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Site Report: Former Quality Fabrication

Site Name: Former Quality Fabrication
Address: 360 East 100th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99503
File Number: 2100.38.198
Hazard ID: 3004
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.128611
Longitude: -149.876111
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Surface contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons and solvents documented at this metal fabrication industrial and commercial site. Multiple events and source areas identified as widespread stained surface soils and sheen on shallow groundwater, among the sources were an estimated 200 gallon gasoline spill and cleanup in 1991 and the 1998 investigation and cleanup of two areas contaminated by used oil, diesel and other petroleum hyrdocarbons released to the ground surface on dates unknown that were associated with drum storage and equipment parking and maintenance.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/30/1991 Update or Other Action Spill report made on VRCA (consultant) form, notes that area affected is 60 x 60 square feet and notes that the pad at Quality Fab reportedly has a liner in place approximately 3 feet below the ground surface. However, field notes and observations of excavation do not include a description of such a subsurface liner. Scott Bailey
9/3/1991 Update or Other Action Written spill report form and letter received that explains "While moving a gasoline storage tank and drip pan with a crane to an asphalt pad, the chains slipped on the tank causing the tank to fall over. Approximately 200 gallons spilled from the fitting on top of the tank before we could get it stood back up." Letter notes that excavation of contaminated soil began on August 31, 1991. Consultant VRCA described spill area as 40 by 10 foot area. Scott Bailey
10/1/1991 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter ADEC letter acknowledging telephoned report of spill 1991-2-1-1-242-2 and outlining regulatory requirements by ADEC. Scott Bailey
11/12/1991 Update or Other Action Telephone conversation notes from staff conversaton with R&M Consultants representative. Marianne See
11/14/1991 Update or Other Action Letter from R&M Consultants to ADEC. R&M hired to perform soil sampling. One of two samples exceeded Level B cleanup guideline levels. Level C is cleanup level, according to calculations by consultant. Note on letter from Scott Bailey dated 12/4/1991 - "OK to dispose on site." Scott Bailey
2/1/1992 Update or Other Action Phase II Environmental Assessment dated February 1992 in file. The report states that the assessment was done to assist Quality Fabrication in evaluating potential environmental liabilities associated with the property and addresses sources other than the 1991 aboveground tank release that resulted in site closure. (Staff inputting action: E. Olson) Scott Bailey
2/20/1992 Update or Other Action No Further Action letter issued for 1991 spill. Scott Bailey
5/1/1998 Update or Other Action Phase I Environmental Site Assessment dated May 1998 by ESL in file. (Staff inputting action: E.Olson) Jim Frechione
6/1/1998 Update or Other Action Spill report dated 6/1/1998 for April 23, 1998 spill from consultant ESL in file including the following info: Date, Time First Observed: April 23, 1998 Source: Cut-dovm 55 gallon drum (approx 15-20 gal capacity) left by tenant maintenance on their heavy equipment stored in the yard of the facility Cause: Waste oil in cut down drum overflowed when drum filled with rainwater Location: Adjacent to south end of warehouse building Describe Spill Movement: Oil spread on surface of gravel pad; less than 250 SF impacted. No contact with groundwater or impact to offsite surface drainage. Type of Material Spilled: Lubricating oil Estimated Volume: Less than 15 gallons Potential or Actual Damage: None anticipated beyond surface oil staining Jim Frechione
7/1/1998 Update or Other Action ESL report in file "Spill Response/Phase II Site Investigation" dated July 1998. (Action input by E. Olson). Jim Frechione
7/24/1998 Update or Other Action Rec'd letter report from ESL with subject line "Spill Response and Contaminant Investigation". The report describes site conditions and a proposed remediation strategy, including landspreading of stockpiled soil containing DRO and RRO above cleanup levels (landspreading was not done, instead the soil was thermally treated off-site - see entry dated 8/5/1998). Report documents excavation of 75 cubic yards of soil in May 1998. Jim Frechione
