Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
11/1/2005 |
Site Added to Database |
Heating oil spill to surface soil |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/1/2005 |
Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program |
Spill #04-11-99-356-01; PERP file #1513-02-303 transferred with report form this date. |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/1/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Approval for Spill Cleanup Plan under SART management was suspended when site data showed that a public water system well was in the path of groundwater flow from the heatihng oil spill site at Space #36. Immediate sampling of the PWS well and analysis for VOC by EPA 524.2 and 525.2 are requested by CS staff by email. |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/7/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Ledger Code assigned. |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/8/2005 |
Interim Removal Action Approved |
DEC sent an Interim Removal Action approval letter to excavate contaminated material beneath the above ground heating oil tank up to the edge of the trailer at Space #36. Material volume estimate is ten cubic yards; contaminated soil transport for off-site remediation is approved. |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/8/2005 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Media impacted at Space #36 are soil and groundwater; transport mechanisms are surface and subsurface soil for direct contact exposures, volatilization to indoor and outdoor air for inhalation exposure; migration to groundwater for ingestion, volatilization to indoor air and direct contact exposures; groundwater to surface water hydrologic connection is not indicated in preliminary data. |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/29/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Site inspection of soil excavation under the above ground heating oil tank at Sjpace #36 and distance from the two PWS wells located in the Mobile Park. |
Bruce Wanstall |
1/23/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Laboratory results received for drinking water well #2 PWS analyte list for petroleum. Negative results across the list are deemed valid data in spite of sample receipt anomalies. |
Bruce Wanstall |
3/22/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Cost recovery bill #060123 for Contaminated Site Program cleanup oversight sent to DOL. |
Bruce Wanstall |
6/8/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Request for Site Assessment and Additional Cleanup with Long Term Monitoring through 2006 sent to the RP by letter. |
Bruce Wanstall |
6/9/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Payment of $1,671.59 was received from Cameraon Plumbing and Heating for costs incurred by the ADEC for cleanup project oversight. |
Bruce Wanstall |
7/25/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Receipt for soil remediation recieved from CDI for 15 tons of contaminated material excavated from Space #36 at Thunder Mountain Mobile Park. The reciept was requested by the DEC before the same contaminated material disposal option is approved for current cleanup plan. |
Bruce Wanstall |
7/27/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Quality Assurance review was performed on the June 2006 CDI Report of laboratory data. Analysis for volatile organic compounds was performed on water samples from the public water system wells located on the property. The data on all compounds were below laboratory practical quantitation limits and meet Contaminated Sites Program standards. This is the fourth successive quarterly sampling and analysis of the public water system with DEC approved VOC laboratory data showing non-detect results. |
Bruce Wanstall |
8/1/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Site meeting during oily soil excavation and offsite transport of material. Attended by consultant CDI, responsible party Cameron, property owner Walker, and property owner legal representative Regis. Contamination extends below the depth of the current water table; complete removal of contamination is not feasible due to constraints posed by trees, buildings and utility corridors. |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/16/2006 |
GIS Position Updated |
Data was collected on-site using Garmin calibrated for North American Datum 83. Accruacy is within 50 meters. |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/29/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Inquired Carson Dorn about status of cleanup report on Space #36; CDI is waiting until the ground water well can be sampled and the water tested before completing the report. Weather has delayed that effort. |
Bruce Wanstall |
12/21/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Mild weather over the past week may have thawed the monitoring well at Space #36. Review and setup site visit to inspect the Space #36 monitoring well; contact CDI. Site visit rejected because of heavy snowfall encountered today in the valley; Jesse at the Mobile Park will keep an eye on the well. |
Bruce Wanstall |
5/1/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Request made to Cameron consultant CDI that the Site Assessment Report for the August site work be completed and sent to the ADEC within two weeks of today May 1, 2007. To accompany the SA, request was made for a ground water sampling plan for approval. |
Bruce Wanstall |
5/1/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial evaluation (without data from the 2006 Cleanup Report) results in low potential for exposure along the migration to ground water and surface water pathways. Low potential exists for migration to surface water impacting Jordan Creek, a listed impaired anadromous stream. |
Bruce Wanstall |
5/17/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
2006 Cleanup Report was received and reviewed for quality assurance standards; additional data was requested by email. |
Bruce Wanstall |
5/18/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Payment of $953.42 was received from Cameraon Plumbing and Heating for costs incurred by the ADEC for cleanup project oversight. |
Bruce Wanstall |
6/14/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC laboratory data checklist review of the 2005 initial soil samples and the 4 drinking water well sampling events. Data variances did not affect usability. |
Bruce Wanstall |
6/15/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Conceptual Site Model and Space #36 monitoring well sampling event workplan were received by the ADEC. Review and comment sent to consultant CDI concerning development of a long term monitoring plan. |
Bruce Wanstall |
6/18/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC received the laboratory checklist for review of the soil data packet on samples 10 through 15. |
Bruce Wanstall |
7/18/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC Cleanup Report Approval letter sent to the responsible party with a request for long term monitoring plan for contaminated groundwater on Space #36. |
Bruce Wanstall |
8/10/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC received Space #36 monitoring well sample data. Quality assurance checklist review indicated that variances did not affect the usability of the data. Diesel range hydrocarbons (DRO) in groundwater at Space #36 ranged from 6.9 to 7.1 mg/L. The Table C regulatory screening level for DRO in groundwater is 1.5 mg/L. |
Bruce Wanstall |
9/4/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
A payment of $1,353.23 was received from Cameron Plumbing & Heating for ADEC site cleanup oversight. |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/23/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
$530.34 check received from Cameron Plumbing & Heating for cost recovery of site cleanup oversight by DEC.
