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Site Report: Eielson Farm Road AAA (AOC8) FUDS

Site Name: Eielson Farm Road AAA (AOC8) FUDS
Address: 5100 Eielson Farm Road, Eielson AFB, AK 99702
File Number: 107.38.095
Hazard ID: 2931
Status: Active
Staff: Matthew Fleetwood, 9072697608
Latitude: 64.658056
Longitude: -147.141111
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The site was a former anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) site in the cold war era. Site consisted of 9 bunkers constructed primarily of empty drums, 15 concrete foundations, a UST, and some type of septic well. There is evidence of extensive buried drums that may be the source for the free-phase (roughly 4 acres) and dissolved (roughly 11-acre) groundwater plumes. Sheen noticed on surface water pond and a seep exists from the soil. The site is located off the Eielson Farm Road in a rural residential area. Drinking water wells are within a mile downgradient of the site. A debris removal effort occured in 1997, conducted by the Air Force. The groundwater plume was well delineated in 1999 and 2000. Diesel range organics (DRO) were found in the ground water in dissolved phase and free product, but benzene was not identified. According to the AMEC investigation, the dissolved phase plume does not extend across the property boundary. The source area was investigated with GPR and believed to primarily buried drums or underground tanks, but extent of the source and soil contamination has not been completely delineated as of 2001. Site was transferred from Eielson AFB management because it was accepted into the Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) program in 2003, which is administered by the Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. The FUDS program has funding programmed for this site beginning in FY2006.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
3/14/2001 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial site ranking. Ann Farris
3/14/2001 Site Added to Database DRO contamination. Ann Farris
3/16/2001 Update or Other Action Reviewed draft site characterization report from AMEC for work completed in 1999 and 2000. Extensive groundwater contamination and a fuel seep into nearby surface water body. Source believed to be buried drums. Ann Farris
3/16/2001 Update or Other Action Site in transition between Air Force and COE FUDS program since the site is located off of the base. Ann Farris
12/19/2001 Update or Other Action Discussed site with John Halverson. The COE has funded an INPR for FY 02 (October 2001-Septemeber 2002). The INPR will evaluate the site for inclusion in the FUDs program and rank the site for work. Then actual work can be programmed. Ann Farris
12/26/2001 GIS Position Updated Worked with Heather Goldman obtaining GIS latitude and longitude from 1:63,300 topographic map. Heather Goldman
1/21/2003 Update or Other Action The site is undergoing the COE INPR process and is expected to be listed as a formerly used defense site (FUDS). Ann Farris
5/19/2005 Update or Other Action Site was accepted into the FUDS program. ADEC is currently working with the US Army Alaska Corps of Engineers to program funding and work for this site. Emily Youcha
9/14/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Funding will be programmed by the Corps for this site beginning in FY2006. Staff participated in a short planning meeting with Corps of Engineer staff to draft the DSMOA workplan for 2006, 2007, and 2008. Staff anticipates workplans for the remedial investigation/feasibility study in Spring 2006. It is anticipated that the remedial investigation will occur summer 2006. Staff learned there is a underground storage tank at the site which maybe removed as a CON/HTRW FUDS project this summer. Emily Youcha
10/28/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff visted the site with the Corps Project Manager. Several monitoring wells remain at the site and their condition is unknown. The water-supply well was found and the Corps will temporarily plug the well for the winter because the well cap was missing. A scoping meeting will occur within the next few months to discuss upcoming work this summer. Emily Youcha
11/7/2005 Update or Other Action Contaminated Sites staff had a discussion with the Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Project Manager for the Eielson Farm Road AAA Site near Moose Creek. The FUDS project manager agreed to temporarily seal an existing uncapped 6" diameter water-supply well. Additionally, their real estate division will be researching nearby homeowners to identify any potential receptors and provide notification of the nearby contaminated ground water and soil. A project scoping meeting will occur within the next month. Emily Youcha
12/15/2005 Update or Other Action Staff received a trip report from the FUDS program summarizing the two site visits during fall 2005. Emily Youcha
4/14/2006 Update or Other Action Received the workplan for this summers site investigation. DEC was also informed by the COE that a letter was issued to neighboring property owners regarding the site investigation and the upcoming RAB meeting. The RAB meeting is scheduled for May 1 at the Moose Creek Community Center in conjunction with the Eielson AFB RAB. Emily Youcha
