Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
12/31/1986 |
Update or Other Action |
Chevron operated this facility for Delta-Western from mid-1940s to 1986. Operations were turned over to Delta-Western after that. |
Shah Alam |
7/28/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
Environmental Management Inc. submitted a work plan for soil and groundwater investigation. |
Shah Alam |
8/31/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC mailed a letter commenting on the site characterization report, requested cleanup work plan. |
Shah Alam |
8/31/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC project manager Jim Frechione visited the site. |
Shah Alam |
9/3/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Tom Baush (Chevron (925) 842-8898) returned ADEC call to E. Garrick Jauregui. He feels that the responsibility to cleanup will probably be a shared responsibility. While Wards Cove (Jan Supler, (206) 720-8389) is the owner of the site, Chevron operated the site for about 40 years. |
Shah Alam |
11/22/1999 |
Site Added to Database |
Contamination sources are diesel, heating oil, gasoline, aviation gas, and jet fuels. |
Shah Alam |
11/22/1999 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Initial ranking. |
Shah Alam |
7/25/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Site Characterization workplan submitted. |
Shah Alam |
8/8/2001 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Workplan approved with conditions. |
Renee Evans |
6/27/2005 |
GIS Position Updated |
Using Figures and 2 from a Baseline Soil and Groundwater Investigation AIG Environmental Management, Inc. Delta Western Fuel Facility, dated August 1998, from EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. in conjunction with TopoZone Pro, entered coordinates for this site. Metadata include USGS Topo Map 1:63K, TopoZone Pro Street Maps, Black and White Aerial Photo, on a Medium Size Map, View Scale 1:24,000 Coordinate Datum NAD27. Moderate degree of confidence in accuracy of location. |
Alyce Hughey |
8/3/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed file. Sent letter to Chevron Texaco requesting project status update and any reports & correspondence subsequent to 8 August 01 work plan approval. |
Donald Seagren |
8/24/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Telephone call from Chevron. They have not found anything in their files on this site. They will research this further. Chevron said Delta Western &/or Wards Cove was doing the actual work and developing the work plans so Chevron did not take an active part in the project. |
Donald Seagren |
9/19/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Sent letter to Delta Western & Wards Cove packing requesting project status update an copies of any reports, data and correspondence subsequent to work plan approval on 8 August 01. |
Donald Seagren |
9/26/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Talked with Trena Hallback of Delta Western. She had no file other than what we sent her. She thought that Wards Cove was the RP for this cleanup/assessment. They rent the site from Wards Cove. Will wait to hear form Wards Cove Packing on status of the project. |
Donald Seagren |
12/1/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
After talking to the former PM, Rene Evans, the file was reviewed. I called Paul Enriquez, AIG, to discuss the site. He is working for Wards Cove and trying to come up to speed on the facility. It appears that due to the PRPs (Chevron, Delta Western, Wards Cove) not finalizing who is responsible for what, the assessment plan approved in 2001 was not implemented. He will be contacting all the parties and sorting this out so that the additional assessment is conducted and the Department can reach a risk management decision. |
Donald Seagren |
5/16/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Donald Seagren |
6/11/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Site transferred from Don Seagren to Paul Horwath per Linda Nuechterlein. |
Alyce Hughey |
10/1/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed and prepared a summary of the project file in response to a request for a summary of the site activity since August 8, 2001 from John Riggi, with Conestoga-Rovers and Associates. Paul Horwath provided John Riggi with the summary of the file information. |
Alyce Hughey |
12/1/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Fuel spill this date. Anticipating site transer fron PERP following spill cleanup. |
Bill O'Connell |
3/6/2012 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Reviewed Soil Boring Work Plan and Sampling and Analysis Plan for Delta Western Naknek Tank Farm. 14 boreholes will be advanced and sampled to further delineate the vertical and horizontal extent of contamination at the tank farm and on the adjacent Trident cannery property. If encountered, groundwater will be sampled and the Trident building will be evaluated for potential vapor intrusion. The base of the bluff will be inspected at low tide for seeps, which will be sampled if present. |
Bill O'Connell |
6/6/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed Delta Western Naknek Report. 13 boreholes were advanced and sampled in the area impacted by the 2010 spill in an effort to delineate the extent of contamination and evaluate migration to groundwater. Soil samples collected from boreholes contained DRO up to 10,000 mg/kg in a sample collected 4 feet bgs from borehole 8. Soil sampling indicated that impacts from the spill are generally limited to the top 12-15 feet of soil, with concentrations below migration to groundwater cleanup levels in the deeper intervals sampled. Groundwater was not encountered to a depth of 29 feet bgs. Delineation is incomplete to the east of the spill area. The report notes that the adjacent Trident Cannery building is constructed on pilings, suggesting the vapor intrusion pathway is incomplete. An inspection was conducted at the base of the bluff below the spill area near the Naknek River. No seeps or evidence of contamination was noted. |
