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Site Report: Fort Wainwright (OU-6) Taku Gardens (102 Comm. Site) FTWW-102

Site Name: Fort Wainwright (OU-6) Taku Gardens (102 Comm. Site) FTWW-102
Address: North of Alder Rd., Fort Wainwright, AK 99703
File Number: 108.38.085
Hazard ID: 4140
Status: Active
Staff: Carly Jensen, 9072697558
Latitude: 64.824485
Longitude: -147.665143
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The Operable Unit 6 (OU6) Former Communications Sites (FCS) is currently referred to as the Tanana Trails Housing Development (formerly known as Taku Gardens). The OU6 FCS site is located on U.S. Army Garrison Alaska Fort Wainwright and located between Alder and Neely Roads south of the Bassett Army Hospital. The site was previously used for barracks, company headquarters, communications and radar systems, salvage/reclamation yard activities, debris disposal, firefighting training, and possible ammunition storage. The site was selected for military housing in 2002/2003 and construction began in 2005. During construction of the housing development, buried debris of munitions-related items and contaminated soil and groundwater were encountered. Site characterization and remediation occurred from 2005 to 2013. Several removal actions occurred with the soil, however soil contaminated with petroleum, oil and lubricants (POL) and residual concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), pesticides and explosive compounds remains in the subsurface between 5 and 15 feet (ft) below ground surface (bgs). 96 groundwater monitoring wells were installed to assess the groundwater contamination and five groundwater plumes were identified: one trichloroethene (TCE) plume, one 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP) plume, one main diesel range organics (DRO) plume and two smaller DRO plumes. A Record of Decision with remedial action goals was finalized and signed in 2014. The remedy for the soil is to restrict unauthorized excavation of the soil and have institutional controls (ICs) in place to restrict excavation of the soil that could pose a risk to human health and the environment. The groundwater remedy is for monitoring and data evaluation to assess the effectiveness of natural attenuation and the degradation process. A four year vapor intrusion study was conducted to assess any vapor intrusion risks into the housing units. The study concluded in 2018 with results indicating there were no contaminants of concern above DEC's indoor air target levels. Currently, select monitoring wells are sampled annually with contaminant trends evaluated in long-term monitoring reports. ICs in place are inspected annually.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
12/12/2001 Institutional Control Record Established This IC was established before this site had been identified. It was entered on 1/4/06 as part of routine database maintenance. 1. All organizations conducting activities on United States Army Alaska (USARAK) controlled land are responsible for complying with established institutional controls (ICs). ICs are administrative, procedural, and regulatory measures to control human access to and usage of property. They are applicable to all known or suspected contaminated sites where contamination has been left in place. 2. These controls have been established to implement the selected remedial actions agreed upon by the U.S. Army (Army), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended by the Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act (SARA). These controls also apply to remedial actions agreed upon under Two-Party Compliance Agreements. These agreements are concluded between USARAK and ADEC and apply to petroleum/oil/lubricants- (POL) contaminated sites. 3. ICs such as limitations on access, water use, excavations, and property transfers will supplement engineering controls as appropriate for short-term and long-term management to prevent or limit human and environmental exposure to hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. Specific ICs include, among other things: limitations on the depth and location of excavations, prohibition of or restrictions on well drilling and use of ground water, requirements for worker use of personal protective equipment, site monitoring, and prohibition of certain land uses, types of vehicles, etc. 4. Organizational units, tenants, and support/contractor organizations must obtain an Excavation Clearance Request (ECR) for all soil disturbing activities impacting soils six inches or more below the ground surface. The review process for approval of an ECR begins with the identification of the current status (known or suspected hazardous waste site or “clean” site) of a work location. ECR’s for work in known or suspected hazardous waste sites: a. will include specific limitations and controls on such work; b. will include specific IC procedures, and notification, monitoring, reporting, and stop work requirements; c. may include procedures for management, characterization, and disposal of any soil or groundwater encountered or removed; d. will identify “project managers” for both the unit/contractor requesting the work and DPW Environment Resources. 