Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
9/1/1984 |
Preliminary Assessment Approved |
Installation Restoration Program, Phase I Records Search, 5073rd Air Base Group, Shemya Air Force Base, Alaska (dated September 1984) prepared by JRB Associates. |
Former Staff |
1/15/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Final Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study Report, Volume III, Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (Formerly Shemya Air Force Base Alaska). |
Ray Burger |
3/15/1996 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Final Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study Report, Volume IV, Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (Formerly Shemya Air Force Base Alaska). |
Ray Burger |
2/5/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Remedial Investigation Base-wide Groundwater Monitoring Report, August - September 1998, Base-wide Monitoring Activities and Findings (dated January 1999). |
Gretchen Pikul |
7/3/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Technical Memorandum - Risk Assessment Assumptions for Decision Documents (draft final dated January 8, 2001, ADEC comment letter dated March 19, 2001, comment resolution meeting on May 18, 2001, final received June 11, 2001, ADEC e-mail comments after reviewing final document dated July 3, 2001). |
Gretchen Pikul |
12/10/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Decision Document Report Volumes III and IV (draft dated March 1996; draft final dated April 1997 and received May 1997; ADEC comment letter dated October 1, 1997 with extensive comments; related meetings in 1998 on October 30, November 23, November 24, and December 30; related meetings in 1999 on January 20 and 26, February 2 and 25, June 22-25 during site visit, August 24 during FY00 project scoping meeting, and October 1; received Review Draft Decision Documents on November 30, 1999 ADEC comment letters in February 2000; related meetings in 2000 on January 4; related meetings in 2001 on January 4 and 16; ADEC comment letter on Draft Final Technical Memorandum - Risk Assessment Assumptions for Decision Documents (dated March 19) with comment resolution meeting on May 18, final memorandum dated June 2001; draft Proposed Plan for 6 sites received August 24, ADEC comment letter dated September 19, 'response to comments' received December 10, 2001). |
Gretchen Pikul |
5/11/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC received call from Air Force (Larry Opperman) - in-house crew will be removing wooden debris from LF15, and placing a sign stating no dumping or burning. No removal or spreading of the LF15 berms will be conducted since further sampling of the site is necessary prior to ROD status. |
Gretchen Pikul |
10/16/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Site discussed at the TRIAD meeting regarding the MMRP issues at the site due to recent detonation of explosives within the bermed area surrounding the landfill. Agreed that aerial photographs of burn areas be overlayed with sample locations to ensure that all areas of concern have been addressed. |
Jonathan Schick |
7/11/2008 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
ADEC staff approved the Remedial Field Investigation Work Plan for 12 sites including LF015. |
Jonathan Schick |
11/3/2010 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Contaminated Sites Staff issued a letter to the USAF approving the Final version of the Remedial Field Investigation at 12 Environmental Restoration Program Sites Remedial Investigaion Report Addendum. |
Jonathan Schick |
9/6/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the Air Force regarding their response to our comments on the Feasibility Study Report for the 12 Site Remedial Investigation. ADEC does not feel like the groundwater impacts at some of the sites is adequate or complete and additional monitoring wels may need to be installed to deterine a remedy.
