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Site Report: Central Paving - West Dowling

Site Name: Central Paving - West Dowling
Address: 6300 Changepoint Drive , East of Minnesota Drive, address changed from 1300 West Dowling Road, Anchorage, AK 99518
File Number: 2100.38.414
Hazard ID: 3303
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.165840
Longitude: -149.909134
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Diesel contamination at former washdown area for truck beds that had diesel applied to keep asphalt from sticking. Property size is 37.2 acres. Legal description is Denali Industrial Park, Block 3 Lot A-1. Remedial actions included soil excavation and groundwater monitoring. In 2016 the property was subdivided into two properties, Tract A and Tract B, and the subdivision renamed to the Odom Industrial Park Subdivision. Tract B has no documented contamination and will not be subject to the institutional controls established for the site unless (1) contamination is identified during the planned site development of Tract A indicating that contamination may be contiguous across the adjoining property boundary, (2) contamination is documented within the Tract B property in the future.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
4/5/2000 Site Ranked Using the AHRM DBA changed Population Density from 8 to 10 because dense residential subdivision within 0.25 miles of site and Ground Water Usage Value from 0.1 to 1 because a MOA well located within 0.375 miles. Anne Marie Palmieri
4/5/2000 Voluntary Cleanup Program Application accepted to VCP. Anne Marie Palmieri
4/11/2000 Site Added to Database Diesel contamination. Anne Marie Palmieri
4/25/2000 Cleanup Level(s) Approved Method 2 for petroleum used. Anne Marie Palmieri
4/25/2000 Update or Other Action Approval granted to transport 500 cubic yards to Alaska Soil Recycling in Anchorage. Anne Marie Palmieri
5/22/2000 Update or Other Action Notification by consultant to ADEC project manager that consultant plans to install a 2-inch PVC replacement monitoring well for TMW-2, and that no field filtration activities will take place. Mike Jaynes
6/16/2000 Update or Other Action Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR) records for thermal remediation of 1,699 tons contaminated soil on file; invoice states soil received on April 26-28, 2000 and May 1, 2000. Mike Jaynes
2/9/2001 Update or Other Action Called Mark Erickson at Wilder Construction for update. Mike Jaynes
4/18/2001 Update or Other Action Further update by Mark. Most of excavation done last season. Small amount to be removed this season. Probably during May-June. Mike Jaynes
12/20/2001 Update or Other Action Conversation with Dan Guay. Still need to excavate one area. Asked for site summary of work and Dan will send to me this week. Mike Jaynes
1/9/2002 Update or Other Action Further conversation with Dan Guay. He will be sending in report with documentation showing that initial well sampling was performed incorrectly and biased sample results high. Mike Jaynes
2/1/2002 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review comments on report by DOWL Engineers "Dowling Road CPP Facility Groundwater Monitoring" dated July 6, 2000 and received by fax January 2002. Report documents 2nd groundwater sampling of monitoring well TMW-2 on May 18, 2000. RRO and DRO results were non-detect, but the report states that the samples were "field filtered" to screen out suspended organic particles. Project manager notes in review email that field filtration is discouraged unless it can be demonstrated to be applicable with reference to 18 AAC 75.345 (c)(2), and finds the .45 micron filter used to be unacceptable as it may remove colloidal solids that transport contamination. Mike Jaynes
2/1/2002 Update or Other Action Emailed Dan Guay information about needed GW sampling after reviewing his limited GW information. Dan will be working on plans. Mike Jaynes
5/2/2002 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received DOWL Phase I and Phase II reports: The "Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Dowling Road Central Paving" dated December 9, 1999 and the "Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Central Paving Products...December 1998". The Phase II documents placement of six borings and two temporary monitoring wells at the facility. Soil was sampled for DRO and RRO only with a maximum DRO level of 3,620 mg/kg. Groundwater was sampled for BTEX, GRO, DRO and RRO with well TMW-2 at the southwest corner of the property containing 1.18 mg/L RRO, exceeding hte 1.0 mg/L cleanup level. DOWL recommended resampling TMW-2 and to filter the sample. Mike Jaynes