5. The DPW project manager will conduct on-site inspections of each work site (at which ICs apply) to determine continued compliance with the terms and conditions of the approved ECR. DPW has the authority to revoke ECR approval if the specified terms and conditions are not being met. ECR forms are available at the Customer Service Desks at: a. Building 730 at Fort Richardson; b. Building 3015 at Fort Wainwright; c. Building 605 at Fort Greely. 6. USARAK has negotiated (with USEPA and/or ADEC) decision documents and/or Records of Decision (RODs) that mandate the implementation of ICs USARAK Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Resources Department (PWE), maintains copies of all decision documents and RODs requiring ICs in its real property files. PWE provides regularly updated post maps showing all areas affected by ICs. These maps can easily be accessed by using an approved intranet mapping interface application. Copies of these maps will be available to each directorate, activity, and tenant organization. To ensure the effectiveness of ICs, all organizational units and tenant activities will be informed on an annual basis of ICs on contaminated soils and groundwater in effect near their facilities. 7. ICs are enforceable by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). Failure to comply with an IC mandated in a decision document or ROD will violate the USARAK Federal Facility Agreement and may result in stipulated fines and penalties. This does not include the costs of corrective actions required due to violation of an established IC. Sharon Richmond
8/8/2005 Update or Other Action received preliminary field report. PCB-contaminated soil was discovered during excavation for housing project. Sharon Richmond
8/9/2005 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Sharon Richmond
8/10/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff met with DPW to discuss sampling results and conduct a site visit. A work plan for additional site characterization and management of contaminated soil is expected within one week. Sharon Richmond
8/11/2005 Site Added to Database Kim DeRuyter
8/12/2005 Update or Other Action Received laboratory analysis reports with all sampling data to date. Sharon Richmond
9/6/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held The Army held a Town Hall meeting to inform the public about the status of this site. Site Characterization is ongoing. The area with highest impacts is larger than thought. The Army shut down construction until it's determined which areas are clean. The public was assured that the drinking water is clean and the Army offered free blood tests for PCBs to residents, workers, and Army personnel. Sharon Richmond
9/12/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC attended a teleconference with the Army, the Corps, and the EPA to discuss site status. Preliminary data was distributed; the Corps' chemist was in the process of reviewing the data. Surface soil samples from the northern portion of the site were all below 1 mg/kg. All parties agreed thatthis area could be opened so that structures and utilities could be winterized. Sharon Richmond
9/12/2005 Update or Other Action Received preliminary lab data. Wipe samples from playground equipment and houses outside of construction site did not detect PCBs. Soil at one house had low-level detection of PCBs but below cleanup level of 1 mg/kg. The Army was in the process of preparing a flyer to distribute to residents. Sharon Richmond
9/15/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites (CS) staff participated in multiple meetings with the US Army, the Corps, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Preliminary laboratory data indicate that polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were not detected on houses and playground equipment outside of the construction site. PCBs were detected in the driveway and front yard of the house closest to the construction site but concentrations were less than the cleanup level of 1 mg/kg. This information was hand-delivered to residents in the form of a pamphlet on Wednesday evening (9/14/05). Preliminary laboratory data also indicate that no surface samples collected in the northern portion of the construction site contained PCBs above the cleanup level and the EPA, the Army and ADEC agree that this area can be reopened so that existing structures and utilities can be winterized. The southern contaminated portion of the site has been fenced and measures will be taken to completely cover or containerize contaminated soil over the winter. No houses in this development are occupied nor will they be occupied this winter. At the request of the Army, the EPA and ADEC will send a letter to the Army indicating that surface soil in the northern area is clean and that winterization activities can proceed with restrictions on various activities and procedures. Sharon Richmond
9/15/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC attended a teleconference with the Army and EPA to discuss restrictions necessary to ensure worker safety when the northern portion of site will be reopened for winterization. Sharon Richmond
