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Site Report: Eielson AFB (OU-4) (SS035) Asphalt Mix Area

Site Name: Eielson AFB (OU-4) (SS035) Asphalt Mix Area
Address: Asphalt Mixing Area, Eielson AFB, AK 99702
File Number: 107.38.018
Hazard ID: 392
Status: Active
Staff: Axl LeVan, 9074512156
Latitude: 64.664985
Longitude: -147.082536
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Mixing area for asphalt and base for road oiling operation; commingled waste oils and solvents mixed with contaminated fuels; possible disposal of 200 empty asphalt drums at site. DDT was found in the soil and sediments, not in the groundwater. Active Early 1950s to late 1960s. Currently inactive. The site is assigned a HIGH overall risk on the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 12/4/95. (rpltr4) 2020 Update The SS035 Asphalt Mix Area site contains the Garrison Slough Pond. Surface water sampling conducted during the 2018-2019 remedial investigation identified Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS)and Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) at concentrations greater than the DEC Table C groundwater cleanup levels. Five other perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were also detected.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
1/21/1992 Site Added to Database This site is included in the state EPA Eielson FFA 100.38.011. Former Staff
5/17/1992 Update or Other Action Project managers agreed to move SER Site SS35 Asphalt Mixing Area into Operable Unit 4. Former Staff
9/22/1992 Meeting or Teleconference Held Checking status of this site. This site will be included in OU4 information is included in Addendum I of the OU-3, 4 and 5, Management Plan. Former Staff
9/22/1992 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
2/23/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). Sent PRP-CS database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. Department of the Air Force responded with update of requested site information on 3-17-93. Jeff Peterson
7/15/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = DD - Decision Document (CERCLIS)). Letter sent in response to Draft RI/FS report. Contaminants of concern include benzene, DCE, and toluene in GW and benzene and TPH in soil. Rielle Markey
7/15/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = DD - Decision Document (CERCLIS)). Letter in response to Draft RI/FS report. Contaminants of concern include DDT and DDD in sediments near Garrison Slough (62.4 and 58.6 mg/kg.) and some elevated levels of TPH and DDT in soil samples. A removal will probably take place at this site to remove contaminated soils. Rielle Markey
8/12/1993 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting in Seattle with EAFB and EPA to discuss the RI at this site. Conclusions were that this site will not go to a FS, but will undergo a removal action. Rielle Markey
10/18/1993 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Reranked. Former Staff
9/30/1995 Update or Other Action Eielson AFB Operable Units 3, 4 and 5 ROD includes 20 source areas that have been combined because of commonalities in contamination. These source areas are DP44, WP45, SS57, SS56, SS61, DP25, ST27, WP33, SS35, SS36, SS37, SS39, SS63, ST58, SS64, LF02, LF03, FT09, LF04 and LF06. Clint Adler
2/16/1996 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RA - Remedial Action). Received Remedial Action Workplan. Clint Adler
4/15/1996 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RD - Remedial Design). Air Force Comments on Draft Remedial Design for OU-3, 4 and 5. Clint Adler
8/1/1996 Update or Other Action Received 2 copies on 8/23/1996 of the unsigned final, Record of Decision for OU-4, Fort Wainwright, Fairbanks, Alaska, from the U.S. Army. Rielle Markey
9/24/1996 Record of Decision Final Site-Wide Record of Decision, September 1, 1996; two documents received. Rielle Markey
3/24/1997 Update or Other Action Site updated by Shannon and Wilson, based on the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 12/4/95. S&W
1/21/1998 Cleanup Plan Approved Remedial design completed and implemented by December 1997. Issues resolved at weekly teleconference with Base/EPA. Ronan Short
12/26/2001 GIS Position Updated Worked with Heather Goldman obtaining GIS latitude and longitude from 1:63,300 topographic map. Heather Goldman
1/15/2002 Site Number Identifier Changed Changed Workplan to X9 from X1 to reflect presence of hazardous substances above cleanup levels. Ann Farris
1/15/2002 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Changed Toxicity Value from 3 to 4 to reflect DDT as Contaminant of Concern. Former Staff
9/2/2002 Institutional Control Record Established When the OU-3,4,5 ROD was signed in 1995, it established institutional controls for this site. These ICs include: a prohibition on the installation or use of drinking water wells, a requirement that all monitoring wells are secured with locks, any activity that may result in exposure to contam. g.w. or moving contam. g.w. requires approval of CES/CEV, any activity disturbing a remedial action requires approval of CES/CEV, any activity that may result in exposure to or removal of contam. soil requires approval of CES/CEV, if contam soil or g.w.. are removed from the source, they must be disposed of or treated in accordance with regulation, and a requirement to notify ADEC and EPA of any proposal to change the existing land use or land use controls at the site. Ann Farris
