Site Report: Residence - Manley Street HHOT
Site Name: | Residence - Manley Street HHOT |
Address: | 602 Manley Street at West 6th Avenue, North Pole, AK 99705 |
File Number: | 100.38.174 |
Hazard ID: | 3954 |
Status: | Active |
Staff: | Shawn Tisdell, 9074512752 |
Latitude: | 64.749305 |
Longitude: | -147.357013 |
Horizontal Datum: | WGS84 |
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We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.
The spill was identified during the removal of an underground home heating oil tank. An unknown quantity of home heating fuel was released prior to July 2002. Some diesel odor was detected in the basement during a high-water event. Three monitoring wells and one recovery well were installed in October 2004. The water sample results from the three monitoring wells were all below DEC cleanup levels, although a few petroleum contaminants were measured. A soil sample collected during installation of the recovery well exceeded DEC cleanup levels for diesel range organics (DRO). The results suggest that contamination is limited to soil and groundwater in the immediate area where the UST was removed. Site was transferred from PERP (file number 100.02.240, Spill number 02309919801).
Action Information
Action Date | Action | Description | DEC Staff |
10/24/2003 | Site Added to Database | DRO contamination. The RP is unwilling to pay for cleanup and no other funds are available to assist at this time. | Deborah Williams |
10/24/2003 | Site Ranked Using the AHRM | Preliminary ranking. | Deborah Williams |
8/11/2005 | Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program | John Dixon (PERP) officially transferred the site to CS. | Deborah Williams |
8/16/2005 | Update or Other Action | ADEC received a Oil Spill Technology, Inc. report entitled Recovery and Monitoring Wells: Installation and Sampling for the Faulkner Residence at 602 Manley Street in North Pole, Alaska. Three monitoring wells and one recovery well were installed on-site. DRO and BTEX levels from the monitoring wells were below ADEC cleanup levels. A soil sample collected from the recovery well location had 1,970 mg/kg DRO. There is no mention of the contaminant levels at the water table in the recovery well. The consultant recommends conducting periodic sampling and collecting recovered product from the recovery well over the next several summers to make sure the contamination is not migrating into the water table. | Deborah Williams |
8/29/2005 | Update or Other Action | Sent letter requesting a summary of the volume of fuel recovered, and monitoring well sampling plan | Kim DeRuyter |
9/5/2005 | Update or Other Action | E-mailed response to questions regarding the groundwater monitoring requirement, and explained the difference between a closure, and a conditional closure. | Kim DeRuyter |
11/3/2006 | Update or Other Action | Spoke to property owner regarding the groundwater samples required for a conditional closure at this site. She indicated that she had contacted a contractor for an estimate, and it was more than she could afford. | Kim DeRuyter |
5/16/2008 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | Initial ranking with ETM completed. | Neal Everson |
3/13/2013 | Update or Other Action | Site symbol visually adjusted using and Bing satellite imagery. 3/13/13 LG. | Laurel Gale |
4/4/2016 | Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter | Letter sent by DEC to RP asking questions to update site information and provide notice of standard liability letter which will be sent out. | Shawn Tisdell |
4/20/2016 | Update or Other Action | Spoke with the property owner via telephone about questionnaire letter previously sent out. No additional remedial work has been done at the site, they have not observed petroleum odors even when the basement has been flooded from high groundwater levels, she does not know what happened to contaminated soil that was excavated during recovery well installation and has no idea of the status of the monitoring wells and recovery well. The DEC will follow up this conversation with a determination of how to proceed with the site. | Shawn Tisdell |
6/6/2016 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74929 HOT. | Shawn Tisdell |
6/30/2016 | Update or Other Action | DEC sent a letter to property owner indicating that before DEC can determine if a closure determination can be made for the property, additional groundwater sampling from at least two locations by a qualified environmental professional or qualified sampler is needed. In addition, the potential for vapor intrusion should be evaluated. If additional action is not conducted, the site will remain on the contaminated sites active list and will be reevaluated within the next five years, or as our understanding of risks associated with the site change. We will also record a Notice of Environmental Contamination on the property deed. | Shawn Tisdell |
12/6/2016 | Update or Other Action | Letter sent by DEC to RP regarding participation in the HHOT pilot project. | Shawn Tisdell |
1/25/2017 | Update or Other Action | Follow-up letter sent by DEC to RP presenting benefits of involvement in the HHOT pilot program. | Shawn Tisdell |
9/13/2017 | Site Visit | All of the wells look to be in good repair and accessible. There was no evidence of odors or free product in any of the wells including the recovery well (PID .06 ppm). The PID ranged between 0.9 and 1.4 ppm throughout the house, and did not increase in the basement next to the source area. We observed PID readings near the sumps in the basement as the lowest values in the house (0.9 ppm). Open fuel and solvent containers in the garage had a direct pathway into the basement where it can also circulate up the stairs into the house living area. The basement smelled musty but otherwise we could not detect specific heating oil odors. We will arrange another site visit once open fuel and solvent containers are covered or removed. | Shawn Tisdell |
11/8/2017 | Update or Other Action | Letter sent to RP discussing site visit observations and recommended additional site characterization consisting of sampling groundwater from two wells on the property. These results would help to evaluate the site for a cleanup complete determination. | Shawn Tisdell |
11/4/2024 | Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter | A notification letter was sent to newly identified landowners of the site property requesting the new owners contact the DEC. | Shawn Tisdell |
Contaminant Information
Name | Level Description | Media | Comments |
Control Type
Type | Details |
Description | Details |
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