Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
6/28/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Received lab results from sampling conducted in May 2000. |
Elizabeth Stergiou |
7/28/2000 |
Site Added to Database |
Lead contamination. |
Former Staff |
4/23/2002 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Initial ranking. |
Elizabeth Stergiou |
4/23/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
Received the April 4, 2002, Site Characterization Report, Knik Material Assessment, Knik River, Alaska. |
Elizabeth Stergiou |
4/29/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
Database change. Changed: landowner and responsible party from ADOT&PF to U.S.D.I. BLM. Changed priority: Air Exposure Index from 0.1 to 0.2 to reflect surface contamination, Groundwater Exposure Index from 0 to 0.4 to reflect lack of groundwater data collected; added multiple sources. |
Elizabeth Stergiou |
6/10/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
Bush assigned as project manager. Reviewed April submittal, elevated levels of lead, copper and antimony are present in soils and sediment, though to WQ exceedances are noted. |
Lynne Bush |
2/26/2003 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
CS staff met with representatives of ADOT&PF and BLM to determine course of action to enable transfer of the site property from BLM to the State of Alaska. Objectives were identified to establish NFRAP status with IC’s for the site. Soil areas that have been identified as having lead levels above cleanup will be capped over using on site materials. Cap will be mapped using a GPS and incorporated into aerial site figure and IC’s attached. DEC will approve NFRAP at the completion of the capping activities allowing property transfer to be completed. |
David Pikul |
5/29/2003 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
DEC staff attended an on-site meeting with ADOT&PF, BLM and BLM's contractor to field walk the area which the interim removal action is to take place. The three back stop areas and the two shooting lanes over the pond were located. Soil to be removed and areas to be capped were identified. |
David Pikul |
6/13/2003 |
Interim Removal Action Approved |
DEC issued a comment letter to BLM for the work plan submitted by MACTEC for corrective action at the site. DEC had several comments and conditional to those comments, DEC will approve the work plan as an interim action not as a corrective action plan. |
David Pikul |
8/8/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Outstanding changes to the work plan were included and the work plan finalized. Site work to begin August 11, 2003. |
David Pikul |
1/14/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC completed review of the report titled Corrective Action Report Knik Material Site dated December 2003. ROD forthcoming. |
David Pikul |
1/27/2004 |
Record of Decision |
In August 2003, MACTEC performed corrective action measures which included excavation of backstop areas B1, B2, & B3 and capping of areas A1 & A2. Approximately 34 cubic yards of soil was removed from excavation area B1 (depth of 0.5 foot), 6 cubic yards from excavation area B2 (depth of 0.5 foot), and 66 cubic yards from excavation area B3 (depth of 0.5 to 1.0 foot) for a total of 106 cubic yards. Confirmation samples were collected from the final limits of each of the excavations and verified the in-situ soil did not exceed the residential cleanup level for lead of 400 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). The excavated soil was placed in “super sacks” and shipped via railcar to Chemical Waste Management's disposal facility in Arlington, Oregon.
The near shore sediments in areas A1 & A2 were capped with clean fill to cover to a thickness of one foot and extending about fifteen feet from the shoreline into the lake.