Bill O'Connell |
6/14/2012 |
Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program |
Spill transferred by PERP staff Neil Huddleston. Spill no. 10269936101; spill date = 12/27/10; substance = diesel; quantity = 200 to 1,000 gallons (RP estimate); source = aboveground 2-inch service pipe connected to a 10,000- and 12,000-gallon AST, adjacent to a fence between the Delta Western facility and the Trident Seafoods plant on the eastern boundary. Description: The tanks store fuel that Trident purchased from Delta Western which is fed through the service pipe to power generating equipment at the Trident plant. The spill resulted from the failure of a gasket on the upstream flange of a closed valve. The pipe and tanks are located outside the secondary containment dike. |
Mitzi Read |
6/18/2012 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79296 name: 2010 Diesel Spill - Outside Secondary Containment |
Bill O'Connell |
12/6/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Additional excavation conducted in response to 12/27/10 spill. 8 cubic yards of contaminated soil was excavated and placed into supersacks and stored on site. Confirmation samples contained DRO up to 4,090 mg/kg. |
Bill O'Connell |
4/1/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed Landfarm Proposal for Delta Western Tank Farm, Naknek. The work plan details the landfarming of approximately 8 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil currently in supersacks that was excavated from the 2010 spill area in November, 2012. The landfarm will be constructed on the pad next to the DW tank farm. The landfarm will be constructed with 18 inch berms, a 20-mil liner, and 6 inches of sacrificial material to protect the liner during tilling operations. Soil will be spread to a depth of 6-12 inches, tilled on a weekly basis, and watered and fertilized as needed. |
Bill O'Connell |
5/20/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed work plan for additional delineation at Delta Western tank farm- Naknek. 4-8 boreholes will be advanced and sampled and up to 8 surface soil samples will be collected to the east of the spill area on property owned by Trident Seafoods in an effort to delineate the vertical and horizontal extent of contamination. |
Bill O'Connell |
9/5/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed Analytical Sampling Report for Delta Western, Naknek. The objective of the investigation was to delineate the extent of contamination on the adjacent Trident Seafoods property that resulted from the 2010 spill at the Delta Western tank farm. Three boreholes were advanced to a depth of 15 feet bgs. Soil was screened with a PID and two soil samples were collected from each borehole. DRO and RRO were not detected, indicating there was little to no migration of contaminants onto Trident property from the 2010 spill. |
Bill O'Connell |
5/12/2014 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79296 2010 Diesel Spill - Outside Secondary Containment. |
Joshua Barsis |
5/16/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
On this day, the CSP sent a letter requesting the following information: 1) the locations of any groundwater drinking sources (such as wells, lakes, reservoirs) within 500 feet of the Delta Western Tank Farm, including the tank farm property; and whether each source is public or private. 2) information on the current condition of the groundwater wells installed in 1998. |
Joshua Barsis |
9/12/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Teleconference on this day with RP and consultant. During conference, CSP discussed concerns with the groundwater pathway and ecological factors. Discussed advancing one boring in the most contaminated area to groundwater. |
Joshua Barsis |
8/14/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Date of document titled Baseline Site Exploration (August 14, 2015). Activities were performed to assess the possible presence of contamination around an area leased by Delta Western containing a fuel storage facility, truck loading rack, warehouse, shop, and office building. An area of the property currently used for boat storage also was explored. This report documents the performed soil and groundwater exploration at the subject property. Results of the investigation revealed minimal contamination in the downgradient monitoring wells. Well GL-MW02 exhibited a level of benzene slightly above ADEC Table C GCLs. |
Joshua Barsis |
9/16/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the Naknek Well Decommissioning Plan, dated August 2015. The plan entails decommissioning two monitoring wells (MW1 and MW2) in place, and removing the stickup portion of the well casing to ground surface. |
Joshua Barsis |
5/26/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the Well Decommissioning Report, dated May 2016. The report documented the decommissioning of Monitoring Wells MW2; Well MW1 was not located. |
Joshua Barsis |
8/11/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the Landfarm Sampling Report, dated August 2016. The report documented screening/sampling activities at the land farm associated with this site. All results were below the most stringent Method Two cleanup levels. |
Joshua Barsis |
9/6/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
Completed a historical review and closure evaluation of the Delta Western Tank Farm – Naknek site. Several data gaps were identified during the review process, and this site is not currently eligible for closure. The following data gaps must be addressed before this site could be considered for closure.
