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Site Report: Alaska Gold Company New Gold House

Site Name: Alaska Gold Company New Gold House
Address: New Gold House, Nome, AK 99762
File Number: 400.38.028
Hazard ID: 295
Status: Active
Staff: Pax Templeton, 9072697691
Latitude: 64.503760
Longitude: -165.402348
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Gold processing operations in the 1970s used mercury amalgamation and retort to recover gold from ore. Processed tailings were left behind and contain mercury and concentrated arsenic. The building and associated structures were removed in 2004; free mercury was discovered beneath the building and was removed at that time. Subsequent sampling has delineated mercury and arsenic in soil, and detected mercury, arsenic, and methylmercury in sediments from the nearby Dry Creek, an anadromous stream, and a seasonally flooded wetlands area.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
3/5/1999 Site Ranked Using the AHRM By staff. Deborah Williams
3/5/1999 Update or Other Action Alaska Gold Company submitted a report entitled "Remedial Action Plan for the New Gold House" dated 12/13/88. The RP gave a verbal request to close the site based on the report submitted. Deborah Williams
4/30/1999 Update or Other Action ADEC sent letter to Alaska Gold Company stating that sampling of the surface water and groundwater must be conducted. The RP had requested "capping the contaminated soil" as the remedial option. ADEC stated that it was unlikely this would be approved given the site's close proximity to water. Deborah Williams
9/17/1999 Site Added to Database Mercury and Arsenic Contamination. Deborah Williams
11/26/2004 GIS Position Updated Source of information is TopoZone Pro and All topo maps. NAD 27 using site map as a reference. Deborah Williams
8/10/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC drafted a letter to Doug Nicholson of Alaska Gold Company requesting that they submit a plan for conducting additional characterization for the site prior to September 15, 2006. Deborah Williams
10/26/2006 Update or Other Action Received a telephone call from Charolette MacCay with Bristol Environmental regarding cleanup actions completed to date at the New Gold House. According to Charolette, the mine is an 80 year old mine and Nova Gold purchased the mine six years ago. They have been working on cleaning up the site as that have a budget to do so. They took down the building and shipped off any hazardous materials within in the building. Another summer they treated the water and removed the water tank. Another summer they also removed the hot spot discrete tailing piles in the area with high mercury. There are still areas of high mercury in the soil in the area. She stated that they may want to complete a pilot study at the site that would involve gravity mining the ore piles to try and remove the majority of the mercury. They are planning a meeting with ADEC on November 9th to discuss future actions. Deborah Williams
11/10/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC received the New Gold House Activities Report. According to the report, the Gold House was removed along with the hazardous chemicals and free mercury that was found in the building. The floor of the building was also shipped out as contaminated with mercury. Piles of ore with free mercury that were located inside the building as well as outside the building were also shipped out to be retorted. After demolition activities were completed, Bristol performed a soil characterization at the former New Gold House Site. The soil characterization indicated mercury levels from 0.567 to 453 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and arsenic levels from 28.9 to 46,800 mg/kg. The highest concentrations of arsenic and mercury were detected on the north and west sides of the former building. (Williams) Deborah Williams
12/15/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC drafted a letter to Charlotte MacCay (Bristol) in response to the report that was submitted. ADEC requested additional site characterization and clarification on the draft CSM that was submitted. ADEC also requested that they consider controls for the property such as installing a fence around the perimeter of the site in order to prevent any exposure to receptors until a long-term solution is implemented. Deborah Williams
3/7/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking completed. Deborah Williams
5/18/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC received a institutional control workplan to install a fence around the perimeter of the of the mercury contaminated surface soil. Bristol plans to install the fencing no later than September 2007. Deborah Williams
12/7/2007 Update or Other Action Requested update on the status of the fence. Received reply from Brent Murphy from Novagold who will be sending a report on the installation of the fence that took place during the fall of 2007. Brent Murphy is the new contact from Novagold. Tamara Cardona-Marek