Corrective actions completed to date have reduced/eliminated exposure to surface contamination in the areas identified to be impacted by shooting range activities. |
David Pikul |
2/6/2004 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
Letter issued along with ROD establishing NFRAP status and need for IC's. IC's will be determined following conveyance of the property to the State of Alaska and the nature of the land use determined. |
David Pikul |
7/9/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
File number assigned 2245.38.007. |
Former Staff |
5/3/2005 |
GIS Position Updated |
Updated coordinates arrived at using the Montana State University Locator to new ones by using TopoZone Pro aerial photography 1:10,000 scale, NAD27 layer in conjunction with site maps. Plotted point represents Shooting Area 1. Multiple source areas present. High degree of confidence in accuracy of new coordinates. |
Former Staff |
8/28/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Attached ROD dated 1-27-04 and letter dated 2-6-04 to the CS database. |
Pam Clemens |
5/20/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
Contacted ADOT Material Site Project Manager Bruce Shelt 269-0681 - he is researching their files for information on this site. |
Pam Clemens |
9/9/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
CSP has been informed that DNR, as the receiving land owner, has now received unrestricted title from BLM. DNR is co-ordinating with CSP on IC's for this site based on proposed land use by ADF&G, and DNR is holding transter of management responsibility to ADF&G until ADEC establishes ICs for the furture land use. The ACMP review has also been completed/approved. DNR has agreed to memorialize ICs in the chain of title and interagency land management agreement (ILMA). |
Linda Nuechterlein |
10/2/2009 |
Site Visit |
CSP staff conducted a site visit at the former ADOT Knik River Rest Stop on October 2nd. ADF&G staff was also present to identify where construction activities (such as foot bridge and trail construction) will take place in the near future. DNR worked with the BLM (former land owner) to clean up the site which had been historically used as an informal shooting range and dump site. After a closure determination was issued by ADEC in 2004, DNR received title for the benefit of ADF&G and is now seeking to define the Institutional Controls (IC's) for this parcel before they transfer management responsibility to ADF&G. ADF&G has proposed a development plan for this site which includes construction of trails, a canoe launch, picnic area and plans to stock the lake (former gravel pit) for recreational fishing. As a result of the CU effort, the majority of lead contamination has been removed, however lead contamination remaining in the lake sediment exceeds ecological screening levels. CSP staff collected samples to analyzed for lead from A1, A2 and B1 areas. Results from this sampling will assist CSP staff in establishing appropriate institutional controls for future land use that are protective of human and ecological receptors. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
10/12/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
CSP staff is also working with Dr. Gerlach in Environmental Health to obtain results from sampling that will target analysis of fish tissue from fish consumed as a result of recreational fishing at this site. He proposes to ananyze at least 10 fish of the same species and approximately the same size. ADF&G will provide the fish. There would not be any cost to either agency for analysis since the work would be part of the EH fish monitoring program. This information will assist CSP staff in establishing appropriate institutional controls for future land use since ADF&G is proposing to stock the lake for recreational fishing. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
2/1/2010 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 74302 name: auto-generated pm edit ADOT&PF Knik River Rest Stop |
Linda Nuechterlein |
3/10/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
A Request for Proposal (RFP) was developed and sent to CSP term contractors. SOW includes further characterization of lead contamination at former shooting areas A1 and A2 and Excavation area B1. The objective is to delinate, excavate, and remove soil containing elevated lead concentrations; and to cap and revegetate areas specified in the RFP so that recreational users are not exposed to unacceptable levels of lead contamination. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
4/13/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
CIP Funding requested to delineate extend of lead contamination in soil at former shooting areas to determine appropriate remedition options such as source removal and/or capping. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
4/19/2010 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Interagency Land Management Agreement (ILMA) executed by DNR for Reflections Lake (AKA Knik River Rest Stop.) This agreement documents ICs established for this site. See project file for complete copy of ILMA agreement. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
4/22/2010 |
Site Visit |
Site visit made on this date by ADEC staff to check lake levels, condition of sediment caps in A1 and A2 areas, and to follow-up on photos (showing spent shell casings,) and other information emailed by Joe Meehan/ADF&G on April 19, 2010. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
5/10/2010 |
Site Visit |
On this date, the following lead samples were taken by DEC staff of the two Reflections Lake sediment caps identified as A1 and A2: Southeast end of A1 cap (A1-1); Composite of A1 cap (A1-2); NE end of A1 Cap (A1-3); East composite sample of A2 cap (A2-1); Central A2 cap composite in eroded area (A2-2); West End of A2 Cap - grab sample (A2-3) |
Linda Nuechterlein |
10/1/2010 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
