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Site Report: Yakutat AFB Qtrmaster Loop Drum Dumps

Site Name: Yakutat AFB Qtrmaster Loop Drum Dumps
Address: Quartermaster Loop Road, ~2.5 Miles SE of Yakutat, Yakutat, AK 99689
File Number: 1530.38.011
Hazard ID: 3719
Status: Active
Staff: Tim Sharp, 9074512131
Latitude: 59.525047
Longitude: -139.675650
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In support of the runway and airfield construction, petroleum products were transported in 55-gallon drums to the Yakutat Air Base. Empty drums were stockpiled in several clearings north of the airport. A previous removal occurred at the south end of the Quartermaster Loop Road and is in the database as the Yakutat Northwest Airport Drum Dump. This record is for other dumps on the Quartermaster Loop Road, one of which was investigated in 2001. It is not known what the total number of drum dump areas is along the Quartermaster Loop Road. Lat/long is for site investigated in 2001. Site is NE of ~Mile 2.2 Yakutat Road, NE of Former Rail Grade and ~1 mile north of the airport.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
4/28/2003 Site Added to Database Two surface soil samples were collected during the 2001 RI. No contaminants above background were detected. More characterization is needed. Debra Caillouet
4/5/2004 Update or Other Action A draft feasibility study was reviewed. There is insufficient site characterization data available to select appropriate remedies or to effectively evaluate them against CERCLA criteria. Based on the information provided, the Feasibility Study is premature. Work should occur to identify the data gaps and resolve them before any additional actions are taken. Debra Caillouet
8/19/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff attended the RAB meeting in Yakutat Debra Caillouet
8/26/2004 Update or Other Action File number issued 1530.38.011.10. Aggie Blandford
11/23/2004 Update or Other Action Response to comments on the draft feasibility study were received and reviewed. While the responses will add clarification to the document, DEC believes there is insufficient site characterization data. The Feasibility Study is premature. Work should occur to identify the data gaps and resolve them before any additional actions are taken. Debra Caillouet
1/13/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff attended the RAB meeting in Yakutat Debra Caillouet
7/7/2005 Update or Other Action Staff sent a comment letter to the Corps regarding the Draft Rapid Optical Screening Tool (ROST) Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Focused Remedial Investigation, Former Yakutat Air Force Base, Debra Caillouet
11/19/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Debra Caillouet
1/16/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC staff attended a Restoration Advisory Board meeting in Yakutat to discuss the status of various contaminated sites associated with the Yakutat AFB. Discussions at the RAB meeting included the results from the 2007 investigations including the Military Munitions Respons Program work and research; Avgas pipeline removal work scheduled for the upcoming summer; discussions concerning the Feasibility Study that is scheduled to be conducted in upcoming years; and the work to be conducted at the Ocean Cape Radio Relay Station in the NALEMP program. Jonathan Schick
1/17/2008 Site Visit ADEC Staff pariticipated in a site visit to various sites around the Yakutat area. Snow inhibited access to many of the sitess but the purpose of the trip was to get an understanding of the distribution of sites and to attend a Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Jonathan Schick
8/13/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff attended a Restoration Advisory Board meeting in the community of Yakutat. Various topics were discussed concerning the status of the on-going environmental restoration work that is going on in the area. Topics included, the new TAPP advisor for the RAB; the release of the Final Military Munitions Response Program report, a discussion of the progress at the Runwway Safety Area(20) and the status of the Feasibility Study. additional discussion was centered around the removal/abandonment of the Avgas pipeline from Concern L, as well as the upcoming work at the Ocean Cape RRS NALEMP Site. Jonathan Schick
8/14/2008 Site Visit ADEC Staff pariticipated in a site visit to various sites in and around the Yakutat AFB area. We visited the Ocean Cape RRS NALEMP project site as well as performeds ome Quality assurance on the pipeline removal work in Concern L. The purpose of the QA work was to confirm that there were no undetected releases from the pipeline that was largely abandoned in place. The other purpose of the site visit was to attend a Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Jonathan Schick
9/30/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC staff signed a CON/HTRW project closeout report fort he Formerly Used Defense Sites associated with the Yakutat Air Base. The State of Alaska, through the Department of Environmental Conservation concurs with this USACE project closure. The decision may be reviewed or modified in the future if information becomes available that indicates the presence oif military CON/HTRW that may cause unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. The remeduiation of these sites will continue as necessary, this report only states that no containerized wastes are known to be present at the subject sites. Jonathan Schick
3/17/2010 Update or Other Action ADEC Staff issued a letter to the USACE approving the finalization of the Feasibility Study Report as all of the State's comments have been responded to and incorporated in the document. THe Feasibilty Study provides comparisons of applicable remedial alternatives for the numerous sites associated with the Former Yakutat Air Force Base. Jonathan Schick
5/28/2010 Update or Other Action ADEC staff recieved a copy of the Draft Work Plan for the 2010 Supplemental Remedial Investigation. The Work Plan details the USACE's efforts to confirm that the Chromium detections are not hexavalent Chromium and to further investigate several sites that require additional sampling conducted. Jonathan Schick
6/22/2010 Update or Other Action ADEC staff completed the review of the Draft Work Plan for the 2010 Supplemental Remedial Investigation and submitted comments to the US Army Corps of Engineers. The State's main concern was regarding the best way to characterize the impacts from the skeet range located near the airport. Multi-Incremental Sampling was proposed in the work plan but it may not be appropriate due to the size of the site. Jonathan Schick
