Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
10/16/2001 |
Site Added to Database |
Groundwater impacted by lead, BTEX, GRO, and DRO. |
Bruce Wanstall |
10/17/2001 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Preliminary ranking. Talkeetna River mouth is about 1/4 mile from the site. |
Bruce Wanstall |
12/17/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Granted an extension (letter) for response to November 23, 2001 ADEC letter requiring line tightness test/repair, well search, site characterization WP, and CAP if required. Due January 31, 2002. |
Sharon Sadlon |
1/30/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
Response to ADEC letter of 12/17/01 received from Traci Bradford of Michael L. Foster. The letter indicated that the 2,000-gallon unleaded gasoline AST was tested for tightness on 1/28/02 by John Carolan of Northern Petroleum Testing, Inc. The tank and associated piping passed the TTT. |
Sharon Sadlon |
2/15/2002 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Approved 2/12/02 Site Characterization Workplan for petroleum release for Sharon Sadlon. |
Rich Sundet |
9/8/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
Site transferred from Sadlon to Dreyer. |
Amanda Dreyer |
9/16/2002 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Approval of Revised Work Plan Phase II Site Characterization. |
Amanda Dreyer |
11/4/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
On 10/31/02, ADEC notified Traci Bradford of Michael L. Foster & Associates that soils cuttings and development water for MWs 03, 04, 05, and 07 may be disposed of on site. Those of MW-01, 02, and 06 need to be taken to Anchorage for proper disposal. Traci will convey this information to the RP. On 11/1/02, three drums of water were proposed to be disposed of at Emerald Alaska and one partial supersack was disposed of at ASR. On 11/4/02, the disposal plan was approved by ADEC. Action added by Petrik. |
Amanda Dreyer |
1/8/2003 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Approved Site Characterization Report. |
Amanda Dreyer |
1/8/2003 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
ADEC approved recommendation by Michael L. Foster & Associates to install oxygen-releasing compound socks into MW-1 and MW-2. The socks were initially added to these wells on 1/28/03. Action added by Petrik. |
Amanda Dreyer |
1/8/2003 |
Long Term Monitoring Established |
Requested quarterly GW monitoring in MW-1 for DRO, GRO, BTEX, and lead and MW-2 and 6 for DRO, GRO, and BTEX. Action added by Petrik. |
Amanda Dreyer |
3/20/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed 1/28/03 GW sampling results from Michael L. Foster & Associates received 3/7/03 by ADEC. ADEC requests continued quarterly GW monitoring and the continued use of oxygen releasing compound socks. Action added by Petrik. |
Amanda Dreyer |
11/26/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed 10/15/03 GW sampling results from Michael L. Foster & Associates received 11/17/03 by ADEC. ADEC requests semi-annual GW monitoring during the months of April and October and the continued use of oxygen releasing compound socks. Action added by Petrik. |
Amanda Dreyer |
7/30/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Groundwater monitoring report submitted. Traci Bradford of MFA requests information on behalf of new TRT owners. |
Eric Henry |
10/26/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Semi-annual groundwater monitoring report submitted. DEC includes cost recovery notice in monitoring approval letter. |
Eric Henry |
10/4/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed CS DB entries for the site and made appropriate edits. |
Bill Petrik |
10/4/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Project manager changed from Eric Henry to Bill Petrik. |
Sarah Cunningham |
10/12/2005 |
GIS Position Updated |
Used Figure 1, Monitoring Wells within an 800' Radius of Three Rivers Tesoro from the Three Rivers Tesoro Site Characterization Report, Talkeetna, Alaska, January 23, 2002, by Michael L. Foster & Associates in conjunction with TopoZone Pro, Large Size USGS 1:24K/25K Topo Base Map, plotted at 1:24,000 Scale. Moderate to High degree of confidence in accuracy of coordinates. |
Bill Petrik |
11/8/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Finished reviewing the file from beginning to end precipitated by 10/31/05 ADEC receipt of the "2005 Fall Analytical Results", Three Rivers Tesoro; Talkeetna, Alaska by Michael L. Foster & Associates, Inc. (MLFA), dated 10/21/05.
MW-2 GW elevations for the 4/26/05 and 10/5/05 events has shown an anomaly to the past four years. The elevations in these two most recent sampling events has been higher than MW-1, which has not occurred since sampling began in 2001. Based on these elevations the GW flow between MWs 1 and 2 would be north instead of the historic WSW.
DRO, GRO, and all four BTEX constituents are above MCLs in the 10/5/05 results.
Comparing analytical data from the fall sampling event to the spring sampling event this year indicates mixed results. Increase in contaminant concentrations was observed for GRO, benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene were observed in MW-1, and for GRO, toluene, and ethylbenzene in MW-2 . Decrease in contaminant concentrations was observed for DRO and total xylenes in MW-1, and for DRO, benzene, and total xylenes in MW-2.
