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Site Report: Adak Former Power Plant Bldg T-1451

Site Name: Adak Former Power Plant Bldg T-1451
Address: OU A, Adak Naval Air Facility, Adak, AK 99546
File Number: 2501.38.003.22
Hazard ID: 3399
Status: Active
Staff: Jamie McKellar, 9074515175
Latitude: 51.864344
Longitude: -176.645986
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Location of WWII era power plant. Three ASTs removed on an unknown date. Abandoned pipelines also present at site. Site retained during screening process due to presence of DRO contamination above screening levels. Aesthetic remedy completed in 1998. Soil cover with monitored natural attenuation and institutional controls selected under SAERA in OU A ROD. Site was removed from OU A ROD by OU A ROD Amendment for regulation solely under 18 AAC 75. Four wells are currently monitored for DRO and RRO. Data from well E-701 is being used to evaluate background conditions for Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA). Due to increasing concentrations of DRO in surface water protection well Navy performed removal action to excavate impacted soil adjacent to the canal and install an enhanced MNA barrier. Monitoring indicates the MNA zone is preventing DRO from entering surface water at this location.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
4/15/2000 Site Added to Database Petroleum. Elim Yoon
4/15/2000 Record of Decision The Record of Decision for this site was signed this date. Elim Yoon
12/28/2001 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Control Established. Includes Equitable Servitude for: Commercial/Industrial Land Use Restrictions, Groundwater Restrictions, Excavation permit required for areas with Soil Excavation Restrictions, and requirements for Inspections and Reporting. See document “Adak Island Institutional Control Management Plan, Final Edition, December 2001, Prepared by: Engineering Field Activity, Northwest.” Elim Yoon
3/1/2003 Update or Other Action Received September 2001 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. The Navy recommends continuing Monitored Natural Attenuation at T-1451 sites. Meghan Dooley
10/10/2003 Record of Decision Site removed from OU A ROD by OU A ROD Amendment for regulation under 18 AAC 75. Original RA and RAOs were carried through as part of the amendment. Sami Goldman
5/26/2004 Update or Other Action Received September 2003 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. Meghan Dooley
6/4/2004 Long Term Monitoring Established Groundwater monitoring established for site in 1999; several wells added in 2002 Jason Weigle
6/17/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC Comments for the Draft September 2003 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report sent. Meghan Dooley
9/7/2004 Update or Other Action Received Final September 2003 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. Navy recommends continuing the current monitoring program, and adding a program to sample well E-701 biennially or twice per five year review period for DRO and RRO to serve as a background for natural attenuation assessment. Meghan Dooley
10/19/2004 GIS Position Updated Latitude and Longitude was derived using ArcGIS with either High Resolution Aerial Photography from the Navy with an up to 3 meters error, or line maps used in investigations combined with road layers, +/-25 feet accuracy.  Metadata is as follows: Updated NAD 1983 State Plane Alaska 10 FIPS 5010 Feet; Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic; False Easting: 3280833.333333; False Northing: 0.000000; Central Meridian: -176.000000; Standard Parallel 1: 51.833333; Standard Parallel 2: 53.833333; Latitude of Origin: 51.000000; GCS North American 1983. Jason Weigle
2/8/2005 Update or Other Action Interim conveyance document contains an equitable servitude that restricts residential land use as well as the domestic use of groundwater. Site is also located in the downtown excavation notification zone. Jason Weigle
2/17/2005 Update or Other Action 2004 Annual Monitoring report received. Jason Weigle
3/4/2005 Update or Other Action Review of Draft 2004 Annual Monitoring report completed. Jason Weigle
3/7/2005 Update or Other Action Added MRTS data, derived from ADNR and USGS range, township, and section data overlaid on lat/lon coordinates derived previously. Accuracy is equivalent to the lat/lon coordinates. MRTS information depicts the center point of range fans and target areas; actual target areas or fans may overlap several sections. Jason Weigle
3/8/2005 Update or Other Action Added legal description for site. Jason Weigle
5/23/2005 Update or Other Action Final 2004 Annual Monitoring Report received. Navy recommends that monitoring of RRO be discontinued in the sampling program due to concentrations below clean up levels for 2003 and 2004 sampling events. ADEC concurs. Meghan Dooley
3/20/2006 Update or Other Action Final 2005 Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report received on this date. No IC problems noted at this site. Jason Weigle
3/20/2006 Update or Other Action The draft annual groundwater monitoring report for 2005 was received on this date. Jason Weigle
