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Site Report: Bentley Trust Property Tax Lot 221

Site Name: Bentley Trust Property Tax Lot 221
Address: 19 College Road, Fairbanks, AK 99701
File Number: 100.38.166
Hazard ID: 3961
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 64.850150
Longitude: -147.703980
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In June 2002, AMEC completed a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment at Tax Lot 221, which is occupied by Fred Meyers store located at 19 College Road in Fairbanks Alaska. Seven on-site soil borings and associated temporary monitoring well points were advanced to assess current soil and groundwater conditions. 1,2-dichloroethane, benzene and tetrachloroethene (PCE) were detected above ADEC's 18 AAC 75 Method 2 Table C Cleanup Levels for groundwater.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
10/4/2002 Update or Other Action Phase II ESA submitted to ADEC. The report was conducted by AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. in the summer of 2002. AMEC advanced seven on-site soil borings and associated temporary monitoring well points to assess the current soil and groundwater conditions. Boring locations were also chosen to evaluate potential off-site sources, former gas station, and a dry cleaners located up gradient of the site. Seven chemical constituents were detected in groundwater and soil. Three of these compounds, 1,2-dichloroethane, benzene, and tetrachloroethene (PCE) were detected above ADEC Table C Cleanup Levels for groundwater. Deborah Williams
10/5/2002 Update or Other Action John Dixon PERP conducted an off-site inspection on 10/04/2002 of VIP Cleaners documenting a PCE labeled barrel behind the building. Douglas Bauer
10/9/2002 Update or Other Action Phase I ESA submitted to ADEC. The report was conducted by AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. in summer of 2002 that identified several potential sources of contamination: 1. 5,000 gallon underground heating oil tank located on the south side of Fred Meyers, 2. LUST site (Cornerstone Gas) located up gradient of the site, 3. presence of leaking hydraulic fluid from two trash compactors located outside the south wall of the building, 4. the past use of the site as a junkyard, and 5. the presence of a dry cleaners across the street to the north. Deborah Williams
10/14/2002 Site Added to Database PCE, benzene and 1,2-dichloroethane detected above ADEC Table C cleanup levels in temporary well points located on the property - Tax Lot 221 (Fred Meyers East). Deborah Williams
10/14/2002 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Preliminary ranking by Site Intake staff. Deborah Williams
10/17/2002 Update or Other Action Letter sent to Pacific Realty Associates (PacWest) who currently lease the property from Bentley Family Charitable Trust outlining potential liabilities. Douglas Bauer
11/8/2002 Update or Other Action PRP letter advising of potential cost recovery sent to Bentley Family Charitable Trust in care of Union Bank of California, Co-Trustee. Douglas Bauer
11/27/2002 Update or Other Action Response received from UBOC transmitting Phase I Environmental Assessment of Bentley Mall property. Douglas Bauer
12/4/2002 Update or Other Action PRP letter advising of potential cost recovery sent to owner of VIP Cleaners. Douglas Bauer
12/5/2002 Update or Other Action PRP letter advising of potential cost recovery sent to owners of Bentley Mall (Rawson, Blum, & Leon). Douglas Bauer
12/12/2002 Update or Other Action Mr. No owner of VIP Cleaners hand delivered questionnaire information. Douglas Bauer
12/16/2002 Update or Other Action Response received from Mr. Thomas H. Bomar counsel for Bentley Mall Associates. A general partner is Bentley Mall LLC, an Alaskan limited liability corporation with David Rawson as managing member. Douglas Bauer
12/27/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Ed Willis manager of Bentley Mall and Lyle Gresehover with Alaska Resources & Environmental Services (Mall's environmental consultant). Discussed means and methods of determining if Bentley Mall and/or VIP are responsible for TCE groundwater contamination. Bentley Mall intends to work in partnership with VIP cleaners. Additional investigation will be conducted as Phase II EA but ADEC will review work plans. Douglas Bauer
3/29/2005 Update or Other Action The Bentley Mall East Satellite Building was entered as a contaminated site on the CS database on 4/09/2003 (see RecKey 2003310906201). Subsequently Alaska Resources and Environment conducted a site characterization for the owners of the Bentley Mall East Satellite Building. Results from a soil gas survey and ground water investigation strongly suggest that the ground water contamination on Bentley Trust Property TL-221 is coming from the area of the Bentley Mall East Satellite building. Douglas Bauer
3/29/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone with Mr. Mark Olsen with M&T Partners, Inc. of Portland Oregon. Advised him of the latest results. ADEC is considering a NFRAP letter for TL-221. Douglas Bauer
4/12/2005 Update or Other Action No Further Remedial Action Planned letter drafted and forwarded to Larry Johnson. A recent review of the Bentley Mall East Satellite Building file (102.38.122) and Tesoro/Seven Eleven #103 527 Old Steese (Cornerstone Mall) (102.26.007) file suggests that the soil and ground water contamination on TL-221 is from off-site sources. Douglas Bauer
4/13/2005 Update or Other Action Added LC to database. Douglas Bauer
4/14/2005 Update or Other Action Redraft of NFRAP letter with additional information and revised letter format. Resubmitted to Larry Johnson. Douglas Bauer