8/4/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC review letter for July 24, 1998 "Spill Response and Contaminant Investigation" report for site. The letter includes a request for a referenced site investigation report (James Montgomery 1990-1991 Phase I1 Site Investigation) that documented petroleum hydrocarbon contamination at the site and that has not been submitted to ADEC. The letter also notes that ADEC has a closed file for this site, designated CS100.80, which addressed the investigation and cleanup of a 200-gallon gasoline spill that occurred in August 1991. Jim Frechione
8/5/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC letter approving request of same date to transport soil offsite for thermal remediation and acknowledging the request for site closure. Jim Frechione
8/10/1998 Update or Other Action Letter from consultant supporting no further action determination with discussion of status of excavated stockpiled contaminated soil (est. 150 cubic yards). Letter notes that request for consideration of landspreading at property is moot since soil has been transported offsite for thermal remediation. Jim Frechione
8/27/1998 Update or Other Action Letter from consultant to ADEC confirming transportation and thermal treatment of contaminated soil complete and requesting no further action status for site. Jim Frechione
9/16/1998 Update or Other Action Letter from ADEC to Northrim Bank as RP, requesting additional site investigation. (Letter not in file 12/11/2007, however, letter is referenced in September 24, 1998 letter from ESL and October 7, 1998 letter from ADEC to Northrim Bank. Jeff Ginalias
9/24/1998 Update or Other Action Response from consultant to ADEC letter of September 16, 1998. Consultant discussed the completed remediation of contaminated soil and various potential contaminant sources including sumps in building floor that were examined and determined not to leak and not to have been connected to a drain system. The consultant concluded that additional investigation of groundwater was not necessary Jim Frechione
10/7/1998 Update or Other Action Review letter requesting additional soil and groundwater investigation to fully characterize the site. The letter notes that groundwater was sampled in one location in 1991, and that the shallow depth to groundwater and other conditions warrant additional investigation. Jeff Ginalias
7/27/2004 Site Added to Database GRO. Sarah Cunningham
7/27/2005 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Preliminary ranking. Former Staff
7/27/2005 GIS Position Updated Using the Anchorage Area Atlas, Site Map, and TopoZone Pro, plotted coordinates between the two hottest sampled spots on the property. Used no topo base map, street map and hi-res urban aerial photography overlays on a Large map, 1:3,333 scale, NAD83. High degree of accuracy. Former Staff
7/27/2005 Site Number Identifier Changed Changed Workplan from 10 to 01. Former Staff
5/15/2006 Update or Other Action Site transferred from Frechione to Sundet. Aggie Blandford
1/28/2008 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued Site Closure and Record of Decision (ROD) issued. Site closure granted based on determination that soil and groundwater at the site meet ADEC cleanup levels for soil under 18 AAC 75.341 Method 2 Tables B1 and B2, and for groundwater under 18 AAC 75.345, Table C. Rich Sundet
11/23/2010 Site Reopened On 11/23/10, S&W provided a report dated 11/5/10 to Udelhoven Oilfield Support Systems, Inc. a leasee of a portion of the site and potential leasee of more of the property. Site visits were performed on 9/15 and further assessment work was performed on 9/22, 10/12 and 10/13/2010 consisting of the collection/analysis of surface soil samples based upon field screening and visual observations. Eight analytical samples were collected from visually stained surface soils and analyzed for DRO, RRO, GRO, BTEX and the eight RCRA metals. Seven samples were collected from the western portion of the property and analyzed for the same analytes except BTEX was exchanged for VOC analysis. One water sample was collected from the crawl space in the on site building for the same analytes as collected from the western portion of the property. The report showed that the analytes above cleanup levels that their maximum levels of detection were: PCE at 70.7 mg/kg, chromium at 68.2 mg/kg, arsenic at 12.6 mg/kg, RRO at 106,000 mg/kg, and DRO at 64,800 mg/kg J qualifier. In the test pit only RRO exceeded its Table C level at 1.85 mg/L. Rich Sundet
11/23/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held On 11/23/10, DEC met with the property owner (Miles Schlosberg), a current leaseholder Mark Larson, realtor Karl Kuhn, and S&Ws Matt Hemry and Jessica Busey. Discussion focused upon the recent S&W report that Matt Hemry provided to DEC earlier on 11/23 that showed recent sampling of elevated chromium, RRO, DRO and PCE in soil, and RRO in groundwater in a test pit. Miles requested that a plan be submitted for the next phase (further characterization and perhaps skimming off surface contamination and dispose off site) in April. DEC agreed based upon that there does not appear to be an immediate human health or ecological risk. The recent assessment work was paid for by a group (Udelhoven) who recently began leasing the eastern portion of the property. Mark Larson's company is currently leasing the western portion of the property. Rich Sundet