4/5/2006 Update or Other Action File number 2501.38.003.01 assigned on this date. Jason Weigle
4/7/2006 Update or Other Action Comments on Groundwater Monitoring Report submitted to the Navy. DRO concentrations appear to be trending upward; RRO concentrations are static. No statisitically significant trend is discernable from the data for either constituent. Both remain above clean-up levels. Jason Weigle
6/9/2006 Update or Other Action Final 2005 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report received. Navy will continue monitoring based on DRO and RRO concentrations remaining above ADEC clean up levels at different wells in the site. Meghan Dooley
12/18/2006 Update or Other Action Received Draft 2006 Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report that details the results of annual Institutional Control (IC) inspections to determine the effectiveness of IC's selected in the OUA Record of Decision. Guy Warren
12/27/2006 Update or Other Action Submitted comment letter to the Navy on the Draft Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report. Comments focused on the adequacy of the excavation notification program, the effectiveness of the ordnance awareness program, and visitor notification of ICs. Guy Warren
2/15/2007 Update or Other Action Received Draft Annual Ground Water Monitoring Report, which presents the results of September 2006 ground water monitoring activities at 24 sites at the Former Adak Naval Complex. Guy Warren
3/13/2007 Update or Other Action Received the Final 2006 Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report. Several Department comments will be addressed through revisions of the Institutional Control Management Plan planned for 2007. The remaining comments were addressed and additional recomendations to increase efforts to notify island visitors of ICs (including the ordnance awareness education program) were included in the final document. Guy Warren
4/25/2007 Update or Other Action Submitted comments on the Draft Annual Ground Water Monitoring Report. Primary areas of concern include: increasing trends in contaminant levels at several sites, Increased free product, and adherence to field sampling procedures. In general it appears that declining ground water levels are responsible for the increase in free product and dissolved contaminant concentrations. The Navy and DEC have agreed to reinstate free product recovery at those sites showing increases in free product. Guy Warren
7/26/2007 Update or Other Action Received Final Annual Ground Water Monitoring Report, September 2006. The Department's comments have been addressed in the Final Report. The Navy has agreed to conduct additional free product recovery at those sites with increassed free rpoduct. The Navy has agreed to evaluate conditions at several sites with increasing contaminant trends to determine if additional investigation or remediaiton is required. Guy Warren
12/21/2007 Update or Other Action Received Draft Petroleum Summary Report for sites Antenna Field, SA79, Former Power Plant, SWMU 60, and SWMU 61 at the former Adak Naval Complex. The report summarizes the investigation activities that have been conducted at these sites to date. The report recommends additional monitoring of the surface water protection well and TAH/ TAqH analysis of adjacent surface water. Guy Warren
1/9/2008 Update or Other Action Submitted comments on the Draft Petroleum Summary Report (PSR) to the Navy. The Navy’s recommendations for additional monitoring at this site are totally inadequate to deal with the continued release of petroleum into the East Canal of the Airport Ditch System. Petroleum sheen has been observed in surface water adjacent to this site for many years. In 1998 a Petroleum Corrective Action installed culverts in this area to prevent petroleum from entering the Airport Ditch system. In 2003 USGS personnel observed petroleum sheen flowing around the area of corrective action. During a September 2007 site visit ADEC personnel observed sheen on the surface of the Airport Ditch downstream of the corrective action. Additional monitoring at this site will not eliminate the release of petroleum into surface water. The Department is requesting that the Navy install an interception/treatment barrier at this site to prevent petroleum from impacting surface water quality. Guy Warren
1/9/2008 Update or Other Action Site Status changed on this date from "Conditional Closure" to "active". Due to recent changes in guidance, sites where long term monitoring is ongoing are not eligible for "Conditional Closure". Guy Warren
2/13/2008 Update or Other Action Draft 2007 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report received. Meghan Dooley
3/28/2008 Update or Other Action Submitted comments on the Draft Annual Ground Water Monitoring Report. Primary areas of concern include: consistency in recommendations for depth to water measurements in determining groundwater elevation, consistency throughout sampling and reporting of FPR, optimization of monitoring regimes at specific sites, consistency in the Petroleum Summary Report, and incorporating changes agreed to into the CMP. Meghan Dooley
6/25/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Jill Taylor