9/15/2005 Update or Other Action ADEC and EPA sent the Army a letter listing the conditions that must be met before construction workers re-enter the site for the purpose of winterizing existing housing units. The letter outlines increased security, training, and screening/sampling measures. Also, specifice areas have been designated as being open for surface and subsurface work, surface work only, or restricted access with hazardous waste-trained personnel accompanying workers. This letter was sent at the request of the Army and the Corps in response to OSHA concerns for worker safety. Sharon Richmond
9/28/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff participated in a teleconference with the Army and the Corps. After analyzing over 1,000 surface and subsurface samples for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), project managers agreed to allow surface and subsurface construction to resume in the northern 1/3 of the of the site and surface-only work in the central 1/3, thereby allowing winterization of nearly 100 family housing units. Another 10 units may be released later this week. The contaminated area will be fenced off and the 20 housing units in this area will not be completed. It is not known if existing structures will affect a release investigation planned for next summer. Approximately 150 cubic yards of PCB-contaminated soil was shipped to Idaho for disposal. Sharon Richmond
10/12/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff participated in a teleconference with the Army. Staff agreed with the Army and the EPA that 40 hour HAZWOPER training would be most protective for workers entering the area most highly contaminated with PCBs. The final decision regarding HAZWOPER training will be determined by State OSHA. In addition, the Army's construction contractors have completed a drainage swale in the northern portion of this housing project. Field screening with a photoionization detector (PID) indicated that petroleum or other volatile organic contamination could be present in soil used to construct the swale. The area will be completely covered with visqueen and overlain with gravel until next spring when a site characterization and possible removal action will be carried out. Sharon Richmond
8/17/2006 Preliminary Assessment Approved Over the spring and summer of 2006, a 2005 Work Plan Addendum and a Field Sampling Plan with six addenda were approved. A Preliminary Source Evaluation is ongoing. Sharon Richmond
8/17/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff participates in weekly meetings to discuss the ongoing site investigation, changes to dynamic work plan, and to address construction concerns. Meeting attendees include Army environmental staff, the Corps of Engineers, the Army consultants, and construction interests. Based upon information collected during the investigation, excavation has been limited to areas that have already been disturbed and backfilled with clean fill. Excavation is specifically prohibited in areas that have not been previously disturbed, for construction and investigative purposes. Monitoring well installation was permitted only in areas that have been determined to be free of metallic debris. Soil and groundwater data are pending. Sharon Richmond
8/17/2006 Update or Other Action While investigating areas with substantial buried metal debris, a number of munitions-related items were discovered. All items showed evidence of demilitarization (i.e., none of the items were complete) but still contained some potentially explosive material. All items were taken to the Fort Wainwright Small Arms Firing Range and have been destroyed. Excavation at Taku Gardens is strictly prohibited in all previously undisturbed areas. An extensive site-wide geophysical survey and removal action will be necessary before this site is ready for residential occupation. Sharon Richmond
9/18/2006 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Site transferred by PERP staff Toivo Luick. Spill no. 05309914702; spill date = 5/27/05; PERP file no. 108.02.010; substance = diesel range organics; volume unknown. Historic contamination was discovered in a sewer trench 160 feet west of Manhole 19. Contaminated soil was removed and thermally remediated. Significant petroleum contamination remains at the water table and in groundwater (clarification added by Sharon Richmond (10/31/08). Mitzi Read
9/18/2006 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Site transferred by PERP staff Toivo Luick. Spill no. 05309914703; spill date = 5/27/05; PERP file no. 108.02.010; substance = diesel range organics; volume unknown. Historic contamination was discovered in a sewer trench 260 feet west of Manhole 15. Contaminated soil was removed and thermally remediated. Mitzi Read
11/28/2006 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Site transferred by PERP staff Amanda Stark. Spill no. 06309911001; spill date = 04/20//06; PERP file no. 108.02.002; substance = diesel range organics; volume = between 50 to 100 gallons. Small fuel spills by Watterson Construction resulting from poor fueling practices at several housing locations at Taku Gardens. The site has a "no-dig" ban restriction. This ban hindered field screening, thus adequate characterization has not been completed. These small spills will be addressed in the future remediation efforts for this housing location. Mitzi Read
