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Site Report: Bentley Trust Property Tax Lot 201

Site Name: Bentley Trust Property Tax Lot 201
Address: 200 Trainor Gate Road, Johansen and Steese, Fairbanks, AK 99701
File Number: 102.38.123
Hazard ID: 3685
Status: Active
Staff: Jim Fish, 9074512117
Latitude: 64.857346
Longitude: -147.702898
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The eastern section of former Tax Lot 201 previously contained the Surfcote building, POL facility, and Repair Shop. DRO petroleum contamination detected associated with POL Facility piping and operation. Petroleum VOCs and SVOCs detected in soil near 1,000-gallon home heating oil tank and 10,000-gallon UST associated with the former Surfcote facility. Chlorinated VOCs detected in soil and ground water near 3000-gallon tank injection well and large septic system injection well associated with the former Surfcote building. The western section of former Tax Lot 201 previously contained the Double Jointing and Coating facilities, the Great Western Chemical facility, and the Alyeska Salvage yard. Trichloroethene (TCE) and its natural daughter products were documented in the soil and ground water in the vicinity of the former Double Jointing and Coating facilities on what is now portions of Lots 17-B and 01. A TCE ground water plume extends off of former Tax Lot 201 to the west/southwest. Tax Lot 201 was subdivided since the discovery of the soil and ground water contamination, and contains lots in the Bentley Brother Subdivisions 4th and 5th Additions (including Lot 17-B with the former Sports Authority building and Lot 01 with the Ulta Beauty building). The section of property containing the former Surfcote facility (northeast section) was purchased by Wal-Mart. See Wal-Mart Store #2722 - Fairbanks, RECKEY 200310922801 for details of remediation. The southeast section of Tax Lot 201 was purchased by Fred Meyer. See Fred Meyer Fairbanks, RECKEY 2004310113601 for details of contamination and remediation. This site was conditionally closed in 2007 with a Record of Decision, and a Notice of Environmental Contamination (NEC) was recorded on the property records, where groundwater use was prohibited, and soils could not leave the site (specifically Lot 17, but could be repositioned within the parcel). The site was reopened in 2015 after re-consideration that groundwater impacts were not fully delineated and vapor intrusion concerns (primarily for trichloroethylene) were identified for both onsite and offsite buildings.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/15/2000 Update or Other Action Received S&W Phase II Environmental Site Assessment for TL-201. Douglas Bauer
9/18/2000 Update or Other Action Received Shannon & Wilson (S&W) Closure Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for Shallow Injection Well at Former Surfcote Site dated 9/15/2000. Douglas Bauer
9/19/2000 Update or Other Action Received S&W Work Plan for the Removal of Contaminated Soils and USTs at former Surfcote Site dated 9/15/2000. Douglas Bauer
9/29/2000 Site Added to Database Phase II Site Assessment showed some of the contaminants to be DRO, VOCs, and metals found in soils, 1,1,1-trichloroethane found in one of three adjacent GW monitoring wells. Bruce Wanstall
9/29/2000 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Preliminary ranking. Bruce Wanstall
10/10/2000 Update or Other Action Change preliminary ranking: increase risk factor for site access and reduce groundwater usage to no known wells in area. Bruce Wanstall
11/8/2000 Update or Other Action Received S&W Ground Penetrating Radar Report for Eight Target Areas and Pipeline Delineation dated 10/30/00. Douglas Bauer
11/21/2000 Update or Other Action Received S&W UST Closure Report Site Assessment dated 11/14/00. Douglas Bauer
11/22/2000 Update or Other Action Received S&W Injection Well Closure Report dated 11/17/00. Douglas Bauer
12/26/2000 Update or Other Action Received S&W New Conditions Assessment Report dated 12/22/00. Douglas Bauer
1/4/2001 Update or Other Action Fact Sheet date January 2001 mailed and posted on CS web page. Douglas Bauer
2/6/2001 Update or Other Action Received S&W Corrections Letter to Phase II ESA dated 1/19/01. Douglas Bauer
2/7/2001 Update or Other Action Received AGRA Earth & Environmental Phase I Environment Site Assessment Report dated July 1999. Douglas Bauer
2/28/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Union Bank of California to discuss status. Douglas Bauer
4/12/2001 Update or Other Action Received S&W Work Plan Release Investigation and Interim Corrective Measures date 4/2001. Douglas Bauer
6/18/2001 Update or Other Action Received S&W Results of Spring 2001 Ground Water Sampling dated 6/15/01. Douglas Bauer
9/17/2001 Update or Other Action Received S&W Summary of 2001 Release Investigation and Interim Corrective Action Measures dated 9/17/01. Douglas Bauer
9/19/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Union Bank of California and Shannon & Wilson to discuss past activities and outline future direction of site and ground water investigations. Douglas Bauer
11/5/2001 Update or Other Action Received S&W Interim Corrective Actions Measures dated 10/2001. Douglas Bauer
11/23/2001 Update or Other Action Received S&W Results of Temporary Driven Well Point Data Lots 201 and 203 dated 11/21/01. Douglas Bauer
12/19/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Travis/Peterson to discuss issues around NE corner of Tax Lot 201. Douglas Bauer
12/20/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with IT and Alyeska to discuss issues concerning TL - 201. Douglas Bauer
1/22/2002 Update or Other Action R. Skogstad identifies his irrigation well and his concerns about possible ground water contamination. Douglas Bauer
2/2/2002 Update or Other Action Results of limited risk evaluation using WP-1 data transmitted to R. Skogstad. Douglas Bauer
4/9/2002 Update or Other Action Chamberlain irrigation well identified. Douglas Bauer
6/13/2002 Update or Other Action Received Alta Geosciences (AG) Soil Gas Work Plans for Surfcote, Double Joint & Coating, & Snoopy Repair sites. Douglas Bauer
7/10/2002 GIS Position Updated Plotted latitude and longitude coordinates and found them to be acceptable for associated property or address. Heather Goldman
8/15/2002 Update or Other Action Received AG Work Plan for Installation of new monitoring wells and remediation wells. Douglas Bauer
8/16/2002 Update or Other Action Received AG Soil Gas Report. Douglas Bauer
9/2/2002 Update or Other Action Received AG Remediation Work Plan (Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction) for Surfcote site. Douglas Bauer
9/20/2002 Update or Other Action Received Monitoring and Remediation Well Installation Summary Report dated 9/13/2002; and, Ground Water Monitoring Report (August 2002 Sampling) dated Sept. 2002. Douglas Bauer
12/2/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Travis/Peterson to discuss issues around NE corner of TL-201. Douglas Bauer
12/4/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Union Bank of California and Alta Geosciences to discuss past sampling results, future investigations, and operation of AS/SVE system at former Surfcote. Douglas Bauer
12/13/2002 Update or Other Action Irrigation well letters sent to Chamberlain and Skogstad. Douglas Bauer
1/3/2003 Update or Other Action January 2003 Fact Sheet mailed and posted to CS web page. Douglas Bauer
2/18/2003 Update or Other Action Received Data Sampling Report Northeast Portion, Tax Lot 201 dated Feb. 2003. Douglas Bauer
5/9/2003 Update or Other Action Received AG letter referenced Closure Strategy Northeast Portion, Bentley Trust-Lot 201. Proposes closure strategy and sampling schedule for northeast portion. Air Sparging/Soil Vapor Extraction appears effective based on two ground water sampling events during and shortly after system shut down. Additional ground water sampling required to track any rebound and for site closure. Douglas Bauer
