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Site Report: Eielson AFB (OU-4)(SER-2) (ST058) Old QM Station

Site Name: Eielson AFB (OU-4)(SER-2) (ST058) Old QM Station
Address: Wabash Av/Division St, Eielson AFB, AK 99702
File Number: 107.38.058
Hazard ID: 361
Status: Active
Staff: Axl LeVan, 9074512156
Latitude: 64.669943
Longitude: -147.084970
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Possible releases from aboveground tanks. Active period unknown/Currently inactive. The site is assigned a HIGH overall risk on the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 10/23/95. (rpltr4) The old Quarter Master Service Station covered 1 acre and was decommissioned in 1988. In 1993 approximately 700 cu. yds were removed from an excavation for use in an ex-situ composting project.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
1/17/1992 Site Added to Database This site is included in the state EPA Eielson FFA 100.38.011. Former Staff
9/3/1992 Meeting or Teleconference Held This source discussed at SER meeting when investigation is completed at this site, potential contamination from SS64 will be looked for. Former Staff
2/23/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). Sent PRP-CS database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. Department of the Air Force responded with update of requested site information on 3-17-93. Jeff Peterson
3/15/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = TAS - Treatment Alternative Study (CS)). Report Treatability Study Workplan for Source 58. Soil composting. Rielle Markey
3/15/1993 Cleanup Plan Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = TBIO - Treatment, Bio-remediation). Received draft final of composting workplan and consequently approved and sent letter. Rielle Markey
3/26/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Sent letter review on composting treatability study. Study looked good. Sent copy of 40 CFR part 503 Final rule for sludge treatment rules. Rielle Markey
10/3/1994 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
12/9/1996 Record of Decision Site-Wide Record of Decision Final September 1996 Rielle Markey
3/24/1997 Update or Other Action Site updated by Shannon and Wilson, based on the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 10/23/95. S&W
1/21/1998 Update or Other Action Remedial design was finalized and implemented by December 1997. Issues are resolved at weekly teleconference with Base/EPA. Ronan Short
12/26/2001 GIS Position Updated Worked with Heather Goldman obtaining GIS latitude and longitude from 1:63,300 topographic map. Heather Goldman
9/2/2002 Institutional Control Record Established When the OU-3,4,5 ROD was signed in 1995, it established institutional controls for this site. These ICs include: a prohibition on the installation or use of drinking water wells, a requirement that all monitoring wells are secured with locks, any activity that may result in exposure to contam. g.w. or moving contam. g.w. requires approval of CES/CEV, any activity disturbing a remedial action requires approval of CES/CEV, any activity that may result in exposure to or removal of contam. soil requires approval of CES/CEV, if contam soil or g.w.. are removed from the source, they must be disposed of or treated in accordance with regulation, and a requirement to notify ADEC and EPA of any proposal to change the existing land use or land use controls at the site. Ann Farris
1/21/2003 Update or Other Action The 5-year review is scheduled in 2003 to evaluate the long-term monitoring trends. Ann Farris
9/19/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff attended a meeting with Air Force and EPA personnel to resolve comments on the draft Eielson Five-Year Review. Issues with the document included event-driven groundwater sampling at several contaminated sites, which we denied pending further clarification of the process, and closing numerous sites under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), but keeping them open under the State until 18 AAC 75 diesel range organic cleanup levels are met. Ann Farris
3/1/2006 Update or Other Action Staff had a telephone call with Eielson AFB to discuss their long-term monitoring program optimization. Eielson would like to apply "event-driven monitoring" to many benzene-contaminated sites, where monitoring would occur when the concentration reached the MCL at a predicted time. They are using MAKSENS to do the statistical regressions and come up with a slope indicating benzene degradation rates. This slope would predict when the concentrations would reach the MCL and monitoring would occur at that time only. They would like to apply this slope to other "similar sites" to predict when the concentrations would reach the MCL. Eielson submitted the concept to AFCEE for review, but apparently AFCEE requested more data, which Eielson did not have. At this point, DEC has not reviewed any data on this concept and requested Eielson submit a report showing the data and justification of their assumptions. Emily Youcha
7/6/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC agreed to decrease sampling of the North Boundary Wells from annual sampling to biennial. Upcoming measurements will be summer 2007, 2009, 2011, etc. Concentrations of VOCs, SVOCs, and metals in the sentinel wells have been monitored annually since 1992 and there has been no detection of contamination. Emily Youcha
