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Site Report: Residence - 4886 Drake St. HHOT

Site Name: Residence - 4886 Drake St. HHOT
Address: 4886 Drake Street, University West, Fairbanks, AK 99709
File Number: 100.38.191
Hazard ID: 3956
Status: Active
Staff: Shawn Tisdell, 9074512752
Latitude: 64.842362
Longitude: -147.865545
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In August 2002, the 1,000-gallon buried heating oil tank was emptied within a few weeks of being filled. The tank was excavated and found to be corroded. Total volume of the release is unknown. Environmental sampling in 2003 and 2004 indicated soil and groundwater were impacted. One hundred six tons of contaminated soil were excavated from around the former tank location and were thermally treated at Organic Incineration Technlogies in North Pole. The excavation was approximately 20 feet by 20 feet and 12 feet deep. A 12-inch diameter recovery well was installed in the excavation and the excavation was partially backfilled with coarse leach rock. Fertilizer was added, and a vapor extraction system was added above the leach rock. Four permanent groundwater monitoring wells were installed in 2004 and monitored 8 times between 2004 and 2022.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
11/4/2005 Site Added to Database Site Transfered from PERP Kim DeRuyter
11/4/2005 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Kim DeRuyter
11/7/2005 GIS Position Updated Used TopoZone Pro and site maps, fair confidence in degree of accuracy Kim DeRuyter
11/7/2005 Update or Other Action Reviewed 2005 monitoring well report - 6 inches of free product was floating on the water table in the recovery well prior to product recovery efforts in April 2005. Five gallons of fuel was recovered during this sampling event. BETX analytes were non-detect in MWss 1-3. BETX analytes were detected below clean up levels in MW-4. DRO was detected below cleanup levels in all 4 MWs. The recovery well was not sampled due to the presence of free product. Kim DeRuyter
11/7/2005 Update or Other Action Sent letter requesting workplan and summary of product recovery efforts. Kim DeRuyter
11/8/2005 Update or Other Action Received call from Ronnie Lee with State Farm asking to be copied on all correspondence. Kim DeRuyter
1/3/2006 Update or Other Action Received call from consultant. Report on GW monitoring from August is not complete, will add next weeks monitoring results and complete the report in the near future. GW plume is stable and has not migrated off the property. Product recovery efforts continue, but little product is available for recovery. Kim DeRuyter
2/9/2006 Update or Other Action GW monitoring report received, MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4 were all non-detect for DRO and benzene both spring and fall of 2005. Other BETX analytes have been detected in the MW's below cleanup levels. The recovery well (RW) contained 0.5 feet of product in the spring and 0.03 feet of product in the fall of 2005. Kim DeRuyter
4/6/2006 Update or Other Action Received 2006 Sampling Workplan. The workplan proposes sampling all monitoring wells in late April, continued attempts to recover product, and developing a long term monitoring plan based on the data collected in April. Kim DeRuyter
8/16/2006 Update or Other Action Received May 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report dated August 4, 2006. Perimeter wells were non-detect for all analytes (DRO and BTEX). The recovery well still contains trace amounts of free product. A total of 7.5 gallons of free product have been recovered through manual and passive skimming. A long term monitoring plan should be developed which could include reduced frequency of sampling of the perimeter wells. Reduction of product recovery efforts would be acceptable as frequent manual product recovery efforts are no longer cost effective. Free product monitoring is necessary to evaluate site progress. Kim DeRuyter
3/2/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC received the CSM and Groundwater Monitoring Results for the October 2006 sampling of the site. The product recovery well was sampled. It had not been sampled since 2004 due to free product present in the well. The well had a DRO level of 9.24 mg/L and 166 ug/L benzene. All the other monitoring wells on the property were non-detect for DRO and BTEX. Deborah Williams
11/9/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 74931 (Autogenerated Action)
11/19/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Updated Ranking Complete for Source Area: 74931 (Autogenerated Action)
11/28/2007 Update or Other Action Sent letter to Ms. Boyer requesting PID screenings on VES to determine if vapors are being extracted. Also requested information on foundation of bldg for evaluation of vapor intrusion pathway. Neal Everson