Jonathan Schick |
6/12/2012 |
CERCLA Proposed Plan |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Draft Proposed Plan for several of the 12 sites that went through the Remedial Investigation together in 2008. The proposed plan states that the preferred remedy for the site is Institutional Controls to protect the receptors at the site from being exposed to the low level munitions constituents and metals in the surface soil. |
Jonathan Schick |
6/12/2012 |
CERCLA Proposed Plan |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Draft Proposed Plan for several of the 12 sites that went through the Remedial Investigation together in 2008. The proposed plan states that the preferred remedy for the site is to remove the PCB and metals impacted soils from the area adjacent to the building and ship it to an off-site disposal facility. Remedial Action Objectives are expected to be achieved by the rmeoval action and therefore no Institutional Controls are anticipated to be necessary. |
Jonathan Schick |
1/25/2013 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 73876 name: Burn Areas. This is an auto action that was triggered by an administrative fix to correct reporting problems in the Unranked Sites Report. This is not an actual ETM ranking and no answers were altered within the ETM. The only part of the record affected by this fix may be the ranking dates. (Reese) |
Kristin Thompson |
3/17/2014 |
CERCLA ROD Approved |
The ADEC Contaminated Site Program approved the February 2014 Record of Decision for LF015, SS005, SS012, ST009, and ST044. The selected remedy for LF015 was Long-term Management with Institutional Controls to restrict access to or inappropriate use of soil and groundwater. |
Jessica Morris |
8/27/2014 |
Long Term Monitoring Established |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final Work Plan for Environmental Long Term Monitoring and Site Inspections ((FT001, FT002, FT003, OT048, SS007, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, SS010, SS023, ST035, SS025, ST009, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051) and Limited Site Characterization (Building 3055 Area) at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. This scope of work is not sufficient to meet the long term monitoring objectives outlined in the most recently established RODs. The USAF will hold a scoping meeting with ADEC to plan additional well installation to meet these long term monitoring requirements. |
Jessica Morris |
5/20/2015 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final Report for Environmental Long Term Monitoring and Site Inspections ((FT001, FT002, FT003, OT048, SS007, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, SS010, SS023, ST035, SS025, ST009, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051) at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. |
Jessica Morris |
7/9/2015 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
ADEC approved the July 2015 U.S. Air Force Land Use Control Management Plan, Pacific Air Forces Regional Support Center Installations. The plan includes land use controls for LF015 at Eareckson Air Station. |
Jessica Morris |
10/22/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program reviewed and commented on a draft scope of work for investigation, remedial process optimization, and long term management studies at several sites for Eareckson Air Station. |
Jessica Morris |
11/14/2016 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff travelled to Eareckson Air Station for 4 days to conduct site visits and become familiar with the ecology and topography of the island. Site visits were conducted to all pertinent sites and meetings were held to with ADEC and USAF to discuss a path forward for the sites. |
Jessica Morris |
3/31/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final UFP-QAPP Site Investigation for Perfluorinated Compounds and Long Term Management Studies, Eareckson Air Station. The work plan was approved with the condition that the monitoring program proposed was not sufficient to meet the requirements in the RODs. ADEC requires a work plan for remedy implementation to establish an adequate monitoring program. |
Jessica Morris |
11/27/2017 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff travelled to Eareckson Air Station for 3 days to conduct site visits and institutional control inspections. Site visits were conducted to all pertinent sites and meetings were held to with ADEC and USAF to discuss a path forward for the sites. |
Jessica Morris |
5/2/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program submitted comments on the Draft Remedial Process Optimization Report for Eareckson Air Station. The purpose of the report was to present an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current selected site remedies and make recommendations for optimization of an island-wide monitoring and management program for contaminated sites at Eareckson. ADEC had numerous comments on the document, and requested a project team meeting to further discuss a more effective and efficient program at Eareckson. |
Jessica Morris |
1/8/2019 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Contaminated Sites Program received a copy of the Final Long Term Monitoring and Institutional Controls Inspection Report for Eareckson Air Station. The report is accepted as final documentation of the field activities. The report is approved with the conditions noted in the ADEC’s comments 1/8/19 letter.
