs, and management of the IDW and soil in the biocells set up to add oxygen to the soil matrix to aid the degradation of the petroleum hydrocarbons. The next RAB meeting is scheduled for April 2011. |
Jonathan Schick |
1/5/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved a copy of the Final Work Plans for Remedial Action Projects that were conducted in the summer and fall of 2010. The Remedial Actions included excavation and removal of PCB impacted soils at OT010, POL soils at FT004, Pesticides, POL and Lead impacted soils at the Circle Landfill, and on-going work at the Bioremediation Cells. |
Jonathan Schick |
4/8/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Final Version of the 2009 Remedial Action Projects Report for LF006, FT004, OT010, Lake Camp, and the Biocells. The report was dated March 2011 and the comments submitted in September 2010 were incorporated into the Final Report.
Jonathan Schick |
5/10/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff submitted an approval letter for the final version of the Report on the 2009 Remedial Action Projects for LF006, FT004, OT010, Lake Camp and the Biocells. ALl of the comments submitted were addressed and incorporated into the Final Report.
Jonathan Schick |
1/11/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Contamianted Sites Staff recieved the Draft 2010 Removal Action Projects Report detailing the work completed at OT010, FT004, LF006, Lake Camp, and the Biocells. The report is dated January 2012. |
Jonathan Schick |
2/8/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the US Air Force Remedial Project Manager with commments on the Draft Remedial Action Projects Report that detailed the cleanup efforts at FT004, OT010, LF006, Lake Camp, and the Biocells. The comments were focused on clarification that many of the sites under this contract specifically in Groundwater Zone 5 were being cleaned up to levels proposed in a Draft Record of Decision that was never agreed to by ADEC. |
Jonathan Schick |
2/8/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the US Air Force Remedial Project Manager with commments on the Draft Remedial Action Projects Report that detailed the cleanup efforts at FT004, OT010, LF006, Lake Camp, and the Biocells. The comments were focused on clarification that many of the sites under this contract specifically in Groundwater ZOne 5 were being cleaned up to levels proposed in a Draft Record of Decision that was neve agreed to by ADEC.
Jonathan Schick |
8/28/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Submit comments to US Air Force on the Draft "Work Plans for 2014 Remedial Action Construction at King Salmon Divert". Comments were minor. Work is scheduled for 2014 and should complete the remedial action for this site. |
Guy Warren |
9/2/2014 |
CERCLA Remedial Design/Remedial Action Plan Approved |
Received Final Work Plan for 2014 Remedial Action Construction. Approval letter submitted 8/28/14 based on electronic submittal. |
Guy Warren |
6/27/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approved the Final 2014 RA – Construction report. PFCs remain at this site above ADEC proposed cleanup levels. Down gradient wells FT04-MW3, FR04-MW4, and FT04-MW6 should be added to the groundwater monitoring program for PFCs. |
Holly Weiss-Racine |
6/29/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approved the Final 2014 RA - LF006 and FT004 Well Install & Sampling report. In 2014, 3 new monitoring wells were installed (MW5R (a replacement for MW5), MW07 and MW08. Groundwater at MW5R and MW07 exceeded cleanup levels for DRO, GRO, and TCE. Groundwater at MW07 also exceeded the cleanup levels for benzene and toluene. Groundwater at all three monitoring wells exceeded the proposed cleanup levels for PFCs. All three new wells, as well as, groundwater monitoring wells MW1 and MW2 should be added to the groundwater monitoring program and sampled for DRO, GRO, VOCs, PFC, and EDB. |
Holly Weiss-Racine |
11/8/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
PFOS and PFOA are suspected at this site. The current Zone 5 ROD being drafted by the AF will not cover these emerging contaminants. A base-wide approach to managing PFOS and PFOA is currently in development. |
Holly Weiss-Racine |
12/7/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed and provided comments on the draft Preliminary Assessment for PFCs at the King Salmon Divert. All Fire Training Areas are included in the report. |
Holly Weiss-Racine |
5/15/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves the 'Final 2017 Five-Year Review, King Salmon Divert, Naknek Recreation Camp I, Naknek Recreation Camp II, Alaska, November 2017' in a letter dated May 15, 2018. Land Use Controls have not been fully implemented at any groundwater zones at King Salmon Divert. Recommendations include: finalizing the decision document for Zone 7, determine the extent of drinking water wells at Lake Camp (number of wells, depth of wells, and groundwater gradient), and fully implement LUCs by updating public land records for non-USAF owned properties. The next five-year review will be completed in 2022. |
Sammi Castle |
4/29/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received the Draft Uniform Federal Policy - Quality Assurance Project Plan for Site Inspections of Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Areas, dated April 2019. The purpose of the SI for King Salmon Divert is to evaluate whether a release of AFFF-derived PFAS has occurred to groundwater, soil (shallow and subsurface), surface water, and sediment as a result of historical AFFF use at 11 of the KSD AFFF areas: Building 160, Former Building 152, Building 300, Spray Test Area, Building 617, Eskimo Creek, Red Fox Creek, the Fire Training Areas (FT001, FT002, FT004), and the Former Landfarm and Holding Ponds. ADEC submitted comments on the draft work plan in a letter to the Air Force dated May 17, 2019. |