11/30/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff attended the Nov 2006 Federal Facilities meeting in Fairbanks. The Draft Preliminary Source Evaluation I (PSEI; a historical document) was released for review and comment. Draft results of the PSEII were presented. Sharon Richmond
1/8/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS staff and supervisor conducted a site visit. Sharon Richmond
1/29/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff continues to participate in regular meetings with the Army, the Corps, and EPA to discuss environmental and construction concerns at this site. When construction is complete, meetings will focus on development and excution of a work plan for the summer 2007 site investigation. Sharon Richmond
2/20/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS staff attended the last regularly scheduled weekly meeting with the Army and the Corps of Engineers to address construction concerns. The construction crews have finished their work and have left the site. The entire construction site is fenced, gated, and locked. Access is restricted and is coordinated though the Directorate of Public Works. Future meetings will focus on continued site investigation and remediation. Sharon Richmond
2/20/2007 Update or Other Action Comments for the Preliminary Source Evaluation I (PSE I) have been submitted by the State and EPA. The final version of this document, which includes a site description, site history and limited data analysis, is scheduled for release 1 March 2007. An electronic version of the Draft Preliminary Source Evaluation II (PSE II) was distributed 15 February 2007 and the document is currently under review. Hard copies will be distrubuted at the quarterly Federal Facilities Meeting to be held in Anchorage 27 Feb through 1 March, 2007. All interested parties will go over the PSE II and begin planning for a site investigation and possible remedial actions for Spring/Summer 2007. Sharon Richmond
2/20/2007 Update or Other Action The US Army Alaska issued Vol 14, No. 1 of the Environmental Restoration Newsletter for Fort Wainwright. An update will be posted on DEC's Site Summary WebPage Sharon Richmond
2/26/2007 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Site transferred by PERP staff Amanda Stark. Spill No. 06309931201; Spill Date = 11/8/06; PERP File No. 108.02.011; Substance = Glycol; Quantity = 850 Gallons; Location = Building 22; Latitude 64 40' 27.74"; Longitude -147 39' 43.89". Hydronic heating system malfunction resulted in the release of 850 gallons of glycol. Approximately 320 gallons were recovered from inside the housing unit and placed in bulk storage containers. Several cubic yards of snow mixed with glycol and gravel were shoveled into 12 open top 55-gallon drums. However, the drums were not certified clean and a waste determination is underway. Current status: ~530 gallons of glycol in the ground at Building 22 and DEC is awaiting sample/waste characterization report to determine disposal. PERP issued an NOV for late reporting. Mitzi Read
3/5/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS Staff attended the quarterly Federal Facilities Agreement meeting Feb 27 through March 1, 2007. March 1 was spent entirely on Taku Gardens. Topics of discussion included a review of the Preliminary Source Evaluation II (PSEII), a general path forward, and preliminary development of a timeline for actions. It is expected that a remedial investigation with removal actions will begin summer 2007. Additional geophysical work is planned for late March/early April 2007. Sharon Richmond
3/26/2007 Preliminary Assessment Approved CS staff provided comments to the Preliminary Source Evaluations 1 (historical review) and PSE2 (results of 2006 field work). Both documents contain a great deal of information that will help guide future investigation. Sharon Richmond
3/27/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC, the Army, EPA, and the Corps of Engineers will hold teleconference meetings at a minimum of every two weeks during planning, development and implementation of the Remedial investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS). Sharon Richmond
4/2/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS staff conducted a site visit to observe the geophysical survey performed by the US Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratories (CRREL). Survey methods include electromagnetic induction (EM61) and ground-penetrating radar. It is anticipated that all areas of concern will be surveyed before the summer field work begins. The purpose of the survey is to locate and delineate buried debris, including drums and scrap metal that could contain munitions-related items. Sharon Richmond