8/18/2008 Update or Other Action Final 2007 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report received. DRO and RRO levels remain above or near endpoint criteria at wells 01-118 and 01-151. Well 01-150 has shown an increasing trend in DRO. Monitoring will continue for another year, and if conditions do not improve the Navy will evaluate the current remedy further remediation through an EE/CA. Meghan Dooley
3/20/2009 Update or Other Action Draft 2008 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report received. Meghan Dooley
5/14/2009 Update or Other Action File number 2501.38.003.22 assigned on this date. Previous site specific information can be found in 2501.38.003.01. Guy Warren
5/20/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC comments sent for 2008 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. Concerns include: increasing concentrations of contaminants at several sites and the adequacy of the MNA remedy at these sites, data consistency regarding an increase in oil seepage into East Canal not included in monthly reports. DEC is also concerned about destroyed monitoring wells and the possibility that they are not being replaced if essential to meeting objectives. ADEC recommends that the navy inventory all wells required for annual monitoring, properly decommission un-needed wells, and secure those where monitoring is necessary. ADEC also recommends that for those sites showing a trend increase, an evaluation should be performed in order to determine if additional action is necessary. Meghan Dooley
8/21/2009 Update or Other Action Final 2008 Annual Groundwater monitoring Report received. The Navy recommends discontinuing monitoring of RRO's at well 01-118 because concentrations have remained below endpoint criteria for 2 years. Visual inspection of the shoreline of East Canal between SWMU 62, New Housing Fuel Leak Area and South of Runway 18/36 should be conducted on an annual basis because of an observed oil seep down gradient of the site in the East Canal. Meghan Dooley
3/11/2010 Update or Other Action Draft 2009 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report received. The Navy recommends no changes to the monitoring at site T-1451. The Navy does recommend reducing sampling, discontinuing sampling, or adding shoreline inspections at several other sites. Meghan Dooley
3/15/2010 Update or Other Action Draft EE/CA received. EE/CA evaluates 8 alternatives (including no action) to supplement the current MNA program of the ROD in order to protect surface water receptors from further contamination by hydrocarbons. Meghan Dooley
4/5/2010 Update or Other Action ADEC comments for EE/CA sent. Concerns include how plume location and extent were determined, the vertical extent of contaminated soil and amount of estimated soil requiring excavation and remediation. Meghan Dooley
4/15/2010 Update or Other Action ADEC comments sent for 2009 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. Concerns include increasing trends of contaminants at several sites. ADEC concurs with Navy recommendations at many sites that include cessation of some monitoring, however does not concur with Navy at sites showing an increasing trend in contaminant concentrations. Meghan Dooley
5/27/2010 Update or Other Action The Draft SAP Additional Petroleum Characterization and figures were received. Meghan Dooley
7/10/2010 Site Visit ADEC visited the site to determine the condition of contamination in the canal. Sheen was observed in the surface water and NAVFAC and ADEC discussed further action options to remediate the site and the extent of potential excavation necessary. Meghan Dooley
10/12/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74374 ASTs. Meghan Dooley
2/14/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The draft Site Characterization Report was received on December 30, 2010 and comments were sent by ADEC on February 14, 2011. Fifteen soil borings were advanced at the site in order to further refine the vertical and horizontal exctent of contamination. No recommendations were offered. Meghan Dooley
2/15/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the draft Revision 2 EE/CA for T-1451 on December 23, 2010 and sent comments on February 15, 2011. The document suggests excavation as the most cost effective and practicable alternative for mitigating contamination in the East Canal. The document included a model for the contaminant migration from the source to the East Canal again. Meghan Dooley
2/16/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The draft 2010 IC Site Inspection Report was received on January 11, 2011 and DEC sent comments on February 16, 2011. There were no observed problems with ICs at this site. Meghan Dooley
4/8/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the Final Engineering Evaluation/Cost Estimate for this site. The preferred alternative is Alternative 8: limited excavation and on site soil treatment. Meghan Dooley
5/10/2011 Site Characterization Report Approved The final Site Characterization Report was received. The site characterization improved the delineation of the horizontal and vertical extent of contamination. The report did not offer any recommendations. The current remedy is being evaluated in an EE/CA. Meghan Dooley