3/19/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with Brent Murphy from Novagold. An updated report will be provided to DEC with all actions taken at the Alaska Gold House property. Awaiting report. Tamara Cardona-Marek
8/18/2008 Update or Other Action New contact for Novagold: Mitch Henning. Letter sent to new contact requesting status of the fence and additional site characterization. Tamara Cardona-Marek
9/11/2008 Site Visit Visited site and met with Novagold representatives and DHSS. Discussed actions needed on site. Also met (during a separate meeting) with concerned citizens in Nome and discussed issues with site and expected actions. Tamara Cardona-Marek
12/18/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC received photographs showing new signs posted on the fence of the New Gold House Property. Signs indicate "danger". Tamara Cardona-Marek
12/22/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC sent letter to NovaGold requesting update on sites. Tamara Cardona-Marek
2/25/2009 Update or Other Action Received call from Mitch Henning from NovaGold. He is attending budget meetings this week at the NovaGold Headquarters in Vancouver and will be submitting a response to DEC within the next few days. Tamara Cardona-Marek
3/16/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC received a letter from NovaGold with an update regarding their plans to cleanup the New Gold House Site. The idea is to develop a plan to cleanup the area based on the concept of reclamation. They will also look at the potential to enhance fish habitat in the area. No updates were provided on other NovaGold sites or the submission of a workplan for site characterization. Tamara Cardona-Marek
5/4/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC received from Novagold correpondence indicating their intentions for submitting a workplan for site characterization at the Alaska Gold New Gold House site and other Alaska Gold sites. Bristol Environmental is Novagold's consulting firm, they will be submitting a workplan for work in 2009 sampling season. Tamara Cardona-Marek
5/22/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC received communication from Bristol Environmental indicating they are submitting a proposal to Alaska Gold for site characterization of the New Gold House. Official communication with the proposed plan has not been received yet. Tamara Cardona-Marek
8/7/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received work plan for site characterization. DEC plans to discuss work plan with consultant on 8/10. Tamara Cardona-Marek
8/7/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71274 mercury and arsenic contamination. Tamara Cardona-Marek
8/21/2009 Proposed Plan Bristol Environmental has submitted a work plan for additional characterization of the Alaska Gold House site and Dry Creek. Discussions are taking place to modify the work plan as needed. Tamara Cardona-Marek
4/8/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the 2009 Soil Investigation Report from Bristol Environmental. 34 soil borings were advanced with a geoprobe, surface water and sediment samples were also collected. Highest analyzed mercury concentration in the soil was 49 ppm; highest arsenic was 2450. No adequate correlation between screening instrument and laboratory results was observed. Surface water samples were below the water quality criteria for the state of Alaska. DEC believes the investigation is not adequate enough the estimate the amount of Hg in the area, particularly since resulta are significantly different from the characterization done in 2006. Tamara Cardona-Marek
12/15/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with NovaGold. NovaGold discussed the results of a benchscale project to immobilize mercury from the soil of the New Gold House site. No workplan has been submitted for work. Tamara Cardona-Marek
6/20/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received a Site Characterization Summary and Background Arsenic Summary from GeoEngineers. Site Characterization Summary evaluates the usefulness of the available data and summarizes the current conceptual site model. Tamara Cardona-Marek
7/18/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received from GeoEngineers the Supplemental Site Characterization Work Plan. Work Plan proposes to install 21 soil borings to be sampled for mercury, arsenic, and petroleum compounds. Sediment , surface water, and groundwater sampling will also be completed. Tamara Cardona-Marek
7/27/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC discussed with NovaGold and Geoengineers the submitted Supplemental Site Characetrization Work Plan. GeoEngineers will submit discussed revisions and additions to the work plan. Tamara Cardona-Marek
8/1/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments on the Site Characterization Summary. Tamara Cardona-Marek
5/24/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with Novagold and their consultants to briefly discuss the findings of the sampling conducted during the 2011 field season. Tamara Cardona-Marek
5/29/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the GeoEngineers Supplemental Site Characterization Summary. Tamara Cardona-Marek