1/21/2003 Update or Other Action The 5-year review is scheduled in 2003 to evaluate the long-term monitoring plan and institutional control policy. Ann Farris
9/19/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff attended a meeting with Air Force and EPA personnel to resolve comments on the draft Eielson Five-Year Review. Issues with the document included event-driven groundwater sampling at several contaminated sites, which we denied pending further clarification of the process, and closing numerous sites under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), but keeping them open under the State until 18 AAC 75 diesel range organic cleanup levels are met. Ann Farris
3/3/2005 Update or Other Action Findings during the 2004 Sitewide Monitoring Program show DDE, DDD, and DDT remain above the threshold effect concentration (MacDonald, 2000) in the sediments. Detections of DDD in the surface water above water quality standards (AWQC-USEPA). DDD was detected in invertebrates. Emily Youcha
6/24/2005 Update or Other Action Staff received the results from the 2004 Sitewide Monitoring report. The consultant recommends cessation of monitoring. ADEC does not concur with cessation until the results are properly evaluated. Pescticides in the sediments exceed risk-based screening levels for aquatic organisms. Risk-based screening levels need to be developed for the invertebrates and ecological risk should be re-evaluated based on the recent data from the long-term monitoring program. Emily Youcha
7/28/2005 Update or Other Action Staff referred the 1995 Baseline Risk Assessment and 1996 Biological Risk Assessment to the ADEC Risk Assessor for further evaluation of this site. Emily Youcha
8/10/2005 Update or Other Action The risk assessor comments regarding the ecological risk assessment are: 1) a limited number of receptors were used and were selected to represent worst case scenarios using a weighting scheme. 2) Upon initial screening it was found that there was an unacceptable risk to certain receptors based on the screening levels (but not according to the Risk Assessment). 3) The Lowest Effects Screening Level (LOEL) was used for screening, which is a non-conservative measure. Emily Youcha
11/22/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff atttended a meeting with the EPA and the Air Force to discuss this site. ADEC has concerns about this site due to the concentrations of pesticides (DDT, DDD, DDE) in the soil and sediments and the connection of this pond with Garrison Slough. Concentrations have been stable (not increasing or decreasing) since the remedial investigation. The 1995 human health risk assessment showed that the current risk is below 10-4. If there was digging in the area or a land use change the site would need to be re-evaluated for risk. Ffish tissue samples were collected in 1994-1995 to see if concentrations of pesticides in the fish were high. Concentrations were not high and did not pose a risk to the fish at that time. The assumption is that the fish have been exposed to the pesticide contamination in the sediments/invertebrates for a long period of time and at the time of sampling in 1994 they would have seen higher concentrations in the fish if bioaccumulation was a problem. It was agreed that during each 5 year ROD review, the site conceptual model and risk assessment assumptions need to be re-evaluated and a site visit performed to identify and erosion problems or surface water impacts. Institutional controls will remain in place. Emily Youcha
1/26/2006 Long Term Monitoring Complete Staff approved the request to stop long-term monitoring at this site. The site will be reviewed during 5-year reviews. The site conceptual model and risk assessment assumptions need to be re-evaluated and a site visit performed to identify and erosion problems or surface water impacts. Institutional controls will remain in place. Emily Youcha
3/1/2006 Update or Other Action Staff had a telephone call with Eielson AFB to discuss their long-term monitoring program optimization. Eielson would like to apply "event-driven monitoring" to many benzene-contaminated sites, where monitoring would occur when the concentration reached the MCL at a predicted time. They are using MAKSENS to do the statistical regressions and come up with a slope indicating benzene degradation rates. This slope would predict when the concentrations would reach the MCL and monitoring would occur at that time only. They would like to apply this slope to other "similar sites" to predict when the concentrations would reach the MCL. Eielson submitted the concept to AFCEE for review, but apparently AFCEE requested more data, which Eielson did not have. At this point, DEC has not reviewed any data on this concept and requested Eielson submit a report showing the data and justification of their assumptions. Emily Youcha
7/6/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC agreed to decrease sampling of the North Boundary Wells from annual sampling to biennial. Upcoming measurements will be summer 2007, 2009, 2011, etc. Concentrations of VOCs, SVOCs, and metals in the sentinel wells have been monitored annually since 1992 and there has been no detection of contamination. Emily Youcha
