Site Report: FAA Summit Radio Range
Site Name: | FAA Summit Radio Range |
Address: | ~Mile 201 Parks Highway, ~9 Miles S. of Cantwell, Cantwell, AK 99729 |
File Number: | 150.38.031 |
Hazard ID: | 311 |
Status: | Cleanup Complete |
Staff: | No Longer Assigned, 9074655229 |
Latitude: | 63.313569 |
Longitude: | -149.189787 |
Horizontal Datum: | WGS84 |
We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.
Radio Range area includes Bldg 401 and adjacent source areas: the Tank Rack Area, and Drum Storage Area (located 1 mile south of the airstrip) Petroleum hydrocarbon and chlorinated herbicide 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T contamination present in site soils at the former Radio Range site. According to the 1997 Final Remedial Action Report, 60 cubic yards of DRO contaminated soil was removed from the Tank Rack Area, confirmation samples contained DRO up to 476 ppm The Tank Rack Site was closed on November 23, 2009. The Drum Storage area is still an open site. 14 cubic yards of soil was excavated at the former Drum Storage Area. Confirmation samples contained 2,4-D to 1.2 ppm, and 2,4,5-T to 3.5 ppm A site summary can be found in the electronic file.
Action Information
Action Date | Action | Description | DEC Staff |
2/14/2000 | Site Added to Database | Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. | Eileen Olson |
4/21/2000 | Site Ranked Using the AHRM | Initial ranking. | Eileen Olson |
6/10/2005 | Site Ranked Using the AHRM | Changed the Release Information Value to 1 to document a Confirmed Release at the site. | Anne Marie Palmieri |
3/18/2008 | Update or Other Action | The 1995 Site Cleanup Investigation Report states that Diesel contamination up to 4,600 ppm 2,4,5-T and 580 ppm 2,4 –D were detected in surface soil at the former Drum Storage Area above the LD50 for rats and dogs. The fuel Tank Rack showed soil staining, and stressed vegetation, 12,400 ppm diesel, 308 ppm lead, BTEX and GRO below MTG. | Kim DeRuyter |
3/18/2008 | Update or Other Action | The 1997 Final Remedial Action Report indicates that 60 cubic yards of DRO contaminated soil was removed from the Tank Rack Area, confirmation samples contained DRO up to 476 ppm 14 cubic yards of soil was excavated at the former Drum Storage Area. Confirmation samples contained 2,4-D to 1.2 ppm, and 2,4,5-T to 3.5 ppm | Kim DeRuyter |
3/19/2008 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | Initial ranking with ETM completed. | Kim DeRuyter |
11/23/2009 | Update or Other Action | Contaminated Sites Staff issued a Cleanup Complete determination for one of two areas of concern (AOC) at the FAA Summit Radio Range Site. The site is located along the Parks Highway approximately nine miles south of Cantwell at Broad Pass. The Tank Rack Area was the result of spills or overfills from two gasoline and diesel above ground storage tanks used to fuel FAA vehicles. Sixty cubic yards of potentially contaminated soil was removed from the site in 1997. Confirmation samples detected DRO to 476 mg/kg, below the Method One Matrix D cleanup level of 2,000 mg/kg that were applied to the site at the time of cleanup. Gasoline Range Organics, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes were not detected above the most stringent Method Two cleanup levels. The other area of concern at this site is the Former Drum Storage Area, where 2,4,5-T remains above the migration to groundwater cleanup level on the sidewall of the previous excavation. Further action is required at the Former Drum Storage area to address residual contamination. | Kim DeRuyter |
8/6/2014 | Site Characterization Report Approved | Approved the Final Site Investigation Report presenting the results of investigation and characterization activities completed at 21 areas of concern in 2010 and 2011. Petroleum contaminants were detected in the groundwater above the cleanup level at 10 of the areas of concern, and additional groundwater monitoring and evaluation is recommended to determine if the shallow groundwater encountered is pore water infiltration accumulating in the monitoring wells. Additional investigation is recommended at one area of concern to address soil contamination associated with the use of chlorinated herbicides, and the remaining 10 areas of concern are recommended for cleanup complete status. | Keri DePalma |
8/8/2014 | Update or Other Action | Staff changed from Fred Vreeman to Keri DePalma | Keri DePalma |
8/27/2015 | Update or Other Action | Discussed site status with FAA project manager. Anticipate draft report in September or October of 2015. | Joy Whitsel |
2/6/2017 | Meeting or Teleconference Held | DEC met with FAA and contractors to discuss steps necessary for closure. For Former Housing North (HazardID 26620) HRC results will be accepted. For areas of concern (AOCs) where contamination of groundwater or infiltrating subsurface water is present, DEC agrees to review groundwater modeling that proposes to demonstrate that the contamination plume is at equilibrium. Calculation of cumulative risk will be based on source area and assessed on a site by site basis. Regarding establishment of institutional controls (ICSs) at the site, DEC is concerned that the landowner Alaska Dept of Transportation (ADOT) lacks an existing mechanism for tracking and maintaining ICs. Future coordination between the FAA, ADEC and the ADOT will be necessary have to successfully implement ICs restricting groundwater usage. | Joy Whitsel |
9/24/2018 | Site Visit | Observed removal action at the former building 401 drum storage area. 10 cu.yd of contaminated soil was excavated and transported off site. | John O'Brien |
12/19/2018 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78336 Radio Range Drum Storage Area. | John O'Brien |
12/19/2018 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78336 Radio Range Drum Storage Area. | John O'Brien |
3/13/2019 | Cleanup Complete Determination Issued | Cleanup complete determination was issued today for the former Drum Storage Area at the former Radio Range. | John O'Brien |
6/19/2019 | Update or Other Action | Site location was updated on this date. Coordinates for this site are used to determine the presence and position of the site on BLM’s ANCSA Conveyed Land web map. | Rebekah Reams |
Contaminant Information
Name | Level Description | Media | Comments |
DRO | < Method 2 Most Stringent | Soil | DRO appears to have been limited to the surface soil layer, and evidence of contamination (petroleum odor, soil staining) was not noted in bore logs to 7 ft bgs. It is likely that any surface soil contaminated with DRO was excavated and removed in the 1997 removal action when 14 cubic yards of soils was removed from a 50 square foot area, centered on the pesticide detections, to a depth of 2 feet bgs. |
2,4-D | Other | Soil | excavation base and sidewall confirmation lab samples were non-detect for 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T herbicide contaminants of concern. |
Control Type
Type | Details |
No ICs Required |
Description | Details |
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. | |
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) |
No associated sites were found.