Sammi Castle |
8/2/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approved the Final Uniform Federal Policy - Quality Assurance Project Plan for Site Inspections of Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Areas, King Salmon Divert, dated July 2019, in a letter to the Air Force on this date. |
Sammi Castle |
3/11/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approved the Final Fire Training Areas - (FT001, FT002, FT003, and FT004) Expanded Remedial Investigation Work Plan, dated February 2021, in a letter on this date. Goals of the study include delineating the vertical and lateral extent of contaminants, including PFOS and PFOA, in soil, groundwater, sediment and surface water at the four fire training areas, and identifying potential risks from contaminants to human and ecological receptors. |
Sammi Castle |
6/30/2022 |
Risk Assessment Workplan Approved |
The ADEC approved the King Salmon Divert (Groundwater Zones 1, 2, and 5) and Naknek II Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment Work Plan, Final (dated June 2022). The work plan describes the approach to conduct a phased Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment across various sites within Naknek II and Groundwater Zones 1, 2, and 5 areas located in King Salmon, Alaska. The objectives of this work plan are to quantitatively and/or qualitatively evaluate baseline or existing exposure and risks to ecological receptors from chemicals released into the environment during site operations. The work plan aims to address a total of seventeen sites for contaminants such as metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, semivolatile organic compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, pesticides, dioxins and furans. |
Ginna Quesada |
6/30/2022 |
Risk Assessment Workplan Approved |
The ADEC approved the King Salmon Divert (Groundwater Zones 1, 2, and 5) and Naknek II Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment Work Plan, Final (dated June 2022). The work plan describes the approach to conduct a phased Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment across various sites within Naknek II and Groundwater Zones 1, 2, and 5 areas located in King Salmon, Alaska. The objectives of this work plan are to quantitatively and/or qualitatively evaluate baseline or existing exposure and risks to ecological receptors from chemicals released into the environment during site operations. The work plan aims to address a total of seventeen sites for contaminants such as metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, semivolatile organic compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, pesticides, dioxins and furans. |
Ginna Quesada |
11/7/2022 |
Compliance Advisory Letter |
ADEC issued compliance advisory letters to the USACE, USAF, and Jacobs to address violations of 18 AAC 75.325(i) and 18 AAC 75.370(b) by failing to obtain transport approval for investigation derived waste. |
Ginna Quesada |
5/18/2023 |
Site Visit |
DEC conducted a site visit with the U.S. Air Force. |
Ginna Quesada |
2/22/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviewed the Remedial Investigation Report: Phase I AFFF Remedial Investigation (Groundwater Zones 1 and 2 Sites FFS, STA, CAC, CFS, WTP, and LHP) and Expanded Remedial Investigation (Groundwater Zone 5 Sites FT001/FT001P, FT002/FT002P, and FT004/FT004P) Draft, dated January 2024. The report describes the phase I remedial investigation efforts to delineate the extent of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) across nine sites in groundwater zones 1, 2, and 5 located in King Salmon, Alaska. PFAS exceedances of screening levels were encountered across all sites in groundwater, soil, sediment, and surface water. The report recommends a supplemental remedial investigation to further examine the risk and further characterize the extent of contamination for all nine sites. |
Ginna Quesada |
5/1/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approved the Remedial Investigation Report: Phase I AFFF Remedial Investigation (Groundwater Zones 1 and 2 Sites FFS, STA, CAC, CFS, WTP, and LHP) and Expanded Remedial Investigation (Groundwater Zone 5 Sites FT001/FT001P, FT002/FT002P, and FT004/FT004P) Final, dated April 2024. |
Ginna Quesada |
2/24/2025 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided comments for the Preliminary Draft Work Plan Addendum PFAS Phase I Remedial Investigation for Groundwater Zone 1: Soil and Round 2 Groundwater Investigation and Supplemental Remedial Investigation at FT001/FT001P, FT002/FT002P, and FT004/FT004P, Dated February 2025. The work plan is an addendum to the 2024 King Salmon Divert Uniform Federal Policy-Quality Assurance Project Plan, PFAS Supplemental Remedial Investigations for Groundwater Zones 2 and 5 and PFAS Phase I Remedial Investigation for Groundwater Zone 1. The work plan describes the proposed sampling methods and locations to investigate per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in soil and groundwater at Groundwater Zone 1 and the supplemental remedial investigations at three former fire training areas (FT001/FT001P, FT002/FT002P, and FT004/FT004P) in the area formerly known as Groundwater Zone 5. In Groundwater Zone 1, the objective is to determine the nature and extent of PFAS groundwater contamination and to evaluate potential source areas in soil. In the former fire training areas and Red Fox Creek, the objective is to complete the delineation of PFAS and non-PFAS contamination in groundwater, soil, and surface water and sediment. |
Ginna Quesada |