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Site Report: Grayling Native Store Tank Farm

Site Name: Grayling Native Store Tank Farm
Address: North Side of "C" Street, Between 2nd & 3rd Streets, Grayling, AK 99590
File Number: 2416.38.003
Hazard ID: 3373
Status: Active
Staff: Brittani Mack, 9072628205
Latitude: 62.905015
Longitude: -160.065396
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The Grayling Native Store former tank farm is situated approximately 350 feet west of the Yukon River. The total capacity of the tank farm was 35,329 gallons. It consisted of seven tanks; five above ground and two underground with no dike or liner. In 1996, 10 gallons of diesel spilled, which was managed by PERP. the case was closed in 1997. During a 2000 site reconnaissance, there were numerous pipe threads leaking, and two valves had stem packing leaks. An uncovered soil stockpile from a fuel spill was located on a liner within the tank farm and nine partially filled 55-gallon drums were located next to the store. An analytical soil sample collected from the tank farm at a depth of 3 inches below ground surface contained gasoline and diesel contamination above ADEC Maximum Allowable Concentrations (MACs). Soil contamination above MACs indicates an increased potential for hazardous substance migration or for risk to human health, safety or welfare, or to the environment.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
11/30/1992 Update or Other Action On this date, the USCG sent a letter to the Grayling Native Store. The letter states: “Based on the results of a Coast Guard Inspection/examination of your facility on 06JUN92 at GRAYLING AK., you have been found to be in violation of U.S. law (and/or regulations) in your operations.” Grant Lidren
4/29/1993 Update or Other Action On this date, ADEC sent the Grayling Native Store a Notification of UST Requirements letter for the two onsite regulated USTs. Linda Nuechterlein
11/19/1993 Update or Other Action Per an email correspondence on this date, the Grayling Native Store had not returned a registration form for the two onsite regulated USTs. Kent Patrick-Riley
5/7/1996 Update or Other Action Ten gallons of fuel spilled near the native store tank farm due to a valve failure(PERP Spill no. 96279912801). The spill cleanup actions according to the PERP Spill Summary Report state the "village obtained grant from DCRA to upgrade the tank farm." the last action states "case closed, no further action" dated 5/1/1997. Grant Lidren
7/15/1998 Update or Other Action According to a Grayling Bulk Fuel Storage Assessment Report with this date, the consolidated tank farm for: AVEC, ANCSA Village Corporation, and the City of Grayling; was currently under construction. It was reported that the Grayling Native Store tank farm would be decommissioned after completion of the consolidated tank farm. Note: the Grayling Native store tank farm was in service during the site visit. Grant Lidren
2/2/2000 Update or Other Action According to an AEA Rural Energy Programs Project Form with this date, The project status for the consolidated tank farm construction was,“…substantially complete.” Furthermore, the supplemental information states,”Federal Funding is from the [EPA]. Project is complete with the exception of final inspection and completion of punch list items.” Grant Lidren
11/17/2000 Update or Other Action Site Reconnasissance, Abandoned Bulk Fuel Storage Facilities, Villiage of Grayling Alaska, submitted by Shannon & Wilson, and recieved by ADEC on this date. Nine, partially to completely full 55-gallon drums were observed approximately 30 feet to the west of the tanks, along the east side of the Grayling Native Store. According to Wilfred Deacon, these drums are approximately 20 years old and contain diesel fuel. An uncovered soil stockpile is situated on a liner at this tank farm. The soil was reportedly excavated from under the centrally located piping connecting the tanks to the dispenser and fill lines. According to Fred Howard, this soil was excavated following a spill. An analytical soil sample collected from the tank farm at a depth of 3 inches below ground surface contained DRO at 8,870 mg/kg, GRO at 15,700 mg/kg, benzene at 6.9 mg/kg toluene at 620 mg/kg, ethylbenzene at 130 mg/kg, and xylenes at 2,157 mg/kg. Grant Lidren
4/21/2003 Site Added to Database GRO and DRO contamination. Deborah Williams
4/27/2004 Update or Other Action Site evaluation funded through TAPL funding. With loss of TAPL funds to Alaska Energy Authority, ADEC will not be able to fund work on the site at this time. Other funding sources will be evaluated as needed. Mike Jaynes
7/14/2004 Update or Other Action File number changed from 2416.42.008 to 2416.38.001. Sarah Cunningham
4/4/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Bill O'Connell
4/28/2011 Update or Other Action ADEC sent an Contaminated Site Notification letter on this date. Grant Lidren
5/11/2011 Update or Other Action Received phone call from the Grayling Native Store TF on this date. ADEC discussed outstanding envionmental issues. Grant Lidren
1/13/2012 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter A prp letter was sent to the Grayling Native Store TF on this date. Grant Lidren
2/27/2012 Update or Other Action No response from PRP letter sent on 1/13/12. Called Native store on this date, but unable to leave message. Grant Lidren