8/3/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the final supplemental site characterization summary report from GeoEngineers. Robert Burgess
9/11/2012 Site Visit DEC visited site during installation of monitoring wells. Some of the well locations have been modified to account for high water table in some areas and permafrost in others. Tamara Cardona-Marek
2/8/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the Groundwater Well Installation and Monitoring Summary for the Former New Gold House and 6th avenue sites Robert Burgess
3/8/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the Surface soil removal report: Nome legacy sites dated Feb. 2013 Robert Burgess
4/1/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the Groundwater Sampling and Analysis plan for the Former New Gold House and 6th Avenue sites Robert Burgess
4/15/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the Cleanup Techniques Evaluation report from GeoEngineers Robert Burgess
5/16/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with NovaGold and GeoEngineers to discuss the current status of the site and proposed future work. Mercury contamination and high levels of arsenic exist in the soil beneath the former gold house location but groundwater does not appear to be affected at this time. Mercury was also detected in sediment from dry creek. Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination exists in soil and groundwater and is attributable to upgradient sources. GeoEngineers has proposed a soil cap and ongoing groundwater monitoring at the site as a remedial strategy. NovaGold has expressed concern with any remedial activity necessitating soil disturbance as they claim that it has the potential to adversely affect the petroleum contamination associated with the adjacent former power plant (6th avenue) site. Robert Burgess
6/18/2013 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71274 mercury and arsenic contamination. Robert Burgess
7/18/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with NovaGold, Oasis, GeoEngineers, and representatives of Bering Straits Native Corporation and the City of Nome to discuss the Former Alaska Gold Power Plant (400.38.040) and the New Gold House sites. DEC shared concerns about mercury fate and transport and the detections of mercury and methylmercury in Dry Creek sediments, as well as the potential for a proposed in situ cap to increase the rates of methylation of mercury. Work to be conducted in the near future includes groundwater monitoring, re-sampling of sediments using grab samples or sub-sampled cores to focus on the biologically active layer of sediments (upper 10 cm), and ecoscoping to determine if impacts to the ecosystem need further investigation. The installation of additional monitoring wells to provide additional delineation of the hydrocarbon plume was also discussed, and will likely require further discussion. Robert Burgess
7/19/2013 Update or Other Action Site symbol relocated using ArcGIS and BING satellite imagery Robert Burgess
8/1/2013 Update or Other Action DEC sent a letter to NovaGold that included a summary of DEC's concerns and decisions made in the July 18 meeting regarding upcoming work at the Gold House and Power Plant sites. The letter also included additional comments on work performed and expectations of future work to be conducted at both sites. Robert Burgess
9/5/2013 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC reviewed and commented on the 2013 Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Gold House and 6th avenue Power Plant sites. After response to comments and further discussion, the plan was approved with revisions. Monitoring wells will be sampled for mercury, arsenic, and petroleum hydrocarbons on the Gold House site, and for petroleum hydrocarbons only on the Power Plant site. Dry Creek sediments will be sampled for mercury, methyl mercury, and petroleum hydrocarbons in particular areas. Sediment samples will target the upper 10 cm of sediment for accurate methyl mercury results. Robert Burgess
9/9/2013 Site Visit DEC project managers visited the Power Plant and New Gold House sites. At the New Gold House, DEC project managers walked along Dry Creek with GeoEngineers project staff in order to locate sediment sampling locations. Five sampling locations were identified in the stream, and it was agreed that an additional sample could be taken from the pond. Adult salmon and unidentified minnows were observed in the creek during the visit. Robert Burgess
9/10/2013 Site Visit DEC project manager visited the New Gold House to observe sediment and surface water sampling. Samples were successfully obtained with a hand-held sampling scoop in all five agreed-upon locations, the pond, and an additional upstream location for comparison. Sediment samples will be analyzed for all COCs, including mercury, methylmercury, arsenic, BTEX, GRO, DRO, and RRO. Two surface water samples were also taken. Robert Burgess