Comparing analytical data from the 2004 fall sampling event to the 2005 fall sampling event also indicates mixed results. Increase in contaminant concentrations was observed for GRO, DRO, benzene, and toluene were observed in MW-1, and for benzene and toluene in MW-2 . Decrease in contaminant concentrations was observed for ethylbenzene and total xylenes in MW-1, and for GRO, DRO, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes in MW-2.
Both monitor wells contain constituents above 18 AAC 75 Table C cleanup levels for all analytes except total lead. Monitor well MW-1 demonstrates an upward long-term trend in contaminant concentrations since sampling began except for ethylbenzene. It demonstrates a neutral bias at this time. Monitor well MW-2 demonstrates a neutral to slightly downward long-term trend in all contaminant concentrations since sampling began. Based on these data and observations, DEC requests continued semi-annual groundwater monitoring in accordance with the approved Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Plan. The next groundwater sampling event should occur in April 2006.
In reviewing historical analytical data I find the July 28, 2003 results for MW-1 to be very suspicious. Except for total lead, results for the remaining six contaminants are at least one order of magnitude lower than the closest results of any other sampling event.
A discrepancy exists between MLFA 2001 and 2002 site assessment reports indicating two 750-gallon gasoline USTs and the ADEC UST DB. The DB indicates one 1500-gallon regular gasoline UST, one 1500-gallon unleaded gasoline UST and one 500-gallon mixed gasoline UST (for snowmoblies). |
Bill Petrik |
1/11/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Mailed comments on the "Fall Analytical Results", dated October 21, 2005, for Three Rivers Tesoro, Talkeetna, Alaska to the RP and thier consultant. The report was prepared by Michael L. Foster & Associates, Inc. and received by the department 10/31/05. The RP was requested to continue at least semi-annual GW monitoring as levels of DRO, GRO, and BTEX are still above DEC cleanup levels and a concern. |
Bill Petrik |
7/25/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Received and reviewed a copy of a cc'd letter to Lori Barnett from Kay Rawlings dated 7/21/06 indicating that the Department of Law received a cost recovery check from the RP. Updated DB and had letter date stamped. |
Bill Petrik |
9/21/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Received electronic copies of documents from Michael L. Foster & Associates, Inc.: "2006 Spring Analytical Results" dated 5/12/06 and "Site Work Plan/Long-Term Monitoring Plan" dated September 21, 2006. |
Bill Petrik |
10/6/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
The CSP sent a letter to the RP after review of the "2006 Spring Analytical Results" dated May 12, 2006 and the "Site Work Plan/Long-Term Monitoring Plan" dated September 21, 2006. Only one of three wells was sampled due to frozen wells. Total lead was sampled using the wrong method. Requested listing of PQL for ND results. Sampling results accepted but samples not kept within the range of temperature required. New ORC socks to be installed. Requested a CSM and Lab QA\QC Checklist be completed. Long-term monitoring will continue on a semi-annual basis in the spring and fall for DRO, GRO, and BTEX. The work plan was conditionally approved. |
Bill Petrik |
10/27/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC recommended that EPA 7421 be used to analyze for lead instead of SW6010 in the 10/6/06 work plan approval. The CSP receoived an email this date indicating that the site consultant spoke with their project manager at SGS regarding this sampling method and it was indicated that the lab does not run 7421(graphite furnace) anymore. To get better detection limits, to request SW 6020 instead of 6010. The CSP PM researched the request and the CSP approves the use of SW 6020 instead of SW 6010 or EPA 7421 for this site. The October 6, 2006 ADEC-approved work plan is amended accordingly per this email. |
Bill Petrik |
1/22/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
The CSP received a copy of a cc'd letter to Lori Barnett from Pam Post, Department of Law (DOL), dated 1/19/07 indicating that the DOL received a cost recovery check from the RP. The latest bill to the RP was related to the cost recovery period of 6/1/06 through 10/31/06. |
Bill Petrik |
2/7/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Test Baseline Ranking performed including extensive file review. |
Bill Petrik |