5/12/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Final 2010 IC Site Inspection Report was received by ADEC. ICs appear to be functioning as intended at this site. Meghan Dooley
6/27/2011 CERCLA ROD Periodic Review The draft Third 5-Year Review was received. The purpose of the 5-Year Review is to evaluate the effectiveness of the remedy and determine if further action is warranted to protect human health and the environment. The document listed actions taken to address issues from the previous 5-Year Review, and offered new recommendations based on data collected from 2006 to 2010 from Operable Units A and B-1. It concluded that the remedy is functioning as intended at all but 4 sites and provided the following area-wide recommendations: 1. Update the current Comprehensive Monitoring Plan, Institutional Control Monitoring Plan, Operation and maintenance Plan, 2. Update the document repositories, 3. Assess and update as necessary the Community Relations Plan, and 4. Address action items identified during 2010 site inspections. The 5-Year Review recommends evaluating site specific risks for sediment and surface water at Former Power Plant T-1451 based on exceedences of the South of Runway 18/36 endpoint criteria and the fact that those endpoint criteria may not be representative of risks associated with the site. The document also recommends continuing groundwater monitoring and visual inspections of seeps as prescribed. Meghan Dooley
7/11/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Final 2010 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received. The report does not recommend any additional changes to the monitoring program. An increasing trend of DRO was observed in well 01-151. Options for augmenting the current remedy are being discussed as the downgradient water boday, the East Canal, continues to exhibit impacts from petroleum. Meghan Dooley
10/21/2011 Site Visit Site visit and scoping meeting for supplemental remedial action at site. Navy plans to perform additional investigation to characterize near shore contaminant distribution. Following characterization a treatment zone will be excavated and backfilled with amended backfill to control petroleum hydrocarbons from entering the east canal. The contractor presented their proposal for conducting the work, which included backfilling the excavation with amended contaminated soil. ADEC and Navy had significant objections to this approach and preferred backfilling wiht amended clean fill and transporting contaminated soil off site for disposal. Additional discussion will be required. Guy Warren
11/9/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held The project team reconvened to discuss the approach to the 2012 field effort. It was agreed that contaminated soil removed from the excavation will be "land-farmed" until DRO levels meet applicable state criteria. Additional discussion focused on what to do with contaminated ground water from the excavation, ultimate disposition of treated soil, etc. Guy Warren
12/5/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Project team meeting to discuss Draft SAP, develop Data Quality Objectives (DQO's) and to discuss other specifics regarding sample collection and analysis. Guy Warren
1/6/2012 Update or Other Action Submitted comments to the Navy on the Draft Sampling and Analysis Plan for 2012 field activities at T-1451 (submitted on December 28, 2011). Guy Warren
2/29/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Submitted comments on the Draft Final SAP for 2012 field activities at T-1451. Guy Warren
5/1/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Submit comments to the Navy of the Draft 2011 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. Additional characterization/investigation planned for 2012 at this site so no changes to annual monitoring were recommended. Guy Warren
5/3/2012 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Submit approval letter for Final Sampling and Analysis Plan for Building T-1451 and East Canal. The work plan includes additional site characterization activities for T-1451 and the East Canal, installation of a monitoring natural attenuation zone, and monitoring well installtion for T-1451 and Area 303. Guy Warren
6/21/2012 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approved "Soil Transport and Treatment" for soils from the T-1451 MNA excavation area. Contractor had originally proposed landfarming but due to availability of barge transport the decision was made to transport the soil off site for treatment. Guy Warren
10/10/2012 Site Visit First site visit following installation of the MNA treatment area at building T-1451. Petroleum odor is no longer apparent in the vicinity of the east canal and sheen is no longer entering the canal. The MNA zone appears to be functioning as intended. Guy Warren
10/16/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Submit acceptance letter to Navy regarding Final 2011 Annual Ground Water Monitoring. No changes to annual monitoring recommended. Guy Warren