3/4/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed the 2013 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Sediment Monitoring Summary report for the Former New Gold House and 6th Avenue (Former AK Gold Power Plant) sites. Sample results indicate that mercury, arsenic, and DRO contamination are present above screening levels in Dry Creek sediments near the mercury and arsenic source area. Methylmercury was also present in sediment samples and samples closer to the source area and with higher concentrations of total mercury were higher in methylmercury concentration. Arsenic was also detected above surface water criteria in the surface water sample nearest to the source area and co-located with the sediment samples with the highest contaminant concentrations. Sediments from the pond had the highest arsenic concentration. In addition, wells GMW1R and MW-5 increased in DRO concentration relative to the previous sampling event in 2012, and contained DRO concentrations above cleanup levels. The groundwater gradient flowed more to the west than the gradient calculated in 2012, indicating possible variations in groundwater flow. Robert Burgess
4/3/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with ADEC, NovaGold, Bering Straits Native Corporation, and City of Nome. NovaGold requested meeting with ADEC Commissioner to discuss status of Former Alaska Gold New Gold House and Former Alaska Gold Powerplant. NovaGold recently sold their subsidiary, Alaska Gold Company, to Bering Straits Native Corporation. NovaGold plans to complete cleanup at the New Gold House site but does not plan to conduct additional characterization of cleanup work at the former Powerplant site. Discussions centered around City of Nome's plans regarding the former Powerplant site and NovaGold's plans to cap mercury contaminated soil at the New Gold House site. Janice Wiegers
6/16/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received and reviewed the Updated Cleanup Techniques Evaluation (Feasibility Study) and Ecoscoping document. The report re-evaluates cleanup options and provides cost and effectiveness summaries. The suggested technique is to cap the contamination in place. The Ecoscoping document does not evaluate aquatic receptors despite mercury and arsenic being detected in stream sediments and the pond and wetlands. Robert Burgess
9/13/2014 Update or Other Action DEC sent a letter replying to the June 2, 2014 Updated Cleanup Techniques Evaluation (Feasibility Study) and Ecoscoping document submitted by NovaGold. The letter indicated that the selected remedy cannot be implemented at this time because the ecoscoping document submitted with the report did not take any "off ramps," indicating that ecological risk needs further evaluation. DEC requested a screening-level ecological risk assessment (SLERA) be conducted at the site. Robert Burgess
9/15/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2014 Groundwater, Sediment and Surface Water Sampling and Analysis plan after review and comment resolution. Groundwater will be sampled for petroleum, mercury, methylmercury, and arsenic. Sediment samples from the stream will be analyzed for mercury, methylmercury, and arsenic; selected sediment samples near the petroleum contamination will also be analyzed for DRO. Additional sediment samples from the wetlands area will be taken as well and analyzed for the same consituents along with co-located surface water samples. Robert Burgess
11/18/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC commented on the "SLERA approach, Annotated Outline" document submitted by GeoEngineers and NovaGold. The document describes general approaches to performing a screening level ecological risk assessment but does not constitute a complete workplan. DEC comments include that additional sediment data is warranted, especially in the wetlands area, that additional information on stormwater surge and stream hydrology is needed, and that all contaminants of concern or potential concern, including petroleum-related constituents allegedly from an upgradient source, must be taken into account to calculate risk. Robert Burgess
3/18/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments to the 2014 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Sediment Monitoring Summary Report and the Hydrographic Reconnaissance Summary of Findings. Comments included reiterating that extreme storm and flooding events must be taken into account when evaluating risk and remedies for the site, as well as a discussion of appropriate ecological screening levels based on DEC's water quality criteria manual. Robert Burgess
7/27/2015 Update or Other Action DEC received a letter from NovaGold that indicated that they "do not see the value in continuing to pursue a risk assessment" for the site. Robert Burgess
8/24/2015 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71274 mercury and arsenic contamination. Robert Burgess
9/2/2015 Update or Other Action DEC sent a letter responding to NovaGold's letter dated July 27, 2015. The response highlighted the importance of a risk assessment and the regulatory obligation to perform one. Robert Burgess