8/11/2015 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Letter sent to owner requesting update on cleanup efforts. Letter included PRP type notification. Contacted later by owner who indicated that she believed all work was complete. ADEC requested that owner come into office to review file and discuss what work has been completed. Janice Wiegers
9/1/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC called and talked with the RP. She indicated that State Farm Insurance had handled the expenses associated with the cleanup. She would like to know that the contamination has been taken care of and that it will not continue to be a headache. The DEC indicated a letter would be prepared that summarizing what was done and what action is recommend to move this site to closure. Shawn Tisdell
9/2/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74931 HHOT. Shawn Tisdell
9/8/2016 Update or Other Action Letter sent by DEC to RP requesting an additional site investigation to determine if the following conditions have been met: 1)Determine if free product been recovered to the maximum extent practicable 2)Cumulative risk standards must be achieved 3)The groundwater contaminant plume must be steady state or decreasing 4)Future exposure to residual contamination must be managed using ICs 5)The vapor intrusion pathway must be evaluated. A 30 day response to the letter was requested. Shawn Tisdell
1/12/2017 Update or Other Action Contacted State Farm Insurance to follow up the action request letter. The letter had been received but not passed on to the appropriate agent. An assigned agent will contact the DEC. Shawn Tisdell
2/8/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contact has been made with State Farm and they have agreed to work with the DEC by selecting a consultant to address issues raised in the 9/2016 letter. A meeting will be held in February between the DEC and the consultant to discuss the scope of work. Shawn Tisdell
2/17/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting between DEC and Nortech staff discussing additional site characterization that had occurred at the site between 2008 and 2009 and provided a draft unfinished report documenting this work. A groundwater sampling event of five wells for DRO and BTEX was conducted. DRO was the only contaminant detected in one of the perimeter wells (MW-1) at a level of 0.41 mg/L, which is below the DRO cleanup level of 1.5 mg/L. No other contaminants were detected in the perimeter wells. Approximately 4.5 gallons of free product were recovered from the recovery well between September 2008 and August 2010. The upcoming work plan will include determining a methodology to evaluate the VI pathway by soil gas sampling, groundwater contaminant trends, and if free product has been recovered to the maximum extent possible. Shawn Tisdell
4/21/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent to the RP, State Farm and consultant providing additional clarification of the September 2016 DEC letter in response to the February 17 meeting for the purpose of developing a work plan to address remaining contaminant exposure pathways. This letter highlights the following criteria necessary to be achieved to reach closure status: Free product must be recovered to the maximum extent practicable, Cumulative risk standards must be achieved, The groundwater contaminant plume must be in a steady state or shrinking, and hazardous substance concentrations within the plume must show a decreasing trend, The vapor intrusion pathway must be evaluated for potential risk. Shawn Tisdell
8/17/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Work plan received by the DEC which outlines tasks to characterize remaining air, soil and groundwater contamination at the site. These tasks include free product collection, groundwater characterization, indoor air and subsurface soil vapor characterization and documentation. Shawn Tisdell
9/12/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A site characterization work plan was received by the DEC on 8/17/2017 and reviewed by DEC staff. The work scope will be 1) to determine if free product remains in the recovery well and recovery product if needed, 2) To inspect and sample monitoring wells for contaminants of concern and 3) to evaluate the vapor intrusion pathway by sampling soil gas between the source area and the house. A letter was provided to the RP requesting modifications to the work plan. The modified workplan was received on 9/7/2017 and approved on 9/12/2017. Shawn Tisdell
2/23/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff received a call from Nortech discussing a change in the work plan from measuring petroleum vapors in soil gas to measuring them in indoor air. Since indoor air often contains other vapors that can complicate indoor air measurements, a strategy to evaluate multiple lines of evidence was discussed. A building inventory survey will be conducted at the site and the work plan will be updated to address these factors. Shawn Tisdell