5/23/2003 Update or Other Action Received AG letter referenced Property Transfer Northeast Portion Tax Lot 201. Property transfer schedule to occur May 30, 2003. New owner (Wal Mart) will assume closure responsibility and schedule. Douglas Bauer
1/22/2004 Update or Other Action Air Sparging/Soil Vapor Extraction System Installation Report (Oct. and Nov. 2003); On-site Well Installation Report (Sept. 2003); and, Ground Water Monitoring Report (Sept. 2003 Sampling) Douglas Bauer
3/16/2004 Update or Other Action Received Site Characterization Work Plan for west area. Work plan consists of six tasks: on & off site ground water monitoring; west off-site investigation; west on-site investigation; treatment system expansion and upgrade; data interpretation & analysis; and, site characterization report. Douglas Bauer
3/25/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with Alex Tula of Alta Geosciences (AG) to review proposed Site Characterization Work Plan dated 3/16/2004 for western portion. Douglas Bauer
3/31/2004 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Site Characterization work plan for western portion approved. Douglas Bauer
4/8/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with SLR and Alyeska to discuss site characterization activities. Douglas Bauer
5/10/2004 Update or Other Action Received AG Data Summary Report for North-Central Portion TL-201 dated April 2004. Douglas Bauer
9/2/2004 Update or Other Action Received AG June 2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report Douglas Bauer
9/13/2004 Update or Other Action Received Flux Chamber Sampling work plan from Alyeska and forwarded to ADEC Technical Services group for evaluation. Douglas Bauer
9/21/2004 Update or Other Action Received AG July 2004 Soil Vapor Survey Report via email. Douglas Bauer
10/1/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC sent letter to C. Wagner with Union Bank of California with comments on July 2004 soil vapor survey and June 2004 ground water monitoring results. Douglas Bauer
11/8/2004 Update or Other Action Received a hard copy and CD of July 2004 Soil Vapor Survey from AG. Alyeska submitted a risk assessment work plan for development of conceptual site model and a risk assessment to determine alternative clean up levels for Tax Lot 201 and 203. Douglas Bauer
11/22/2004 Update or Other Action Received a hard copy of Alyeska's risk assessment work plan. Douglas Bauer
11/23/2004 Update or Other Action Received copies of flux chamber background documents from Mark Stelljes with SLR (Alyeska consultant). Background documents authored by Dr. C.E. Schmidt, a consultant to SLR. Douglas Bauer
11/24/2004 Update or Other Action Database problem/comment section updated to accurately reflect current status. Douglas Bauer
11/26/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with Jim Frechione and Lindsay Smith to discuss response to proposed Alyeska risk assessment. Douglas Bauer
11/30/2004 Update or Other Action Prepared statement of work for term contractor to assist in risk assessment evaluation. Informed by Jill Taylor that since contract is greater than 10 hours that SOW needs forwarding to contracts. Douglas Bauer
12/3/2004 Update or Other Action Risk Assessment term contractor request for proposal prepared and sent to Larry Johnson for approval. Letter sent to Alyeska and Union Bank of California outlining time schedule and future course of action. Douglas Bauer
12/6/2004 Update or Other Action Letter sent Alyeska stating that ADEC's intent is to have comments on the proposed risk assessment Workplan by the end of December 2004. Term contractor request forwarded from L. Johnson to R. Sundet (acting for J. Frechione). Email sent to Union Bank of Alaska requesting confirmation that they will pay term contractor expenses. Douglas Bauer
12/7/2004 Update or Other Action Email received from Union Bank of California stating that they will get back with answer to ADEC's 12/06/2004 email confirmation request. Douglas Bauer
12/8/2004 Update or Other Action Email received from Union Bank of California stating that they will pay for ADEC term contractor's costs for Alyeska risk assessment. Douglas Bauer
12/10/2004 Update or Other Action Teleconference with Lindsay Smith, ADEC Risk Assessor, to discuss status of technical term contractor for Alyeska risk assessment and personal schedule for Dec. 2004 and Jan. 2005. Douglas Bauer
12/13/2004 Update or Other Action Term contractor RFP sent to E&E. Teleconference with D. Harwood (ADEC Contracts) and Greg Horner of E&E to clarify RFP requirements. Douglas Bauer
12/14/2004 Update or Other Action Teleconference with G. Horner with E&E to clarify schedule requirements. Douglas Bauer
12/16/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with Jim Frechione who was in Fairbanks and Larry Johnson. Updated Jim on the pre-proposal conference call with Ecology and Environment scheduled for 12/17/04. Douglas Bauer
12/17/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held RFP pre-proposal teleconference with D. Bauer, Lindsay Smith, and Larry Johnson with ADEC and Greg Horner, Carl Overpeck, and Allison Wiman with Ecology and Environment. Douglas Bauer
12/20/2004 Update or Other Action Cost proposal received from E&E for risk assessment evaluation. The proposal is approved at the ADEC Project Manager level. Douglas Bauer
12/21/2004 Update or Other Action Letter sent to Alyeska advising them that the ADEC will not have comments on the proposed vapor intrusion risk assessment until the end of January 2005. Douglas Bauer
1/10/2005 Update or Other Action Faxed E&E several background technical articles concerning radon intrusion. Douglas Bauer
1/11/2005 Update or Other Action The June and October 2004 ground water monitoring report was received via email from ALTA Geosciences, Inc. for the Bentley Trust Tax Lot 201 site. A hard copy of the report with analytical results will be mailed soon. Douglas Bauer
1/21/2005 Update or Other Action Received Ecology and Environments report titled "Evaluation of a Vapor Intrusion Risk Assessment Work Plan and Supporting Documentation; Bentley Trust Tax Lots 201 and 203, Fairbanks, Alaska" from ADEC contracts office. Douglas Bauer
1/26/2005 Update or Other Action Draft response to Alyeska's proposed risk assessment emailed to J. Frechione for approval. Douglas Bauer
1/26/2005 Update or Other Action Response to Alyeska's proposed risk assessment finalized and mailed. Douglas Bauer
1/27/2005 Update or Other Action Received via email an ALTA Geosciences report titled "Summary Report June 2004 Construction Air Sparging/Soil Vapor Extraction System Bentley Trust Tax Lot 201 Fairbanks, Alaska" dated January 27, 2005. Soil samples taken from new SVE wells detected TCE at 0.057 mg/Kg and 0.038 mg/Kg which is consistent with previous sampling. Douglas Bauer
2/24/2005 Update or Other Action Tentative meeting date of March 24, 2005 with Alyeska and Union Bank of California to resolve issues with Alyeska's proposed risk assessment. Douglas Bauer
2/24/2005 Update or Other Action Responded to information request from Mr. Dermot Cole with the Fairbanks News Miner. Copies of Alyeska's proposed plan and supporting documents, and ADEC's 1/26/2005 response sent. Douglas Bauer
2/28/2005 Update or Other Action Received hard copies of ALTA Geosciences, Inc. reports: "Well Installation Report 2004" and "Air Sparging/Soil Vapor Extraction Expansion Report" and CD of 2004 reports. Douglas Bauer
3/4/2005 Update or Other Action Received by email Alyeska's response to the departments comments concerning proposed risk assessment. Forwarded email to J. Frechione, L. Johnson, and L. Smith. Douglas Bauer
3/7/2005 Update or Other Action Received hard copy of Alyeska's response to the departments comments concerning the proposed risk assessment. Douglas Bauer
3/9/2005 Update or Other Action Sent by email copies of USGS degradation study report and latest ground water investigation for Bentley Mall East Satellite building to Alex Tula. Douglas Bauer
3/14/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with Eddie Packie with Travis Peterson Consulting and discussed abandonment procedures for three well points and one permanent monitoring well on the POB Montgomery lot (new lot immediately west of Lowes). Douglas Bauer