3/16/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On 3/16/2007, DEC summarized past work at the site and its review of Michael L. Foster & Associates report "2006 Site Work Plan Field Activities" dated 1/10/07 regarding recent groundwater sampling. The letter also summarized the Jenne's recent 2/1/07 letter to Jim Frechione and a conversation between Bill Petrik and Traci Bradford of MLFA on 2/21/07. DEC's 3/16 letter outlined that four possible reasons may exist for the continued exceedance to cleanup levels (and rising) at MW1: contaminant migration from off property; on property releases; releases on property that the Jenne's were not aware of such as from other USTs or when the Jenne's were not the owners/operators of the property; and, the 2,000 gal. AST located adjacent to the south side of the building or the supply lines to the fuel island dispenser from the AST could be currently leaking. DEC's 3/16 letter also noted that MW2 had exceedances to Table C cleanup levels; that benzene in MW1 was above target action levels for indoor air intrusion so that payway may pose a health risk and therefore DEC requested a vapor intrusion evalaution by 4/18/2007; requested soil boring data if available from teh 8/3/01 activities, inforamtion on the removal of the 2,000 gasoline AST by 4/18/07; and requested further information when the next groundwater monitoring event occurred. |
Bill Petrik |
5/9/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
The CSP received a copy of a cc'd letter to Lori Barnett from Pam Post, Department of Law (DOL), dated 5/4/07 indicating that the DOL received a cost recovery check from the RP. This bill payment was related to the cost recovery period of 1/16/07 to 3/31/07. |
Bill Petrik |
6/14/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
The SPAR Director's Office received a letter this date from Mr. and Mrs. Jenne dated 6/8/07. The letter: summarized some of the work performed at the site in the past; states that they cannot see the justification for the CSP to request an assessment of an indoor vapor air risk assessment and a CSM; questions the cost recovery policy and the turnover of project managers for the site; reiterates their cleanup costs to date and their limited financial resources; and requests a conditional closure for the site. |
Bill Petrik |
9/12/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
A letter from the CSP was sent today to the site landowner (LO) with a cc to the responsible party (RP). The letter updated the LO and RP to the fact that a Request for Proposal (RFP) was sent out on 9/7/07 for further site characterization work and vapor intrusion measurements. The LO was asked to complete a "Limited Right of Entry for Hazardous Substances Exploration" form to allow ADEC and their contractor personnel on the site to perform investigative work if they concurred. Work is scheduled to start in late September or early October. |
Bill Petrik |
9/12/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A Pre-Proposal Meeting was held today at the ADEC offices with Tim Mayer of Oasis Environmental and Rich Sundet, Dennis Harwood and Bill Petrik of ADEC. The site history, concerns, and needs of the work plan were discussed. |
Bill Petrik |
9/20/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
On 9/20/07, DEC issued Yukon Don and Beverly Tanner a potentially responsible party (PRP) letter because they are the current property owners of the subject site. The PRP letter requested that the Tanners provide a response to the letter by October 1, 2007. |
Rich Sundet |
9/27/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On 9/27/2007 Don Tanner discussed with Sundet the recent PRP letter and request access to Three Rivers to perform an indoor air vapor investigation. |
Rich Sundet |
10/15/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On 10/15/07, at the request of Yukon Don Tanner, Bainbridge, Frechione and Dietrick participated in a teleconference with Senator Huggins, Representative Neuman, Don Tanner & Rose Jenne to discuss petroleum contamination at the Three Rivers Tesoro facility. Mr. Tanner desires to sell the facility and does not want contamination issues to interfere with the sale. Mr. Tanner and Ms. Jenne believe there are other offsite sources of contamination that may be causing or contributing to the problem. Various aspects of the problem were discussed in detail such as Tanner also inquired about the risks from vapor intrusion and if his property was a health hazard. It was agreed that Frechione would meet with the Jennes’ and Don Tanner on 10/24 at the site to discuss what additional actions may be needed to assess the site and work towards a conditional closure. It was also reported that commercial insurance policies in place in prior years could be made available by the Jennes for review by the AG's office in an effort to determine whether or not proceeds from insurance policies may be forthcoming to assist with assessment and cleanup work. DEC will schedule the followup meeting with the Jennes to discuss what additional work may be needed.