9/15/2015 Site Visit DEC project manager visited the site to observe sediment, surface water, and groundwater sampling. During the site visit, several adult salmon were seen swimming upstream and gathering at the pool below the culvert under Nome Bypass Road. Juvenile and fry salmonids as well as sculpin were also seen in various locations throughout the stream, with the largest fish and greatest number near the source area and the sediment sample with highest mercury and arsenic concentrations. In addition, several Nome residents were observed harvesting salmon at various locations in the stream. Robert Burgess
12/14/2015 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with NovaGold to discuss the status of the site based on recent data, ecological risk assessment, and cleanup options. DEC noted that current arsenic data for groundwater suggests that it may be mobile and a cap may not be protective for this contaminant. DEC also reiterated the need for a work plan describing how the screening level ecological risk assessment (SLERA) will be conducted. Robert Burgess
2/23/2016 Update or Other Action DEC sent a letter to NovaGold to follow up on the December 14, 2015 meeting. The letter included a request for excavation of contaminated source area soils based on the apparent mobility of arsenic in groundwater and site conditions that may contribute to arsenic mobilization and mercury methylation. The letter requested a response by April 4, 2016. Robert Burgess
5/11/2016 Update or Other Action DEC received a response to the February 23rd letter that included a deadline for response of April 4, 2016. Included with the letter was the draft 2015 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Sediment Monitoring Summary report. Robert Burgess
6/28/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with Max Schwenne, hired as a facilitator by NovaGold, to discuss site needs. DEC emphasized the importance of an understanding of the hydrological system of the stream and wetlands, including a seasonal analysis of groundwater elevation and flow direction, improved understanding of seasonal or storm-related flooding events, and geochemical conditions that may affect the fate and transport of contaminants. DEC also stressed the need for ecological risk assessment as had been previously agreed to. Mr. Schwenne agreed to discuss the site needs with NovaGold and requested that DEC hold off on responses to letters until receiving an update from NovaGold. Robert Burgess
9/20/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments to the Draft 2016 Sampling and Analysis Plan, following telephone conversations with NovaGold's consultants. Minor revisions were requested, including the addition of two sediment sampling locations. Following NovaGold's agreement to make the changes, conditional approval of the email was granted contingent upon receiving a revised final version. Robert Burgess
9/30/2016 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Following receipt of a revised Final 2016 Sampling and Analysis Plan, DEC reviewed the plan to document that requested revisions were made and issued a formal approval letter. Robert Burgess
10/5/2016 Site Visit DEC project manager visited the site to observe collection of sediment and surface water samples. Water levels in the Dry Creek floodplain were much higher than documented during previous mobilizations and areas near the source area were saturated. Robert Burgess
12/12/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the final 2015 Monitoring Summary. Robert Burgess
12/13/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with NovaGold for a pre-scoping meeting. The goal of the meeting was to come to agreement on major points of continuing work, including risk assessment and long-term monitoring, in order to further support implementation of NovaGold's preferred remedy of a remedial soil cap. Robert Burgess
7/28/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the Draft Fish tissue sampling plan from NOVAGOLD. The plan was prepared by Owl Ridge Consultants and describes the sampling of fish in Dry Creek near the source area, upstream, and at a reference stream. Fish tissue will be analyzed for mercury, methylmercury, and arsenic. Robert Burgess
8/15/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed the Fish Sampling Plan and sent comments to NovaGold. Comments included requests to include data interpretation in plans, recommendations to speciate arsenic, justification of distances between sampling locations, discussion of possible anthropogenic influences on sampling locations, and clarification on analyses including differentiating between adults and juveniles, specific tissues to be analyzed, minimum analysis weight required by the laboratory, and QA/QC protocols. The letter with comment tables requested a reporting deadline of November 6, 2017. Robert Burgess
8/17/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC and NOVAGOLD held a meeting to discuss NovaGold's responses to comments on the Fish Sampling Plan. Robert Burgess
11/13/2017 Update or Other Action DEC received the Draft 2017 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Sediment Monitoring Summary report from NovaGold. Included in the transmittal email was a statement saying that fish tissue results would be provided within a month. Robert Burgess