3/23/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with Lindsay Smith and Stephanie Pingree with Ecology and Environment in preparation for 3/24/2005 meeting with Alyeska and Union Bank of California. Douglas Bauer
3/24/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Alyeska and Union Bank of Alaska to discuss Alyeska's proposed vapor intrusion risk assessment. Lindsay Smith, ADEC Risk Assessor, and Stephanie Pingree and Carl Steinman with E&E teleconferenced. Alyeska will submit updated work plan providing additional details and validation methodology. Douglas Bauer
4/13/2005 Update or Other Action Great Northwest Inc. proposed construction dewatering on POB Montgomery property adjacent to major TCE source area on the western portion of TL-201. ALTA Geosciences evaluated proposed pumping schedule and is uncomfortable with proposal and possible effects on remediation system and ground water. The concerns were forwarded to Great Northwest. Douglas Bauer
5/12/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held A meeting was held with a representative of Vivlamore Investments concerning the potential purchase of the western portion of Tax Lot 203 for residential development. This is Bentley Trust land north of Tax Lot 201 and there is TCE contaminated ground water across most of the western portion. The source of the contamination is still unresolved; it may be a different source than the major source area identified on Tax Lot 201. Vivlamore Investments was advised that vapor intrusion is a potential concern. The sciences of vapor intrusion, in general, and the regulation of vapor intrusion in Alaska, in particular, are evolving. They were advised to consider “radon type” abatement measures in the design of the residences. Douglas Bauer
5/17/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone conversation with Mr. Jim Desmond concerning possible development options of western portion of TL-201. Emphasized that risk assessment would determine range of options and parties would have to agree on who would be responsible for follow-up clean up and long-term monitoring. Douglas Bauer
5/20/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone call from Mr. Jan Shifflet with Alyeska. Mr. Shifflet had a question whether home owners would have to approve alternative ground water levels that were developed as a result of risk assessment. He was informed that research was needed and an answer would be provided the week of 5/23/05. Reviewed regulations and sent a clarification email to Larry Johnson. Douglas Bauer
5/23/2005 Update or Other Action Larry Johnson forwarded clarification email to Jim Frechione. Douglas Bauer
5/24/2005 Update or Other Action Consulted with Larry Johnson & Jim Frechione and sent reply email to Alyeska. Jim is seeking an informal state AG's opinion since the answer to Alyeska's question is not clear cut. Douglas Bauer
5/25/2005 Update or Other Action State Attorney General's informal opinion forwarded to Alyeska and Union Bank of California. Opinion states that home owner consent is required for alternative ground water cleanup levels that are determined by a risk assessment. Douglas Bauer
5/27/2005 Update or Other Action Received by email the 2005 Ground Water and investigation activities work plan from ALTA Geosciences. Douglas Bauer
5/31/2005 Update or Other Action Received by email supplemental risk assessment information from Dr. Mark Stelljes with SLR. Received by email revised risk assessment work plan from Mr. Jan Shifflet with Alyeska. Sent an email response giving estimate of ADEC response: July 1 through the end of August 2005 with the most likely date of around the end of July 2005. Emails forwarded to Lindsay Smith. Telephone conversation with Dennis Harwood about the retention of E&E as ADEC term contractor for FYO6 work. Douglas Bauer
6/1/2005 Update or Other Action Received hard copy of Alyeska risk assessment work plan titled "Work Plan for Method 4 Human Health and Screening Ecological Risk Assessment, Portions of Tax Lot 201 & 203, Bentley Trust Property, Fairbanks, Alaska" dated May 31, 2005. Douglas Bauer
6/6/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone conversation with Lindsay Smith. Lindsay intends to identify tasks for term contractor by June 17, 2005. Douglas Bauer
6/6/2005 Update or Other Action Email to Dennis Harwood, ADEC contracting, requesting clarification of Ecology and Environments availability for FY)^ Douglas Bauer
6/7/2005 Update or Other Action Jim Frechione decided that E&E will not be available to continue risk assessment process. Douglas Bauer
6/13/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone conversation with Alex Tula. Sent email approving June 2005 ground water sampling event. At this time no work has been authorized by the Trust beyond August 2005. Email stated that ADEC expects a fall sampling event. Douglas Bauer
6/13/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone call from Jim Desmond inquiring about the schedule for the Alyeska Risk Assessment work plan. Douglas Bauer
6/14/2005 Update or Other Action The Ecology and Environment original NTP was closed out with 3.5 hours remaining. Douglas Bauer
6/20/2005 Update or Other Action Based on an initial review of the revised risk assessment work plan and consultation with ADEC management, a letter was sent advising Alyeska that the proposed use of flux chamber measurements without field validation is unacceptable. This determination is consistent with the state of California's vapor intrusion guidance issued December 2004. Douglas Bauer
6/23/2005 Update or Other Action RFP for technical expertise in support of Alyeska risk assessment review forwarded to Jim Frechione. Douglas Bauer
6/24/2005 Update or Other Action Comments on the revised Alyeska risk assessment received from Lindsay Smith. Douglas Bauer
7/1/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone conversation with Jan Shifflet. Scheduled teleconference July 9 to discuss field validation issues. Douglas Bauer
7/7/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with Jim Frechione & Lindsay Smith with ADEC, Mark Stelljes with SLR, Jan Shifflet with Alyeska, and Cynthia Wagner with UBOC. Discussed vapor intrusion assessment and use of institutional controls. Alyeska will submit a proposal letter next week. Douglas Bauer
8/4/2005 Update or Other Action Two telephone conversations with Jim Desmond concerning potential development of western portion of TL-201. Douglas Bauer
8/4/2005 Update or Other Action Received Risk Assessment information from Alyeska and forward to Dennis Harwood for forwarding to E&E through OASIS. Douglas Bauer
8/4/2005 Update or Other Action Dennis Harwood indicated via email that the notice to proceed (NTP) for the term contractor to support the evaluation of the Alyeska risk assessment has not been approved by ADEC management. Approval was requested on 7/8/2005. Rich Sundet was requested today to follow up. Douglas Bauer
8/19/2005 Update or Other Action Cost recovery packet forwarded to Attorney General's office Douglas Bauer
8/29/2005 Update or Other Action Received June 2005 ground water monitoring report from Alex Tula by email. Forwarded a copy to Rich Sundet and Dennis Harwood. Douglas Bauer
9/2/2005 Update or Other Action Telephoned Max Schwenne with OASIS to establish communication protocol between ADEC, OASIS, and E&E. Louise Flynn with E&E who is substituting for Stephanie Pingree called. E&E has not received Alyeska documents for Task II of NTP (model validation). Urgent email sent to Dennis Harwood in ADEC contracting requesting immediate follow-up. Douglas Bauer
9/7/2005 Update or Other Action Received by email from Alyeska the fall 2005 ground water monitoring work plan. Douglas Bauer
9/9/2005 Update or Other Action Forwarded conditional work plan approval letter to Rich Sundet for review and approval. Douglas Bauer
9/12/2005 Update or Other Action Separate telephone calls from Ms. Cynthia Wagner with Union Bank of California and Mr. Jan Shifflet with Alyeska. Douglas Bauer
