Site Report: Dutch Hbr-Unalaska Vly UST 3265
Site Name: | Dutch Hbr-Unalaska Vly UST 3265 |
Address: | UST 3265, Northern Ski Bowl Road, Unalaska, AK 99685 |
File Number: | 2542.38.023 |
Hazard ID: | 2889 |
Status: | Active |
Staff: | Kathleen Iler-Galau, 9074512153 |
Latitude: | 53.867105 |
Longitude: | -166.500179 |
Horizontal Datum: |
We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.
UST 3265 was a 300 gallon heavily-corroded heating oil tank removed from the northern Ski Bowl area in 1997. The UST excavation was approximately 60 square feet and field screening did not indicate the presence of contamination, therefore no soil was removed and onsite soil was used as backfill. Two confirmation samples collected from the excavation and DRO was the only analyte to exceed cleanup levels in one sample, at a maximum concentration of 810 mg/kg. Laboratory chromatograms from both samples collected within the excavation area attributed DRO detections to biogenic origins. A third soil sample was collected from a test pit 37 feet NW (downgradient) of the site and DRO was detected at 3,600 mg/kg. This exceedance was attributed to possibly migrating contamination from upgradient site Building 3260 which had DRO up to 11,000 mg/kg. Soil concentrations remain at the site in-between MTG and Human Health cleanup levels and groundwater has not been evaluated.
Action Information
Action Date | Action | Description | DEC Staff |
6/5/2000 | CERCLA RI Report Approved | The Comprehensive Remedial Investigation Report was received. This document discusses the field activities and results from 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999. Activities included site investigations (SI), Interim Removal actions (IRA) and Remedial Investigations (RI). These various activities were performed at 56 sites throughout the entire Amaknak/Unalaska FUDS. Sampling was conducted to determine both site-specific as well as background levels of contaminants of concern. 93 USTs, 1 AST, associated piping, and 230 drums, contaminated liquid, sludge, and soil were removed during the IRA. Soil borings were drilled, monitoring wells installed and samples were taken to determine type and extent of contamination. Where appropriate a Method Three ACL was calculated. 31 sites are recommended for no further action (NFA) and 25 sites were recommended for further remedial action. NFA is recommended at this site as the UST has been removed and field screening did not indicate the presence of contaminated soils. | Meghan Dooley |
1/23/2003 | Site Added to Database | Unalaska Valley expanded into a total of 26 unique sites from one. | John Halverson |
12/8/2003 | GIS Position Updated | Used TopoZone to convert a GPS reading in NAD 84 coordinates | Debra Caillouet |
6/10/2005 | Update or Other Action | File number issued 2542.38.023. | Aggie Blandford |
7/8/2008 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | Initial ranking with ETM completed. | Daniel Fremgen |
2/4/2011 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 73865 name: UST | Bianca Reece |
4/22/2021 | Update or Other Action | GPS coordinates of UST verified and updated using satellite imagery and figures from 2888_Amaknak 2001-2002 SI-RI-IRA Report.pdf | Ginna Quesada |
1/25/2024 | Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other | Bulk action entry for review of the Draft Restoration Summary Report Containerized Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, Amaknak Formerly Used Defense Sites, recommending closure at 53 sites. DEC received the draft summary report on April 2023, and provided comments on June 2023. On January 15, 2024, FUDS submitted a final summary report. Comment resolution has not been performed and is not complete. Further coordination is necessary with FUDS. | Cascade Galasso-Irish |
2/22/2024 | Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other | On this date, DEC reviewed and approved the redline final, RTCs, and final Restoration Summary Report for the Amaknak Formerly Used Defense Sites F10AK0841-13, -14, -15, -16, -18, -20, Unalaska Valley, Pyramid Valley-Port Levashef, Summer Bay-Humpy Cove, Margaret Bay-Airport, Mount Ballyhoo, and Little South America in Unalaska, Alaska. Of the 53 sites included in this report, 39 of these sites are either closed in the Contaminated Sites database or are not eligible active sites. Fourteen (14) sites remain open in the CS database, either pending further coordination on the pathway to closure or are currently with DEC management for closure decision. This letter is documenting the approval of the final document but does not preclude the need for further investigation of sites included in the report. | Cascade Galasso-Irish |
11/6/2024 | Meeting or Teleconference Held | The Qawalangin FUDS Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) Meeting was held at the Unalaska Public Library. This regional RAB incorporates five FUDS in the Qawalangin region: Amaknak FUDS, Chernofski FUDS, Cape Wislow FUDS, Fort Learnard FUDS, and Ugadaga Bay FUDS. RAB Board Members, USACE-FUDS, DEC, and members of the public were in attendance in-person, with additional stakeholders participating virtually. FUDS PMs provided updates on the status of FUDS sites. The RAB membership also updated their charter and added new members. | Kathleen Iler-Galau |
Contaminant Information
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Description | Details |
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