4/14/2006 Update or Other Action DEC issued a waiver for 3rd party sampling to the COE for upcoming site characterization work this summer. COE staff involved in the project are on the DEC qualified person list. Emily Youcha
4/21/2006 Update or Other Action DEC sent comments to the Army Corps regarding their workplan. They are proposing to use ROST/LIF technology to delineate the diesel range organics (DRO) soil contamination and the extent of the DRO contaminated ground-water plume. Additional soil, surface-water, sediment, and ground-water samples will be collected and sent to a off-site lab. Emily Youcha
5/1/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff attended the Eielson AFB Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting, which solely covered the Eielson Farm Road AAA Site. The COE presented a brief history of the site and their plans for investigation this summer. Several neighboring property owners were present at the meeting. Emily Youcha
5/22/2006 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Contaminated Sites staff approved a site characterization report for the Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery Site. The Army Corps of Engineers will be using the rapid optical screening tool / laser induced fluorescence to characterize petroleum contamination. Emily Youcha
6/2/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff performed a site visit during the direct push drilling and LIF/ROST techniques. An area upgradient of the pond had strong petroleum odors. At the time of visit, over 30 holes were drilled and up to 100 holes would be drilled. Some contamination was found beneath the UST and contamination was located in the bunker area and some "hot spots" adjacent to the pond. Summer field work will continue through June/July. Emily Youcha
10/13/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held I had a meeting with the FUDS project manager today. They briefed me on the preliminary findings of the summer investigation. It looks like most of the contamination is in the soil/ground-water interface (smear zone). Little contamination remains in the soil. Ground-water contamination is limited to onsite, it does not appear that contamination is migrating off the site. DEC should expecct an RI report sometime in November/December 2006, a Feasibility Study in mid-January 2007 and Proposed Plans/Decision Documents 2007-2008, with a remedy beginning in the summer of 2008. Emily Youcha
5/3/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 78201 (Autogenerated Action)
5/3/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 78198 (Autogenerated Action)
5/4/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 78199 (Autogenerated Action)
5/7/2007 Update or Other Action Reviewed and sent comments on draft 2006 Remedial Investigation Report Tamar Stephens
8/24/2007 Site Characterization Report Approved Sent approval letter for final 2006 Remedial Investigation Report. The report describes a 2006 investigation of four potential point sources at the Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) site: the main complex area, an underground storage tank (UST) area, a former drum disposal area, and another drum area identified during the site assessment. The investigation included sampling of soil and groundwater throughout the site, and sediment and surface water sampling of a pond. The report shows that no significant contamination has been found at either of the drum areas. Groundwater was found at depths ranging from 1.2 to 10.1 feet below ground surface. A plume of contaminated groundwater associated with the main complex extends northeast from the main complex and covers approximately 4.2 acres. A plume of free-phase product is present on top of the contaminated groundwater plume. The groundwater plume extends to a down-gradient pond, where diesel range organics were found in the sediment. A smaller plume extends northwest from the underground storage tank area, covering approximately 3,300 square feet. Soil contamination is present primarily in the smear zone associated with the contaminated groundwater plumes. Tamar Stephens
3/18/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and sent comments on a draft Feasibility Study report. Tamar Stephens
8/5/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and sent comments on draft Work Plan - 2008 Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery Site Underground Storage Tank Removal Action (July 2008). Tamar Stephens
9/26/2008 Interim Removal Action Approved DEC reviewed and approved the final Work Plan - 2008 Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery Site Underground Storage Tank Removal Action. The project addresses the smaller of the two soil and groundwater plumes at this site, and includes the following elements: removal and proper disposal of an underground storage tank and associated piping; removal of an estimated 200 gallon of contents (fuel/sludge/water mixture);removal of an estimated 300 cubic yards of petroleum-contaminated soil associated with the tank, including soil underneath the tank and a soil plume extending through an area of approximately 3,300 square feet, located beneath an overburden of clean soil. The clean overburden will be removed to access the contaminated soil layer. Tamar Stephens