9/13/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone conversation with Rich Sundet. Finalized and sent conditional approval letter for fall 2005 ground water sampling event. Douglas Bauer
9/13/2005 Update or Other Action Received Ecology and Environment's (E&E) comments. Forward comments to Lindsay Smith. Telephone conversation with Louise Flynn with E&E to schedule conference call the week of September 19th. Douglas Bauer
9/19/2005 Update or Other Action Prepare response fund site summary and email to Jim Frechione. Douglas Bauer
9/20/2005 Update or Other Action Received by email SLR workplan titled Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan Portions of Tax Lots 201 and 203 Bentley Trust Property, Fairbanks Alaska dated August 2005. Douglas Bauer
9/21/2005 Update or Other Action Forwarded SLR's soil gas sampling workplan to Dennis Harwood for forwarding to E&E. Douglas Bauer
9/27/2005 Update or Other Action Forwarded E&E's comments on risk assessment work plan and Alyeska's response to site specific validation of vapor intrusion model to Alyeska. Douglas Bauer
10/10/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone conversation with Mr. Jerry Sadler concerning removal of grubbing waste. Douglas Bauer
10/11/2005 Update or Other Action Forwarded E&E's comments on soil gas sampling plan to Alyeska. Douglas Bauer
10/19/2005 Update or Other Action Property transferred to J & J Development, LLC on 9/7/05. Deborah Williams
11/10/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone call from Jan Shifflet. Recent soil gas and ground water data summary will be sent soon. Alyeska would like to have a meeting soon with ADEC and JJ Development to discuss continuation of risk assessment process. Douglas Bauer
11/15/2005 Update or Other Action I called Jan Shifflet this morning asking when the recent soil gas and ground water data would be available. Jan stated that I would receive the data Friday morning (11/18/05). I informed him that ADEC needed time to review the data and to meet with E&E before meeting with Alyeska and Mr. Jerry Sadler. As of now, Mr. Sadler is available for a meeting either November 30th or December 1st. Douglas Bauer
11/18/2005 Update or Other Action Received soil gas and ground water sampling results for fall 2005. Forwarded to Ecology & Environment. Douglas Bauer
12/1/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone conference with Jim Frechione, Lindsay Smith, & D. Bauer with ADEC and Stephanie Pingree & Allision Wiman with E&E to discuss status and issues with proposed risk assesment work plan. Douglas Bauer
12/7/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Alyeska, SLR Alaska, J&J Development, Ecology & Environment, and Union Bank of Californiat concerning finalizing risk assessment. Douglas Bauer
12/8/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone call from Cynthia Wagner with Union Bank of California Douglas Bauer
12/14/2005 Update or Other Action Information was provided to Mel Langdon, ADEC Storm Water & Wetlands Nonpoint Source program, concerning the possible interception of the Bentley Trust Tax Lot 201 TCE ground water plume and the Bentley Mall East Satellite Building PCE ground water plume by Noyes Slough. Douglas Bauer
12/16/2005 Update or Other Action Received via email a SLR memo title “Addendum” to the Work Plan for a Method 4 Human Health and Screening Ecological Risk Assessment, Portions of Tax Lots 201 and 203, Bentley Trust Property, Fairbanks Alaska: Documentation of ADEC-Approved Risk Assessment Modifications to the Work Plan for Portions of Tax Lot 201 and 203. Douglas Bauer
12/27/2005 Update or Other Action Teleconference with Lindsay Smith, Douglas Bauer, and Stephanie Pingree and Allision Wiman with E&E to discuss response to SLR's memorandum concerning resolution of risk assessment issues. Douglas Bauer
12/28/2005 Update or Other Action Potential Responsible Party letter sent to Alyeska for TL-201 and TL-203. Douglas Bauer
1/25/2006 Update or Other Action Received via email monitoring well and remediation system abandonment work plan. Douglas Bauer
1/30/2006 Update or Other Action Received Alyeska's response to 12/28/05 PRP letter. Douglas Bauer
3/3/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Telephone conference meeting with Alyeska (Jan Shifflet & Kalu Kalu), SLR Alaska (Mark Stelljes & Scott Rose), J&J Development (Jerry Sadler), Ecology and Environment (Stephanie Pingree & Allison Wiman), Bentley Family Trust (Cynthia Wagner with Union Bank of California), and ADEC (Jim Frechione & Douglas Bauer). The purpose of the meeting was resolution of Tax Lot 201 & Tax Lot 203 risk assessment comments. SLR to follow up with written comments. ADEC to provide policy determination on the use of TCE toxicity values (pre-IRIS or NECA provisonal values) and draft of notice of environmental contamination and land-use restrictions. Douglas Bauer
3/6/2006 Update or Other Action Teleconference between Jim Frechione, Douglas Bauer, & Colin Craven with ADEC and Stephanie Pingree with Ecology & Environment to discuss TCE toxicity data issues. Douglas Bauer
3/7/2006 Update or Other Action Received via email SLR Alaska's comments to March 3, 2006 risk assessment resolution meeting from Mark Stelljes. SLR's comments were forwarded to E&E. Douglas Bauer
3/8/2006 Update or Other Action Teleconference between Jim Frechione, Douglas Bauer, & Colin Craven with ADEC and Stephanie Pingree with Ecology & Environment to discuss TCE toxicity data issues. Douglas Bauer
3/8/2006 Update or Other Action Draft notice of environmental contamination and land-use restrictions faxed to Jim Desmond, realtor for J&J Development. Douglas Bauer
3/10/2006 Update or Other Action Received via email Ecology and Environment's (E&E)Technical Memorandum about review of SLR Alaska's comments to risk assessment and clarification of TCE toxicity values. E&E's Tech Memo was forwarded to Alyeska , SLR Alaska, and Union Bank of California. Douglas Bauer
3/10/2006 Update or Other Action Jan Shifflett with Alyeska confimed that final risk assessment will be available by March 31, 2006. Douglas Bauer
3/14/2006 Update or Other Action Telephone call from Jan Shifflett. Alyeska will comment on language of environmental notices for TL-201 and TL-203 this week. Douglas Bauer
3/23/2006 Update or Other Action Received by email Alyeska's comments on language in environmental notice for Tax Lot 201 and Tax Lot 203. Douglas Bauer
3/31/2006 Update or Other Action Received via email final version of risk assessment. Forwarded to E&E for review. Douglas Bauer
4/12/2006 Update or Other Action Received via email E&E comments on final version of risk assessment. Douglas Bauer
4/17/2006 Update or Other Action Telephone call to Jan Shifflet with Alyeska and forwarded via email E&E's draft comments on final risk assessment. Tentatively scheduled a resolution meeting with SLR this week. Douglas Bauer
4/19/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Telephone conference with Scott Rose and Mark Stelljes with SLR Alaska, Stephanie Pingree and Allison Wiman with E&E, and Douglas Bauer to resolve inconsistencies between narrative text and associated tables, and typographical errors in the final version of the risk assessment. SLR Alaska will provide a corrected copy by the week of April 24th. Douglas Bauer
4/20/2006 Update or Other Action Jim Desmond called requesting that environmental notice for TL-201 be finalized by May 5, 2006 when the final plat will be recorded. Mr. Desmond anticipates that closure of some sales will occur around May 20, 2006 and he wants to provide the environmental notice to the purchasers prior to closing. Douglas Bauer
4/25/2006 Update or Other Action Revised final version of risk assessment received via email from J. Shifflet with Alyeska. Risk assessment forwarded via email to E&E for final review. Douglas Bauer
4/25/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with J. Shifflet with Alyeska, Jim Desmond with Desmond Realty concerning environmental notice language. Douglas Bauer
