Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
10/21/2002 |
Interim Removal Action Approved |
Initial screening level investigation at this site and other APC facilities approved as interim removal action. Sites will be listed as either non-qualifying or active depending on results. |
Bill Janes |
3/5/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Site visit by APC consultants and FS. |
Bill Janes |
3/12/2003 |
Site Added to Database |
DRO and GRO. |
Cliff Walden |
10/3/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
RP is currently unknown. Letter to APC from FS acknowledging that contamination from this site is likely not APC or its contractors. Name changed from "APC-Portage Bay LTF and Camp" to "Portage Bay LTF and Camp." |
Bill Janes |
7/26/2004 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
SC workplan approved this date. |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
2/4/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Staff reviewed the site characterization draft report and provided comments to the USFS. |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
4/1/2005 |
Cleanup Level(s) Approved |
Method 3 cleanup level approved for DRO of 2900 mg/kg based upon site-specific total organic carbon. |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
4/1/2005 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Report approved this date. Staff requested additional action. |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
7/12/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Barreled oily soil collected from surface oil spills by Dean Garrison was transported to the Silver Bay Portage Bay Logging Camp to the Wrangell Mill for remedial treatment. Palmieri confirmed that remediation of that soil was completed in Wrangell and no restrictions are in effect. |
Bruce Wanstall |
2/28/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for the LTF Fuel Storage Areas and then for the Shop&Camp Areas. |
Bruce Wanstall |
2/29/2008 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
ADEC sent a letter request for site cleanup at Portage Bay with notice of cost recovery and State Interest to Viking Lumber in Klawock. |
Bruce Wanstall |
4/7/2014 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
Sent PRP letter to Viking Lumber. |
Danielle Duncan |
7/17/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff Duncan and Schlichting met with Hanna of Southeast Management to discuss clean-up plans and goals for the 5 remaining contaminated areas. Planning to install one monitoring well at the generator building and sample the two others currently on site this August. Excavation currently planned for the spring as equipment is currently in use elsewhere and weather concerns. I may accompany Hanna when the monitoring well work is being done. |
Danielle Duncan |
9/9/2014 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Approved SEMS workplan to sample groundwater monitoring wells in addition to a limited excavation and setup of a biocell. |
Danielle Duncan |
9/25/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
Unfortunately the groundwater sampling at the Portage Bay LTF/campsite will have to be postponed until next spring. Viking Lumber's Kirk Dalhstrom just confirmed that the Forest Service will not have any equipment in the Portage Bay area this fall. Since Viking Lumber also won't have equipment in the area until spring or just prior to cleanup, it will not be possible to do the needed excavation and groundwater sampling of the camp's former generator/fuel tank site until then. |
Danielle Duncan |
1/30/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
SEMS going to discuss upcoming work at the site with RP. Expect to see some work this season. |
Danielle Duncan |
6/4/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Spoke to SEMS and the cleanup operation is nearly underway - the Viking Lumber barge will arrive on 6/10 with the necessary excavation equipment (the logging camp facilities are completely shut down - no equipment on site). The cleanup is expected to take 1-3 days. Taking water samples at the equipment repair shop and fuel depot sites will be done first. Next will be the excavations and installation of a groundwater monitoring well. A vibratory screen will be used to remove organic debris and the contaminated soil will not be stored on site rather placed directly on the barge. The barge will be taking the contaminated soil to a currently undecided location on Prince of Wales Island pending the USFS decision on where to place and manage it. |
Danielle Duncan |
6/15/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Rec'd update from the USFS - 37 cubic yards of contaminated soil has been transported to Thorne Bay and the RPs are planning on setting up the biocell at the Thorne Bay Solid Waste site. I approve of this action provided the Solid Waste Division has no objections. I believe that the USFS will be responsible for tilling and eventual sampling of the biocell. |
Danielle Duncan |
6/15/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
I provided the Solid Waste program the biocell plan and it was approved. The biocell will be located at the Thorne Bay landfill out of the way of landfill operations and will be fertilized and tilled by the USFS. All the work has been completed. The consultant is out of town until July 2 and so the lab data and final report will not be available until after July 2. |
Danielle Duncan |
7/17/2015 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Met with SEMS to discuss the results of the cleanup work that was recently completed at the site. A final report will be submitted shortly. |
Danielle Duncan |
8/28/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Rec'd SEMS report "6/9-12/15 Groundwater results and excavations." |
Danielle Duncan |
9/14/2015 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Sent approval letter for SEMS report "6/9-12/15 Groundwater results & soil excavations – Portage Bay LTF fuel depot & logging camp." The Report documented groundwater sampling of 2 monitoring wells for which the results were below ADEC cleanup levels for DRO and PAHs. The report also documents excavations at the North Fuel Depot and former Camp Generator Building. A total of 35 cubic yards of DRO contaminated soil was excavated and transported to a biocell at the Thorne Bay Landfill. Most of the confirmation samples met the ADEC approved site-specific alternative cleanup level of 2,900 mg/kg DRO. There are isolated pockets of DRO contaminated soil remaining on site, however, total organic carbon data suggests that this DRO will be held within the soil and not migrate to groundwater. |
Danielle Duncan |
10/9/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Discussed the biocell with S. Woods at Solid Waste and T. Sandhofer at USFS and Ted is planning on visiting Thorne Bay where the biocell is located at the end of the month. He will "button it up" for the winter and take photographs. There are approximately 35 cubic yards of c-soil being remediated there and DRO ranges from 830-2000 mg/kg and RRO is about 430 mg/kg. In order to use the soil as cover it must meet migration to groundwater cleanup levels or pass a TCLP test. |
Danielle Duncan |
10/30/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Rec'd photos of the biocell at the Thorne Bay landfill - nicely lined and covered to weather the winter. Although the soil meets the site specific cleanup levels approved for Portage Bay, those cleanup levels do not apply to its new location at the Thorne Bay landfill and as such the soil must remediate to meet either DEC Method 2 Migration to Groundwater for the Over 40 inch precip zone or meet Solid Waste specs before official site closure. |
Danielle Duncan |
1/8/2016 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78322 Sort Yard Fuel Depot. |
Danielle Duncan |
6/14/2017 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
The biocell was sampled in 4 locations. The DRO results ranged from 274-832 mg/kg and RRO was 312-465 mg/kg. Although the soil in the biocell meets the ADEC cleanup for RRO, it does not meet the cleanup level for DRO and as a result, the biocell must continue remediation to include tilling and potentially fertilizing until it meets the cleanup levels. |
Danielle Duncan |
9/15/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
The responsible parties rented a tiller from Tyler Rental in Craig and tilled and fertilized the bio-cell at the Thorne Bay City landfill. It will sit until late next spring before sampling again. |
Danielle Duncan |
12/9/2024 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Phone call with USFS to discuss next steps in sampling biopile associated with the South Fuel Storage Area. |
Alena Voigt |
12/11/2024 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
PRP sent to USFS who is responsible for 35 cubic yards of soil that was transferred in 2015 to the Thorn Bay Landfill. The 35 cubic yards are from the South Fuel Storage Area at the Portage Bay LTF and Camp site. The South Fuel Storage Area consisted of a small shot rock pad where one or more above ground storage tanks (ASTs) had been staged for refueling operations. |
Alena Voigt |