9/25/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff participated in a facilitated three-party meeting with the Air Force and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) covering the environmental restoration at Eielson Air Force Base. The meeting was held in Seattle at the EPA Region 10 office. CS and the facilitator called for the meeting due to poor communication between the three parties and growing disagreements on matters fundamental to regulatory oversight on Eielson. Initially, each of the three parties was given an opportunity to talk generally about their involvement with the work at Eielson and their concerns. This lead to discussions of the Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) between the parties for base, as it appears that each party interprets specific sections of the FFA differently. Other topics discussed included the applicability of Freedom of Information Act exclusions applied to draft documents submitted to DEC, Eielson's plans for changing the frequency of groundwater monitoring for selected contaminated sites, vapor intrusion as a pathway to reconsider in the upcoming five-year review of records of decision, challenges posed by enforcing institutional controls as part of site remedies, and spill reporting coordination with DEC. Deborah Williams
6/27/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking completed. Deborah Williams
7/14/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC participated in Eielson's 5 year ROD Review with EPA and Eielson. The sites covered in the ROD Review were the following: ST20, ST48, SS50-52, ST10/SS14, ST13/DP26, DP44, WP45/SS57, ST56, SS61, DP25, ST58, LF03/FT09, WP38 and SS67. Bioventing systems for ST10/SS14 and ST13/DP26 will cease operation during the summer of 2008. ADEC is concerned about LTM issues with SS35 and SS37 because of the potential for spills to be released from buried containerized wastes which are present at both of these sites. The vapor intrusion pathway will be evaluated at many of the sites where there are volatile compounds as a COC at the site and where there are potential receptors. All of these sites will be incorporated into Eielson's Land Use Control plan for the Base and the long term monitoring will be Event Driven Monitoring Program. Deborah Williams
11/24/2008 CERCLA ROD Periodic Review ADEC issued a letter of concurrence on the 2008 Five-Year ROD review for Eielson AFB. In the letter ADEC concurred with the current remedies but recommends further work on the following: the vapor intrusion pathway needs to be evaluated for all potential receptors at WP45/SS57 site along with further evaluation of the selected remedy to ensure the Remedial Action Objectives are going to be met. The buried drums remaining at SS35 may still contain product that may pose a potential risk to ecological and human health risk in the future. The area of buried drums identified outside of SS37 may pose a threat of an imminent release of hazardous substances and warrants further investigation or response action. As stated in the 2008 Five-Year ROD Review, the overall long-term protectiveness determination for the Sitewide OU/Garrison Slough remedy will be further investigated. A Land Use Control Management Plan should be developed and implemented. Deborah Williams
6/14/2011 Site Visit Contaminated Sites staff participated in an all-day site visit that included LF03/FT09, ST10/SS14, DP25, ST27, SS35, SS37 and the stockpile containment area. Drums were seen in and adjacent to the pond at SS35 and both petroleum and biogenic sheens were observed on the surface of the pond. All stockpiles in the containment area were covered but two stockpiles were not labeled and from unknown locations. Kathleen Beutel
12/12/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Passive Soil Gas/Ground Penetrating Radar/Landfill Survey Tech Memo Received 12-4-2013. Sampling showed a sporadic distribution of VOCs throughout the site, with all values remain under 200 nanograms per sample. A high isolated concentration of VOCS was seen in the southern section of the site. Minimal detection of Petroleum concentrations are only seen in the southeast section of the site. Kim DeRuyter
3/18/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2012-Final installation-wide monitoring program report received June, 24 2013. During the 2012 season one new monitoring well was installed. Six wells were sampled, there was no detected COCs (Contaminant of concern) or COPCs (Contaminant of potential concern) with levels that exceeded current MCL (Maximum contaminant level) or ADEC groundwater levels. Limited groundwater data (detections or sampling events) are available for Source Area SS35 to evaluate concentration trends for COCs. Analytical results of future groundwater monitoring events at SS35 will be used to confirm the 2012 data (the absence of groundwater contamination). Anna Iverson