1/17/2018 Update or Other Action DEC inquired regarding the status of the Fish Sampling Report and received a response that the state veterinarian's lab, which was being used for sample processing, has not processed the samples for methylmercury due to a need to calibrate equipment for these analyses. The DEC project manager encouraged NovaGold to send samples to a commercial laboratory in order to get samples processed in a time frame that would allow planning for the next field season. Robert Burgess
4/12/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the draft Fish Tissue Report, written by Owl Ridge consultants. The report does not include methylmercury data, which NovaGold stated will be submitted at a later date. The report documents the results of analyzing 5 samples from each study site, although 15 were collected and the work plan stated that all would be analyzed. The results do not show clear statistical differences between body condition or contaminant loads between Dry Creek sites, however the variability in samples near the source area is higher than at the locations they were compared to and questions remain. Robert Burgess
6/1/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received a memo summarizing methylmercury data from fish sampling. The memo states that the fish samples from both dry creek sites (near the source area and upstream) have elevated methylmercury compared to the reference stream, indicating that methylmercury in fish from Dry Creek may be influence from an upstream source. Robert Burgess
8/10/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the 2018 Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling and Analysis Plan. Robert Burgess
3/19/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the draft 2018 Groundwater, Surface water, and Sediment Monitoring Summary. The report summarizes the sampling of surface water and sediments at several locations in Dry Creek for mercury, methylmercury, arsenic, and petroleum in some samples. A visible petroleum sheen on Dry Creek surface waters was noted in field notes along with reports of petroleum smells during sampling of sediment and surface water around the location of sample SW-3. Mercury results in surface water at this location were the highest recorded since annual sampling began in 2012. Arsenic was also detected in surface water above cleanup levels and water quality criteria at several sampling locations, including SW-3. Juvenile salmonids are often observed in high abundance at this location. As a whole, comparison of current and past data show a highly dynamic system where contaminant concentrations in sediment and surface water are not stable and fluctuate within a large range. Robert Burgess
7/19/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Nova Gold and DEC management to discuss options for capping and a monitoring plan to ensure cap is effective. Nova Gold intends to work on a capping design/cleanup plan within the next 2.5 weeks. Janice Wiegers
12/19/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff reviewed the revised reports "Final Report, NovaGold Resources, Inc., Dry Creek Fish Tissue Sampling and Evaluation, Update Final Version 2" and "Final 2018 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Sediment Monitoring Summary, Former New Gold House and 6th Avenue Sites Nome, Alaska." A request was again made for lab reports, raw data and a completed Laboratory Data Review Checklist for methylmercury analyses of whole body juvenile coho salmon, and a completed checklist for all other analyses of whole body juvenile coho salmon. ADEC also reviewed NovaGold's response to ADEC review comments in the document "ADEC Comments to Final Report: Dry Creek Fish Tissue Sampling and Evaluation, May 31, 2018 for Former New Gold House." ADEC responded with disagreement to several conclusions that were included in the NovaGold's reply to comments, ending with a request for the comments to be addressed in version (3) of the Revised Annual Report. Laura Jacobs
2/19/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC Program Managers and staff met with the RP and their consultants in Anchorage and the Fairbanks staff telephonically. Proposed site mitigation plans were discussed, as was a preliminary review of the 2019 monitoring report just received and not reviewed (2/13/20). Plans were discussed for an updated site figure with the proposed location of the cap and monitoring points. Laura Jacobs
1/12/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff reviewed the document "Proposed Remedial Action for Nome Former New Gold House" submitted to our office March 11, 2020, and sent review comments. A cap has been proposed as an engineered control to exposures to the contaminated soils present at the site. With these comments, ADEC has requested final plans be submitted for review. Laura Jacobs