11/25/2008 CERCLA FS DEC reviewed and sent an approval letter for the Final Feasiblity Study, Eielson Farm Road AAA FUDS. The FS identifies the contaminants of concern, identifies applicable cleanup levels, and evaluates and ranks remedial alternatives for site cleanup. Contaminants of concern at this site are GRO and DRO in soil; DRO and RRO in groundwater; DRO in sediment. (Note: this site is not being cleaned up under Alaska regulations, not under CERCLA; however the CERCLA FS action was the most representative action available to enter on this database.) Tamar Stephens
11/25/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and sent comments on a draft Proposed Plan. Tamar Stephens
12/30/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and sent comments on draft 2008 Remedial Action Report - Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery Site Underground Storage Tank Removal Action (November 2008). This report describes a removal action performed at the Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery Site during late September and early October, 2008, that entailed removal of a 500-gallon abandoned underground storage tank; removal of 304 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil; thermal treatment of the soil at nearby Organic Incineration Technologies; collection of confirmation samples from the floor of the excavation; and backfilling with the treated soil and clean overburden soil. The draft report shows that approximately 50 tons of soil remains to be excavated. Tamar Stephens
4/28/2009 Public Notice Public comment period for the Proposed Plan was held from April 28, 2009 - June 10, 2009. Notice was published in the Fairbanks Daily News Miner on May 7 and May 10, 2009. Tamar Stephens
5/13/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff Tamar Stephens attended Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting in Moose Creek. Primary purpose of RAB meeting was to discuss Proposed Plan. Tamar Stephens
12/15/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC sent a letter of concurrence with the selected remedy presented in the final Decision Document for Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Project #F10AK1059-01 Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) Piledriver Slough near Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (August 2010). The selected remedy in the Decision Document has the following major components. Excavation of petroleum-contaminated soil and sediment consisting of an estimated 16,600 cubic yards of soil and 280 cubic yards of sediment; Transportation of contaminated soil and sediment to a treatment/disposal facility; Free product recovery from the open excavations; Backfill of the excavations; Revegetation of the site; Repair any damage to Eielson Farm Road resulting from implementation of the selected remedy; Evaluation of the vapor intrusion pathway; Annual groundwater monitoring to establish baseline conditions and evaluate the reduction of contaminant concentrations over time. Tamar Stephens
7/15/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated sites staff met with contractor representatives for a briefing on the draft work plan for cleanup of the site. Tamar Stephens
8/5/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC staff reviewed and sent comments on the draft Work Plan and Quality Assurance Plan. Tamar Stephens
8/23/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated sites staff reviewed the Initial Road Inspection Report. The report presents the current use and status of the section of Eielson Farm Road between the retired Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) site and the Richardson Highway, and reports the potential for additional damages to the road due to the passage of loaded side-dump trucks transporting contaminated soil for treatment. The report outlines some potential repairs that may be needed after the transportation of soil to and from the site. Potential damage to the road was a concern raised by local residents during review of the Proposed Plan. The Corps of Engineers plans to conduct road repairs attributed to the truck traffic following completion of the cleanup project. Tamar Stephens
9/7/2011 CERCLA Remedial Design/Remedial Action Plan Approved DEC staff sent an approval letter for the final Eielson Farm Road AAA Contaminated Soil Removal Work Plan. This work plan addresses cleanup of petroleum contaminated soil at three areas: the main site area, the pond area, and the former underground storage tank (UST) in the southwestern portion of the site. Tasks include: 1)site clearing and topsoil collection; demolition, removal,and disposal of concree sructures and associated conduit, piping, and waste material; trenching, ultra-violet optical screening tool (UVOST) field screening, and analytical sampling to more accurately define the plume boundary; excavation of several feet of clean overburden over an approximately two-acre area; excavation of contaminated soil from the smear zone, including two-three feet below the water table; transport of the soil to OIT for thermal treatment; and backfilling and revegetation of the excavation areas with treated soil, clean overburden, and topsoil. (Note: although this is not a CERCLA site, this action is the most representative action available in the database, and is considered appropriate because the Corps of Engineers is following the CERCLA process for this site.) Tamar Stephens