4/19/2005 Update or Other Action Draft NFRAP letter forwarded to Jim Frechione. Douglas Bauer
5/6/2005 Update or Other Action Andrew Jones with PAC West called inquiring about the status of NFRAP letter. He was informed that Jim Frechione is reviewing it. Mr. Jones requested that language be added indicating that the NFRAP letter applied to subsequent owners as well. Douglas Bauer
5/9/2005 Update or Other Action Draft NFRAP letter received from Jim Frechione and forwarded to Cynthia Wagner with Union Bank of California for comment. Douglas Bauer
5/11/2005 Update or Other Action Received email from UBOC acknowledging receipt of draft NFRAP letter. Douglas Bauer
7/12/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone conversation with Mr. Jim Desmond concerning status of NFRAP. Discussed issues associated with construction of a new building on a portion of the property. Douglas Bauer
7/14/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Mr. Jim Desmond and associates. Discussed status of remediation at Bentley Mall East Satellite Building and its potential effects on TL-221. Discussed potential vapor intrusion issues. Douglas Bauer
8/10/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone call from Mr. Andrew Jones with Pacific Realty Associates, LP requesting a signed NFRAP letter. Pacific Realty will purchase Tax Lot 221 on August 17, 2005. Mr. Jones indicated that Union Bank of California was no longer interested in the NFRAP letter due to the pending sale. Douglas Bauer
8/10/2005 Update or Other Action Signed copy of NRAP letter awaiting authorization to sign for Jim Frechione. Douglas Bauer
8/11/2005 Conditional Closure Approved NRAP letter signed and mailed. D. Bauer authorized to sign for Jim Frechione. Douglas Bauer
8/19/2005 Update or Other Action Cost recovery packet forwarded to Attorney General's office. Douglas Bauer
1/18/2006 Update or Other Action Letter sent requesting status of establishing an institutional control as required by NFRAP letter. Douglas Bauer
2/6/2006 Update or Other Action Letter received from Derik T. Price, North Arctic Trust, LLC indicating that they purchased the property at 19 College Road from Pacific Realty Associates. New landowner and RP information added to database. Mitzi Read
3/27/2006 Institutional Control Record Established Received copy of environmental notice that was filed with deed. Douglas Bauer
5/31/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Ann Farris
5/23/2012 Update or Other Action Staff name changed from Ann Farris to IC Unit. Evonne Reese
11/22/2013 Update or Other Action DEC commented on workplan submitted by Travis-Peterson Environmental Consulting, Inc. The workplan proposed indoor air sampling to evaluate possible vapor intrusion into the building. Janice Wiegers
12/3/2013 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. The recorded deed notice needs to be attached in the database. Scheduled the internal reminder system to check on protectiveness of ICs in three year's time. Evonne Reese
4/27/2015 Update or Other Action Reviewed record at request of Fairbanks North Star Borough. Noted that specific ICs do not appear to have been established for the site as required by closure documentation, and the Notice of Environmental Contamination does not appear to have been recorded with the deed. Janice Wiegers
5/14/2015 Institutional Control Update After a file review it was found that the 2006 Notice of Environmental Contamination was never filed with the Recorder's Office. DEC will file this notice and provide a copy to the landowner. NEC document mailed to the FB Recorder's Office on this date. Evonne Reese
7/13/2015 Institutional Control Update The 2006 Notice of Environmental Contamination was filed at the Recorder's Office and attached as a site document in this database. Evonne Reese
5/11/2017 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Closure/IC Details updated. ICs Verification letter issued. Reminder system set for future follow-ups to occur every three years. Kristin Thompson
8/17/2020 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Closure/IC Details updated. ICs Verification letter issued. Reminder system set for future follow-ups to occur every five years. Cascade Galasso-Irish

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Tetrachloroethene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Notice of Environmental Contamination Deed notice filed.


Description Details
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions Soil in designated areas can not be excavated unless tested first under ADEC approved work plan. Requires ADEC approved work plan.
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. Standard condition.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) Standard condition.
Groundwater Use Restrictions Any use of groundwater within the property boundaries is restricted without prior ADEC approval.
When Contaminated Soil is Accessible, Remediation Should Occur In the event that the remaining contaminated soil becomes accessible by the building or other structure being removed or through some other action that fits the site circumstances, the landowner and/or operator are required to notify ADEC and evaluate the environmental status of the contamination in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Further site characterizations and cleanup may be necessary.
Periodic Review Every three years.
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
26138 Commercial Property - 19 College Road / Tax Lot 221 102.26.173

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