8/20/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC and EPA have met with the Army several times over the past few months preparing for a Remedial Investigation (RI)/Feasibility Study. The Army's contractors have submitted a comprehensive RI Management Plan that describes all work to be perfromed during the RI. Work will include installation and sampling of groundwater monitoring wells; subslab vapor sampling at every housing unit; installation and sampling of soil borings; removal of PCB-contaminated soil in the Exclusion Zone; a drum and debris removal in the former slough channel; trenching to examine debris in the newly discovered disposal areas in the southeast portion of the site and the northern disposal area; trenching in the munitions disposal area to allow safe installation of groundwater monitoring wells; sampling soil in the Sound Berm; and sampling and disposal of all stockpiled soil. Data collected this summer and next will be used in a baseline risk assessment. Plans for this work have been submitted and comments were provided as quickly as possible so that work could start this summer. Weekly meetings will be held while field work is ongoing. Sharon Richmond
9/4/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Weekly meetings have resumed. Almost all components of the Remedial Investigation Management have been approved. Work has begun. Existing soil piles are being sampled and will either be disposed of at the Fort Wainwright Landfill or transported to an appropriate treatment facility. The large sound berm has been sampled to determine if it was built with contaminated oil. Sub-slab soil vapor samples have been collected at every building; installation of soil vapor probes in open areas is in progress. Removal of PCB contaminated soil and the drum/debris removal will begin this week. Installationo f monitoring wells is in progress. Sharon Richmond
9/11/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Weekly meeting attended by DEC, Army, EPA, Corps, and contractors. Excavation of drum and debris disposal areas has begun. Most drums thus far have been empty; some contained asphalt-like material. The soil pile with heavy metal contamination has been loaded into shipping containers for transport to a hazardous waste facility. One inert munitions related item discovered among various scrap and crushed drums. Contractors prepping for PCB removal. Soil vapor sampling ongoing. DEC and EPA contractor visited site with the Army to view excavations. Sharon Richmond
10/8/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Weekly meetings continue. Drum and debris removal is ongoing. One leaking drum of petroleum distillate was uncovered and contamianted soil removed. Multi-incremental sampling data for the soil piles left on-site during construction is arriving. Approximately 10,500 cubic yards of soil from the PCB exclusion zone will be disposed of at the Fort Wainwright Landfill. PCB-contaminated soil from the original B52 location will be excavated until concentrations are below the 1 mg/kg cleanup level. Soil with PCB >10 mg/kg will be shipped to RCRA waste facility; remaining soil will be disposed of at the landfill. The Army's contractors continue to install groundwater monitoring wells, soil vapor probes, more sub-slab soil vapor probes, test pits and soil borings. They will also investigate the metal anomaly in the NE of the site. Sharon Richmond
11/19/2007 Update or Other Action An Action Memoranudum was accepted by ADEC with the caveat that 18 AAC 75 is also an ARAR. The AM also states that the housing will not be occupied until all investigation and cleanup required under CERCLA to protect human health and the environment is complete and regulator coordination has been undertaken. Debra Caillouet
11/20/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Taku meeting held. Both contractors have left the site. Field work complete for this season. Interim Draft Final Remedial Managment Plan and draft data reports pending. Next meeting Dec 18, 2007. Sharon Richmond
3/6/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Sharon Richmond
6/12/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS staff attended a meeting and site visit with the Army, EPA, USACE, and Army Environmental Center. Topics of discussion included DEC's letter of concern regarding the proposed depth of excavation for material in the "moderate to high" probability of encountering munitions or explosives of concern. A revision to the MEC work plan is expected. A meeting is planned to address data quality concerns for the near future. Sharon Richmond
10/31/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated sites staff attended the final 2008 weekly field season teleconference. ** All excavations to date are presumed completed pending review and approval of analytical and geophysical data.