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Site Report: NC Machinery Steese Hwy UHOT

Site Name: NC Machinery Steese Hwy UHOT
Address: 730 Old Steese Highway, Fairbanks, AK 99701
File Number: 102.38.060
Hazard ID: 3680
Status: Active
Staff: Michael Hooper, 9074515174
Latitude: 64.852419
Longitude: -147.690798
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


A 1,000-gallon underground heating oil tank removal project found 350 cubic yards of diesel range organics (DRO) contaminated soil. Excavation of the tank and piping found historical leaks had occurred at the surface near the remote fill and vent pipe, as well as along the sides and bottom of the tank. Soil contamination extends and remains beneath the building and adjacent to the former remote fill pipe location. Analyses of confirmation soil samples indicate the remainder of the contamination was removed successfully and no soil contamination is present at the groundwater interface. Groundwater was encountered at 15 feet below ground surface. Soil samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), DRO, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Contaminated soil was transported from the site and thermally remediated. A copy of permission to transport the petroleum contaminated soil for thermal remediation, granted on 7/26/2000 by Fairbanks staff, was included in the Heating Oil Tank Closure and Site Assessment Report.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
1/10/2001 Site Added to Database DRO contamination. Bruce Wanstall
1/10/2001 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Preliminary ranking. Bruce Wanstall
10/23/2001 Update or Other Action Changed File Number from 100.26.055 to 102.26.055. Former Staff
7/10/2002 GIS Position Updated Changed the Latitude, Longitude, Method Accuracy, Accuracy and Unit fields. Heather Goldman
8/15/2005 Update or Other Action Received a letter from Harnish Group, Inc. (HGI) dated July 12, 2005 stating that HGI is now the responsible party. Douglas Bauer
3/15/2007 Update or Other Action As part of ETM ranking exercise attached a map of potential source areas located on the property Douglas Bauer
3/28/2007 Update or Other Action Updated potential source areas map attached. Problem statement should be updated based on file review, previous ground water monitoring results, partial remediation of the former dry well (URS reports), and ETM ranking results. Douglas Bauer
4/7/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Tamara Cardona-Marek
4/10/2008 Update or Other Action Spoke with new contact John Storm at Harnish Group Inc. Consultant (ENSR/ Former Re-Tec) will be submitting a workplan for additional sampling scheduled for May 2008. Tamara Cardona-Marek
7/7/2008 Update or Other Action Sent letter requesting site status and planned actions. Nothing has been received since last comunication. Tamara Cardona-Marek
8/22/2008 Update or Other Action Received call from Harnish Group contact. Should be receiving a report from ENSR by or around August 29th. Tamara Cardona-Marek
10/22/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the 2008 groundwater monitoring report. Contamination with PCE was detected above cleanup in some of the monitoring wells. Additional information was requested by DEC regarding land use, conceptual site model, etc. Tamara Cardona-Marek
10/30/2008 Update or Other Action DEC received a call from John Storm from Harnish Group. They will be submitting a reply to our letter and will set up a conference call to discuss the site. Tamara Cardona-Marek
4/9/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with NC Machinery to discuss vapor intrusion building survey and monitoring event for 2009. Monitoring wells will be sampled and additional remediation in the injection well area will be explored. Tamara Cardona-Marek
6/4/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC spoke with RP and consultant to discuss work plan that will be submitted for 2009 field season. A monitoring well will be installed downgradient of former Tank 5. A vapor intrusion evaluation will take place to determine the need for additional sampling. Tamara Cardona-Marek
9/17/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 19, 2009 AECOM Workplan for Continued Monitoring-approved. Tamara Cardona-Marek
9/29/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held 2009 Groundwater & Preliminary VI assessment Report reviewed and discussed with RP and conusltant(teleconf). The consultant will tabulate and summarze available petroluem and chlorinated solvent data for DEC review and aid for additional characterization (if necessary). A new MW down-gradient Tank 5 will be installed suring summer 2011. Soil data will be used with the J&E Model (instead of just Groundwater data) as a the next step to Vapor Intrusion assessment. The building survey conducted in 2009 will be sent to DEC. Jim Fish
9/19/2013 Update or Other Action Letter sent to RP requesting for site status update and status of pending work discussed during 2010 teleconference. Jim Fish
9/23/2013 Update or Other Action Received phone call from RP in response to inquiry letter - expecting update on pending project in two weeks. Jim Fish
7/31/2014 Update or Other Action Staff changed from Amy Dieffenbacher to Melody Debenham. Kristin Thompson
9/30/2014 Site Visit Site visit to 730 Old Steese. Discussed possible location for new monitoring well. Melody Debenham
7/29/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved groundwater monitoring work plan. Melody Debenham
4/18/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved final 2015 groundwater monitoring report documenting the installation of MW-11 and the decommissioning of MW-7. Groundwater samples were collected from 7 wells and analyzed for VOCs, GRO, DRO, RRO, and PAHs. Results show DRO, RRO, cis-dichloroethene, and tetrachloroethane were detected above the cleanup levels in groundwater. Melody Debenham
9/14/2017 Update or Other Action Request for update letter sent. Gretchen Caudill
5/17/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved workplan for collection of VI samples from the track shop and main shop areas. Michael Hooper
7/5/2022 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approved workplan for groundwater monitoring, 5 wells and 4 temporary sampling points will be sampled for petroleum and solvents this summer. Michael Hooper
4/4/2023 Site Characterization Report Approved Approved GWM Report: Groundwater contamination related to former underground storage tanks (USTS) #5, #7, and a former dry well was investigated by sampling monitoring wells MW-1R, MW-6, MW-10, MW-11R, and SI-1. To investigate the source of the observed cis-DCE contamination five temporary sampling points were installed at the up-gradient property boundary. Results of this sampling event show that cis-DCE contamination detected in the monitoring wells MW-6, MW-10, and SI-1 does not appear to be migrating from off-site. Trend analysis including historical data shows that concentrations of petroleum and solvent contaminants of concern have not yet demonstrated a stable or decreasing trend in groundwater. ADEC agrees with the recommendation for continued annual monitoring at MW-01R, MW-06, MW-10, and MW-11R. Michael Hooper
4/24/2024 Site Characterization Report Approved Vapor intrusion was investigated by collecting samples from indoor air, outdoor air, and soil gas at the main shop and liner shops at the Airframes Alaska facility. Analytical results were compared to the commercial target levels in DEC’s Vapor Intrusion Guidance. Naphthalene exceeded the soil gas target level in the main shop but was not detected in indoor air. Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) exceeded the indoor air target level in the main shop in March 2023 but this is thought to be the result products containing chlorinated solvents being using in the shop at the time. The indoor air was resampled at this location two more times and PCE concentrations were well below the target levels. DEC agrees with the recommendation that additional vapor intrusion investigation is not necessary at this time. Michael Hooper

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24295 NC Machinery Company 102.26.055

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