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Site Report: University Park Condos Spill

Site Name: University Park Condos Spill
Address: 656 Fairbanks Street, Fairbanks, AK 99709
File Number: 100.38.162
Hazard ID: 3806
Status: Active
Staff: Rebekah Reams, 9074512144
Latitude: 64.847334
Longitude: -147.831974
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


On April 17, 2001 an estimated 500 to 1,000 gallons of #2 diesel spilled from the vent pipe of a 300-gallon above ground heating oil day tank. The float indicator on the day tank stuck while being filled from a 5,000-gallon UST by an automatic transfer pump. The fuel spilled onto a gravel road and into a seasonal slough located approximately 50 feet from the release that feeds into the Chena River. Less than five gallons of fuel are estimated by ADEC response staff to have reached the downgradient slough surface waters. An estimated 100 cubic yards of impacted soil was excavated under ADEC response supervision and backfilled with clean soil. An unknown amount of soil impacted by the heating oil remains beneath the building adjacent to the release. Excavated soil was thermally remediated off-site. In 2021 investigation was completed to evaluate the presence of remaining contamination in soil. Two soil boring were advanced and sampled for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. DRO and select VOCs and PAHs were detected above migration to groundwater cleanup levels in the source area in subsurface soils.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
6/22/2001 Site Added to Database #2 diesel. Bruce Wanstall
6/22/2001 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Preliminary ranking. Bruce Wanstall
5/15/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Neal Everson
3/11/2009 Update or Other Action Sent letter requesting environmental reports from initial clean up actions. It appears from the PERP file that the RP was told to hire a consultant. There are soil thermal remediation and excavation invoices in the file but no environmental reports. I spoke w/ Tom DeRuyter and he concurred. Neal Everson
3/13/2013 Update or Other Action Site symbol visually adjusted using and documents from the file. 3/13/13 LG. Laurel Gale
3/12/2020 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Potentially Responsible Party letter emailed and mailed to University Park Condo Association on this date. Rebekah Reams
3/12/2020 Update or Other Action DEC sent a letter requesting records of the cleanup action that was conducted following the 2001 release. Rebekah Reams
8/20/2021 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The DEC approved the Site Characterization Work Plan following comment resolution. This work plan proposes to advance two soil borings and collect field screening and analytical samples to determine current site conditions following the 2001 release and subsequent soil excavation. Rebekah Reams
8/24/2021 Site Visit ADEC staff visited the site with the RP and their environmental consultant to observe the site layout and proposed soil boring and field screening locations for the 2021 site characterization work. Four field screening and two soil boring locations were selected to confirm current site conditions following the release and subsequent soil excavation completed in 2001. Rebekah Reams
11/19/2021 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74781 5000-g HOT release. Rebekah Reams
2/2/2022 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC reviewed the Soil Investigation Report which describes site characterization activities completed in 2021 including advancing two soil borings and four test pits, and collecting heated headspace field screening samples and analytical samples. Analytical samples were submitted for GRO, DRO, VOC, and PAH analysis and results indicated that concentrations of the following analytes were detected above migration to groundwater cleanup levels, but below human health cleanup levels at the source area: DRO (7,990 mg/kg); naphthalene (16.2 mg/kg); 1-methylnaphthalene (15.1 mg/kg); 2-methylnaphthalene (18 mg/kg); 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (20.1 mg/kg); 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (9.51 mg/kg); ethylbenzene (1.14 mg/kg); xylenes (12.3 mg/kg). Rebekah Reams
4/8/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Groundwater Investigation Work Plan which proposes to install four monitoring wells to investigation the presence and extent of groundwater contamination at the site. Groundwater samples will be analyzed for DRO, GRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Rebekah Reams
10/13/2022 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approved the transport and disposal of 50 gallons of water generated during monitoring well installation and groundwater sampling in June 2022. Rebekah Reams
1/23/2023 Update or Other Action ADEC received the Groundwater Investigation Report for this site, report is pending review. Rebekah Reams
4/12/2023 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74781 5000-g HOT release. Rebekah Reams
5/1/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The 2022 Groundwater Investigation Report was finalized following comment resolution. This report documents the installation and subsequent analytical sampling of monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-4. Groundwater sample results presented in this report indicate that DRO, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, and naphthalene exceeded cleanup levels at MW-1. Rebekah Reams
6/12/2023 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC approved the Addendum to 2022 Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan with the condition that investigation derived waste be managed with the understanding that PFAS is assumed to be present due to recent ADEC drinking water action level exceedances observed at nearby wells. This work plan proposes to sample monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-4 in June 2023 and conduct three additional quarterly monitoring events at MW-1 in September 2023, December 2023, and March 2024 to evaluate seasonal trends in contaminant concentrations and groundwater gradient, elevation, and flow direction. Rebekah Reams
6/28/2023 Update or Other Action Groundwater monitoring was completed on June 27, 2023 with subsequent quarterly groundwater monitoring events are scheduled to occur in September 2023, December 2023, and March 2024. Rebekah Reams
9/25/2023 Update or Other Action During the September 2023 sampling event 0.27 feet of free product was observed in MW-1. ADEC approved a work plan deviation to complete sampling at MW-3 and monitor product thickness at MW-1 on a quarterly basis. Rebekah Reams
6/12/2024 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74781 5000-g HOT release. Rebekah Reams
6/13/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments on the 2023 University Park Condominiums Groundwater Investigation Report. This report documents groundwater sampling at monitoring wells MW-01 through MW-04 in June 2023 and sampling at MW-03 in September 2023, December 2023, and March 2024. Groundwater samples were evaluated for DRO and petroleum-related VOCs during these sampling events. Rebekah Reams

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