11/13/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Navy to discuss annual monitoring for Area 303 and T-1451. Navy has been unable to conduct ground water monitoring at Area 303 since the 2009 annual ground water monitoring event. The Navy has issued a contract to conduct sampling at Area 303 and T-1451. However due to scheduling constraints and possible weather impacts sampling has been postponed to April 2013. Guy Warren
11/21/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Submit comment on the Draft After Action Report Building T-1451 and East Canal Site Investigation/Characterization to the Navy. Guy Warren
3/19/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Submit approval letter for Final Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan for Area 303 and Building T-1451. Work plan outlines the initial groundwater sampling program that was identified in the decision document. The Navy was unable to perform the sampling with the regular annual monitoring in September 2012 so an additional monitoring event was scheduled to occur in April 2013. In the future, monitoring requirements will be included in the CMP. Guy Warren
4/5/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC sent comments on the draft 2012 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. One well (01-151)at T-1451 was removed during the installation of the natural attenuation zone. Meghan Dooley
6/4/2013 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting The Final 2012 Institutional Control Site Inspection Report was received. There were no observed changes to land use and no indications of groundwater use or excavation activities. Signs were present. A soil removal was conducted in 2012 to create an enhanced natural attenuation zone downgradient of the site to prevent surface water quality violations in east canal. ICs appear to be functioning as intended. Meghan Dooley
8/19/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Submit comments to Navy on the Draft Groundwater Monitoring Report for Area 303 and Former Power Plant, Building T-1451. Groundwater sampling occurred in April 2013 at both sites. For T-1451 this was the first round of ground water sampling at the site since the installation of the “enhanced MNA zone” in June 2012. Three wells had free product that precluded collecting analytical samples and it is recommended that these wells be added to the periodic free product recovery efforts. DRO was detected in excess of its endpoint criterion in samples from five of eight groundwater sample locations. TAqH was detected in one well in excess of its endpoint criterion. Concentrations of the other chemical of concern, TAH, were not detected above its respective endpoint criterion. Recommendations for continued annual monitoring at the site are included in the report. ADEC concurs with the recommendations. Guy Warren
5/7/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received Final Spring 2013 Groundwater sampling report for Area 303 and Former Building T-1451. Guy Warren
9/8/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received, Final 2013 Annual Groundwater and Landfill Monitoring Report for Adak Alaska. Groundwater monitoring results are consistent with previous results. The MNA enhancement zone continues to prevent hydrocarbons from entering the air port ditch in the vicinity of the culverts. However at the adjacent petroleum seep located at Boom 11 (downstream) is becoming more extensive. No changes to the monitoring program are recommended. Guy Warren
9/10/2014 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting The Final 2013 Institutional Control Site Inspection Report was received. There were no observed changes to land use and no indications of groundwater use or excavation activities. Signs were present. A soil removal was conducted in 2012 to create an enhanced natural attenuation zone downgradient of the site to prevent surface water quality violations in east canal. The zone appears to be working as intended. ICs appear to be functioning as intended. IC inspection frequency has been reduced to every odd year. Guy Warren
6/10/2015 Update or Other Action Received Final Annual Groundwater and Landfill Monitoring Report, 2014 Long Term Monitoring at OUA of the Former Adak Naval Complex. The report recommends several adjustments to the monitoring program. These include reduction of specific VOC and PAH analytes from sediment and surface water sampling. These analytes have been below their respective site cleanup levels for several years. Guy Warren
4/20/2016 Update or Other Action Submit approval letter to US Navy for “Annual Groundwater and Landfill Monitoring Report, 2015 Long Term Monitoring, Operable Unit A” for the former Adak Naval Station. Monitoring was conducted at three sites during 2015 including this one. Various contaminants continue to exceed endpoint criteria at site wells for multiple contaminants. It is recommended that the prescribed monitoring continue in 2016. Guy Warren
4/27/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Submit approval letter to US Navy for the Removal Action Work Plan for SWMU 62 and the East Canal. The intent of the work is to excavate petroleum contaminated soil from the bank of the east canal of the airport ditch system. This effort will excavate contaminated soil from the canal bank extending 50 feet into the adjacent upland areas. Backfill will be amended with compounds to enhance biodegradation of hydrocarbons in the excavation area creating a zone of enhanced natural attenuation. Guy Warren