5/1/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2013-Draft installation-wide monitoring program (IWMP) report received March, 26 2014. During the 2013 field season all 7 IWMP wells were sampled in the spring and fall. There was no detected COCs (Contaminant of concern) or COPCs (Contaminant of potential concern) with levels that exceeded current MCL (Maximum contaminant level) or ADEC groundwater levels. Future sampling results will be used to confirm absence of ROD COCs exceeding FRGs in groundwater. Anna Iverson
1/30/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final Interim Removal Action (IRA) Shoreline Stabilization and Removal of Containerized Hazardous Waste from Garrison Slough Pond at SS035 received 21 January 2015. This report describes project activities undertaken in Fall 2014 that included: the removal of 50 drums from the Garrison Slough Pond; shore stabilization efforts; surface water and sediment sampling; and waste characterization. It was determined that safe removal of drums can be done in the future. Anna Iverson
5/27/2015 Site Visit Conducted site visit with EPA, DEC and Air Force personal. Drums were visible from the edge of the pond and both petroleum and biogenic sheens were observed on the surface of the pond. Anna Iverson
8/19/2015 Site Visit Brunner and Breitenberger visited the site to inspect containment boom installed in Garrison Slough Pond to catch sheen rising from an underwater source; possible sources include submerged drums and contaminated sediment. Melinda Brunner
11/24/2015 Update or Other Action DEC & EPA issued a joint letter concurring with the USAF's proposal to defer remaining 2013 Five Year Review (FYR) recommendations for SS035 until after a drum removal action and further investigation at the site have been completed. The deferred FYR recommendations include: 1)Item BD: Perform monitoring of aquatic organisms; 2)Item BF: Perform an evaluation of the vapor intrusion (VI) pathway.; 3)Item BH: Evaluate the final remediation goals (FRGs) relative to current Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Human Health (AWQCs) and historical soil data; and 4)Item BI: Re-evaluate remedial action objectives (RAOs) to identify specific performance metrics and associated approach to determine achievement of RAOs after the completion of the conceptual site model (CSM) update. The USAF has indicated that the drum removal project at the site will be initiated in 2016. Melinda Brunner
3/31/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC and EPA issued joint comments on the "Draft Site SS035 Drum and Sediment Removal and Disposal Work Plan, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska” dated March 2016, and 2) the “Scenario 2” Figure dated 3/28/2016 (the work plan). The work plan describes the: 1) removal of up to 1,000 drums from Garrison Slough Pond and the adjoining shore within SS035; 2) the removal of up to 1,000 cubic yards of sediment/soil from SS035; 3) surface water, sediment, and soil sampling; and 4) the disposal of all generated wastes. This project is scheduled to take place during the summer/fall of 2016. Melinda Brunner
6/6/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC and EPA reviewed the "Draft Final Site SS035 Drum and Sediment Removal and Disposal Work Plan, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska” dated May 2016 (the work plan). DEC and EPA issued a joint evaluation of the USAF’s response to regulator comments on the draft work plan dated March 2016 as implemented in the draft final work plan dated May 2016. Melinda Brunner
6/17/2016 CERCLA Removal Action Plan DEC and EPA issued joint approval of the "Final Site SS035 Drum and Sediment Removal and Disposal Work Plan, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska” dated June 2016. The work plan is scheduled for implementation in 2016. Melinda Brunner
6/22/2016 Site Visit Brunner and Breitenberger visited the site to observe activities (i.e. brush removal, grubbing, equipment staging, stockpile secondary containment creation) associated with set-up for removal of drums from Garrison Slough Pond (GSP). Fencing is in place to control site access. The contractor expects to be on-site through at least July 2016 to complete the removal of 1,000 drums and 1,000 cy of soil from the GSP and its banks. Melinda Brunner
7/15/2016 Site Visit Site visit by Breitenberger and DeRuyter on 7/15/16. Drum removal and pond dewatering were observed. Approximately 350 mostly-empty drums have been removed to this point. Eric Breitenberger
7/22/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review DEC and EPA Approved the Final 2016 Installation-Wide Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum No. 5. The IWMP QAPP Add. 5 updates the 2012 IWMP QAPP for the 2016 field season. Changes and additions to the existing network of monitoring wells were described. Monte Garroutte
12/22/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Sampling and Analysis Plan for Eielson Air Force Base GAC (October 24, 2016). John O'Brien
7/18/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the Installation-Wide Monitoring Program, 2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (June, 2017). John O'Brien