5/2/2002 Update or Other Action Email on file from TELLUS to Wilder dated 5/2/2002, provided to ADEC in 2013, date of receipt otherwise unspecified. Provides excavation limits sampling results for floor and sidewalls, and stockpile sample results for work done in April 2002. Samples analyzed only for DRO and RRO. Maximum floor sample is 5,070 DRO. Maximum sidewall sample is 2,210 DRO. Maximum stockpile sample result 3,910 mg/kg DRO. TELLUS estimated volume of soil excavated and stockpiled is 200 cubic yards as per TELLUS field notes dated April 26, 2002. Soil stockpile to be used in asphalt mix as per TELLUS field notes dated 4/25/02 that reference 7/5/2000 ADEC email as approval for use of soil in this manner. Mike Jaynes
1/16/2003 Update or Other Action Again, called Dan Guay for an update. Received an inquiry on site from consultant doing site assessment in the area. Dan Luck (503) 256-6746. Mike Jaynes
1/21/2003 Update or Other Action Received call from Dan Guay. All work is done with site but has not gotten around to working on report. Said sampling was overseen by Scott Erdmann of Tellus Environmental Services. Will check on results of GW sampling. Mike Jaynes
5/19/2003 Update or Other Action Received call from Scott Erdmann of Tellus. Told Scott has been awhile since I've heard from Central Paving on this site. Scott informed me that the current well onsite is defunct and he would like to drill another this week. Told him to follow ADEC procedures and use best field judgement. Site is probably fine but the Department needs to see GW results and a final report for this site ASAP. Mike Jaynes
5/23/2003 Update or Other Action Approved plan to replace damaged monitoring well TMW-2 (one of two wells installed during DOWL Engineers Phase II investigation in March 1999) and suggested that groundwater elevations be measured in any other site monitoring wells during field work.(Site manager change to Olson effective 5/22/03). Eileen Olson
5/23/2003 Update or Other Action Re-ranked at suggestion of Database administrator with respect to surface water environments: changed from 0 to 2 since there is a creek within 1/4 mile . Eileen Olson
6/2/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC received a report dated 5/30/2003 prepared by TELLUS, Ltd. documenting the removal of damaged monitoring well TMW-2 and the installation, developing and sampling of TMW-2a at the same location. The replacement well was screened from 6.5-16.5 feet below ground surface. Requested analyses included DRO and RRO. The well was located at the far southwest corner of the site, while well TMW-1 was located at the far northeast corner of the site; the monitoring wells were not placed near the contaminant source area (documented in DOWL Phase II report) located in the northwestern area of the site. Eileen Olson
6/2/2003 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 74278 name: surface diesel releases Eileen Olson
6/14/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC granted a request to decommission the remaining monitoring well at the site, TMW-2a. The request and analytical results associated with the groundwater monitoring well were submitted to ADEC on 6/12/2003 by consultant TELLUS. DRO and RRO results were non-detect. Eileen Olson
6/18/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On 6/17/2003 ADEC received documentation from TELLUS dated June 11, 2003 that monitoring well TMW-2a was properly decommissioned by consultant TELLUS and providing groundwater sampling results indicating results of non-detect for DRO and RRO. TMW-2a was installed on 5/30/2003 to replace damaged monitoring well TMW-2. Eileen Olson
6/9/2004 Update or Other Action File number changed from CS100.287 to 2100.38.414 Sarah Cunningham
9/17/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 74278 (Autogenerated Action)
4/6/2013 Update or Other Action In response to ADEC's request to consultant TELLUS for status of the site work, Granite Construction (owner/operator) provided documentation of all activities associated with well TMW-2a. Eileen Olson
12/16/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff met with Granite Construction Inc. representatives and consultant representative to discuss process for completing and submitting a report for past environmental work. No report received for any work other than documentation of thermal treatment of soil in 2000 and sampling etc. of well TMW-2/2a in southwest corner of property, in an area distant from impacted wash rack area. Granite representatives provided a chronology of events. Consultant will prepare report. Eileen Olson
12/17/2013 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter PRP letter sent to Granite Construction Company. Eileen Olson
