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Site Report: ADOT&PF Yakutat Airport Borrow Pit A

Site Name: ADOT&PF Yakutat Airport Borrow Pit A
Address: Yakutat Airport, Yakutat, AK 99689
File Number: 1530.38.015
Hazard ID: 3987
Status: Active
Staff: Tim Sharp, 9074512131
Latitude: 59.515953
Longitude: -139.662203
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


This area was originally used during WWII as the utilities area and a rifle range skeet area. Based on aerial photography, the original building in the area were removed before the 1970s. During the 1980s, DOT used this area for operation of an asphalt batch plant. The southern portion of the area was used for cleaning and storage of the vehicles and equipment associated with the paving project in the early to mid 1980s. Workers indicated that the area was used to dispose of waste product, and asphalt laden dump trucks were cleaned using Chevron 325 solvent and possibly diesel fuel in this area. Yakutat Airport Borrow Pit A was entered on the Contaminated Sites Database as a PERP Southeast Area Response Team site transfer. When buried drums were encountered, DOT halted any further material extraction and reported the release to DEC. SART approved a DOT Phase I site investigation work plan. The Phase I found that soil contamination included tar, Chevron 325 solvent (mineral oil), gasoline and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes (BTEX) petroleum compounds. SART approved a Phase II work plan for the environmental consultant to field screen excavated soil for petroleum contamination and segregate contaminated soil between liners in an on-site stockpile. The consultant estimated the volume of the stockpile at 1,125 cubic yards. There is no record of confirmation samples associated with the cleanup or the final disposition of the contaminated soil stockpile. SART transferred the site to the Contaminated Sites Program (CS) to evaluate groundwater for contamination. Several shallow piezometers were installed in 2005, and exceeded ADEC cleanup levels for RRO. PAHs were also detected in the wells.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
10/12/2005 Site Added to Database Petroleum products release to subsurface soil. Bruce Wanstall
10/12/2005 GIS Position Updated Lat long data was calculated for the site and entered. Metadata include ARCGIS Statewide Locator with satellite photograph used to generate location oriented to North American Datum (NAD) 83. Coordinates projected on USGS 1:24,000 topographic map are saved at ‘n-svrfle’ G:\SPAR\Spar-Contaminated Sites\38 Case Files (Contaminated Sites)\1530 Yakutat\1530.38.015 Yakutat Airport Borrow Pit A. Bruce Wanstall
10/12/2005 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Direct contact, groundwater ingestion, surface water ingestion, wild foods ingestion, and inhalation of outdoor air/ fugitive dust Exposure Pathways are complete for the drum site and the contaminated soil stockpile. Bruce Wanstall
10/13/2005 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Case transfer; spill number not known at this time. Bruce Wanstall
10/13/2005 Update or Other Action Monitoring well installation, sampling and analysis workplan reviewed; approval letter sent. Bruce Wanstall
11/7/2005 Update or Other Action ledger code assigned Bruce Wanstall
12/12/2005 Site Characterization Report Approved 2005 Monitoring Well Sampling Report recieved; lab report reviewed and approved; water samples from one of two wells exceeded applicable Table C groundwater cleanup levels for residual range hydrocarbons. 2-methylnaphthalene and naphthalene (PAHs) were detected in the parts per billion range; diesel range hydrocarbons were detected below cleanup levels. Bruce Wanstall
6/30/2015 Update or Other Action NAD 83 location coordinates updated by PM using CS Web Map, site figure in the file, and personal knowledge of the site and area. Additional groundwater monitoring may be warranted. Bruce Wanstall
9/27/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held A teleconference with ADEC and ADOT&PF was held to gain familiarity with the site. ADOT&PF is working to gather information and provide site files to ADEC. Jessica Morris
6/20/2018 Site Visit ADEC Contaminated Sites Program staff conducted a site visit of several contaminated sites in the Yakutat area. Jessica Morris
1/23/2019 Update or Other Action ADEC reviewed the 2004 Phase II Site Assessment Report prepared for DOT.On November 22, 2003, a contractor of the ADOT&PF began clearing overburden at Borrow Site “A,” located on the southern edge of RRSA, and discovered a number of buried drums. The drums were leaking petroleum product. Drums were found to be buried to depths of 8 to 12 feet bgs. Analytical results of contaminated soils in Borrow Site “A” contained concentrations of benzene, Chevron 325 solvent, diesel, gasoline, tar, toluene, and xylenes (SBL 2004). SBL and Channel Construction removed 1,150 cubic yards of petroleum-contaminated soil from Borrow Site “A” in March and April of 2004. It is not know if additional drums were deeply buried within Borrow Site “A.” There is no documentation of confirmation samples associated with the cleanup or the final disposition of the contaminated soil stockpile. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 2 feet bgs. Petroleum contamination above ADEC cleanup levels was also found at the Runway Safety Area 20 and the area west of the Hangar. According to interviews of local workers, the general RRSA area was used in the 1980s as an asphalt batch plant. The southern portion of the area was used for cleaning and storage of the vehicles and equipment associated with the paving project in the early to mid 1980s. Workers indicated that the area was used to dispose of waste product, and asphalt laden dump trucks were cleaned using Chevron 325 solvent and possibly diesel fuel in this area. Jessica Morris
1/23/2019 Update or Other Action ADEC reviewed the 2010 Supplemental Remedial Investigation Report prepared for the Corps of Engineers FUDS Program. Investigation was conducted at the former Rifle Range Skeet Area, which is located within the ADOT&PF Borrow Site A. Lead contamination was found in soil samples up to 1700 mg/kg. Other sources of potential contamination were found at this site including drums, car batteries, piping, concrete debris, and other various trash. Investigation was also conducted at the Runway Safety Area 20. Jessica Morris

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