Rich Sundet |
10/24/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
DEC (Frechione) travelled to Talkeetna to meet with the Jennes and Tanners. also in attendance was Larry and Robin Rivers (Robin being the daughter of the Jennes). the outstanding issues were fluctuating benzene levels in monitor well 1 and the failure to adequately identify a source area. there were discussions of past releases from the Jones property behind the Three Rivers site and possible other areas (ie alaska railroad) - but DEC recommended possible test pit excavations (overseen by a qualified person) upgradient from MW 1. this might identify contaminated soil from the former above ground tanks and - if they encountered contaminated soil during the excavation - they might be able to remove it and replace with clean fill material. the Jennes expressed concern that this project has gone on for too long and they need to know there is an end in sight. DEC indicated a decision might be possible based on the results from this additional soil assessment. the Jennes indicated they would contact an environmental consultant regarding the matter. |
Jim Frechione |
10/29/2007 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
ADEC and the Jennes agreed on a work plan to excavate the area of the former above ground tanks and the determine if there was a contamination source there impacting groundwater quality (as evidenced in MW 1). contaminated soil was encountered near the formerfuel distribution pipeline that fed the dispensers from the tanks. approximately 150 cubic yards of soil was excavated and transported off site for treatment. they also encountered a wood crib and metal septic tank during the excavation and removed them. MW 1 also had to be removed during the soil excavation and was not replaced. |
Jim Frechione |
11/19/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Cleanup Report documenting the soil excavation activities was submitted to DEC. the excavation of 156 cubic yards of soil was documented and it was transported to an alternative location owned by the Jennes for treatment (landfarm). the excavation was backfilled prior to collection of any confirmation samples to prevent physical hazard. effectiveness of cleanup will be monitored from downgradient well (MW 2) and/or future sample events |
Jim Frechione |
1/11/2008 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
the owners / operators of the property should contact ADEC for approval of any off site transport of soil or groundwater. also, groundwater should not be used as drinking water source unless groundwater samples confirm it meets ADEC cleanup levels |
Jim Frechione |
1/11/2008 |
Conditional Closure Approved |
Based on the 2007 cleanup actions, ADEC determined that all sources of contamination were practicably removed. Any residual soil or groundwater contamination remaining will attenuate over time. The soil transported off site will be treated (landfarmed) and sampled in the future. Also, the groundwater should be sampled in the future (possibly 2009) - following an adequate amount of time for it to naturally attenuate. |
Jim Frechione |
2/7/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Site initially ranked with ETM. |
Rich Sundet |
5/20/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Rose Jenne provided an update on the location of the property where the contaminated soil was transported to after it was excavated last October - November 2007. the property is described as Paper Subdivision Lot 64 at 26965 south talkeetna spur road. the soil was spread on site and is being treated via fertilizer and tilling. I informed Larry Rivers that it was discretionary when we wish to sample it to confirm concentrations. I recommended possibly later in 2008 after it had a full season to be treated. similar comment on the groundwater at the former Three Rivers site. possibly sample later in 2008 or 2009 to determine current concentrations in the groundwater. |
Jim Frechione |
6/16/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed. |
Rich Sundet |
6/20/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
i spoke to Larry rivers (consultant to the jennes) regarding treatment and sampling of the soil stockpile. we discussed the various sampling methods and i recommended he use a composite approach versus the typical discrete method. a grid of the landspread soil should be established and then in each grid composite 5 to 10 grab samples into one sample that would be submitted to the lab. this should be done for each grid. in regards to the groundwater at the site - i deferred to him when they wish to sample again. the cleanup in Novemebr 2007 removed soil contamination and it was difficult to predict when the groundwater would show decreasing levels. |
Jim Frechione |
7/23/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
soil sample results were submitted for the landspread area. 3 samples were collected from random areas of the facility and analyzed for DRO; GRO and BTEX. the concentrations ranged from the following: GRO - non detect to 10.9 mg/kg; DRO - 99.2 to 112 mg/kg and benzene was non detect. the sample results indicate the impacted soil from the former three river tesoro site have remediated to no longer be an issue and the subject landspread parcel is no longer subject to 18 aac 75 site cleanup rules |
Jim Frechione |
2/14/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
Staff named changed from Sundet to IC Unit. |
Evonne Reese |
11/10/2014 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review conducted. Schedule to send the RP an IC reminder letter. |
Evonne Reese |
11/12/2014 |
Institutional Control Update |
An IC reminder letter was issued to the responsible party on this date. |
Kristin Thompson |
12/8/2014 |
Institutional Control Update |
DEC was contacted by a consultant/stakeholder for this property. Groundwater monitoring is planned for spring/summer 2015 or as soon as weather conditions allow, but before the tourist season. |
Evonne Reese |
1/6/2016 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
A groundwater sampling report for this property was reviewed on this date. Groundwater sampling was performed on all accessible wells on October 6, 2015. The wells sampled are MW#2, MW#3, and MW#5. All samples were analyzed for GRO and BTEX and were non-detect for these contaminants of concern except for one hit of xylenes in MW#3 that were below the Table C cleanup levels. This round of confirmation sampling has demonstrated that natural attenuation of the contaminants in the groundwater has continued and that future groundwater monitoring is not required. All other requirements included in the January 2008 Record of Decision will still apply to this site in order to protect receptors from exposure to any residual contamination. The reminder system has been set to check with the landowner regarding land use in three year's time. |
Evonne Reese |
6/8/2017 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review conducted. Closure/IC Details updated. Scheduled to contact the landowner in regards to decommissioning the groundwater wells now that they are no longer required for monitoring. |
Kristin Thompson |
10/24/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received confirmation that all existing groundwater wells were decommissioned on October 20, 2017 according to the specifications of the 2013 Monitoring Well Guidance. |
Evonne Reese |
11/3/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
The owner/operator was issued a letter with ADEC's decision to remove the groundwater monitoring institutional control requirement. All other institutional controls remain in effect. |
Kristin Thompson |
8/21/2024 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was issued to the landowner. The next review will be in three years’ time. |
Gaige Robinson |
8/22/2024 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
The landowner responded to the IC reminder letter and provided a written confirmation that land use has not changed |
Gaige Robinson |