2/11/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter issued for review of first "Site Closure Report for Central Paving Products Facility" dated January 22, 2014 and received Jan. 23, 2014. (This is the first of 5 submittals for reports having the same title, they are distinguished by date). ADEC's letter notes that soil was excavated to groundwater during a series of excavations from 2000 to 2002, but no monitoring wells were installed or groundwater samples collected within excavations, where groundwater contamination was observed both as free product and as a sheen. ADEC's letter requests submittal of a work plan that includes documentation that the former excavation has been accurately located and requires the installation of three borings completed as long-term groundwater monitoring wells, with soil and groundwater samples to be collected. Eileen Olson
2/18/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC conditionally approved the "Sampling and Analysis Plan" received on and dated February 18, 2014, prepared by TELLUS Ltd. Eileen Olson
2/21/2014 Update or Other Action Granite Construction provided information including a location map for the two drinking water/water supply wells at the site; the hot plant well and inner loop well. Granite noted that the inner loop well was in place when Wilder acquired the property in 1987 and Wilder has no information concerning it. According to Granite both wells were last used in 2011. Eileen Olson
4/9/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC review letter for second "Site Closure Report for Central Paving Products Facility" dated March 20, 2014 and prepared by TELLUS Ltd. The report documents installation and initial sampling of three borings completed as groundwater monitoring wells. DRO, GRO and ethylbenzene were detected in groundwater during sampling on March 6, 2014 but did not exceed cleanup standards. Depth to groundwater in well A was 9.8 ft.; in well B 9.95 ft.; and in well C 11.25 feet. One soil sample exceeded the cleanup level for DRO at 4,450 mg/kg from the 7-9 foot interval in boring/monitoring well A. ADEC's letter requests a plan by May 15, 2014 for additional characterization of soil contamination and continued groundwater monitoring for a total of four quarterly events including the initial sampling event. Groundwater flow direction was approximately 30 degrees west of south (S30W). Eileen Olson
4/18/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC conditional approval of "Sampling and Analysis Plan" dated April 17, 2014 and prepared by TELLUS Ltd. ADEC's letter requested an additional boring to characterize the extent of remaining contamination. Eileen Olson
5/8/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC review letter issued for third "Site Closure Report for Central Paving Products Facility" dated May 2, 2013. The submittal is both a report and a plan; ADEC's review letter subject line reads "Conditional approval of groundwater monitoring and soil excavation plan included in 'Site Closure Report for Central Paving Products Facility' dated May 2, 2013". ADEC's letter notes that the report describes field work conducted on April 23, 2014 that included installing and sampling four soil borings equidistant around existing monitoring well A. As a next step, Granite proposed to sample the three monitoring wells at the site during the week of May 12,2014 and to remove and permanently decommission the wells if the groundwater motutoring results are below ADEC cleanup levels. ADEC will review the groundwater sampling results and if the results indicate that the wells can be decommissioned, Granite will excavate soil within the 7 - 9 foot depth interval at the former monitoring well A location. Soil within that interval is documented to be contaminated by diesel range organics (DRO). Eileen Olson
5/22/2014 Update or Other Action ADEC received the fourth "Site Closure Report for Central Paving Products Facility" dated May 22, 2014 that included the results of the May 14, 2014 monitoring well sampling event. Well B exceeded the cleanup level for DRO with a result of 4.1 mg/L. TELLUS noted that the increase in the DRO contaminant concentration and the change in groundwater flow direction appear to be associated with the seasonal high groundwater conditions observed on the site in May 2014. During the May 14, 2014 monitoring event depth to groundwater in well A was 8.0 ft. below the ground surface (bgs); 8.05 ft. bgs in well B; and 6.35 ft. bgs is well C with groundwater flow direction approximately 10 degrees north of west (N10W). During the first monitoring event groundwater flow direction was approximately S30W, so that the flow direction changed by 70 degrees between the March 6, 2014 and May 14, 2014 sampling events and the depth to groundwater in monitoring well B decreased from 9.95 feet bgs to 8.05 feet bgs. Eileen Olson
