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Site Report: AKARNG Tununak FSA

Site Name: AKARNG Tununak FSA
Address: Unnamed Road, Tununak, AK 99681
File Number: 2453.38.001
Hazard ID: 3201
Status: Active
Staff: Jenny Gates, 9072628203
Latitude: 60.585604
Longitude: -165.255819
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Petroleum product from a heating oil system. Maintenance records for the Old FSRC noted an oil stain inside the Old FSRC in 1965 and a leaking fuel line in 1968. Small stains were noted on the outside of the building on the southeast and southwest sides of the Old FSRC in photographs taken in 1984. In March 1995, approximately 150 gallons of heating oil was released inside the Old FSRC and approximately 20 gallons dripped through the floor to the ground beneath the building. Oil-absorbent booms and pads were placed around and on the soil and disposed of after the leak had been stopped. AKARNG records indicate that the release most likely occurred from the day tank in the Old FSRC. A Record of Decision (ROD) for the Tununak FSRC was approved by ADEC in 2013. The ROD established site-specific cleanup levels for contaminants of concern that indicated unacceptable risk to human health based on Hydrocarbon Risk Calculator calculations or that exceeded groundwater ingestion criteria. The ADEC-approved site-specific cleanup level for soil listed in the ROD was 11,626 mg/kg for total (diesel range organics) DRO. All historic soil sample results indicated that DRO concentrations in soil are less than the ADEC-approved site-specific soil cleanup levels. The cleanup level for groundwater is 1.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) for DRO. The site is currently undergoing long term groundwater monitoring.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/27/1998 Update or Other Action Received Preliminary Assessment Records Review report and Draft Site Sampling Plan, both prepared by Hart Crowser, Inc. Scott Pexton
8/12/1998 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Letter sent with approval of draft sampling plan. Scott Pexton
9/14/1998 Update or Other Action Received Final Site Sampling Plan for Site Investigation, prepared by Hart Crowser, Inc. Scott Pexton
1/25/1999 Update or Other Action Received Draft Site Investigation report, prepared by Hart Crowser, Inc. Scott Pexton
8/20/1999 Update or Other Action Received Final Site Investigation report, prepared by Hart Crowser, Inc. Scott Pexton
11/12/1999 Site Added to Database Petroleum product from a heating oil system. Scott Pexton
11/18/1999 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Site ranked based on information in August 1999 Final Site Investigation report, prepared by Hart Crowser, Inc. Scott Pexton
1/22/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC received draft Alternate Cleanup Level Demonstration Project workplan. Beatrice Egbejimba
4/12/2004 Update or Other Action File number assigned: 2453.38.001. Sarah Cunningham
1/6/2006 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed and prepared comments on an Alternative Cleanup Level Demonstration report. Debra Caillouet
4/9/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Debra Caillouet
4/15/2008 Site Characterization Report Approved Staff accepted the final Alternative Cleanup Level Demonstration report. Debra Caillouet
12/3/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Staff sent comment to the Guard on the draft Secondary Site Characterization Report. Debra Caillouet
2/18/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final Secondary Site Characterization, Federal Scout Armory, Tununak. The report provides additional characterization of the contamination remaining at the Armory, but it does not define the extent. When planning for a final remedial action at the Tununak FSA the lack of complete characterization of the nature and extent of the contamination must be addressed. Debra Caillouet
2/3/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff participated in the Installation Action Plan meeting. Debra Caillouet
11/30/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Staff reviewed and sent comment to the Alaska Army National Guard on the Draft Work Plan for Site Characterization at 21 Alaska Federal Scout Readiness Centers, November 2010, including the Site Specific Plans for Akiak, St. Mary’s and Tuntutuliak. Debra Caillouet
2/25/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comment was sent on the Field Sampling Plans for Napakiak, Tununak, Mountain Village and Kipnuk, February 2011 Debra Caillouet
5/23/2011 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Final Work Plan for Site Characterization at 21 Alaska Federal Scout Readiness Centers, April 2011 approved. Debra Caillouet