4/25/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with J. Shifflet with Alyeska, Jim Desmond with Desmond Realty concerning environmental notice language. Douglas Bauer
4/27/2006 Update or Other Action Notice of Environmental Contamination and Land Use Restrictions mailed to Mr. Jerry Sadler for filing with property deed. Douglas Bauer
4/28/2006 Update or Other Action Received final comments from E&E concerning risk assessment. E&E recommends approval. Douglas Bauer
5/5/2006 Institutional Control Record Established Notice of Environmental Contamination and Land Use Restrictions filed at Fairbanks Recording District as number 2006-009822-0, seven pages total. Douglas Bauer
5/9/2006 Update or Other Action Telephone conversation with Mr. Ken Peterson, Key Bank, in Anchorage concerning contamination issues. Douglas Bauer
6/26/2006 Update or Other Action Received report from Alyeska titled "Investigation in Potential Sources and Transport Mechanisms of TCE in Ground Water on Tax Lot 203". Douglas Bauer
6/26/2006 Update or Other Action Approved 2006 ground water sampling plan. Douglas Bauer
7/3/2006 Update or Other Action Sent email to Alyeska proposing two alternatives: additional soil gas collection and modeling at TL-203 and residential monitoring wells or sub-slab sampling per EPA recently released protocol. Douglas Bauer
7/6/2006 Update or Other Action Separate telephone call from Cindy Wagner (UBOC) and Jan Shifflet (Alyeska) discussing options stated ADEC July 3, 2007 email. Douglas Bauer
7/6/2006 Update or Other Action Separate telephone call from Cindy Wagner (UBOC) and Jan Shifflet (Alyeska) discussing options stated ADEC July 3, 2007 email. Douglas Bauer
8/2/2006 Update or Other Action Received via email SLR's report titled "Additional Soil Gas Sampling in Support of Human Health and Screening Ecological Risk Assessment for Portions of Tax Lots 201 and Tax Lot 203, Fairbanks, Alaska." Douglas Bauer
9/29/2006 Update or Other Action Additional ground water investigation on Tax Lot 203 received Douglas Bauer
10/13/2006 Update or Other Action Draft ROD forwarded to J. Frechione. Douglas Bauer
10/17/2006 Update or Other Action Draft ROD forwarded to Bentley Trust, Alyeska, and J&J Development. Douglas Bauer
11/17/2006 Update or Other Action Draft 2006 Fact Sheet forwarded to J. Frechione. Douglas Bauer
11/28/2006 Update or Other Action Comments received from Bentley Trust and Alyeska incorporated into 4th draft of ROD. Douglas Bauer
11/29/2006 Update or Other Action 4th draft of ROD forwarded to Bentley Trust, Alyeska, and J & J Development Douglas Bauer
1/16/2007 Update or Other Action Received comments on 4th draft of ROD from Alyeska and Bentley Trust Douglas Bauer
1/24/2007 Update or Other Action Telephoned Cynthia Wagner with Bentley Trust and Jan Shifflet with Alyeska separately. Informed both that ADEC will issue 4th draft version of ROD. Both parties were comfortable with 4th draft. Douglas Bauer
1/25/2007 Conditional Closure Approved Conditional Closure issued based on results of risk assessment. Institutional Controls were established prior to closure. Douglas Bauer
5/8/2007 Update or Other Action Received a copy of the Fall 2006 ground water monitoring report via email from Jan Shifflet with Alyeska; a hard copy will follow in the mail. Advised that a draft of the long-term ground water monitoring plan as required by the ROD will be available soon. Douglas Bauer
5/18/2007 Update or Other Action Received hard copy of SLR report titled 2006 Ground Water Monitoring Well and Soil Vapor Extraction Decommissioning Report, Former Bentley Trust Property, Fairbanks Alaska dated April 2007. Received SLR report titled 2006 Ground Water Monitoring Report Former Bentley Trust Site, Fairbanks, Alaska dated April 2007 Douglas Bauer
6/5/2007 Update or Other Action Jim Desmond forwarded an email from Derik Price with Fountain Head Development concerning the location of a ground water monitoring well at the southwestern tip of Tract A on the former Tax Lot 203. Derik would like the well repositioned or cut off to grade due to the amount of construction traffic. Jim and Derik was advised to contact Jan Shifflet with Alyeska for resolution since Alyeska is responsible for the long-term ground water monitoring program. Douglas Bauer
6/26/2007 Update or Other Action Received 2007 ground water monitoring work plan via email and hard copy. Douglas Bauer
6/28/2007 Update or Other Action Approved 2007 ground water monitoring work plan. Proposed meeting with Alyeska, UBOC, and ADEC to dicuss development of long-term ground water monitoring plan and transition issues. Douglas Bauer
7/12/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Ann Farris and Douglas Bauer with ADEC met with Jan Shifflet with Alyeska, Scott Rose with SLR Alaska, and teleconferenced Cynthia Wagner with Union Bank of California to discuss project manager transition issues and development of long-term ground water monitoring program. Douglas Bauer
10/10/2007 Update or Other Action Lot 10 and 11D transferred to JJS Development LLC. Letter is in file. Ann Farris
5/31/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Ann Farris
5/6/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff met with Jan Shifflet of Alyeska and Scott Rose with SLR to discuss the 2008 groundwater results and the installation of new wells in the source area for measuring the natural attenuation. Results indicate TCE contamination as high as 108 ppb downgradient of the source area, near Noyes Slough. SLR will develop a work plan for 2009 that includes sampling in June and September the existing wells as well up to 5 new wells in the source area, 1 upgradient, and 2 downgradient as well as a replacement well for MW79. The idea will be to install the new wells in a flow path to monitor the water chemistry that might indicate bioattenuation is occurring. The actual locations of the wells will be decided once utility locates can be completed and a site visit can be arranged. DEC and Alyeska will select the well locations together during the site visit. Ann Farris
5/26/2009 Update or Other Action Staff received the 2009 Long-term Monitoring Groundwater Monitoring plan from SLR. Reviewed and approved the sampling. Sampling will be completed on all existing wells for COCs and MNA parameters in May and September 2009. Four news wells will be installed on TL201, near the source area. One well north of the highway, MW-79, will be decommisioned and replaced due to a flooding issue. Staff requested the final report be submitted no later than end of January and setup reminder in Task Tracker. Ann Farris
5/23/2012 Update or Other Action Staff name changed from Ann Farris to IC Unit. Evonne Reese
6/19/2012 Update or Other Action Staff name changed from IC Unit to Rick Bernhardt. Evonne Reese
6/28/2012 Update or Other Action SLR proposes semi-annual groundwater sampling for HVOCs & MNA parameters and conduct well water measurements. They will repair or replace the cracked well casing. Asked SLR to update arial maps & survey MWs to check for frost jacking. Will approve work plan after previous requests have been addressed. Richard Bernhardt
1/29/2013 Update or Other Action Staff name changed from Rick Bernhardt to Jim Fish. 2012 Groundwater Monitoring Report and June 28 Letter Mail to Fairbanks office certified mail # 7012 1010 0003 0389 2966. Annie Ariel
5/23/2013 Update or Other Action Sent geo-referenced figures of proposed 2013 road & construction work overlain on soil gas data from previous site investigations to City of Fairbanks engineers. Suggested an environmental conusltat be retained for screening an sampling when encountering areas with known soil contamination. Jim Fish
5/28/2013 Update or Other Action Met with City of Fairbanks and its contractors, Jerry Sadler/Jon Cook, and TPECI to discuss screening and sampling plan for Helmericks Avenue area. TPECI will prepare a screening/sampling plan for DEC review & approval. DEC's main concerns are worker safety and preventing public exposure to soil contamintion. Proposed soil handling activities are consistent with NEC stipulations on property DEED Notice and Conditional Closure Letter. Jim Fish