10/19/2012 Brownfields Award EPA approved the GASH State & Tribal Response Program's use of its funding to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment at the site. Sonja Benson
12/11/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this date, ADEC received the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Former Native Store Tank Farm dated November 2012. One empty 880-gallon AST, two 5,000 gallon regulated USTs, seven abandoned drums, and an unlined 16 cy contaminated soil stockpile were observed on site. Three of the drums contained contaminated water with free product. Three of the drums were suspected to contain waste diesel. One of the drums, found on its side leaking from a missing bung, contained 45 gallons of unused heavy weight oil. A replacement bung was later installed. Nine shallow borings were dug with a 3 inch hand auger and soil samples were collected 2 feet bgs at the location suspected to be most contaminated. Seven of the nine soil samples collected adjacent to the south of the onsite stockpile contained a petroleum odor in an area measuring 20 by 40 by 4 feet. Three soil samples field screened by a pid from this area contained 800, 1,220, and 1,400 ppmv. Grant Lidren
9/11/2013 Update or Other Action On this date, the ADEC Solid Waste Program Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP), Waste Erosion Assessment and Review (WEAR) conducted a site visit. A stockpile, drums, and a UST in the ground with associated piping were noted on site. However, the one 880 gallon empty AST - observed during a Phase 1 in 2012 - was not observed onsite. Grant Lidren
1/6/2014 Update or Other Action On this date, the IPP UST program sent a letter to the Grayling Native Store regarding the two 5,000 gasoline regulated USTs still located in the ground at the site. As part of this letter, ADEC requested the Grayling Native Store submit a "Notice of Tanks Taken Out-of-Service (ADEC Form 18-0502) and an Empty Tank Affidavit (ADEC Form 18-0503) no later than January 17, 2014 (78.085(d))" (update: as of 2/5/15, IPP has not received the completed forms from the Grayling Native Store Tank Farm). Grant Lidren
3/24/2014 Update or Other Action On this date, ADEC sent a letter to the Grayling Native Store and copied the City of Grayling and the Anvik Tribal council. The letter discussed the background of contamination at the site and the responsibilities of the Grayling Native Store as the responsible party. The letter notes that during the summer of 2013, the Grayling Native Store excavated soil directly to the east of the Native store for a new storage shed. Reportedly, contaminated soil was not excavated during this effort. Grant Lidren
7/7/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held The Contaminated Sites Program and the Industry Preparedness Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program attended a teleconference with the Grayling Native Store and Grayling Council members on this date. Topics discussed included :construction of the new Store Warehouse, the two 5,000 gallon USTs, and historic contamination issues at the site. Grant Lidren
3/20/2015 Update or Other Action On this date, the IPP UST program sent a letter to the Grayling Native Store and the Grayling IRA Council regarding the two 5,000 gasoline regulated USTs still located in the ground at the site. As part of this letter, ADEC requested the Grayling Native Store submit a: "UST Registration" (ADEC Form 18-0500) "Notice of Tanks Taken Out-of-Service" (ADEC Form 18-0502) and an "Empty Tank Affidavit" (ADEC Form 18-0503) no later than April 24, 2015. Grant Lidren
8/7/2015 Update or Other Action Contact by Grayling Native Store liaison re need for demonstration that soil in vicinity of foundation of storage building is not contaminated as requested by tribal council. Eileen Olson
9/15/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved Sampling and Analysis/Quality Assurance Project Plan QAPP Kelly Ireland
10/23/2023 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approved work plan for site characterization. Work detailed in the work plan has already been completed, but QAPP for the work was signed prior to work commencing. Kelly Ireland
4/24/2024 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST site created in CSP database for source area ASTs and USTs, 74348. There are regulated tanks on the property which have never been designated as a "release confirmed" which is required for EPA grant tracking. Evonne Reese
5/22/2024 LUST Cost Recovery contract award EPA approval received to use LUST cost recovery funds for removal, treatment, and disposal of UST waste liquids. Brittani Mack
5/30/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Formal Approval of document: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE INVESTIGATION GRAYLING NATIVE STORE. This site assessment addresses releases from a former Diesel AST farm that also included two regulated gasoline USTs. Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC) contracted NORTECH to complete this work with summer 2024 field activities. The subsequent removal of the USTs shall follow 18 AAC 78.085 and field screening/sampling as required by the UST Procedures Manual. Brittani Mack

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