7/10/2014 Site Visit Brief site visit during final work in progress under plan approved in ADEC's letter dated May 8, 2014. Work included removal of monitoring well MW-A and excavation of remaining contaminated soil at location of MW-A. Impacted soil stockpiled for mixing with RAP and re-use. The two remaining monitoring wells at the site, MW-B and MW-C, were also sampled on this date. Eileen Olson
7/25/2014 Update or Other Action ADEC received the fifth and last report titled "Site Closure Report for Central Paving Procuts Facility...July 24, 2014". The report requests site closure. Groundwater sampling results for wells B and C were below cleanup levels for all analyses (DRO, GRO and BTEX). Depth to groundwater in well B was 7.2 feet below the ground surface (bgs) and 9.2 feet bgs in well C. Excavation confirmation samples from soil removed from the location of monitoring well A were non-detect for all analyses (DRO, GRO and BTEX). Eileen Olson
8/1/2014 Update or Other Action ADEC received notice that on this date the two remaining monitoring wells were decommissioned (by removal the casing and filling the borings with bentonite chips). Eileen Olson
8/21/2014 Update or Other Action Granite informed ADEC by email that the approximately 3 cubic yards of contaminated soil excavated from the monitoring well A location has been removed from the site to be used in a recycled asphalt mix. Eileen Olson
9/5/2014 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued Decision document issued granting the site Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls status. Eileen Olson
9/5/2014 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. Eileen Olson
9/5/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74278 surface diesel releases. Eileen Olson
7/10/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter in response to notification of work to be done within the site, which comprises less than 1/2 acre of the 37 acre property). ADEC letter states that approval is required regardless of whether the soil or groundwater will be disposed of off property or off site (that is, areas of the property other than the areas designated at the site). Eileen Olson
11/16/2015 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted, staff name changed from Olson to IC Unit, and set the reminder system to review the site record September 2019. Evonne Reese
9/2/2016 Update or Other Action ADEC 'Institutional Control' reminder letter sent to ODEX Corp. since a large warehouse will be constructed on the 37-acre property this season. The contaminated site on the property consists of two areas totaling under an acre. ADEC's letter included a reminder that an environmental management plan exists and has been approved for the site, and ADEC approval is required prior to transport of soil or groundwater from the site. Eileen Olson
3/21/2017 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Reminder system set to follow-up on the five-year land use reporting requirement in 2021. Kristin Thompson
4/28/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review letter issued for "Odom Site Evaluation Work Plan, April 2017" prepared by DOWL for ODEX Investments V, LLC. The plan includes procedures for managing potentially contaminated soil and groundwater within the approximately 21.66-acre Tract A of Odom Industrial Park Subdivision that has the address of 6300 Changepoint Drive. ADEC noted that the Central Paving-West Dowling site is now within Tract A of the Odom Industrial Park Subdivision following the 2016 re-platting into two properties of former Lot A-1, Block 3 of the Denali Industrial Park Subdivision. ADEC's letter notes that Tract B has no documented contamination and will not be subject to the institutional controls established for the site unless (1) contamination is identified during the planned site development of Tract A indicating that contamination may be contiguous across the adjoining property boundary, (2) contamination is documented within the Tract B property in the future. Eileen Olson
5/2/2017 Institutional Control Update Staff changed from IC Unit to Eileen Olson. Kristin Thompson
7/11/2017 Site Visit Met with contractor and environmental firm representatives on site to view staging of soil stockpiles proposed for transport and disposal to Eklutna gravel pit. Approximately 33,000 cubic yards of soil is present at the site in large stockpiles. Additional organic-rich soil used as surcharge for building footprint was confirmed to be clean and is undergoing screening for transport to a landscaping business. Eileen Olson