6/14/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Tununak Federal Scout Readiness Center Data Gap Investigation Report, Draft March 2013 In general the report provides additional characterization for the site. Please review and revise Sections 5.2 and 5.3, the work plan called for the use of an excavator to collect a deep soil sample and this was based upon the fact that no samples deeper than 3 feet had been obtained due to the nature of the soil during previous investigations. Delineation of the vertical extent is a requirement for site characterization and was identified as a data gap. Debra Caillouet
7/16/2013 Site Characterization Report Approved Tununak Federal Scout Readiness Center Data Gap Investigation Report, Final June 2013 The report recommends no soil cleanup and long-term monitoring of the groundwater. Institutional Controls will need to be placed on the property to prevent use of the groundwater until it meets the cleanup standards. It is not clear in the report who owns the land. If this land is withdrawn for use by the Alaska Army National Guard a survey will need to be completed and filed at the Recorders Office noting the restrictions on groundwater use. If this property is owned by another entity, they will need to concur with the implementation of the IC’s. Please review the Guidance on Using Institutional Controls in Oil and Other Hazardous Substance Cleanups, February 2011 for further information before preparing a Record of Decision. Debra Caillouet
9/30/2013 Cleanup Level(s) Approved ROD Debra Caillouet
2/2/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comment sent on the draft remedial action plan Debra Caillouet
12/16/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Rec'd 2 docs: Final long term monitoring (LTM) plan and LTM reports this date. Danielle Duncan
12/17/2015 Update or Other Action Staff changed to Danielle Duncan and hard file transferred to the Juneau office. Kristin Thompson
12/30/2015 Update or Other Action Read and provided minor comments on the Draft Tununak 2015 Long Term Monitoring Report this date. The site-specific cleanup levels for the site are 11,626 mg/kg DRO and 1.5 mg/L DRO. Historic soil sampling indicated that the soil on site already met the cleanup levels so no additional excavation was required. The current draft report documents the installation of three groundwater monitoring wells. One in the vicinity of the old aboveground storage tanks and two downgradient from them. These wells were sampled the first time as part of a five year groundwater monitoring plan to facilitate a cleanup complete without institutional controls determination. Monitoring wells 2 and 3 had DRO concentrations below the cleanup level and monitoring well 1 had DRO concentrations of 3.71 and 5.82 mg/L; one value is a duplicate. Danielle Duncan
2/19/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Rec'd Final Tununak 2015 Long-Term Monitoring Report this date. Danielle Duncan
12/29/2016 Site Characterization Report Approved Approved the Draft Tununak 2016 Long Term Monitoring Report this date. The report documents the 2016 sampling of the three permanent monitoring wells (MW1, MW2, and MW3). MW1 had a DRO concentration of 4.63 mg/L and 4.69 mg/L (duplicate). The results for MW1 and MW2 were 0.416 and 0.269 mg/L respectively. These results are similar to the results for 2015 and indicate that MW1 still has DRO concentrations greater than the ADEC 18 AAC 75.345 Table C cleanup level of 1.5 mg/L. Danielle Duncan
12/1/2017 Update or Other Action Will be receiving the draft LTM report soon. Danielle Duncan
2/21/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved the Draft Tununak 2017 Long Term Monitoring Report this date. The DRO results from the three monitoring wells in September 2017 were 4.1 and 4.3 mg/L (MW1 and its duplicate), 0.31 mg/L (MW2), and 0.41 mg/L (MW3). These results are similar to the results for 2015 and 2016 and indicate that MW1 still has DRO concentrations greater than the ADEC 18 AAC 75.345 Table C cleanup level of 1.5 mg/L. Danielle Duncan
1/30/2019 Site Characterization Report Approved Approved the Draft Tununak 2018 Long Term Monitoring Report this date. The final report will be sent when it's available. During the current effort, two of the wells (MW-1 and MW-2) were sampled; MW-3 could not be located. MW-1 had a DRO concentration of 11 mg/L and MW-2 had a DRO concentration of 0.49 mg/L. The DRO concentration (11 mg/L) measured in MW-1 is significantly higher than previously measured. The observed upward tick in groundwater contamination in MW-1 may be affected by an adjacent/nearby site: ADEC file # 2453.38.002 Tununak TRC Store Diesel Tank Farm for which no characterization or cleanup work has been done to date and very little information exists for. The site is currently in delayed status because the ADEC has had difficulty contacting the responsible party. Danielle Duncan