5/29/2013 Update or Other Action Discovery of buired septic tank apparently filled with solvents and organic waste reported to DEC. Contacted Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. to coordinate site visit. Jim Fish
5/30/2013 Update or Other Action Contacted EPA Region 10 UIC program for coordination and review of UIC files for this site. Jim Fish
5/30/2013 Site Visit Site visit with PERP, Alyeska and consultant (SLR), City of Fairbanks enginners, landowner (Jerry Sadler), and consultant (TPECI) for inspection of discovered septic. Area is barricaded from public acces. Discovery has interrupted rapd construction. Recommended contents be sampled for analysis and determination of proper disposal action. Awaiting response from Alyeska for pending actions; will continue to coordinate with EPA UIC and RCRA programs. Jim Fish
6/5/2013 Update or Other Action Received Worker Health and Safety Screening and Hazardous Waste Management Plans from City & consultant; reviewed and returned to consultant with comments. Jim Fish
6/6/2013 Update or Other Action Discuss septic discovery with Alyeska reporesentative (Jan Shifflet) Jim Fish
6/6/2013 Update or Other Action Sent a response to proposed work plan for groundwater monitoring asking for more comprehensive MNA evaluation, use of EMDs to confirm degradation of COCs, sampling for 1,4-Dioxane, and determining source of off-site PCE in monitoring well MW-64. (see also file 102.38.139) Jim Fish
6/7/2013 Update or Other Action Informed consultant (TPECI) that Alyeska will not sample or remove the recently discovered septic. Jim Fish
7/2/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with Alyeska and consultants (SLR) to discuss evaluation of MNA and ongoing/future groundwater monitoring efforts for the Bentley former tax lots groundwater plume. Jim Fish
8/8/2013 Update or Other Action PERP and CS repsonded to complaints of contaminated soil being moved offsite - field visit suggest stockpile is not comtaminated; CIty of Fairbanks soil stockpile was also recently moved, but remained within the Tax Lot. Jim Fish
1/6/2014 Update or Other Action Received Hlemericks Avenue Undocumented Tank Report today from TPECI. TPECI also sent copies to EPA Region 10 UIC Program, and to ADEC UST Program Cross reference with site 102.38.176 (commercial Property - 350 Helmericks Avenue Leach Field) Jim Fish
1/22/2014 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Received a Notice of Post Closure from UST Program for septic tank discovery (summer 2013) - cross reference with Site 102.38.176 (Commercial Property - 350 Helmericks Avenue Leach Field). Jim Fish
5/27/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with Alyeska and SLR to discuss groundwater monitoring results and status, Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA), vapor intrusion, DEC guidance documents released since site closure, the 5-year Review of the Record of Decision, and notification of off-site water well owners. Alyeska is updated the 2006 HHRA with new toxicity values and verfiying RA assumptions. Jim Fish
6/10/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Work plan for 2014 groundwater monitoring approved (2 time/year); recommended 1,4-dioxane be sampled from all wells (onsite & offsite) TCE exceeeds MCL; also recommend EMDs for understanding mechanisms, extent and rate for chlorinated ethene degradation. Provided notice the ADOT will be extendin on-ramp to Johansen Exwy that may impact some monitoring wells. Jim Fish
7/13/2015 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference and GoTo meeting with Alyeska and consultant to discuss site characterization of extent of groundwater contamination, potential risk to off-site receptors via the Vapor intrusion pathway and limitations of the J&E Vapor intrusion model, and re-evaluation of the 2006 Risk Analysis, Jim Fish
7/14/2015 Site Reopened Site was reopened because of pending site characterization work and re-evaluation of the protectiveness of the Institutional Controls and Exposure assumptions in the 2006 Risk Assessment. The Record of Decision (ROD) from 2006 remains unchanged (cleanup levels and ICs remain in effect). Jim Fish
7/15/2015 Update or Other Action Groundwater monitoring plan for two sampling events (summer & fall) approved for 2015. Trend analysis of groundwater data also requested. Jim Fish
7/21/2015 Update or Other Action Sent comments to RP & consultants concerning limitations of soil vapor flux approaches to estimate indoor air concentrations of contaminants. DEC may consider use of flux chambers in crawl spaces. Jim Fish
7/22/2015 Update or Other Action Site re-activation letter with request actions sent to RP. Jim Fish
12/28/2015 Update or Other Action Received letter from Alyeska Pipeline Service Company objecting to site re-opening and requesting a meeting with ADEC. Jim Fish
1/27/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Alyeska and consultant (SLR) to discuss site re-opening, apparent data gaps, and upcoming site investigations. Investigative approach and plan will be forthcoming separate from biannual groundwater monitoring efforts. Jim Fish
3/22/2016 Update or Other Action Received 2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report Jim Fish
4/22/2016 Update or Other Action Approved re-implementation of the 2013 Health and Safety Screening Plan and Hazardous Waste Management Plan authored by TPECI for the Helmericks Avenue project, for 2016 Jim Fish
6/21/2016 Update or Other Action Received work plan for 2016 summer groundwater and soil gas sampling Jim Fish
6/27/2016 Update or Other Action Contacted RP regarding questions about soil gas sampling, MNA evaluation, building characteristics survey, and VI modeling. Jim Fish
4/14/2017 Update or Other Action 2016 Groundwater Monitoring report received from consultant, with response letter to DEC's July 25, 2016 correspondence. Jim Fish
5/12/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comments to 2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report and April 14 letter to DEC sent to RP Jim Fish
5/23/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with RP and consultant to discuss 2016 results and comments; discuss progress to evaluate MNA as a groundwater remedy; discussed soil gas data, limitations of J&E Model for estimating indoor air concentrations, and need for building survey and additional soil gas to develop the Vapor Intrusion Conceptual Site Model. Jim Fish
9/14/2017 Update or Other Action Received draft work plan for indoor air sampling and vapor intrusion assessment Jim Fish
9/15/2017 Update or Other Action Letters sent to 10 property owners requesting access for indoor air sampling Jim Fish
9/18/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with RP and consultant to discuss draft work plan and VI assessment & sampling approaches Jim Fish
9/25/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Follow-up teleconference with RP and consultant to additional comments to VI assessment approach and work plan Jim Fish
9/28/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final Vapor Intrusion Work Plan for Indoor Air Evaluation in Lemeta and Palace Court Subdivisions approved today. Jim Fish
10/6/2017 Update or Other Action Received site information from consultant and approved sampling locations for 7 of 10 potential properties. Jim Fish
3/5/2018 Update or Other Action Received 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report today Jim Fish
4/23/2018 Update or Other Action Received Offsite Vapor Intrusion Assessment report for 2017-18 Jim Fish
7/13/2018 Update or Other Action Received groundwater elevation contour maps from consultant today (collected from pressure transducers and manual measurements). Jim Fish
7/23/2018 Update or Other Action Received 2018 groundwater monitoring work plan Jim Fish
7/27/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved mid-summer groundwater monitoring work plan for 2018. Jim Fish
2/15/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held Discuss proposed work plan of VI sampling at former Sports Authority location with RP and consultant Jim Fish
