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Site Report: Beaver Falls Mine

Site Name: Beaver Falls Mine
Address: 1/2 mile NE of Beaver Falls cannery, George Inlet, Ketchikan, AK 99901
File Number: 1516.38.006
Hazard ID: 413
Status: Active
Staff: Brittani Mack, 9072628205
Latitude: 55.389320
Longitude: -131.471999
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Materials include pine oil, potassium amylxanthate, sodium ethylxanthate, and ferrous sulfate. Some reagents spilled onto ground. No observed threats to groundwater. Extent of contamination, dates of release, and health impact unknown. Unclear from reports if the contamination is associated with the former Alaska Lead and Silver Mine or the former Londevan Mine. About 1/2 mile North of Beaver Falls Hatchery at the millsite. 10, 55 gallon drums (5 unidentified, 3 with caked solids, 1 with RPM and 1 with fuel oil/water), 1, 35 gallon drum with blue-yellow caked solids, and 4, 5 gallon drums with caked solids on site. Condition of drums varies from good to corroded and punctured. 55 gallons pine oil, 30 gallons potassium amylxanthate, 30 gallons sodium ethylxanthate, 30 gallons salt cake ferrous sulfate under cover of shed with one side exposed - containers rusting.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/25/1980 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = FI - Field Inspection (General)). Unknown substance sampled at site which was identified by analysis as ferrous sulfate. Jim Hayden
6/9/1988 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = FI - Field Inspection (General)). S. Haavig and B. Fagan performed drum inventory and secured some of the chemicals in overpack drums. Former Staff
8/26/1993 Site Added to Database Chemicals and processed metal ores left at millsite. Former Staff
1/15/1997 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = FI - Field Inspection (General)). B. Fagan inspected area and determined that some sort of cleanup was necessary. Former Staff
6/17/2002 Update or Other Action No RP/landowner determined as of this date. Former Staff
2/26/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Bill Janes
1/27/2010 Update or Other Action File transferred from Bill Janes to Grant Lidren Susan Carberry
8/24/2010 Update or Other Action ADEC conversation with George Inlet lodge, on this date, indicates that the old mine is located 50 feet up a steep bank from the ocean. The site contains debris and equipment from the old mine including: at least one barrel labeled “Hazmat” full of liquid, various vats, rocker table, ball mill, and various other mineral separation equipment. Note: the land is owned by USFS. Grant Lidren
9/9/2010 Update or Other Action Per a discussion with Jeannie Blackmore, the Natural Resource Specialist for the Ketchikan Misty Fiords Ranger District, the Abandoned Beaver Falls Mine is associated with the Londevan Mine. According to her file, BLM personnel evaluated physical and chemical hazards at the site on July 20, 1998. However, the files do not address the drums of liquid, which are located 1 mile away from the Londevan Mine toward Beaver Falls. An ADEC site visit is warranted. Grant Lidren
11/1/2010 Update or Other Action On this date, ADEC recieved a CD with Londevan Mine Information from Jeannie Blackmore, the Natural Resource Specialist for the Ketchikan Misty Fiords Ranger District Grant Lidren
11/9/2010 Update or Other Action This is an abandoned mine site so the file was transferred to Annemarie Palmieri. Linda Nuechterlein
2/14/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held This site was discussed during a meeting with the USFS on this date. The USFS Regional Office staff was unaware of the site. He will look into it and then we will discuss how to move forward. Anne Marie Palmieri
4/19/2023 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 71392 name: Drum Storage Site Kelly Ireland

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