9/25/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff participated in a facilitated three-party meeting with the Air Force and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) covering the environmental restoration at Eielson Air Force Base. The meeting was held in Seattle at the EPA Region 10 office. CS and the facilitator called for the meeting due to poor communication between the three parties and growing disagreements on matters fundamental to regulatory oversight on Eielson. Initially, each of the three parties was given an opportunity to talk generally about their involvement with the work at Eielson and their concerns. This lead to discussions of the Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) between the parties for base, as it appears that each party interprets specific sections of the FFA differently. Other topics discussed included the applicability of Freedom of Information Act exclusions applied to draft documents submitted to DEC, Eielson's plans for changing the frequency of groundwater monitoring for selected contaminated sites, vapor intrusion as a pathway to reconsider in the upcoming five-year review of records of decision, challenges posed by enforcing institutional controls as part of site remedies, and spill reporting coordination with DEC. Deborah Williams
6/25/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Deborah Williams
7/14/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC participated in Eielson's 5 year ROD Review with EPA and Eielson. The sites covered in the ROD Review were the following: ST20, ST48, SS50-52, ST10/SS14, ST13/DP26, DP44, WP45/SS57, ST56, SS61, DP25, ST58, LF03/FT09, WP38 and SS67. Bioventing systems for ST10/SS14 and ST13/DP26 will cease operation during the summer of 2008. ADEC is concerned about LTM issues with SS35 and SS37 because of the potential for spills to be released from buried containerized wastes which are present at both of these sites. The vapor intrusion pathway will be evaluated at many of the sites where there are volatile compounds as a COC at the site and where there are potential receptors. All of these sites will be incorporated into Eielson's Land Use Control plan for the Base and the long term monitoring will be Event Driven Monitoring Program. Deborah Williams
11/24/2008 CERCLA ROD Periodic Review ADEC issued a letter of concurrence on the 2008 Five-Year ROD review for Eielson AFB. In the letter ADEC concurred with the current remedies but recommends further work on the following: the vapor intrusion pathway needs to be evaluated for all potential receptors at WP45/SS57 site along with further evaluation of the selected remedy to ensure the Remedial Action Objectives are going to be met. The buried drums remaining at SS35 may still contain product that may pose a potential risk to ecological and human health risk in the future. The area of buried drums identified outside of SS37 may pose a threat of an imminent release of hazardous substances and warrants further investigation or response action. As stated in the 2008 Five-Year ROD Review, the overall long-term protectiveness determination for the Sitewide OU/Garrison Slough remedy will be further investigated. A Land Use Control Management Plan should be developed and implemented. Deborah Williams
3/18/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2012-Final installation-wide monitoring program report received June, 24 2013. During the 2012 season nine monitoring wells were installed. Six of these wells replaced historic wells that had been decommissioned and three were installed in new locations. The nine new wells were sampled, there was no detected COCs (Contaminant of concern) and petroleum hydrocarbons –DRO (1 well) was the only COPCs (Contaminant of potential concern) detected with levels that exceeded current MCL (Maximum contaminant level) or ADEC groundwater levels. Both benzene and lead historically were detected in levels exceeding FRG. In general with no notable detection of lead and benzene, the groundwater concentrations exhibit a decreasing trend. In general, based on the comparison between the 2012 and historical concentrations and plume extents, the groundwater impacts for ROD COCs have decreased significantly, indicating a decline in plume mass. Moreover, comparison of the historical plume traces with the 2012 extent of contamination indicates that the plumes have shrunk such that ROD COCs no longer exceed FRGs at ST58. Anna Iverson
5/1/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2013-Draft installation-wide monitoring program (IWMP) report received March, 26 2014. During the spring and fall 2013 monitoring events, all nine IWMP wells were sampled. No COCs exceeded ROD FRGs and DRO exceeded COPC standards in 1 well for both spring and fall monitoring. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected prior to 2012; however, changed analytical procedures preclude a direct comparison of these concentrations to current standards for GRO and DRO, as well as to GRO and DRO concentrations. Additionally, since only one well was detected no plume trend can be determined Anna Iverson
6/26/2014 Site Visit CS staff participated in an all-day site visit with EPA and USAF personnel. Sites visit included WP45/SS57, ST58, SS67, SS62, DP44, LF02, LF06 and LF07. Site ST58 has ICs in place, groundwater samples were being collected from nearby parking lot. Anna Iverson
6/10/2015 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approval issued for the "Final Workplan for Additional Well Installations, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska" dated 26 May 2015. The workplan describes the installation of 20 new monitoring wells at ten source areas (i.e. ST10/SS14, ST13/DP26, ST18, ST19, DP44, SS61, SS37, ST58, LF04, and SS534)across Eielson, as well as the redevelopment of drinking water well NWS56WH at Source Area ST56 (Engineer Hill). Melinda Brunner
9/22/2015 CERCLA RI Plan Approved Joint approval issued by EPA and DEC for the final "Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study Management Plan For Operable Units 3, 4, and 5 Source Areas, Eielson Performance-Based Remediation, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska" dated September 2015 (OU 3, 4 & 5 RI/FS MP). The OU 3, 4 & 5 RI/FS MP describes planned remedial investigations at 23 contaminated sites at Eielson Air Force Base, including ST58. Melinda Brunner