4/15/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC conditional approval letter and information request issued for the site characterization work plan dated March 29, 2011, prepared by Shannon & Wilson Inc. (S&W). The work plan describes the project scope as consisting of further characterizing areas of concern indentified based on 2010 sampling activities reported in S&W's "Limited Environmental Baseline Study" dated November 5, 2010, with field activities to include advancing soil probes and collecting surface and subsurface soil samples; installing one groundwater monitoring well point and collecting one groundwater sample; collecting surface soil samples; and preparing a summary report. Conditions of plan approval included submittal of information including two 2008 reports prepared by BGES and submittal of field notes for work done in 2010. Eileen Olson
7/28/2011 Update or Other Action Received "Site Characterization...July 2011" report received 7/28/2011. The report documents work done in April 2011. Eileen Olson
8/17/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff met with consultant representative for Shannon & Wilson and with property owner (ActiveSpace LLC) to go over results of report submitted 7/28/2011. Eileen Olson
9/16/2011 Update or Other Action ADEC received a "Work Plan for Soil Removal Action" dated Sept. 16, 2011 and prepared by Shannon & Wilson, and that entails excavation of select areas of the site but does not address all areas of surface staining documented at the site. Eileen Olson
10/4/2011 Site Visit Site visit; ADEC staff met with consultant, owner's representative, and former tenant Udelhoven representatives. Eileen Olson
10/7/2011 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC conditionally approved in an email a limited version of the "Work Plan for Soil Removal Action" dated September 16, 2011; the limited version was proposed in an email from consultant Shannon & Wilson sent October 7, 2011 at 12:36 p.m. and entails excavating PCE-contaminated soil, with the understanding that ASR cannot treat PCE-contaminated soil and ADEC must approve of an alternative treatment method. Eileen Olson
10/28/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff met with owner's legal representatives and environmental consultants to discuss outstanding issues at the site including whether additional investigation of groundwater, stained surface soil and floor drains is required. Eileen Olson
12/29/2011 Update or Other Action ADEC received "Summary of Groundwater Conditions" report prepared by Shannon & Wilson dated December 29, 2011 (supplementary information was submitted by email on February 24,2012). Eileen Olson
5/31/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter issued with subject line "Request for groundwater investigation." Request was made based on a review of the file including the "Summary of Groundwater Conditions" document prepared by Shannon & Wilson dated December 29, 2011 with supplementary information submitted by email on February 24,2012. Additional investigation is required to complete site characterization, including determining whether groundwater is or has been a contaminant transport mechanism at the site. Eileen Olson
6/1/2012 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter ADEC ltr to owner "Notification of ADEC Cost Recovery Requirements". Eileen Olson
6/5/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff met with consultant to discuss requirements of May 31, 2012 letter requesting groundwater investigation. Consultant requested that ADEC provide information regarding communications with EPA's Underground Injection Control (UIC) program regarding floor drains. ADEC checked with EPA; EPA will communicate directly with consultant as owner's representative. Consultant recommended and ADEC did not object to plan to initially place one well in the PCE-contaminated southwest area of the site to determine groundwater status before installing additional wells requested by ADEC. Eileen Olson
6/6/2012 Update or Other Action ADEC followed up 6/5/2012 meeting by providing current consultant with file references regarding the groundwater depth at the site based on previous investigations. For example a 1992 report by consultant JMM on file includes three monitoring wells placed in the southwest area of the site with groundwater present in all of the wells at about 12.5 feet bgs. A 1998 report by consultant ESL also noted groundwater was encountered about 12.5 feet bgs. Eileen Olson