10/3/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments on the 5/2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report. Petroleum related PAHs and VOCs were not detected. Diesel range organics were detected in two of the four wells below cleanup levels at 0.766 and 1.25 mg/L. Free product was occasionally observed in the recovery well and a total of two quarts of product recovered during five recovery events between October 2017 and October 2018. Soil gas was collect near the house foundation at a depth of 40 inches below the ground surface. Petroleum analytes were not detected in this sample. However, the reporting level for 1,,2,4-trimethylbenzene was nearly twice the DEC residential target level for soil gas. Since this is a common vapor intrusion contaminant for heating oil releases, and additional soil gas sampling event was requested. Shawn Tisdell
4/17/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Workplan for additional site characterization submitted by consultant. This workplan describes an additional groundwater monitoring and soil gas monitoring events for the site. A proposal to replace the damaged recover well is also provided. Shawn Tisdell
7/24/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Additional laboratory information was provided with a letter from the consultant discussing the elevated reporting limit of 1,2-4 trimethybenzene (1,2,4-TMB) in the soil gas samples that were collected in 10/2018. After reanalyzing the data that lab was able to confirm that there were not detections of 1,2,4-TMB down to 19.4 µg/l, which is below the residential soil gas target level of 73 µg/l. A request was made for the DEC to reconsider the request for additional soil gas sampling at the site. Shawn Tisdell
1/8/2021 Meeting or Teleconference Held PM talked briefly about site with the consultant to determine how to continue with cleanup action at this site. Delays were encountered last fall for scheduling a site visit following DEC review of the work plan due to a heavy snowfall. The site visit will be rescheduled for Spring of 2021. Shawn Tisdell
8/25/2021 Site Visit Site visit conducted with DEC project manager and a consultant from Nortech to view the current status of the site and discuss scope of site characterization work plan. Monitoring wells were not covered, some frost jacking had occurred, one well appeared to be completely removed and one of the passive soil gas wells was broken flush with the ground. Several fuel containers were located along the house, some were not sealed so spillage or rainwater could result in additional fuel releases. Shawn Tisdell
4/26/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Groundwater and soil sampling work plan reviewed. Field activities are proposed for June 2022 when groundwater is expected to be high. Groundwater from MW-1 and MW-2 will be sampled for diesel range organics (DRO) to provide additional evidence that the dissolved plume is steady state or shrinking and concentrations of the hazardous substance are decreasing. Soil samples will be collected from one boring between the location of the release and the house to evaluate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to help assess remaining risk of soil contamination at the site. Wells MW-3, MW-4, and the recovery well will be decommissioned as they are no longer necessary for environmental work. Shawn Tisdell
4/28/2022 Site Characterization Workplan Approved After updating ADEC comments, the work plan to conduct soil and groundwater sampling during a period of high groundwater is approved. Shawn Tisdell
3/13/2023 Site Characterization Report Approved The report presented results of a groundwater sampling event in June 2022 and a soil sampling event in October 2022. This additional site characterization was necessary to demonstrate that groundwater contamination concentrations are decreasing at the site and remain on the property following the previous cleanup actions. These results provide evidence that the plume is stable or decreasing and that contamination remains near to and beneath the house in the smear zone but does not impact soil or groundwater beyond the property boundaries. Wells MW-3 and MW-4 were decommissioned. Groundwater in MW-2 was below the level of detection for DRO and was at the level of detection in MW-1. Soil was below the level of detection for all analytes in the 5-to-7-foot sample and above human health for DRO and naphthalene in the 7-to-9-foot sample. The consultant has requested ADEC consideration for site closure. Shawn Tisdell
8/25/2023 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC reviewed and approved August 24,2023 well decommissioning work plan. Wells MW-1 and MW-2 will be decommissioned. This will complete removal of environmental wells on the property. Shawn Tisdell
2/5/2025 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74931 HHOT. Shawn Tisdell

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