11/20/2017 Update or Other Action DEC approved the Final Site SS035 Drum and Sediment Removal and Disposal Report Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, dated September, 2017. A total of 1,045 drums were removed from Areas A and C. Of these drums, 1,042 were identified as Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)-empty and recycled at C&R Pipe in Fairbanks, Alaska. Two asphaltic waste drums were identified as nonhazardous waste and disposed of at the Columbia Ridge Landfill. One drum with Earl Foam was identified as hazardous waste and disposed of at Chemical Waste Management. A total of 1,040 tons of soil and sediment were excavated from Areas A and C and transported to the Columbia Ridge Landfill in Oregon for disposal. Remediation activities did not occur in Area B because scoped drum and soil quantities were reached prior to Area B activities. John O'Brien
8/6/2018 CERCLA ROD Periodic Review DEC evaluated "Fifth Five-Year Review Report for Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska" draft dated April 2018 and issued comments. Bri Clark
8/10/2018 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC and EPA reviewed the "Installation-Wide Monitoring Program 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Program" for Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska dated March 2018 and issued comments. Bri Clark
8/23/2018 CERCLA RI Plan Approved DEC and EPA issued a joint approval letter for the Final SS035 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) Management Plan Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, dated August 2018. Bri Clark
8/28/2018 Site Visit Site visit to the Eielson AFB to view current status of work in F-35 construction area, visit power plant, Garrison Slough pond, Garrison slough, and the fish gate. Also visited stockpile areas for PFAS contaminated soil. Dennis Shepard
8/29/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held A remedial project manager (RPM) meeting was held and the main topic was a SS062/SS067 Garrison Slough Risk Assessment (RA) Scoping Session. DEC, EPA and AFCEC risk assessors discussed contractor presented approach to the Risk assessment. Concerns over the proposed exposure areas were raised by the risk assessors present. Dennis Shepard
9/24/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held A remedial project manager (RPM) meeting was held and the main topic was the SS062/SS067 Garrison Slough Risk Assessment (RA) Scoping Session. DEC, EPA and AFCEC risk assessors discussed contractor presented data quality objectives for the Risk assessment. Concerns over the proposed sampling of soils sediments, surface waters and biota were raised by the risk assessors present. Dennis Shepard
10/4/2018 Update or Other Action The Air Force PBR contractor provided meeting minutes from the August 29, 2018 Scoping meeting for Garrison Slough (SS062 AND SS067) Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment. The minutes were submitted for review and comment by the regulatory agencies in order to document concerns for the risk assessment approach. Dennis Shepard
10/9/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Air Force PBR contractor provided meeting minutes from the September 24, 2018 Scoping meeting for Garrison Slough (SS062 AND SS067) Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment. The minutes were submitted for review and comment by the regulatory agencies in order to document concerns for the risk assessment data quality objectives. Dennis Shepard
10/30/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held A two day remedial project manager (RPM) meeting was held on October 29 and 30, 2018. Topics of discussion included Garrison Slough RI/FS and Risk Assessment Scoping. The status of PFAS treatability testing was also discussed and a new treatability study was proposed for soil washing of PFAS contaminated soil. Dennis Shepard
12/19/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the "Draft Installation-Wide Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, Addendum No. 8, Eielson Performance-Based Remediation, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska," dated November 2018. Bri Clark
2/13/2019 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC and EPA approved the Installation-Wide Monitoring Program 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, dated January 2019. Bri Clark
3/4/2019 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC issued comments on the Draft Installation-Wide Monitoring Program 2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, dated January 2019. This report describes the groundwater monitoring activities conducted installation-wide in 2018. Bri Clark
4/25/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for a Draft UFP-QAPP Work Plan, PCB-Contaminated Soil and Concrete Removal Action, Eielson Air Force Base, April 2019. This material has been stored at the SS035 site since being excavated during removal actions in 2016 and 2017. Dennis Shepard
10/17/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided a response to the air force responses to DEC comments for the Supplemental Remedial Investigation/Risk Assessment Report for OU3,4,5 Source Areas, Eielson Performance-Based Remediation, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. A comment resolution meeting was recommended. Dennis Shepard