9/27/2011 Site Visit Contaminated sites staff conducted a site visit at the Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery Site on 9/27/2011. The project involves removing several feet of clean overburden soil, excavating an estimated 30,000 tons of petroleum contaminated soil from the smear zone over approximately 2 acres area, and trucking the soil to nearby OIT for thermal treatment. The job site was clean, orderly, and operating efficiently. Overburden had been removed from approximately half of the site and about 10,000 tons of soil had been removed in the week since excavation activities began. The water table is high at present, and the contractor was excavating two to three feet below the water table to reach the bottom of the zone of contamination. Saturated soil is placed on top of contaminated soil to drain, and is reportedly draining well overnight, allowing it to be transported for treatment the next day. (Stephens) Tamar Stephens
5/3/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held Project status meeting - Tamar Stephens met with Corps of Engineers staff for a briefing on work accomplished last fall and elements of the cleanup project to be completed in 2012. Tamar Stephens
1/31/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Stephens reviewed and sent comments on the draft Remedial Action Report for Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery site. This report was received on 1/17/2013. The report describes cleanup of 57,592 tons (28,275 cubic yards) of petroleum contaminated soil and sediments. The report describes additional characterization to refine the three dimensional boundaries of the soil plume, development of a plume model, excavation of a proof-of-concept area, and then the actual cleanup of the site. The site contained a large soil plume of approximately 3.5 acres of smear zone contamination and approximately one half acre of vadose contamination. The smaller area involved cleanup of petroleum contaminated soil at a former underground storage tank removal site, with an area of about 3,300 of contaminated soil remaining at the bottom of the former excavation. Cleanup at this site began in late summer of 2010, with site restoration activities completed in summer of 2011. Soil was excavated and transported to be thermally treated at OIT. Due to the large volume of soil, 8,000 tons of the soil remains to be treated and is currently stockpiled at OIT awaiting treatment. Petroleum contaminated groundwater remains at this site. The Corps of Engineers plans to install additional groundwater monitoring wells and begin sampling them during summer of 2013. Tamar Stephens
2/13/2013 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78198 Main Complex area. This update reflects changed conditions based on removal for off-site treatment of 28,275 cubuc yards of petroleum contaminated soil, backfilling of the excavation with clean soil, and revegetations of the site. Tamar Stephens
10/24/2013 Long Term Monitoring Established Approved workplan for installation of 5 additional monitoring wells. Approved initial sampling of wells to determine long term monitoring frequency. This workplan will establish a monitoring network to determine the effectiveness of the 2012 removal actions. DEC is not requiring additional soil removal at this time, however contamination remains and is impacting groundwater. Monitoring of groundwater will need to be conducted over several years to determine if concentrations of contaminants in groundwater will decline to acceptable levels. Fred Vreeman
10/24/2013 CERCLA Remedial Action Completion Report Approved removal action report. No further cleanup is required at this time, however contamination remains at the site and is impacting groundwater. Monitoring of groundwater will be needed to determine if concentrations of contaminants in groundwater will decline to acceptable levels following the removal action. A monitoring well installation plan was received in September, 2013. Fred Vreeman
10/31/2013 Site Visit DEC program manager Vreeman met with contractor project manager and technicians at the site and observed installation of 5 monitoring wells. The re-vegetation of the site is proceeding as expected. Existing monitoring wells were inspected as well. The monitoring well in place after this effort should be sufficient to determine long term results in groundwater following the removal action. Fred Vreeman
5/8/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Monitoring Report Fred Vreeman
5/14/2014 Update or Other Action Received updated information from Alaska Dept of Natural Resources on property ownership. This site is owned by Alaska Mental Health Lands Trust. Property owner updated in database. Fred Vreeman
7/25/2014 Update or Other Action Site transferred to Eric Breitenberger. Fred Vreeman