8/6/2010 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC staff sent a letter to the USACE project manager approving the implementation of the final work plan for the Supplemental Remedial Investigation for several sites in Yakutat. The field work is scheduled to begin immediately and will be continuing for approximately one month. Jonathan Schick
10/22/2010 CERCLA FS Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the US Army Corps of Engineers approving the FInal Version of the Feasibility Study Report. The report details the amount of money and effort that cleanup wil require for each of the impacted sites at the Yakutat former Naval Air Facility. There were a few sites that were excluded from the study pending additional investigation. Jonathan Schick
4/22/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated Sites Staff recieved a copy of the Draft 2010 Supplemental Remedial InvestigationReport for the Fromer Yakutat Air Force Base. The report augmented the initial RI report from 2010 to collect additional data at several of the sites. The report is dated April 2011. Jonathan Schick
6/3/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the US Army Corps of Engineers with comments on the Draft 2010 Supplemental Remedial Investigation Report for the Former Yakutat Air Force Base. The State's main concerns were regarding methylene chloride present in some of the groundwater samples and the change to the cleanup level for lead as the site location should not be considered industrial despite it being located on airport property. Jonathan Schick
3/16/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated Sites Staff recieved a Final version of the 2010 Supplemental Remedial Investigation Report for Former Yakutat Air Force Base. The report details the follow-on investigation at several sites in the area to complete the Remedial Investigation that started over 10 years ago. The information gained from this Remedial Investigation will be used to support a Feasibility Study and in the future to select remedial techniques to be employed at the contaminated sites in Yakutat. Jonathan Schick
3/19/2012 Site Characterization Report Approved Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the US Army Corps of Engineers Remedial Project Manager approving the final version of the Supplemental Remedial Investigation Report. The report contained the agreed upon changes and the final version is approved. Jonathan Schick
4/5/2012 Update or Other Action Contamianted Sites Staff recieved revised pages to insert into the final version of the 2010 Supplemental Remedial Investigation Report for sites in Yakutat, AK. Pages were replaced in the final version of the report and the report was re-filed. Jonathan Schick
9/29/2014 Site Visit The ADEC contaminated Sites staff participated in a Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting, a tribal meeting, and site inspections in Yakutat with the Army Corps of Engineers to share information on the status of Formerly Used Defense Site investigation and cleanup activities around Yakutat. Jessica Morris
2/17/2015 CERCLA Proposed Plan The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the February 2015 Proposed Plan for No Department of Defense Action Indicated (NDAI) for the Yakutat Air Base Formerly Used Defense Sites. The proposed plan included the Quartermaster Loop Debris Disposal/Barrel Dump Area (AOC E2). For this AOC, no additional remedial action, no additional review, no implementation of long term management or land use controls is planned by the Department of Defense. If new information becomes available indicating risk or concern of military-related contamination at this AOC, further evaluation may be warranted. Note that although the AOC E2 is being proposed for NDAI, the site will be addressed by other responsible parties. Jessica Morris
10/15/2015 Site Visit The ADEC contaminated Sites staff participated in a Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting and site inspections in Yakutat with the Army Corps of Engineers to share information on the status of Formerly Used Defense Site investigation and cleanup activities around Yakutat. Jessica Morris
10/13/2016 Site Visit The ADEC contaminated Sites staff participated in a Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting and site inspections in Yakutat with the Army Corps of Engineers to share information on the status of Formerly Used Defense Site investigation and cleanup activities around Yakutat. Jessica Morris
8/25/2017 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program conditionally approved the Remedial Investigation Work Plan for the Yakutat Air Base Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) AOCs E1, E3/Hospital Loop, F1, G, K1, and M4. Jessica Morris
10/4/2017 Update or Other Action The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program sent a letter to the USACE documenting the State's non-concurrence with the Revised Property Survey Summary Sheet for DERP-FUDS Property No. F10AK0606, Inventory Project Report (INPR) for the Yakutat Air Base, Yakutat Alaska. ADEC does not have sufficient information to concur with the reduction of the overall Yakutat Air Base FUDS eligible projects, as described in the INPR. ADEC requested more information regarding the overall site reduction and a meeting with the USACE. Jessica Morris
7/15/2019 Update or Other Action Site location was updated on this date. Coordinates for this site are used to determine the presence and position of the site on BLM’s ANCSA Conveyed Land web map. Rebekah Reams
9/7/2021 Update or Other Action ADEC reviewed the July 2021 Draft Project Closeout Report for the Yakutat Air Base FUDS E1 Quartermaster Loop Drainage Ditch and Northwest Drum Dump project prepared by the Corps of Engineers FUDS Program. The report provided a summary of investigation activities at the QML Drainage Ditch and the NW Drum Dump. The report concluded that no DoD-related contaminants in soil, groundwater, or surface water exceeded the risk-based cleanup levels or established background concentrations. Arsenic in soil was detected above PAL at the NW Drum Dump site, however the elevated levels were attributed to organic arsenic found in decaying detritus. This conclusion was supported by the elevated Total Organic Carbon results in replicate samples. Daniela Fawcett

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