8/4/2017 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC letter dated 8/4/2017 granted conditional approval to transport soil to the Eklutna gravel pit. Based on field screening and laboratory analytical results evaluated by statistical methods in accordance with 18 AAC 75.380(c)(1) and ADEC guidance, ADEC determined that the soil meets the applicable 18 AAC 75.341 migration to groundwater soil cleanup levels. Eileen Olson
9/28/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC conditions of approval in the letter dated 8/4/2017 for transport of soil to the Eklutna pit were met when the contractor emailed the location and elevation within the Eklutna Pit where fill from the Central Paving site will be placed. Eileen Olson
10/23/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On 10/23/2017 Odom's contractor Pruhs Construction provided a summary of soil volumes transported from the Central Paving - West Dowling site to the Eklutna gravel pit Between September 29 and October 23 a total of 77,742 cy of soil was transported to the gravel pit. Transport is ongoing and reporting of volumes transported will continue on at least a weekly basis until work is complete. Eileen Olson
10/23/2017 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC issued a conditional approval letter this date to transport 50,000-80,000 cy of soil from the Central Paving - West Dowling site that meets migration to groundwater standards to a site on O'Malley Road for use as fill, with conditions including minimal vertical and horizontal separation distances from surface water and groundwater. A revised approval letter was sent on 10/24/2017 at the request of the owner's representative that specified soil as being either non-structural or non-suitable (for engineering purposes) fill instead of the terms 'organic' and 'mineral' soils. Eileen Olson
11/14/2017 Update or Other Action ADEC received an email update on the daily quantities hauled from the Central Paving site to the O'Malley property. The total volume of soil to date, hauled on November 7, 8 and 9, is 12,762 cubic yards. Eileen Olson
11/27/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received emailed summary of daily volume hauled and final volume of material hauled to O'Malley site for 2017 by Pruhs, contractor for Odom Corporation. Total hauled this year is 50,508 cubic yards. The project is shut down for the year and Pruhs will notify if additional material will be hauled in the spring. Eileen Olson
6/21/2018 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Staff changed from Eileen Olson to IC Unit. Kristin Thompson
10/12/2018 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC sends letter to Cooley Co. stating that ADEC has recently had a regs change in which a responsible person no longer needs ADEC approval to dispose of soils off-site, if the soils meet ADEC Method 2 clean up levels. ADEC has documentation that the stockpile currently located at Tract 1 Richport Subdivision does meet Method 2 cleanup levels. ADEC does not have any objections to the movement of the soil to an off-site location, and will not be providing regulatory oversight of the soil stockpile movement. Kara Kusche
10/1/2024 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was issued to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. Gaige Robinson

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
RRO > Table C Groundwater RRO detected in groundwater at 1.18 mg/L, exceeding Table C cleanup level of 1.1 mg/L in a well in the southwest corner of the site. No source identified. Two monitoring events total.
DRO > Table C Groundwater DRO concentration of 4.1 mg/L present in sample from second of three monitoring well sampling events, exceeding cleanup level of 1.5 mg/L. Well decommissioned following third event.

Control Type

Type Details
Notice of Environmental Contamination The Decision document identifies the site as two areas comprising a total of less than one acre of the ~37-acre property. The IC specific to the site is item 3 of the deed notice - "Installation of groundwater wells, dewatering or otherwise using or moving the groundwater at the site requires approval from ADEC."


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. Standard condition.
Groundwater Use Restrictions Installation of groundwater wells, dewatering or otherwise using or moving the groundwater at the site requires approval from ADEC.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) Standard condition.
Other Granite or any successor owner will report to ADEC every five years to document land use, or as soon as they become aware of any change in land ownership and/or use.

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