7/16/2017 Site Visit ADEC completed a three day site visit to Adak NAVFAC. All active sites were visited and current status discussed at length with NAVFAC representatives. Current field work activities were observed and noted. Work plan activities were proceeding as scheduled. No work plan deviations were evident. Darren Mulkey
4/18/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 'Final Completion Report, 2016 & 2017 Field Seasons, Removal Action at the East Canal/SWMY 62 Product Recovery Trench & Building T-1451 Areas, Adak, April 2018'. This report describes the activities and findings of the removal action performed at FANC sites East Canal/SWMU 62 PRT and the Building T-1451 Areas. The 2016 field season focused on excavation and remediation of 270 feet along the East Canal at SWMU 62 and 50 feet along the canal at Building T-1451. In 2017, additional characterization activities were performed to asses whether soil amendments in the pile (treated with RegenOx and calcium peroxide) were effective at reducing petroleum concentrations. Finally, soil was transported to the Roosevelt Regional Landfill in Washington; A total of 3,698.3 tons were disposed of at the facility. Sammi Castle
5/8/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves the 'Final Annual Groundwater and Landfill Monitoring Report, Former Naval Complex, Adak, May 2018' in a letter dated May 8, 2018. During this 2017 monitoring event, groundwater, surface water, and sediment samples were collected from 39 monitoring locations at three petroleum-release sites, and product thickness and depth to water measurements were performed at 48 locations from these sites. Recommendations for Area 303 include groundwater monitoring continue in 2018, and analysis of dibenz(a,h)anthracene be discontinued. Recommendations for the Former Power Plant include monitoring in 2018, since DRO and TAqH continued to exceed endpoint criteria in groundwater and free product continues to be observed in several wells. Recommendations for the New Housing Fuel Leak Area (SWMU 62) include incorporating the six monitoring wells installed in 2016 into the LTM and continue monitoring at this site as prescribed, since DRO exceeds endpoint criteria in groundwater at various wells. Sammi Castle
5/23/2018 Site Characterization Report Approved Annual Groundwater and Landfill Monitoring Report, 2017 Long-Term Monitoring, Operable Unit A was finalized. Natural attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbons has been demonstrated on Adak. As a result, the CMP, Revision 6 (Navy 2014) prescribed natural attenuation parameter (NAP) monitoring once every 5 years. This monitoring was last conducted in 2014 at all MNA sites. Darren Mulkey
9/13/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved the 2019 Final Operation and Maintenance Plan, Free Product Recovery, Operation and Maintenance, Former Naval Complex, Adak, AK 8 August, 2018. O&M activities related to free product fuel recovery at six sites: Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 62, New Housing Fuel Leak Area; Former Power Plant, Building T-1451; Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) Expanded Area; Source Area (SA) 80, Steam Plant 4; South of Runway 18-36 Area; and SWMU 60, Tank Farm A. Oil-sorbent boom maintenance activities (for protection of surface waters) at selected locations in East Canal and South Sweeper Creek. Darren Mulkey
10/24/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and approved Adak Comprehensive Monitoring Plan Revision 7, Operable Unit A. All LTM sites are updated for ground and surface water monitoring. Darren Mulkey
3/6/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other During the 2018 monitoring event, groundwater, surface water, and sediment samples were collected from 123 monitoring locations at 19 sites. Product thickness and depth to water measurements were performed at 159 locations from these sites. Monitoring was conducted to satisfy Operable Unit A Record of Decision (Navy, ADEC, and EPA 2000) remedy requirements and subsequent to free product recovery remedy requirements that were established under the State-Adak Environmental Restoration Agreement (Navy and ADEC 1994). Monitoring was conducted to assess the remedies of monitored natural attenuation, limited groundwater monitoring, surface water protection, and compliance. Based on the previous monitoring results, the monitored natural attenuation remedies appear to be effective and biodegradation appears to be occurring to varying degrees at all of the monitored natural attenuation sites (Navy 2017). Monitoring for natural attenuation parameters has been reduced from annually to every 4 to 6 years to coincide with the next 5-year review, and was conducted in 2018. Diesel-range organics (DRO) and total aqueous hydrocarbons (TAqH) continued to exceed endpoint criteria in groundwater in various site wells. Additionally, recoverable free product continues to be observed in several site wells, and it is recommended that prescribed monitoring continue in 2019. The two monitoring wells installed in 2016 as part of the removal action area should continue to be included in the long-term monitoring (LTM) program to assess the progress of the remediation in that part of the site. Darren Mulkey