1/14/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and approved a Technical Memorandum describing a PCB-Contaminated Soil and Concrete Removal Action. The technical memorandum discusses how the U.S. Air Force completed the removal and disposal of approximately 185 cubic yards (cy) of nonhazardous soil and 26 cy of hazardous polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated soil at site SS035 in August and September 2019. Dennis Shepard
9/28/2021 Meeting or Teleconference Held A Remedial Project Managers’ Monthly Meeting was held on this day. The site SS035 asphalt mixing area was discussed. The Site SS035 Remedial Investigation/ Risk Assessment scenarios were discussed with Air Force, EPA, and DEC Risk Assessors. A surface water feature (Garrison Slough Pond) and three buildings are located on this site. Dennis Shepard
5/17/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for the Draft Work Plan, 2022 Installation-Wide Monitoring Program, Eielson AFB, Alaska, Revision 02, April 2022 Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. The work plan identifies annual sampling requirements for 5 monitoring wells at site SS035. Dennis Shepard
9/23/2022 CERCLA Removal Action Report An Action Memorandum was submitted by the Air Force for the Time-Critical Removal Action of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) Contaminated Drinking Water at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. The action memorandum is issued in accordance with, and to satisfy the requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, at Title 42 USC §9604), as further implemented by the National Contingency Plan (NCP, at Title 40 CFR §300.415). The action completed installation of the granular activated carbon (GAC) system at the base water treatment plant and excavated and disposed of approximately 350 cu yd of contaminated soil within the construction footprint of the permanent GAC system at the Water Treatment Plant. Dennis Shepard
9/30/2022 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71371 asphalt mixing and drum burial area. Dennis Shepard
1/19/2023 CERCLA Removal Action Report DEC provided approval for the Draft Final After Action Construction Report for a Time Critical Removal Action of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Contaminated Drinking Water, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, dated January 2023. This report documents actions completed under the Action Memorandum for a Time Critical Removal Action (TCRA) of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Contaminated Drinking Water, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, issued by the United States Air Force and signed 22 June 2017. The planned actions in the TCRA Action Memorandum were the installation of a permanent granular activated carbon (GAC) system at the Eielson water treatment plant and the excavation and disposal of up to 350 cubic yards of contaminated soil within the footprint of the permanent GAC system (USAF 2017). Dennis Shepard
12/14/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the "Draft Source Area SS035 Remedial Investigation/Risk Assessment Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, September 2023". The report documents the remedial investigation (RI) and subsequent risk assessment (RA) that was performed at Source Area SS035, Asphalt Mixing Area located in and around Garrison Slough Pond on Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. Axl LeVan
4/19/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC completed a review of "Draft-Final Source Area SS035 Remedial Investigation/Risk Assessment Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, February 2024" and USAF response to comments. DEC provided remaining comments to the AF for further updates. Axl LeVan
1/7/2025 Risk Assessment Report Approved DEC reviewed and approved the "Final Source Area SS035 Remedial Investigation/Risk Assessment Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, December 2024" based on updated USAF response to comments. Axl LeVan

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DDT > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
DDT > Site Specific Sediment Criteria Sediment - Freshwater
DDD > Site Specific Sediment Criteria Sediment - Freshwater
DDD Other Surface Water - Fresh
DDE > Site Specific Sediment Criteria Sediment - Freshwater

Control Type

Type Details
Interagency MOU Operable Unit 3, 4, 5 Record of Decision


Description Details
Groundwater Use Restrictions A prohibition on the installation or use of drinking water wells Annual IC Report.
Other Site is included in the Sitewide monitoring program. Annual Report.
Groundwater Monitoring a requirement that all monitoring wells are secured with locks Annual Report.
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions Any activity that may result in exposure to or removal of contaminated soil requires approval of CES/CEV Annual IC Report
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions If contaminated soil is removed from the source, itmust be disposed of or treated in accordance with regulation. Annual IC Report
Restricted to Industrial / Commercial Land Use A requirement to notify ADEC and EPA of any proposal to change the existing land use or land use controls at the site. DEC notification.
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
25653 Eielson AFB (SS534) Hydrant Fuel System Bldg 1211 107.38.109

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