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Site Report: Eielson AFB (MY529) Bldg 2762/6214

Site Name: Eielson AFB (MY529) Bldg 2762/6214
Address: Industrial Avenue, Former Carpenter Shop, Eielson AFB, AK 99702
File Number: 107.38.102
Hazard ID: 4108
Status: Active
Staff: Axl LeVan, 9074512156
Latitude: 64.667500
Longitude: -147.073611
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Building 2762/Former Carpenter Shop/Former Building 6214, which is located just east of IRP site ST16, is now occupied by the outdoor recreational facility and includes an office building, a repair shop and storage for outdoor equipment and vehicles. Drinking water well D is 0.38 mi N (downgradient) of the bldg. Drinking water well E may be nearby as well. Contamination west of the building likely is from previously-closed site ST16, which had a 5000-gallon MOGAS release from an underground fuel line in 1954. Please see ADEC file 107.38.039/Hazard ID 342 for more information about the contamination west of this building. There was a potential release when the facility was a carpentry shop. In addition, drums at a nearby former drum storage area reportedly leaked in 1986 and subsequently were removed. Contaminants of concern include POL, paint and solvent. A 2004 site investigation identified benzene contamination in soil with concentrations from 0.022 to 0.134 mg/kg and a 1000 square foot area of soil contamination from the surface to 4-6 feet below ground surface (bgs) located east of the building in the fenced area. In addition, DRO concentrations in soil of up to 269 mg/kg and a 900 square foot area of contaminated soil was identified south of the building from near the surface to 6 ft bgs. Groundwater samples were not collected south of the building. Sampling efforts in 2014-2016 identified arsenic, chromium, benzene, methylene chloride, 1,2,-Dichloroethane, and 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene as exceeding the DEC human health cleanup level in subsurface soils. 2015 and 2016 site characterization efforts recommend excavation of subsurface soils for VOCs and fuels. Groundwater was not found to be impacted by soil contamination, however, an exceedance for chromium requires further investigation at this time.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/17/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with the Air Force and their consultant to discuss a site characterization work plan. Comments were resolved and all parties agreed to eliminate use of inertial pumps for collection of groundwater samples for volatile organic analyses. Low flow peristaltic pumps will be used instead. Sharon Richmond
8/18/2004 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Staff approved plan to characterize groundwater contamination. Samples will be analyzed for fuel components and metals. ADEC approved installation of monitoring wells in addition to those identified in the work plan, so long as installation and sampling and analysis procedures adhered to work plan. Sharon Richmond
1/20/2005 Site Added to Database Benzene contamination present at site. Deborah Williams
1/20/2005 GIS Position Updated The source of the locational information was TopoZone Pro at NAD 83. Coordinates for this site are suspected to be in error and should be checked with PM. Deborah Williams
1/20/2005 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Site received a "High" priority using the AHRM. Emily Youcha
1/26/2005 Update or Other Action Site characterization report was reviewed comments were given. Two main areas of contamination exist near the building. Benzene contamination was found in the soil to the east of the building and exceeds ADEC Method Two migration to groundwater. Benzene and GRO contamination was also found to the west of the building and is thought to be part of a MOGAS spill associated with closed site ST16. ADEC recommended further characterization of the contamination associated with ST16 and Air Force should propose cleanup levels and technologies for the other area of soil contamination east of the building. Emily Youcha
3/16/2005 Site Characterization Report Approved Please note that ADEC does not consider this effort a complete characterization as required by 18 AAC 75.335. The site characterization report did not include a conceptual site model to assess the exposure pathways or an evaluation of cleanup technologies. ADEC expects the conceptual site model and evaluation cleanup technologies in a future proposed plan for each site. Based on the findings of this investigation, ADEC concurs with the following information for Building 2762 – Former Carpenter Shop: 1. Benzene-contaminated soils were found in test pits inside the fenced area east of Building 2762. Benzene-contaminated soils exist above Method Two cleanup levels in Table B2 at 18 AAC 75.341 from approximately 3-6 feet below ground surface. Diesel range organic (DRO)-contaminated soil was found south of the building, outside of the fenced area, with only one sample exceeding ADEC Method Two cleanup levels in Table B2. Ground-water contamination above ADEC cleanup levels in Table C at 18 AAC 75.345 does not currently occur at these two locations. 