9/22/2015 CERCLA RI Plan Approved DEC and EPA jointly approved the "2015 Annual Field Sampling Plan, Eielson Performance-Based Remediation, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska" dated September 2015 (FSP). The FSP describes remedial investigations planned for 2015 at 21 contaminated sites at Eielson Air Force Base, including ST58. The FSP is meant to be used in conjunction with the appropriate remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) management plan(i.e. OU 3,4,& 5) and the Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan. Melinda Brunner
7/22/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review DEC and EPA Approved the Final 2016 Installation-Wide Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum No. 5. The IWMP QAPP Add. 5 updates the 2012 IWMP QAPP for the 2016 field season. Changes and additions to the existing network of monitoring wells were described. Monte Garroutte
8/5/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Reviewed the OU 3,4,5 RI/RA report. This report included the characterization of multiple sites. Monte Garroutte
4/25/2017 Update or Other Action DEC reviewed and provided comments on the Draft Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan, Addendum No. 2, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (March, 2017). John O'Brien
7/18/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the Installation-Wide Monitoring Program, 2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (June, 2017). John O'Brien
3/9/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC issued comments on the Draft Site Characterization Report I Source Areas ST011, SD021, SD022, SD024, DP025, ST027, SS030, ST058, SO065, SO069, SO070, SO071, SO073, SO075, SS078, SS084, SO504, TU506, MY512, and MY518 dated February 2018. Bri Clark
6/25/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC issued comments on the Draft Site Characterization Report I Source Areas ST011, SD021, SD022, SD023, SD024, DP025, ST027, SS030, ST058, SO065, SO069, SO070, SO071, SO073, SO075, SS078, SS084, SO504, TU506, MY512, and MY518, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, dated February 2018. Bri Clark
8/6/2018 CERCLA ROD Periodic Review DEC evaluated "Fifth Five-Year Review Report for Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska" draft dated April 2018 and issued comments. Bri Clark
8/9/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided a second round of comments on Explanation of Significant Differences (ESD) to the Records of Decisions for Eielson Air Force Base Operable Units, OU1, OU2, OU3,4,5, and OU6, dated November 2017. Bri Clark
8/10/2018 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC and EPA reviewed the "Installation-Wide Monitoring Program 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Program" for Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska dated March 2018 and issued comments. Bri Clark
12/19/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the "Draft Installation-Wide Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, Addendum No. 8, Eielson Performance-Based Remediation, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska," dated November 2018. Bri Clark
2/13/2019 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC and EPA approved the Installation-Wide Monitoring Program 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, dated January 2019. Bri Clark
3/4/2019 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC issued comments on the Draft Installation-Wide Monitoring Program 2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, dated January 2019. This report describes the groundwater monitoring activities conducted installation-wide in 2018. Bri Clark
8/21/2019 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC Approval for the Final Site Characterization Report 1, Source areas ST011, SD021, SD022, SD023, SD024, DP025, ST027, SS030, ST058, SO065, SO069, SO070, SO071, SO073, SO075, SS078, SS084, SO504, TU506, MY512, and MY518, Eielson Performance Based Remediation, Eielson AFB, Alaska, May 2019 Sara Marshall
3/4/2021 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71340 Above Ground Storage Tanks. Axl LeVan
9/20/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) approved the Final 2021 Institutional Controls/Land Use Controls Annual Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (dated September 2022). The report provides inspection findings and reviews individual ICs established by the record of decision (ROD) documents for Installation Restoration Program source areas with enforceable ICs, as well as other contaminated sites currently with LUCs in effect. Dennis Shepard
11/1/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided review comments for the Draft Supplemental Remedial Investigation (RI) Work Plan (WP) Addendum, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, September 2022. The Supplemental RI Work Plan Addendum is prepared with the intention of providing a detailed approach to support the objectives of characterizing contamination in general accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and applicable state laws at 29 source areas within Operable Unit (OU) 1, OU2, OU4, and OU6 at Eielson AFB. This supplemental work plan addendum complements the primary planning documents Final Supplemental Remedial Investigation Work Plan Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (September 2022) (Gaps 1 Work Plan) and the Risk Assessment Work Plan (USAF 2016). Dennis Shepard

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