9/21/2015 Update or Other Action Spoke with USACE project manager. 2015 monitoring activities have been delayed due to contract issues. Planned monitoring will include sampling of 9 wells, analyses to include GRO/DRO/RRO, VOCs, NO2/NO3/SO4, plus Fe and Mn. Eric Breitenberger
4/15/2016 Update or Other Action Draft 2016 Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan received 3/7. DEC comments provided on 4/1. Responses received 4/6 and accepted 4/15. Final version of work plan received 5/9/2016. Eric Breitenberger
11/29/2016 Update or Other Action 2016 groundwater monitoring report approved. The report describes results from groundwater samples taken in May 2016 from nine monitoring wells at the site. This was the second round of sampling following the large removal action in 2012. Samples were analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO, VOCs, nitrogen, sulfate, iron, and manganese. None of the samples exceeded DEC cleanup levels. DEC concurs with the report’s recommendations that the next monitoring event be limited to DRO and RRO only, at the five wells within the historical source area, at a time of low groundwater elevation. The report did not specify when the next sampling event should occur; DEC recommended that sampling should be conducted in 2017 or 2018. Eric Breitenberger
5/24/2017 Update or Other Action Approved Final 2017 Groundwater Sampling Work Plan, Eielson Farm Road AAA. Work plan outlines sampling of 5 existing monitoring wells for diesel range organics, residual range organics, and dissolved iron and manganese. Gretchen Caudill
8/16/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approval – 2017 Groundwater Sampling Report Eielson Farm Road AAA, Formerly Used Defense Site. No exceedances of cleanup levels documented for 2 sampling events in 5 monitoring wells. DEC concurs with the recommendation to proceed with site closure. Gretchen Caudill
1/12/2018 Update or Other Action After discussion with management regarding closure, DEC has requested assurance of the following: -The contamination above maximum allowable concentrations has attenuated -The contamination above ingestion cleanup levels in the top 15 feet of soil has attenuated -The contamination has reached a steady state equilibrium and is not migrating to groundwater / And DEC recommends the following: -Installing two additional and deeper groundwater monitoring wells; one directly between the 2 previous samples locations above MAC (Samples 03-78/03-79) and one downgradient (leaving MW9 in place) -Screening the new wells deeper and within the depth of known contaminated soil (the current monitoring wells are screened in clean fill) -Analyzing the soil borings from the installation of the two new wells in an effort to demonstrate the potential degradation of DRO in soil since last sampling in 2011 (the degradation could be extrapolated to sample above ingestion, 03-97) Gretchen Caudill
10/23/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comments provided - 2018 WP This work plan details the installation of two additional monitoring wells to determine whether groundwater contamination is present in the areas of historic DRO concentrations above maximum allowable concentrations in soils, the evaluation of current concentrations of DRO in soils at the monitoring well boring locations, and the decommissioning of ten monitoring wells. Gretchen Caudill
2/3/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved final 2018 well installation and sampling report. USACE installed two new wells, decommissioned existing wells, and removed waste as part of a site investigation. POL were present in subsurface soils and purge water. USACE recommends further sampling of three monitoring wells and MNA parameters. Tim Sharp
2/6/2020 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78198 Main Complex area. Tim Sharp
9/28/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has Approved the 2020 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Analysis Plan. Work is expected to start in October. Three monitoring wells will be sampled, with two redeveloped first, to determine if petroleum contamination concentrations are decreasing in the groundwater. The samples will also be analyzed for dissolved iron and manganese to determine conditions for natural attenuation at the site. Tim Sharp
4/2/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent comments on the draft 2020 Groundwater Sampling Report. All three wells showed DRO concentrations above Table C, and MW-13 also showed RRO above Table C. Contaminant levels appear to be increasing in these wells. USACE recommended installing another well downgradient and continued sampling. DEC added that the soil boring to install the fourth monitoring well should be sampled for DRO and RRO. Tim Sharp
8/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final Fall 2020 Monitoring Report. All comments and recommendations were included in the final and are as indicated previously. Tim Sharp
9/15/2021 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78201 Drum Area (northwest part of site). Tim Sharp
9/15/2021 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78198 Main Complex area. Tim Sharp