6/28/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC conditionally approved the "Work Plan Addendum for Monitoring Well Installation" dated June 15, 2012 and submitted on June 20, 2012. The plan proposes to install a single monitoring well in the southwest corner of the site close to the location of soil samples containing PCE above cleanup levels. ADEC conditions include placing the well 5-10 feet in the presumed downgradient direction from the location of surface sample SS3, which had a reported concentration of 70.7 mg/kg PCE during sampling in 2010; re-establishing the location of surface sample SS3 using the swing tie measurements recorded in the 2010 field notes; and placing the monitoring well screened interval from a depth of 5 to 20 feet below the ground surface to intercept shallow groundwater present in the area at depths varying from 4 to 12 feet below ground surface. Eileen Olson
10/16/2012 Update or Other Action ADEC received a report and a work plan prepared by S&W. The report is the "Monitoring Well Installation and Groundwater Sampling" report dated Oct. 14, 2012 that reports the results of August 9 and 10, 2012 monitoring well installation and groundwater sampling. The report notes that the depth to groundwater measured at the time of sampling (8.18 feet bgs) was over 5 feet higher than the top of the well screen and therefore the groundwater analytical results may not be representative of the groundwater formation at approximately 8 feet bgs. The plan that was submitted on this date is titled "Work Plan Addendum for Soil Removal Action and Monitoring Well Installation" dated October 15, 2012. Eileen Olson
10/29/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved by email the "Work Plan Addendum" dated Oct 15, 2012 proposing the installation of one monitoring well. The well will be placed in the presumed downgradient direction from the location of PCE concentrations above soil cleanup levels in the southwest corner of the site. The plan is an addendum to the approved "Work Plan for Soil Removal Action" dated Sept. 16, 2011. The addendum was approved with the condition that ADEC staff are notified no later than the business day preceding work at the site, and kept apprised of any schedule changes so that staff may have the opportunity to observe site work. Eileen Olson
11/2/2012 Update or Other Action ADEC staff was informed by consultant that work scheduled for fall 2013 under the plan approved on 10/29/2012 would be postponed until the next field season. Eileen Olson
6/19/2013 Update or Other Action Consultant S&W informed staff that a monitoring well will be installed on June 20, 2013 near the northeast corner of the site to investigate groundwater contamination at the site in accordance with S&W's work plan dated October 15, 2012, with the modification that the well will be placed ~10 feet from the planned location to avoid utilities. Eileen Olson
6/28/2013 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 73979 name: auto-generated pm edit Former Quality Fabrication Eileen Olson
9/23/2013 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 73979 auto-generated pm edit Former Quality Fabrication. Eileen Olson
11/18/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A Soil Removal Action and Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation report, dated November 13, 2013, was received by the DEC on this date. Field activities consisted of advancing one soil boring and installing one groundwater monitoring well on the northeast portion of the lot, excavating contaminated material on the southwest portion of the lot (including PCE), and constructing a biocell for the removed contaminated soil. Soil samples collected from the soil boring and excavation, and water samples collected from the monitoring well were analyzed for DRO and RRO. Additionally, the samples collected from the excavation were analyzed for VOCs. The soil samples collected from the biocell were analyzed for nitrates, potassium, phosphorous, and alkalinity. The groundwater sample exhibited a concentration of DRO at 2.52 mg/L and RRO 1.82 mg/L; both of which exceed their approved ADEC cleanup levels. It was suspected that biogenic interference contributed to the elevated DRO and RRO in the groundwater. As such, the groundwater samples were re-run with silica gel and both DRO and RRO were not detected above ADEC cleanup levels. Analytical samples collected from the base and sidewall of the excavation did not exhibit any constituent concentrations that exceeded the ADEC cleanup criteria. Joshua Barsis
1/6/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 73979 auto-generated pm edit Former Quality Fabrication. Joshua Barsis
