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Site Report: Alaska Gold Snake River Property

Site Name: Alaska Gold Snake River Property
Address: Port Road, Water Street, E of West Nome Tank Farm, Nome, AK 99762
File Number: 400.38.033
Hazard ID: 3970
Status: Active
Staff: Laura Jacobs, 9074512911
Latitude: 64.502233
Longitude: -165.429823
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In September 2002, soil borings/groundwater wells were drilled on Alaska Gold's property that is between the Snake River and the West Nome Tank Farm (WNTF) in Nome, Alaska for the purposes of determining the extent of soil and groundwater contamination at the WNTF. During that investigation diesel impacted soil and groundwater contamination was discovered. In addition, surface staining was also noted on the Alaska Gold property. Contamination associated with the West Nome Tank Farm - located across Port Road from the Alaska Gold property - and possible migration across towards the Snake River.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
11/13/2003 Site Added to Database DRO soil and groundwater contamination. Deborah Williams
11/13/2003 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Preliminary ranking. Deborah Williams
11/14/2003 Update or Other Action State letter of interest sent to Alaska Gold requesting site information and planned actions. An area wide investigation identified contaminated groundwater from the West Nome Tank Farm had migrated towards the Snake River - beneath the Alaska Gold property. There were areas of soil staining identified on Alaska Gold property. Larry Johnson
12/5/2003 Update or Other Action Approved 15 day extension for searching records. Larry Johnson
1/7/2004 Update or Other Action Letter from Alaska Gold recognizing the issues associated with the West Nome Tank Farm but also indicating that they would proceed to investigate the soil staining issues on their property. They also indicated they acquired the land in recent years and it had previously been owned or operated by the US military (Nome Air Field) and numerous tenants. Jim Frechione
5/5/2004 Update or Other Action Alaska Gold provides information to ADEC (via email) that Bristol Environmental visited the site in April but were unable to locate soil stain areas. No samples were collected. Jim Frechione
6/11/2004 Update or Other Action Alaska Gold provides soil sample data collected on May28, 2004. 8 soil samples were collected and one detected elevated diesel range organincs at 15,300 mg/kg. However, they indicated the property is littered with sheet metal and it was difficult to adequately assess the site. They proposed another site visit in conjunction with ADEC. Jim Frechione
7/6/2004 Update or Other Action Alaska Gold letter to ADEC requesting the reference to mercury flasks being stored there be deleted from the database. They stated that the property never was used to support their gold mining operations and no mercury was ever stored there. The letter also described the June 15, 2004 field visit with an ADEC staff (Sharon Richmond) to inspect the area. Several small petroleum stained areas were identified but no large areas were noted. Alaska Gold proposed to excavate soil in stained areas and transport soil off site for landspread treatment. Jim Frechione
4/7/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC was informed (by Bristol Environmental - Charlotte MacCay) that the Alaska Gold property has been sold. The property was subdivided into 6 to 10 parcels and reportedly sold with full environmental disclosures. Jim Frechione
5/8/2006 GIS Position Updated Latitude/longitude determined using DEC GIS, based on information contained in 5/28/04 Alaska Gold Company Trip Summary Report. Mitzi Read
2/22/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Human Health Site Priority: Current Exposure Controlling Pathway(s): Surface Soil Score: 5 Ecological Site Priority: Low Potential Exposure Potentially-Contaminated Media: Surface Soil, Groundwater, Subsurface Soil, Surface Water Other Site Concerns: None Jim Frechione
1/7/2008 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Letter sent to new owner of Lot 1 (Dale Whitney) to inform them of the status of their property and their responsibilities under state law. Tamara Cardona-Marek
9/11/2008 Site Visit Drove by site while in Nome. Corner property (junkyard) was sold by Dale Whitney. Current owner unknown. (Information obtained from Novagold's property manager). Tamara Cardona-Marek
2/18/2014 Update or Other Action Site symbol visually adjusted using ArcGIS, Alaska Mapper and documents from file. Michelle Barnes
2/27/2019 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter State Interest Letters (2) were issued to Potentially Responsible Parties which included site information questionnaires. These letters were addressed to the Owner(s) of Lot 1 which is part of the former Alaska Gold Snake River Property before it was subdivided. A response was requested by March 29, 2019. John O'Brien
1/14/2022 Workplan Requested DEC requested a work plan from the new owner of the property to continue to characterize the discovered fuel contamination documented during a September 2002 investigation of the West Nome Tank Farm site contamination. A response was requested by 30 days of receipt of the letter. Laura Jacobs
4/11/2023 Meeting or Teleconference Held A meeting was held at the University Avenue Fairbanks DEC office with the RP to discuss current site information, needs for additional information, and future plans for sample collection from the same location as the 2004 WNT-8 sample that had diesel range organics at 15300 mg/kg if it is determined that this sample location is on the RP's property. Laura Jacobs
1/31/2024 Workplan Requested Staff responded to RP with sample guidance, link to database reports for information to guide their consultants proposed site work. Laura Jacobs
7/11/2024 Site Visit Completed a site visit with the Responsible Party to identify remaining site issues, and the steps that need to be completed before site closure can occur. Laura Jacobs

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