2. An additional area of benzene and gasoline range organic (GRO) contamination was found to the west of Building 2762 along Industrial Avenue in both the soil and ground water. Contamination in this area is thought to be from previously-closed Installation Restoration Program site ST16, which was a 1954 5,000-gallon MOGAS release. Benzene concentrations in ground water (up to 100 ug/L) exceed ADEC Groundwater cleanup levels in Table C for benzene (5 ug/L). ADEC expects further evaluation at this site in the near future. 3. There were five slight exceedances for total chromium, but no exceedances of the hexavalent chromium Method Two migration to ground water cleanup level. Emily Youcha
8/3/2005 Update or Other Action This site is funded by compliance money and is cost recoverable. Emily Youcha
12/5/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff discussed the contamination at this site with the EPA and Eielson AFB. EPA and Eielson believe the contamination in the southern part of the building, near the road, is associated with ST16. Contamination was found mostly in the smear zone and ground water. Emily Youcha
12/5/2005 Update or Other Action Staff received a Method 3 cleanup level proposal from Eielson AFB for the contamination discovered at the building. Contamination at the building (not including in the vicinity of ST16) exceeding Method Two soil cleanup levels includes benzene, DRO, GRO, and total chromium. Arsenic and barium exceed cleanup levels but are within the background ranges for Eielson. Contamination appears to be limited to between 0-3 ft below ground surface and did not migrate downward. Staff requested some clarification regarding the Method 3 input parameters (TOC and maximum concentrations) and a conceptual site model before the proposed alternative soil cleanup levels are approved. Emily Youcha
8/4/2006 Update or Other Action Staff received an updated copy of the Method Three calculation for this site. The migration to ground water cleanup levels are 0.141 mg/kg (benzene), 194 mg/kg (Chromium 6+), 1900 mg/kg (DRO), 2200 (GRO), 10,000 mg/kg (RRO). However, the maximum allowable concentration of GRO is 1400 mg/kg. The maximum concentrations detected at the site are 0.134 mg/kg (benzene) and 1.39 mg/kg (Chrom6+). The cumulative cancer risk is 2E-7 and hazard index is 0.13, both below our risk standards. This site is adjacent to a closed IRP site ST16 (former fuel line), where groundwater contamination was recently discovered. It is likely that the contamination associated with this building is not associated with the ST16 fuel line. However, the remaining groundwater contamination at ST16 should be addressed. Emily Youcha
4/23/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Deborah Williams
1/4/2011 Update or Other Action This entry contains only site-specific information. An informational site has been added to the database for actions that pertain to Eielson Air Force Base in its entirety. Please see ADEC file number 107.38.006/Hazard ID 25578/Eielson AFB Basewide Information. Kathleen Beutel
6/13/2014 Update or Other Action On April 23, 2014, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and the United States Air Force reached agreement on the State-Eielson Air Force Base Petroleum Site Restoration Agreement (Two-party Agreement). This agreement was established to perform any necessary assessment, monitoring, remediation and cleanup determinations for petroleum contaminated sites at Eielson Air Force Base. This site was identified as a petroleum contaminated site requiring a response action and its cleanup will continue under Alaska regulations, following the procedures established in the agreement. Monte Garroutte
8/28/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments to the USAF on 8/28/15 on the "DRAFT 2014 Site Characterization Report For Sites Where Investigation is Complete: PL001 (A to L), SS066, SO501, SO503, CG505, CG527, MY529, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska" dated July 2015. This report describes sampling activities completed at seven sites at Eielson Air Force Base in 2014. Sampling of soil and groundwater was conducted to evaluate data gaps from previous investigations; delineate the nature and extent of soil and groundwater contamination; determine the potential for co-mingling of plumes from separate sites; and to determine the need, or lack thereof, for further investigation at each site. DEC's review comments included a request for additional information about chromium and molybdenum soil contamination at MY529, as well as the benzene cleanup alternatives considered. Melinda Brunner