5/28/2019 Conceptual Site Model Submitted Received the Final Conceptual Site Model for light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid and Dissolved Petroleum Constituents, East Canal, Former Adak Naval Complex, Adak Island, Alaska dated May 2019. The Navy implements a light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) recovery program across several sites in the downtown Adak area where LNAPL and its dissolved phase constituents are present in groundwater and may impact nearby surface water bodies. East Canal, located along the eastern margin of Runway 18-36 south of the airport terminal building, is one such water body where LNAPL seeps have been noted and efforts have been undertaken to contain a hydrocarbon sheen on the water surface in the canal. Sites known to contain petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in the vicinity of East Canal include Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 62, New Housing Fuel Leak (SWMU 62); Former Power Plant, Building T-1451 (Former Power Plant); Area 303, General Communications, Inc. (GCI) Compound (Area 303); Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) Building T-1416; and South of Runway 18-36 (Figure 1-2). Historically, these sites have been evaluated and addressed individually. The purpose of this report is to holistically evaluate East Canal and the sites surrounding it to develop an updated CSM for LNAPL and associated dissolved phase constituents that can be used to make informed decisions to facilitate management and environmental restoration of the area. Darren Mulkey
12/30/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft 2019 Remedial Action Summary Report, Free Product Recovery, SWMU 62 New Housing Fuel Leak Area and Additional Sites, Former Naval Complex, Adak, Alaska, December 11, 2019. This report summarizes the monitoring and remedial action activities completed during the period from October 2018 through September 2019 and whether endpoint criteria were achieved as established by the United States Navy, United States Environmental Protection Agency, and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation in Records of Decision. During monthly free product recovery activities for the reporting period, a total of 3.24 gallons of free product were recovered from monitoring wells at Solid Waste Management Unit 62, New Housing Fuel Leak Area (Eagle Bay Housing). During the reporting period, measurable free product was recovered from four of the monitoring wells. The site has currently achieved the Operable Unit A Record of Decision practical endpoint for a passive recovery system as a result of the 2016 removal action conducted by the Navy, which removed the recovery trench, recovery sumps, petroleum-impacted soil, and accumulated product adjacent to East Canal. The monthly volume of recovered product, averaged over the most recent 6 months (6-month moving average), remained below 5 gallons per month since January 2016, and remained below the endpoint criteria for the entire reporting period. However, the requirement for the occurrence of product in the replacement monitoring wells has not met the remedial objective of less than 0.01 foot for a 1-year period. In two of the removal action monitoring wells, product was observed at greater than the Record of Decision endpoint of 0.01 foot from October 2018 through September 2019. During the free product recovery activities for the reporting period, a total of 10.33 gallons of free product were recovered from monitoring wells at five additional petroleum sites: Former Power Plant, Building T-1451; Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Building T- 1416 Expanded Area; Source Area 80, Steam Plant 4; South of Runway 18-36 Area; and Solid Waste Management Unit 60, Tank Farm A. At the request of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, free product monitoring and recovery is conducted at select wells at these sites, which do not have defined specific endpoint criteria for free product. Darren Mulkey
4/16/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Groundwater, surface water, and sediment samples were collected from 40 monitoring locations at 4 sites during the 2019 monitoring event. In addition, product thickness and depth to water measurements were performed at 50 locations from these sites. Monitoring was conducted to satisfy OU A Record of Decision (Navy, ADEC, and EPA 2000) remedy requirements as well as free product recovery remedy requirements that were established under the State-Adak Environmental Restoration Agreement (Navy and ADEC 1994). Monitoring was conducted to assess the remedies of monitored natural attenuation, limited groundwater monitoring, surface water protection, and compliance. Based on the previous monitoring results, the monitored natural attenuation remedies appear to be effective and biodegradation appears to be occurring to varying degrees at all of the monitored natural attenuation sites (Navy 2019a). Monitoring for natural attenuation parameters has been reduced from annually to every 4 to 6 years to coincide with the next 5-year review, and was last conducted in 2018. Darren Mulkey