2/15/2019 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Work plan approved for indoor air sampling at former Sports Authority building (located on Lot 17-B); four 24-hr samples will be collected while the building HVAC system is not bringing outdoor air into the building, but is exhausting warm to the outside, capturing the potential for stack-effect induced VI. Outdoor air samples to be collected and building survey also to be conducted. Jim Fish
3/18/2019 Update or Other Action All four indoor air samples collected during February 15-16 (2019) from the former Sports Authority Building on Lot 17-B exceeded the DEC commercial target level for TCE, with a range of 5.9-9.1 ug/m3. Additional indoor air sampling with the HAVC system introducing new air and periodic opening and closing of the sliding glass front door(replicating normal business occupancy)is proposed. Jim Fish
3/27/2019 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Work plan addendum approved for additional indoor & outdoor air sampling, with HVAC operation and door opening & closing to simulate business occupancy during sampling period (building remains unoccupied/unleased). Jim Fish
5/13/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held Discuss April 2019 indoor air sampling results (from former Sports Authority building on Lot 17-B) with consultant and RP; results for TCE were less than those for February 2019 sampling event, but still exceeded DEC indoor air target levels. Additional sampling is proposed after repairs and modifications are made to the building HVAC system. Anticipated sampling event for July 2019. Jim Fish
5/28/2019 Update or Other Action Received 2019 Bentley Trust Groundwater Monitoring work plan Jim Fish
9/1/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft Vapor Intrusion investigation report submitted by Geosyntec Consultants. The report indicated that TCE was present in the Sports Authority building above ADEC Indoor Air Target Levels when the HVAC system was not operating properly. Additional sampling in July indicated indoor air concentrations decreased to below the target levels when the HVAC system was functioning as required by city code. DEC is providing comments on the draft report. DEC is recommending an additional round of indoor air sampling occur to confirm the July results. Janice Wiegers
11/8/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting held with RP and property owner to discuss possibility of HVAC operation to control vapor intrusion in former Sports Authority building on Lot 17-B; DEC to review historical soil and soil vapor data to identify other areas where vapor intrusion may be a concern. RP to draft an Environmental Covenant for former Sports Authority property, along with an institutional control management plan. Jim Fish
12/6/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting held between DEC, property owner and Alyeska to discuss the possibility of remaining soil contamination in former source area and future evaluation of soil vapors. DEC to outline specific sampling request. Environmental covenant and IC management plan still pending. Jim Fish
12/20/2019 Update or Other Action Final Ulta Beauty soil gas sampling request letter sent to Alyeska and the property owner (J&J Development), where 84 micrograms per cubic meter is specified as the soil gas target level. The purpose of sampling is to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion of trichloroethylene vapors into Ulta Beauty (Lot 01, Bentley Brothers Subdivision 5th Addition). Jim Fish
12/24/2019 Update or Other Action Draft Environmental Covenant received from responsible party Jim Fish
1/7/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference held with consultant and RP regarding sampling event on Monday Jan 6th, loss of duplicate sample, and data quality issues. Follow-up decision was made to re-collect soil vapor sample from SVP-3 (located on Lot 01, at Ulta Beauty Store) in duplicate, and be considered as part of same sampling event (with Monday's). Jim Fish
1/10/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final report received for onsite (former Sports Authority Building on Lot 17-B) vapor intrusion assessment. Jim Fish
6/12/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and approved 2020 Groundwater Monitoring Work plan. A single sampling/monitoring event will during mid-summer 2020. Jim Fish
6/26/2020 Update or Other Action Received draft Addendum, Vapor Intrusion Assessment On-Site Assessment Report, for work conducted at the former Sport Authority Building on Lot 17-B, and Ulta Beauty Store on Lot 01. Jim Fish
7/27/2020 Update or Other Action DEC reviewed and approved the draft Addendum, Vapor Intrusion Assessment On-Site Report, Former Bentley Trust Property. DEC observed that vapor intrusion data collected at the former Sports Authority building on Lot 17-B indicates that vapor intrusion is an open and viable contaminant exposure pathway, absent a functioning HVAC system. However, DEC concurs with Alyeska and its consultants that a City of Fairbanks building code-compliant HVAC system for commercial buildings at the former Sports Authority (Lot 17-B) in Fairbanks serves to mitigate exposure via the vapor intrusion pathway, as long as the system is constructed and operated according to City’s building code. Data collected at the Ulta Beauty Store (on Lot 01) indicates vapor intrusion is currently not occurring. DEC recommends that a building management plan (ensuring building code-compliant HVAC operation) be developed for current and future buildings as an institutional control to prevent contaminant exposure via the vapor intrusion pathway. DEC also recommends a soil management or property redevelopment plan be established to address future property development where contaminated soils may be encountered. Jim Fish
12/10/2020 Update or Other Action Received 2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report from consultant (SLR Internat'l) Jim Fish
3/5/2021 Update or Other Action Responded to consultant regarding review of 2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report; DEC has no additional comments at this time. Jim Fish
5/13/2021 Update or Other Action Received 2021 GW Monitoring, well decommissioning and well installation work plan from consultant. Jim Fish
2/14/2022 Update or Other Action Received 2021 Bentley Trust Groundwater Monitoring Report from consultant. New Monitoring wells were installed during 2021. TCE Concentrations in new monitoring wells MW-108 and MW-109 (31.8 & 17.9 ug/L, respectively) were above the ADEC Groundwater Human Health cleanup level; TCE concentration in MW-108 was above DEC's Vapor Intrusion commercial target level for groundwater. Concentrations of TCE in soil samples from new wells were above ADEC Migration-to-Groundwater cleanup levels (Under-40-inch Zone) in a sample collected from a 7.25-foot depth fine-grained layer in MW-108 (0.0235 ug/kg), and at a 12.0-foot depth (0.0127 ug/kg). MW-109 also had TCE contamination of 0.0159 mg/kg above the soil cleanup level, at a depth of 8.75-feet bgs. Depth to groundwater at MW-108 was 14.83 feet bgs, while depth to groundwater at MW-109 was 14.76 feet bgs. Jim Fish
3/7/2022 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC commented on the 2021 Groundwater monitoring report with new monitoring well installations, and requested the vapor intrusion pathway be investigated on properties where new wells were installed. DEC also requested a soil management and/or property redevelopment plan be developed for areas where soils are contaminated, as well as the decommissioning of private water wells in discontinued use. Annual groundwater monitoring is propsoed for 2022. Jim Fish
3/11/2022 Update or Other Action Letter sent to Pier 1 Imports describing recent groundwater and soil boring sampling results, and describing the need for a soil management plan should future development be anticipated. Also indicated groundwater samplng is likely to continue (requiring property access), and that vapor intrusion investigation with the building may be planned for the future. Jim Fish