The field efforts completed are not considered sufficient to meet the overall long term monitoring requirements outlined in the site records of decision and regulations for closure end point criteria. ADEC is working with the USAF to develop a more efficient island-wide long term monitoring strategy for Eareckson Air Station. |
Jessica Morris |
7/5/2019 |
CERCLA ROD Periodic Review |
DEC provided comments to the U.S. Air Force on the "Five-Year Review Report and Period Review for Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska, Draft” dated November 2018 on July 5, 2019. |
Melinda Brunner |
10/9/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
Approved 2019 Remedial Action Operations, land Use/Institutional Control Supplemental Work Plan. |
William Schmaltz |
6/25/2020 |
Institutional Control Periodic Reporting |
2019 Technical Project Report. The purpose of this project is to continue environmental long-term management at multiple sites
at Eareckson AS, Alaska. The objectives of this project were to conduct groundwater sampling
at eight sites, surface water sampling at four sites, sediment sampling at three sites, conduct IC
inspections at 19 sites, and conduct an assessment of necessary repairs at LF026. The
assessment of LF026 is documented in a separate technical memorandum; this LTM report
presents the findings of the IC inspections and the results of groundwater, surface water, and
sediment sampling. |
Darren Mulkey |
6/25/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The purpose of this project is to continue environmental long-term management at multiple sites at Eareckson AS, Alaska. The objectives of this project were to conduct groundwater sampling at eight sites, surface water sampling at four sites, sediment sampling at three sites, conduct IC inspections at 19 sites, and conduct an assessment of necessary repairs at LF026. The assessment of LF026 is documented in a separate technical memorandum; this LTM report presents the findings of the IC inspections and the results of groundwater, surface water, and sediment sampling. |
Darren Mulkey |
6/25/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
"Draft Technical Project Report, 2019 Environmental Long Term Management Activities, Eaceckson Air Station, Sites FT001, FT002, FT003, OT048, SS007, SS010, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, LF015, LF018, LF024, and LF026, May 2020". The purpose of this project is to continue environmental long-term management at multiple sites at Eareckson AS, Alaska. The objectives of this project were to conduct groundwater sampling at eight sites, surface water sampling at four sites, sediment sampling at three sites, conduct IC inspections at 19 sites, and conduct an assessment of necessary repairs at LF026. The assessment of LF026 is documented in a separate technical memorandum; this LTM report presents the findings of the IC inspections and the results of groundwater, surface water, and sediment sampling. |
Darren Mulkey |
4/27/2022 |
Update or Other Action |
On 4/27/2022 ADEC approved the Eareckson Air Station, Alaska, REMEDIAL PROCESS OPTIMIZATION REPORT dated April 2022.
This Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Report presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of current selected site remedies and makes recommendations for optimization of the IWM Program, as appropriate to establish a more integrated groundwater monitoring program at Eareckson AS. RPO is a systematic approach for evaluating and improving the effectiveness of site remediation without increasing site risk. This RPO Report presents a site-by-site evaluation of effectiveness of the sites selected remedy and provides recommendations to:
• Streamline groundwater monitoring.
• Develop a holistic approach to site management.
• Maintain the remedial action objectives (RAOs) set forth in established Record of Decisions (RODs) and Decision Documents (DDs).
Daniela Fawcett |
6/27/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided comments for the Draft Final 2021 Long Term Management, Land Use and Institutional Controls Report Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, Alaska Sites CS566, DA002/DA002A, DA003, FT001, FT002, FT003, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, ML001, MU001, OD001, OT048, OT617, PL560, PL575, SS005, SS007, SS010, SS012, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, TA555, TA556, TA616, TU553, TU554, TU558, TU559, TU567, TU568, XU912, ZZ001, dated June 2023.The report describes the institutional control inspections and sampling efforts conducted during November 15 through November 30th, 2021. Forty-two different sites were investigated at the Eareckson Air Station located on Shemya Island, Alaska. Groundwater was sampled at nine sites, surface water was sampled at five sites, and sediment sampling was conducted at two sites. Contaminants above cleanup levels remain present at most sites with stable or non-discernable trends. Most land use controls appear to be in good condition and Monitoring and continued inspections were recommended for all sites. |
Ginna Quesada |
7/3/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC submitted responses to comments for the Draft Final 2021 Long Term Management, Land Use and Institutional Controls Report Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, Alaska Sites CS566, DA002/DA002A, DA003, FT001, FT002, FT003, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, ML001, MU001, OD001, OT048, OT617, PL560, PL575, SS005, SS007, SS010, SS012, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, TA555, TA556, TA616, TU553, TU554, TU558, TU559, TU567, TU568, XU912, ZZ001, dated June 2023. |
Ginna Quesada |
8/3/2023 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
DEC approved the "Final 2021 Long Term Management, Land Use and Institutional Controls Report Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, Alaska Sites CS566, DA002/DA002A, DA003, FT001, FT002, FT003, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, ML001, MU001, OD001, OT048, OT617, PL560, PL575, SS005, SS007, SS010, SS012, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, TA555, TA556, TA616, TU553, TU554, TU558, TU559, TU567, TU568, XU912, ZZ001, dated July 2023." The report recommends continuing with land-use control site inspections and monitoring the groundwater until all remedial objectives are met. |
Erica Blake |