8/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed and approved the 2021 Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling and Analysis Plan, Revision 01, Former New Gold House Site, Nome, Alaska. Sediment, surface water, and groundwater samples will be collected during the annual monitoring event in September. Transducers will be retrieved, repaired and reinstalled to collect additional data on groundwater behavior. Laura Jacobs
8/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC has reviewed the Draft Pre-Design Field and Technical Work Plan submitted to our office July 22, 2021. ADEC approved this work plan as submitted. This submittal included plans to complete a site survey, review existing Federal Emergency Management Agency hydraulic models of the Nome Dry Creek and its floodplain, and conduct a geotechnical investigation to evaluate soil conditions and characteristics within the footprint of the cap. These efforts will aid the development of the final detailed cap design. Laura Jacobs
7/8/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Contaminated Sites Program and the Solid Waste Program reviewed the finalized versions of the Final Hydraulic Report, Former New Gold House Site, Nome, Alaska, and Final Remedial Design for Nome Former New Gold House (FNGH) Site and have issued an approval. The Hydraulic Report was a desktop exercise in modeling water movement across the site and specifically the location that will be covered by a cap. The Final Remedial Design includes a set of plans describing materials, and extent of capping materials. Laura Jacobs
7/8/2022 Cleanup Plan Approved DEC's approval of the Final Hydraulic Report, Former New Gold House Site, Nome, Alaska and the Final Remedial Design for Nome Former New Gold House (FNGH) Site was sent. Both staff from the Contaminated Sites Program and the Solid Waste Program reviewed and approved the report and remedial design plan. Laura Jacobs
8/8/2022 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff attended the monthly Nome City Council meeting regarding a proposed plan to cap contaminated soils at the Alaska Gold - Former New Gold House site. The RP presented the plans to the City Council which were members of the community of Nome. The council requested additional outreach to the public to inform them of upcoming capping activities planned for October. Laura Jacobs
8/25/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review comments were sent to the RP regarding the "Draft Monitoring and Maintenance Plan Engineered Fill Cap, Former New Gold House Site, Nome Alaska" received by our office July 1, 2022. Post capping monitoring will begin by re-installation of monitoring wells in the footprint of the cap, followed by sample collection of surface water, sediments, and groundwater in very nearly the same locations as before the cap installation. The plan is in draft form and will be discussed further. Laura Jacobs
9/8/2022 Meeting or Teleconference Held A meeting was held with RP and consultants to discuss the DEC review comments for the proposed maintenance and monitoring plan for the planned cap of contaminated soils. Sample locations were discussed as well as additional analytes for surface water, sediment and groundwater samples. A revised table with sample locations, and analytes will be sent out. Laura Jacobs
4/27/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC finalized comments for the revised Final Monitoring and Maintenance Plan Engineered Fill Cap, Former New Gold House Site received by our office on April 18, 2023. Maintenance and monitoring will occur annually post construction of the cap, and installation of replacement wells, followed with fencing and boulders as site protection measures. Monitoring wells, sediment samples and surface water samples will be collected twice annually, in the spring and in the fall. An inspection of the cap will occur while staff are on site. A member of the community will provide caretaker observations during the winter months. An annual report will be provided to DEC presenting sample results, and maintenance activities for each of the five years following construction. At the end of five years of monitoring efforts, a final report that includes trends determined for contaminants of concern will be provided to DEC for evaluation of potential site closure. Laura Jacobs
8/22/2023 Update or Other Action DEC received a phone call and email update from the RP regarding progress capping the contaminants on site. The cap has been installed with final soil layer applied, but it is too late to re-seed at this time. RP will continue to operate Best Management Practices to control erosion and prevent silt from entering Dry Creek. A change in consruction plans to use boulders to surround the capped area in place of fencing will be submitted this week. Laura Jacobs
7/10/2024 Site Visit Completed site visit in the company of the Responsible Party and Qualified Environmental Professionals as well as staff with Bering Straits Native Corporation. Laura Jacobs

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments

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Description Details
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
25216 Former Alaska Gold Power Plant 400.38.040, 400.57.002

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