3/14/2022 Update or Other Action Letter sent to Northrim Bank describing recent groundwater and soil boring sampling results, and describing the need for a soil management plan should future development be anticipated. Also indicated groundwater samplng is likely to continue (requiring property access), and that additional investigations with the property may be planned for the future. Jim Fish
4/15/2022 Update or Other Action DEC Received laboratory data results from indoor air sampling at Former Pier 1; data indicated TCE was ND (undetected at limit of detection. Low-level estimated detections of t-DCE and PCE were interpreted as presumably being from building background sources. Jim Fish
6/6/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved 2022 Bentley Trust Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan after receiving an updated list of wells to be sampled. Jim Fish
7/20/2022 Update or Other Action A draft Soil Management Plan for property redevelopment for Former Tax Lot 201 properties was received by DEC from Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Jim Fish
7/28/2022 Update or Other Action DEC Received report (Addendum #2, Vapor intrusion Assessment On-Site Report) of former Pier 1 sampling efforts. Jim Fish
8/1/2022 Update or Other Action DEC comments to proposed Soil Management Plan sent to Alyeska and consultant, SLR. Comments identified appropriate regulatory criteria for maximum concentrations of site contaminants; requested soil reuse criteria, including sampling of any reused soils excavated from 8-feet below ground or deeper, and requested any unsampled soils reused under hardscape be precautionarily located at least 10-feet from abuilding foundation. DEC also requested a geo-referenced location document depicting soils reused elsewhere on a lot from which they were excavated. Jim Fish
9/12/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received work plan for soil and groundwater sampling on Lot 17-A (of former tax Lot 201). Jim Fish
9/15/2022 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Work Plan approved for sampling on Lot 17-A. Three temporary borings will be advanced to approx. 20-ft bgs, and soils will be sampled at 3 to 4 ft bgs, 8 to 9 ft bgs, and 13 to 14 ft bgs. Groundwater will be collected from each temporary boring. Jim Fish
10/7/2022 Update or Other Action Data received from RP for September 2022 soil and groundwater sampling on Lot 17-A. TCE in soil ranged from 0.00718 mg/kg (estimated & below cleanup levels) at 3-feet below surface to 0.0395 mg/kg (above cleanup levels) at 13-feet below surface. TCE in groundwater was above the cleanup level at each sampling location, ranging fro 25.2 to 67.7 ug/L. Jim Fish
10/21/2022 Update or Other Action Received completed report from consultant for September 2022 sampling activities on Lot 17-A Jim Fish
12/29/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received 2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report from RP/COnsultant Jim Fish
3/6/2023 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting held with RP and consultant to discuss proposed soil management on Lot 17A Jim Fish
3/15/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sent comments to consultant & RP regarding 2022 Groundwater Monitoring report. DEC deosn not object to proposed biennial groundwater sampling & cessation of evaluation of natural attenuation parameters, and gave observations regarding well purging and wtaer quality interpretation for reductive dechlorination. Also noted uture property development may warrant additional groundwater sampling outside of biennial sampling schedule to understand current site conditions. Jim Fish
3/15/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC approved and sent comments to 2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report. Comments included: observations concerning interpretation of dissolved oxygen in groundwater; no objection to cessation of collection of monitored natural attenuation parameters, nor with the proposed change in groundwater monitoring frequency from annually to biennially, but observed future property development may warrant re-evaluation natural attenuation conditions and collection of groundwater data outside biennial sampling schedule. Jim Fish
3/22/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received Soil Management Plan from Teir 3 Alaska for Lot 17A Jim Fish
3/27/2023 Update or Other Action Sent DEC comments on 3-Tier Alaska Soil Managment Plan for lot 17A Jim Fish
4/3/2023 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with property owner, consultant and Alyeska Pipeline Service Co to discuss soil manamgment and futre development. Jim Fish
4/6/2023 Update or Other Action Received draft vapor mitigation system evaluation plan for Lot17A Jim Fish
4/10/2023 Update or Other Action Vapor Extraction System evaluation plan for Lot 17A building (NuVision) to be constructed during 2023 approved today. Jim Fish
4/10/2023 Update or Other Action Soil management plan for construction of building on Lot 17A (NuVision) approved today. Jim Fish
4/11/2023 Update or Other Action Revised soil management plan (by Alyeska/SLR) for future property development received today. Jim Fish
5/10/2023 Meeting or Teleconference Held Discussed soil management with Alyeska and the need for more site-specific information for future soil management options related to redevelopment and construction. Jim Fish
5/30/2023 Update or Other Action Received a workplan for additional soil borings on a portion (Tract A1) of the former tax lot (proposed sampling at 3 and five feet bgs). Jim Fish
7/25/2023 Update or Other Action DEC approved another soil sampling effort on the portion of the former Tax Lot (to 1-foot and 2-foot depths) to inform development of a soil management plan for future site development Jim Fish
5/22/2024 Update or Other Action Received updated proposed Soil Management Plan for review from ALyeska Jim Fish
6/6/2024 Update or Other Action DEC received final report for 2023 Soil Sampling on Tract A-1 Jim Fish
6/6/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC received proposed 2024 Groundwater Monitoring work Plan Jim Fish
6/6/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Approve proposed groundwater sampling for 2024 Jim Fish
8/27/2024 Update or Other Action Soil Management Plan for Tract A-1 approved Jim Fish
2/11/2025 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received 2024 Former Bentley Trust Groundwater Monitoring Report from Ayleska Pipeline Service Co. Jim Fish

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Tetrachloroethene > Table C Groundwater
Trichloroethene > Table C Groundwater
Trichloroethene > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Tetrachloroethene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Notice of Environmental Contamination 1. Land use restrictions for onsite Tax Lot 201 prohibit use of ground water and off site transport of contaminated soils and groundwater (without ADEC approval). 2. Land use restrictions for onsite Tax Lot 203 prohibit use of ground and surface waters, unless ADEC reviews and approves of the request prior to any proposed use on a case by case basis. 3. The monitored natural attenuation shall apply to onsite and offsite ground water based on a determination consistent with ADEC guidance The Selection of Natural Attenuation as a Cleanup Alternative for the Restoration of Soil and Ground Water at Contaminated Sites dated January 2000. 4. Alyeska Pipeline Service Company shall submit and implement a long-term ground water monitoring plan consistent with ADEC guidance The Selection of Natural Attenuation as a Cleanup Alternative for the Restoration of Soil and Ground Water at Contaminated Sites dated January 2000.


Description Details
Groundwater Monitoring Must develop a long-term monitoring plan Long-term Monitoring Plan and Monitoring Reports
Groundwater Use Restrictions See Deed Notice details none

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