8/6/2019 Update or Other Action The AKARNG is requesting funds for a removal action. Danielle Duncan
4/17/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held On April 17, 2020 new ADEC PM and AKARNG PM held a meeting to discuss site status and plans for field season 2020 and future work. Rachael Petraeus
9/15/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On September 15, 2020 ADEC received "Draft Nunapitchuk 2020 Long Term Monitoring Work Plan Addendum Federal Scout Readiness Center Alaska Army National Guard" dated September 2020. The work plan summarizes proposed long term monitoring groundwater and surface water sampling. Rachael Petraeus
12/8/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On December 08, 2020 ADEC received an updated and revised workplan. The work plan addition requests for additional LTM for spring and fall 2021. Rachael Petraeus
12/11/2020 Site Characterization Workplan Approved On December 11, 2020 ADEC approved the “Amended FINAL Tununak 2021 Long-Term Monitoring Work Plan Addendum Federal Scout Readiness Center Alaska Army National Guard” dated December 2020. The work plan includes additional sampling during the spring of 2021. Rachael Petraeus
1/18/2023 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The ADEC approved the "Monitoring Well Replacement Work Plan, Tununak Federal Scout Readiness Center", dated November 22, 2022. The work plan proposes to decommission MW-3, which was found to be damaged in 2021. The well will be located, and the riser and screen will be removed if possible. If not, the well will be decommissioned in place. Th hole will be backfilled with bentonite and topped with gravel. The new monitoring well, MW-3A, will be located approximately 8 feet to the east of the former MW-3. The soil boring will be field screened using a PID, and two analytical samples will be collected and analyzed for DRO. The ADEC granted waiving the 24-hour waiting period for developing the wells due to the remoteness of the site. The ADEC also requested a soil sample be taken in the vicinity of MW-1, as the drill will be located on site, and soil samples be tested for DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Flannery Ballard
2/1/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review The ADEC received the "DRAFT Tununak 2021 and 2022 Long-Term Monitoring Report Federal Scout Readiness Center Alaska Army National Guard". Diesel range organics were found in MW-1 at a maximum concentration of 6,600 micrograms per liter (ug/L) in 2021 and a maximum of 2,000 ug/L in 2022, both exceeding the cleanup level of 1,500 ug/L. MW-2 was only sampled in 2021 (610 ug/L), as ice obstructed the monitoring well in 2022. MW-3 was found to be damaged beyond repair in 2021 and could not be located in 2022. The report is approved. Flannery Ballard
5/15/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review The DEC approved a work plan for a groundwater sampling event and advancement of one soil boring to address a data gap. Monitoring wells MW1, MW2, and MW3A will be sampled for DRO and VOCs. MW3A will be the replacement for MW3, and will be covered under an additional work plan. A single soil sample will be advanced adjacent to MW1, to a depth in which groundwater in encountered. Two analytical samples will be collected, one from the smear zone and one from the highest PID reading. Soil samples will be analysed for DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Flannery Ballard
5/17/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review The ADEC approved the 2023 Draft Long term monitoring report. Flannery Ballard
3/6/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review ADEC received the Draft Tununak Fall 2023 Long-Term Monitoring Report 03.05.2024; ADEC comments sent on 04.08.2024; RTCs received 06.06.2024; ADEC RTCs sent 06.19.2024; RTCs received on 08.19.2024. Final ADEC comment table and report approval letter sent on 08.20.2024. Jenny Gates
5/7/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the Draft Monitoring Well Replacement Technical Memorandum, Tununak FSRC on 03.05.2024; ADEC sent comments on 04.08.2024; RTCs received on 04.30.2024; ADEC RTCs sent on 05.06.2024; final report received 05.08.2024 and approval letter sent on 05.08.2024. Jenny Gates
9/16/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft Tununak 2024 Long-Term Monitoring Work Plan Addendum received on 08.23.2024. ADEC comments sent on 09.11.2024. Jenny Gates

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