11/28/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the Draft 2014 Characterization Report for Sites Where Investigation is Complete, Appendix F – Data Quality Assessment, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (June, 2015). John O'Brien
12/16/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC completed review of the 2014 "Site Characterization Report for Sites Where Investigation is Complete - Data Quality Assessment" and resolved all comments. Monte Garroutte
3/7/2017 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC Approval of the 2014 Site Characterization for Multiple Sites (PL001A-L, SO066, SO501, SO503, CG505, CG527, and MY529), Report 1 (January 2017) John O'Brien
7/19/2018 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC issued an approval letter for Site Characterization Report for Source Areas SO066, CG505, CS074, SO503, MY529, SS530, SS533, TU531, and CS082 dated February 2018. Bri Clark
11/20/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC issued comments on the Draft Decision Document for Installation Restoration Program Source Areas CS074, CS082, MY529, SS530, TU531, and SS533, dated August 2018. Bri Clark
4/11/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC completed a review of the response to comments and draft final Decision Document for Installation Restoration Program Source Areas CS074, CS082, MY529, SS530, TU531, AND SS533, dated August 2018. The Air Force is revising the document to reflect recent metals evaluation outcomes. These sites are all in the 2 party agreement. Dennis Shepard
4/16/2019 CERCLA Removal Action Plan DEC received the "Remedial Action-Construction at Multiple Sites: CS074, CS082, MY529, SO501, SS530, SS533, and TU531, Draft Uniform Federal Policy - Quality Assurance Project Plan," dated April 2019 for review. Bri Clark
5/8/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) provided review comments for the Draft Uniform Federal Policy – Quality Assurance Project Plan, Remedial Action – Construction at Multiple Sites: CS074, CS082, MY529, SO501, SS530, SS533, and TU531, Eielson Air Force Base, April 2019. Dennis Shepard
5/20/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final Uniform Federal Policy – Quality Assurance Project Plan, Remedial Action – Construction at Multiple Sites: CS074, CS082, MY529, SO501, SS530, SS533, and TU531. The work plan details the excavation of petroleum contaminated soils at these Dennis Shepard
6/3/2019 Cleanup Level(s) Approved DEC approved the Final Decision Document for Installation Restoration Program Source Areas CS074, CS082, MY529, SS530, TU531, AND SS533, . The document identifies the cleanup levels and selected remedy to address six 2-party petroleum sites at Eielson Air Force Base. Dennis Shepard
9/20/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) approved the Final 2021 Institutional Controls/Land Use Controls Annual Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (dated September 2022). The report provides inspection findings and reviews individual ICs established by the record of decision (ROD) documents for Installation Restoration Program source areas with enforceable ICs, as well as other contaminated sites currently with LUCs in effect. Dennis Shepard
9/18/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the "Eielson AFB Two-Party Sites, Periodic Review - Draft, August 2023". The document reviewed and recorded the current status of two party sites (managed by USAF and DEC) at Eielson Air Force Base. Axl LeVan
12/21/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and approved "Draft-Final Periodic Review Report for Two-Party Sites at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, November 2023". This report documents the evaluation of the Interim Land Use Controls (Interim LUCs) for 23 two-party sites at EAFB. Axl LeVan
5/9/2024 Update or Other Action DEC approved Land Use Control (LUC) boundary updates that were discussed at the 30 January 2024 meeting. The updated site boundaries were based on site evaluations performed since initial interim LUCs were place on the sites. The LUC Boundaries for sites CS074, CS082, SS530, and TU531 are proposed to be collapsed. MY529 LUCs were agreed to be expanded to include exceedances in temporary wells across Industrial Drive. Axl LeVan
6/21/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the "Periodic Review Report for Two-Party Sites, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, April 2024." DEC had previously approved the document, but is reviewing an updated version after substantial changes to the document. This report documents the evaluation of the Interim Land Use Controls (Interim LUCs) and remedy implementation for 17 sites at EAFB. Axl LeVan

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