1/10/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "Final Remedial Action Summary Report, Free Product Recovery, SWMU 62 New Housing Fuel Leak Area and Additional Sites, Former Naval Complex, Adak, Alaska, 21 December 2021". During periodic free product recovery activities for the reporting period, a total of 2.15 gallons of free product were recovered from monitoring wells at Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 62, New Housing Fuel Leak Area (Eagle Bay Housing). During the reporting period, measurable free product was recovered from three of the monitoring wells. The site has currently achieved the Operable Unit (OU) A Record of Decision (ROD) practical endpoint for a passive recovery system as a result of the 2016 removal action conducted by the Navy, which removed the recovery trench, recovery sumps, petroleum-impacted soil, and accumulated product adjacent to East Canal. The volume of recovered product, averaged over the most recent six months (six-month moving average), remained below five gallons per month since January 2016, and remained below the endpoint criteria for the entire reporting period. However, the requirement for the occurrence of product in the replacement monitoring wells has not met the remedial objective of less than 0.01 foot for a one-year period (Navy 2006). In one of the removal action monitoring wells, product was observed at greater than the ROD endpoint of 0.01 foot from October 2020 through September 2021. Darren Mulkey
1/10/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other This O&M Plan defines the free product recovery activities at the sites for the contract year (CY) from October 2021 through September 2022. The plan incorporates information obtained from past remedial action and long-term monitoring (LTM) reports. This plan also incorporates recommendations provided in Focused Feasibility Studies (FFS) for the NMCB Building T-1416 Expanded Area and SWMU 62, New Housing Fuel Leak Area, Eagle Bay Housing (Department of the Navy [DON] 2005a and 2005b); recommendations from past Annual Remedial Action Summary Reports for Free Product Recovery; and the U.S. Navy (Navy) scope of work for this contract. Darren Mulkey
3/11/2024 ANCSA Program Ineligible This site is not on ANCSA conveyed land and does not qualify for the EPA Contaminated ANCSA Lands program. This site will be listed as “ineligible” on EPA’s contaminated sites inventory. Brittani Mack
8/9/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVED: Final Waste Management Plan 2024 Long-Term Monitoring at Operable Unit A and 2024 Waste Management Plan Addendum (via email). Jamie McKellar
8/21/2024 Site Visit CS staff conducted site visits and attended a Regional Advisory Board (RAB) meeting on Adak Island. During the trip, CS staff and representatives from the US Navy also participated in a “RAB Field Day” organized by a RAB member who wanted to highlight some issues of concern - petroleum contamination at Sweeper Creek, the spillway at Lake Andrew, and munitions concerns in Parcel 4. While on the island, CS staff also met with contractors conducting PFAS sampling and long-term monitoring activities, and CS staff attended a community meeting hosted by the Aleut Corporation (TAC) and its contractor to discuss the community’s Brownfields Community Wide Assessment Grant. Jamie McKellar

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
DRO > Table C Groundwater
RRO > Table C Groundwater

Control Type

Type Details
Equitable Servitude The Equitable Servitude to the Interim Conveyance Document restricts groundwater use and residential land use.
Institutional Control Management Plan The Institutional Control Management Plan, a supbart of the base-wide Comprehensive Monitoring Plan, requires the completion of a dig notification in the Downtown Area and at several outback locations.


Description Details
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions All excavation within the 'downtown area' of Adak, as defined in the Equitable Servitude to the Interim Conveyance Document, must be submitted to the City of Adak and the Navy for review three days prior to excavation. Annual report of excavation notifications included in the IC Inspection Report.
Restricted to Industrial / Commercial Land Use Equitable servitude restricts land uses to non-residential uses. Site is inspected and reported yearly to ensure there are no residential land uses taking place.
Groundwater Use Restrictions The Equitable Servitude restricts groundwater use in the Downtown Area. Site is inspected and reported yearly to ensure groundwater is not being used in the Downtown Area.
Groundwater Monitoring The Comprehensive Monitoring Plan Rev. 2 requires annual groundwater monitoring for this site. Groundwater is sampled yearly for various parameters.

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Hazard ID Site Name File Number
27909 Adak Island OU A, B1, & B2 2501.38.007.01

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