10/4/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC issued comments for the Draft 2021-2022 GWM SAP. The SAP proposes further groundwater monitoring in an effort to determine if the site can be closed without LUCs. Prior recommendations included installing further monitoring well(s) to discern flow direction and plume dynamics, but do not appear to be scheduled in this work plan. Tim Sharp
10/13/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final 2021-2022 GWM SAP. Further well installation will be determined by another round of groundwater sampling. Tim Sharp
8/11/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed and submitted comments regarding the Eielson Farm Road AAA Site 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Draft Sampling Report, dated June 2022.This report describes the site background, previous investigations, objectives, results, and key personnel associated with the groundwater sampling activities during the fall of 2021 for the Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) site located in Fairbanks, Alaska. The objective of this investigation was to determine the suitability of this site for closure without land use controls. The results of this investigation determined that diesel range organics and residual range organics are still being transported downgradient at concentrations greater than the 18 AAC 75.345 Table C groundwater cleanup levels. The site is not suitable for closure at this time and an additional annual monitoring event followed by a five-year frequency monitoring program was recommended. Additionally, further investigations regarding iron speciation were recommended, to obtain a better understanding of the natural attenuation processes occurring at the site. The ADEC does not concur on the recommendation to reduce the monitoring frequency to every five years until all data gaps have been addressed and contaminant trends are stable or decreasing. Ginna Quesada
12/27/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other After multiple rounds of comments, DEC approved the Eielson Farm Road AAA Site 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Final Sampling Report, dated November 2022. This report describes the site background, previous investigations, objectives, results, and key personnel associated with the groundwater sampling activities conducted during the fall of 2021 for the Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) site located in Fairbanks, Alaska. The results of this investigation determined that diesel range organics and residual range organics are still being transported downgradient at concentrations greater than the 18 AAC 75.345 Table C groundwater cleanup levels. To determine if the plume is migrating offsite, one monitoring well will be installed directly north of the existing monitoring well cluster. The specific location of this new monitoring well will be proposed in a future work plan and the DEC will be able to provide input during the review process. Installing this new monitoring well and sampling the other existing wells will be conducted in the fall of 2023. Based on the results from the next sampling event, changes to the groundwater sampling will be discussed. Ginna Quesada
9/11/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments for the Eielson Farm Road AAA Site Groundwater Well Installation and 2023 Monitoring Work Plan, dated September 2023. This work plan describes the installation of one monitoring well downgradient of a cluster of existing monitoring wells and the proposed well sampling procedures at the Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) site located in Fairbanks, Alaska. The purpose of this work plan is to determine if the petroleum plume, consisting of diesel range organics and residual range organics at concentrations greater than the 18 AAC 75.345 Table C groundwater cleanup levels, is migrating offsite. Soil and groundwater samples will be collected from the new monitoring well and groundwater sampling will also be conducted at existing monitoring wells. Ginna Quesada
10/13/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Eielson Farm Road AAA Site Groundwater Well Installation and 2023 Monitoring Work Plan, dated October 2023. Ginna Quesada
9/3/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received a document titled Draft Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery Site 2024 Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan Addendum, Eielson Farm Road, AK on August 7, 2024. The proposed work plan addendum provides updates to the Eielson Farm Road AAA Site Groundwater Well Installation and 2023 Monitoring Work Plan for the annual groundwater monitoring to be conducted in the Fall of 2024 as a part of the 2024 Work Plan. The work plan describes the annual groundwater monitoring of four monitoring wells and the analysis of diesel range organics (DRO), residual-range organics (RRO), dissolved manganese and dissolved iron. Comments were generated for the document and sent back to the PM on September 3, 2024. Matthew Fleetwood
10/3/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Eielson Farm Road Anti-Aircraft Artillery Site 2024 Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan Addendum, dated October 3, 2024. Matthew Fleetwood

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