Bruce Wanstall |
11/26/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC contacted the Responsible Party and consultant CDI to request that the monitoring well at Space #36 be sampled for the fourth quarter of 2007; also that a long term ground water monitoring plan be agreed upon and finalized. |
Bruce Wanstall |
1/8/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Updated evaluation using the exposure tracking module along all pathways finds that the residual petroleum impacts to subsurface media at Space #36 do not pose an unacceptable risk.
Quarterly test data on drinking water well samples indicate that petroleum impact has not occurred.
Cleanup Report soil data used for this evaluation indicates that the heating oil smear zone in soil begins less than 10 feet below ground surface where residual DRO concentration in soil is 1,880 mg/kg. Initial groundwater sample data (6.92 Mg/L) at Space #36 exceed regulatory screening levels for diesel range hydrocarbons (1.5 mg/L). |
Bruce Wanstall |
1/10/2008 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Notice of Residual Soil Contamination
The cleanup report data indicate accessible contaminated media is removed from Space #36. The residence was removed to achieve this goal. Utility lines and a shallow water table were obstacles forcing contaminated soil to be left in-place. A ground water monitoring well is now in-place to monitor natural attenuation of residual petroleum contamination. When data collected over time indicate a declining trend or a consistent concentration of diesel range hydrocarbons below regulatory cleanup levels, then site cleanup will be completed. This notice of residual soil contamination is a reminder that excavation and transport of subsurface soil and or/water from the property must be coordinated with ADEC in accordance with 18 AAC 75.325(i).
Bruce Wanstall |
1/17/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed. |
Bruce Wanstall |
2/8/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Payment of $502.08 was received from Cameraon Plumbing and Heating for costs incurred by the ADEC for cleanup project oversight. |
Bruce Wanstall |
2/19/2008 |
Cleanup Assumed by ADEC |
Meeting held with DEC drinking water program to review regulatory requirements for the situation at the TMMP Space #36. DEC sent an email to Cameron P&H and CDI to request they order the sampling bottle set for the regulated wells ASAP and make progress on the Space #36 well long-term monitoring plan development.
Bruce Wanstall |
5/8/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC requested in February and April 2008 that the responsible party perform public water well sampling and analysis and submit a long term plan for ground water monitoring to establish a concentration trend necessary for regulatory site closure. The Work Plan and the public and ground water monitoring sampling schedules are overdue. |
Bruce Wanstall |
7/16/2008 |
Long Term Monitoring Established |
ADEC request for sampling of the monitoring well has been completed; lab report with checklist and consultant letter requesting no further action was recieved by email. |
Bruce Wanstall |
9/2/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Laboratory analysis of samples from the public water system wells on the property were submitted to ADEC by the owner's consultant. Which of the water wells on the property that was in use at the time nor which well was sampled is not known. Results show that no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are detectable; the data was forwarded to the Drinking Water Program. |
Bruce Wanstall |
10/29/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC evaluated and approved the letter/report titled: Groundwater Monitoring Thunder Mountain Trailer Space #36 . Petroleum contaminated soil from a heating oil spill in 2004 remains trapped under the water table. The monitoring well samples tested in July 2008 were found to contain 2.62 mg/L and 2.71 mg/L diesel range hydrocarbons (DRO). The 2008 values are lower than the sample concentrations 6.9 and 7.1 mg/L DRO detected in the 2007 tests but still exceed the Table C regulatory criteria of 1.5 mg/L DRO. Additional sampling is requested in 2009. |
Bruce Wanstall |
7/20/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC requested annual monitoring of ground water at the Thunder Mountain Mobile Park Space #36. A downward trend in contamination is indicated in the 2007 and 2008 sampling data. |
Bruce Wanstall |
10/1/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC has reviewed and approves the Carson Dorn Inc letter/report Groundwater Monitoring Thunder Mountain Trailer Space 36. The data meet field and laboratory quality assurance criteria. The concentration of diesel range hydrocarbon fraction in the water samples were below the instrument detection limit (0.094mg/L) and below the applicable Table C cleanup levels for the first time since the monitoring began. |
Bruce Wanstall |
7/13/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC confirmed the request with Cameron consultant Carson Dorn Inc to have the monitoring well at Space #36 sampled in 2010 for laboratory tests for BTEX, DRO and RRO. |
Bruce Wanstall |
10/13/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
2010 well sampling report received from Carson Dorn Inc |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/23/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approved and commented on the 2010 annual ground water monitoring report by Carson Dorn Inc for the well at Thunder Mountain Trailer Space #36. A pocket of residual soil contamination has impacted shallow ground water on the commercial property with two public drinking water wells serving 98 residential connections and 180 people. Several years of testing of the drinking water wells have returned no detections of petroleum compounds and the on-site well samples have no BTEX and DRO is reduced to Table C cleanup levels. |
Bruce Wanstall |
11/24/2010 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75039 heating oil tank. |
Bruce Wanstall |
1/13/2011 |
Long Term Monitoring Complete |
Administrative action on 5/1/2013. |
Kristin Thompson |
1/13/2011 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
Class A drinking water system was tested quarterly then annually for volatile petroleum compounds and none were detected above drinking water standard instrument detection limits. Groundwater at Space #36 was investigated and monitored for three years after cleanup; remaining contamination is below DRO migration to groundwater cleanup levels. The cleanup actions to date have served to excavate and adequately remove contaminated soil from the site. Based on the information available, DEC has determined no further assessment or cleanup action is required and there is no longer a risk to human health or the environment. |
Bruce Wanstall |