• The documented concentration of diesel range organics (DRO) remaining in the surface soils near the bluff, as a result of the December 2010 spill are substantially higher than the ADEC maximum allowable concentration of 12,500 for DRO. Additional sampling in this area must be completed to show the current concentrations.
• Several borings completed in 2012 did not bound the vertical contaminant plume, as evident in Test Holes 3, 5 and 10. Because the extent of soil contamination was not bounded to below migration-to-groundwater cleanup levels, and because of the fluctuating Naknek River tide, ADEC will require a groundwater investigation downgradient of the release area. Additionally, the extent of vertical contamination will need to be delineated.
• Because of the proximity to the Naknek River, the potential for contamination in surface water and the hyporeic zone must be evaluated.
Joshua Barsis |
10/11/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
Received photos of remediated land-spread stockpile on property. |
Joshua Barsis |
1/9/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the Monitoring Well Installation & Sampling and Analysis Plan, dated January 2017. Proposed activities primarily include: advancing three soil borings, converting two of the borings into monitoring wells, installing one well point at the toe of the river bank, and collecting soil and groundwater samples as appropriate. Additionally, six surface soil samples will be collected from the bluff, from historical sample locations, to monitor for natural attenuation. All soil and water samples will be analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO, VOCs, and PAHs. |
Joshua Barsis |
3/15/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the Soil & Groundwater Sampling Report, dated March 2018. The field effort was completed in May 2017 and consisted of advancing four soil borings, installing two groundwater monitoring wells, installing one well point at the toe of the bluff, and collecting one surface soil sample to determine if attenuation has occurred in surface soils. Samples collected from the deepest interval in each boring were below cleanup levels. Also, the water results from the two groundwater monitoring wells and the well point were below Table C groundwater cleanup levels.
However, the work plan approved in January 2017 explicitly states that three soil borings will be installed and that two of those borings will be completed as monitoring wells. It is inferred in the work plan, as well it was discussed before mobilizing to the site, that at least one well would be installed immediately downgradient of the release area. However, it was decided in the field that only one of the proposed borings would be completed as a well (MW10B). A second unplanned well was also installed roughly 20 feet downgradient of MW10B. Neither of the installed wells are located downgradient of the release area. Although the samples from those wells were clean, former sampling in 2016 completed as part of a separate Phase II had already shown the groundwater in that area to be clean.
Also, the 2017 work plan proposed to install a drive-point well (sentinel well) along the toe of the bluff downgradient of former boring #5 to evaluate if any impacts may exist along the bluff where groundwater and surface water interact. The drive point was instead installed downgradient of Wells MW10B and MW10C, which is not downgradient of the release.
Surface soil impacts remain at the site above human health cleanup levels. This site will not be eligible for closure until a demonstration has been completed to show that there is no unacceptable risk to industrial/commercial site workers or trespassers; and that there is no migration to groundwater risk from leaving the contamination in place. |
Joshua Barsis |
5/29/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the Temporary Well Point Installation Sampling & Analysis Plan, dated April 2018. Proposed activities consist of installing one temporary well point downgradient of the release area and within the river-water/groundwater interface. |
Joshua Barsis |
9/13/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the Well Point Installation & Groundwater Sampling Report, dated September 2018. Completed activities included installing and sampling one well point downgradient of the release area and within the river-water/groundwater interface. Detections of toluene were present in the temporary will point, but were below the Table C groundwater cleanup levels |
Joshua Barsis |
12/19/2018 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79296 2010 Diesel Spill - Outside Secondary Containment. |
Joshua Barsis |
4/22/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed well decommissioning work plan dated April 19, 2019. |
Joshua Barsis |
5/3/2019 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. |
Joshua Barsis |
5/3/2019 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
Site closure issued on this day with institutional controls. See file for letter. |
Joshua Barsis |
5/16/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the well decommissioning report, dated May 09, 2019 that documents removal of all monitoring wells from the site. |
Joshua Barsis |
7/20/2021 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
Site transferred from Barsis to IC Unit on this date. The next IC compliance review is due in 2024. The internal reminder system is set to follow up in May of 2024. |
Evonne Reese |
6/3/2024 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was issued to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. |
Gaige Robinson |