1/24/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with Shannon and Wilson, Inc. on this day to discuss the groundwater conditions at this site. Two main topics were discussed during the meeting; namely, biogenic contribution to the groundwater contamination and the potential for a perched aquifer at the site. Joshua Barsis
5/21/2014 Site Visit The Contaminated Sites Program (CSP) performed a site visit on this day. The CSP observed the decommissioning of two Monitoring Wells (B7MW and B8MW). Additionally, the CSP observed a representative of S&W screen and sample the onsite bio-pile. Five separate holes were advanced within the pile ranging from roughly 24-inches to 36-inches below ground surface (bgs). Soil was collected from the base of each hole and field screened using a photoionization detector (PID). Based on the field screening results, three analytical soil samples (including a duplicate), were collected from the two holes that exhibited the highest field screening results. Joshua Barsis
7/2/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this day, the ADEC received the Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Biopile Sampling report, dated June 25, 2014. On May 21, 2014, Monitoring Wells B7MW and B8MW were removed from the ground and decommissioned. Additionally, the biopile was sampled for DRO, RRO, and VOCs. Both RRO and PCE were detected in all soil samples; however, at concentrations below the ADEC cleanup criteria. Joshua Barsis
8/22/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 73979 auto-generated pm edit Former Quality Fabrication. Joshua Barsis
9/9/2014 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued Petroleum contamination remains in surface soil and groundwater above approved cleanup levels; however, ADEC has determined there is no unacceptable risk to human health or the environment as long as the contamination is properly managed. A Notice of Environmental Contamination (NEC) will be recorded by ADEC at the State Recorder’s Office and installation of groundwater wells, dewatering or otherwise using or moving the groundwater at the site requires approval from ADEC. Any proposal to transport soil or groundwater off site requires ADEC approval. Joshua Barsis
10/6/2014 Institutional Control Update Current project manager chooses to retain management of the site at this time. Kristin Thompson
9/30/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Staff changed from Joshua Barsis to IC Unit. IC/Closure Details added. IC reminder letter requesting the signed ICs Agreement and Signature Page was issued. Reminder system set to follow-up on the ICs Agreement Page in one month, and on land use conditions every five years. Kristin Thompson
9/30/2016 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. IC Unit
10/21/2016 Institutional Control Update Received the signed ICs Agreement Page on this date. Kristin Thompson
5/4/2018 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting We received notification of planned activity on this site. BGES, Inc. Environmental Consulting is proposing to advance 10 soil borings to 10 feet below grade and if groundwater is encountered, collect samples from 3 of the soil borings via temporary monitoring wells. ADEC approved the plan and drilling is scheduled for May 8th. ADEC requested that a summary of the site work, a simple site diagram with boring locations, and the field sampling results be submitted following completion of this environmental assessment. Reminder system set. Kristin Thompson
11/15/2019 Institutional Control Compliance Review An Institutional Controls reminder letter mailed to the landowner on this date. Mossy Mead
12/7/2023 Institutional Control Compliance Review Reissued the IC reminder letter and addressed it to the updated landowner on this date. Evonne Reese

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
DRO > Table C Groundwater Biogenic interference was suspected. DRO concentrations in groundwater were below Table C levels once re-analyzed with silica gel.
RRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
RRO > Table C Groundwater Biogenic interference was suspected. RRO concentrations in groundwater were below Table C levels once re-analyzed with silica gel.

Control Type

Type Details
Notice of Environmental Contamination
Signed CS Determination


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.
Groundwater Use Restrictions Installation of groundwater wells, dewatering or otherwise using or moving the groundwater at the site requires approval from ADEC.
Periodic Review The landowner must report to ADEC every five (5) years to document land use, or report as soon as the landowner becomes aware of any change in land ownership and/or use, if earlier.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70)

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