The Knik River Rest Stop Lead Characterization Report was reviewed and approved. Delineation and characterization of lead impacts from former shooting activities were conducted at the areas at former shooting areas: Shooting Area A1, Shooting Area A2, and Excavation Area B1. A handheld XRF was used to field screen soils at the area of suspected impacts then confirmation samples were collected once the XRF indicated lead concentrations were below 80 mg/kg. Based on XRF results, the investigation area was expanded to include the pathways from the entrance to the end of Area B1. A proposed vault toilet area and an area along the southeastern corner of Reflections Lake were also investigated using the XRF, which did not indicate the presence of lead contamination. Confirmation samples were collected to delineate the suspected extent of lead impacts above ADEC cleanup levels. All confirmation samples contained lead below the cleanup level of 400 mg/kg except sample -007, which contained lead at 81,600 mg/kg and also antimony at 819 mg/kg, above the cleanup level of 3.6 mg/kg. A bullet casing was reportedly present in the sample matrix, which likely skewed the results. The area of this sample will be re-sampled during the mitigation phase. No samples failed TCLP analysis. The field screening area was expanded to include the entire path from the entrance to the end of Area B1. Several discreet areas contained elevated lead concentrations according to the XRF, as a result the entire path was covered with approximately 6 inches of gravel. Additional capping activities are anticipated to be conducted in Fall 2010 or Spring 2011. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
10/1/2010 |
Site Reopened |
Results from the May-June 2010 field characterization effort by ADEC were documented in the Site Characterization report (above). Significant and extensive lead contamination remains on site which could pose a risk to recreational users, therefore this site was reopened. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
10/12/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
CIP funding requested to develop and implement a workplan to cap lead contaminated areas to mitigate lead exposure. This will allow for re-use by ADF&G to develop as a recreational site. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
10/28/2010 |
Site Visit |
Meet with ADFG at 10:00 AM to discuss ADFG permitting requirement and check lake level. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
5/17/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed Work Plan for capping of lead contaminated areas at Reflections Lake. The upland areas A1 and B1 will be covered with one foot of gravel placed on top of geotextile fabric to demarcate the capped area. Submerged caps at A1 and A2 will be reinforced with 6 inches of additional gravel placed on top of geotextile fabric. After capping with gravel, upland area B1 will be covered with 6 inches of topsoil then hydroseeded with native vegetation. The edge of the cap at area B1 will be stabilized with a rock berm and vegetation along the northern edge. |
Bill O'Connell |
5/27/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Scope Mod made to current NTP 18-4002-11-026 as needed to adjust work to site conditions. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
5/31/2011 |
Site Visit |
Project kick off this day, multiple site visits this week. |
Bill O'Connell |
6/6/2011 |
Site Visit |
CSP staff made site visit to inspect progress of capping and discus status of project with Oasis. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
1/4/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed Knik River Rest Stop Report of Cover Construction Over Areas of Elevated Lead. At Shooting Area A1, a geotech liner and six inches of gravel were placed over the existing, seasonally submerged cap , and a geotech liner and one foot of gravel was placed over the upland area where elevated lead had been detected. At Shooting Area A2, a geotech liner and six inches of gravel were placed over the existing, seasonally submerged cap and the upland area immediately adjacent. Prior to placement of the cap in this area, drainage rills were filled with large cobbles to protect against erosion of the new capping material. At Excavation Area B1, some vegetation was cut, while vegetation along the edges of the lake was left in place to stabilize the edge of the cap. A geotech liner, one foot of gravel, and 6-12 inches of topsoil were placed over the areas of elevated lead concentrations. A cobble berm was placed along the north side of the cap to stabilize the gravel and topsoil. The entire B1 area was then hydro-seeded, and vegetation was successfully grown in 2011. Some discrete areas of elevated lead concentrations in soil were not capped, as the areas were covered by mature vegetation or were present along the vertical banks of the lake which were not suitable for capping. |
Bill O'Connell |
1/5/2012 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74302 auto-generated pm edit ADOT&PF Knik River Rest Stop. |
Bill O'Connell |
5/21/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Discussion today with Environmental Health-State Veterinarian Dr. Gerlach regarding fish stocking in Reflections Lake. Dr. Gerlach indicated that based on the previous fish tissue sampling events, he has no objection to stocking Reflections Lake and would like to collect tissue samples of the fish before they are stocked, then on an annual basis afterwards for a period of time |
Bill O'Connell |
10/23/2012 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
This site was closed with Institutional Controls (ICs) in 2004. Additional IC's were placed on the site following investigation and exposure mitigation and are included in the Interagency Land Management Agreement between the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. See attachment for details. |
Bill O'Connell |
5/13/2013 |
Site Visit |
Site visit today, capped areas appear stable. |
Bill O'Connell |
8/30/2013 |
Site Visit |
DEC site visit on this date to observe cap and revegetation efforts. Site revegetation and capped areas appear stable. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
9/6/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
Fish stocking in 2012 was unsuccessful, so Reflections Lake was stocked again in June 2013. It is anticipated that fish tissue samples will be collected in Fall 2013. |
Bill O'Connell |
10/4/2018 |
Institutional Control Update |
Institutional Control inspection- capped areas are stable with no visible liner or erosion of cap. Re-vegetated areas appear healthy, with willows established along the slough for erosion control and bank stabilization. No evidence of shooting activities. |
Bill O'Connell |
12/31/2024 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was issued and cc’d to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. |
Gaige Robinson |