** Any potential remaining contamination will be removed or included in the baseline risk assessment. Actions completed in 2007/2008: Building 15/17/19 munitions and scrap disposal area excavation, including movement and replacement of a live power pole to remove uncharacterized metal debris; installation of additional groundwater monitoring wells and the 2007/2008 spring and fall groundwater samplings; excavation of the Subarea A debris and munitions-scrap disposal area; excavation of the drum/debris disposal area north of the GVEA substation (Subarea D); excavation of the drum and debris disposal areas near Buildings 48 and 49; characterization of all soil piles remaining on site from construction and/or investigation; subsurface soil samples were collected across the site; transport of all known contaminated excavated soil to an appropriate treatment or disposal facility; sorting all metalic debris for potential hazards and transfer of all recyclable debris to a recycling facility; disposal of all potential munitions hazards at the Fort Wainwright Firing Range; excavation and disposal of all PCB contaminted soil; removal of the PCB exclusion zone fence; a hydrologic study around the drinking water well capture zone; a pilot test for sub-slab and indoor air. In 2008, sub-slab vapor samples were often not usable because very high concetrations of Freon (presumably from construciton materials) interfered wtih quantification of potential contaminants of concern; a modified TO-15 withsolvent delay has been developed and will be tesetd to see if this overcomes the dilution problems required with high Freon concetrations. The Remedial Investigation and Baseline Risk Assessment are expected to be released in April 2009. The Taku (OU6) FFA meeting will be held in January 2009. Sharon Richmond
11/13/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held staff met with Tetratech to discuss current site status. Tetratech is conducting a Phase I assessment for their client, who may assume operation of this and/or other housing developments on post. Several electronic files were transferred per Tetratech's request. Sharon Richmond
4/15/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Army, EPA, DEC, Corps and contractors to discuss results of RI/RA and work planned for 2009 Sharon Richmond
5/21/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comments were sent to the Army on four Tech Memos for additional site characterization. Debra Caillouet
6/8/2009 Update or Other Action The comment response for the 4 Tech Memos for additional site characterization was accepted in part. Additional information was requested. Debra Caillouet
6/17/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Four letter work plans were approved. EM61 Hotspot Excavation,Sound Berm Additional Sampling Locations, Light Post Locate and Clearance and PCB Area Foundation Demolition. Debra Caillouet
8/25/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comments were submitted to the Army on the draft Remedial Investigation. Debra Caillouet
9/29/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Members of the CS staff met with the Army, EPA and their contractors to review comments on the draft Remedial Investigation. Debra Caillouet
10/16/2009 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Staff reviewed the Technical Memorandum, October 15, 2009, Taku Building 49 Drum and Debris Removal. It describes the supporting of the garage and foundation at Taku Gardens Building 49 followed by excavation under the garage to remove debris and potentially contaminated soil. ADEC has no objection to the implementation of this work plan. The results of this investigation and debris removal will be included in the Interim Draft Remedial Investigation Report due early next year. Debra Caillouet
10/21/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Memorandum, Taku Gardens, 1,2,3-TCP Contamination Plume, October 13, 2009 was reviewed. It formalizes the work plan that was presented during the comment resolution meeting for the Remedial Investigation on September 30, 2009. ADEC has no objection to the execution of the work. Groundwater monitoring wells and Gore(TM) Modules will be installed to attempt to identify the source of the 1,2,3-Trichloropropane previously detected in several monitoring wells at Taku Gardens. The results will be reported in the Interim Draft Remedial Investigation Report. Debra Caillouet
1/25/2010 Update or Other Action A letter was sent. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are concerned that proper sampling and analysis to characterize the vapor intrusion exposure pathway at OU6 is not being conducted, which will hinder successful completion of the Remedial Investigation. The FFA in Paragraph 11.2 states “The Army’s Project Manager shall notify the U.S. EPA and ADEC Project Managers not less than fourteen business days in advance of any scheduled well drilling, sample collection, or other monitoring activity, conducted pursuant to this Agreement. The Project Mangers will be notified prior to any unscheduled sampling event.” The current sampling effort is being conducted in violation of this provision. Without adequate coordination, input and approvals, successful completion of the Remedial Investigation is unlikely. To better understand the Army’s anticipated schedule and to improve coordination on the project, DEC requests that the Army: 1. Provide minutes of each FFA meeting, including all action items, within two weeks after each meeting and request comments on or approval of the minutes. 2. Submit a draft a timetable for activities required by the OU-6 amendment to the FFA by February 12 for review and comment; after agreement of the Project Managers incorporate the timetable into Table 3 of the FFA. 3. Cease the current vapor sampling and submit a work plan to DEC and EPA for review. DEC and EPA are committed to working with the Army to ensure OU6 is adequately characterized and any necessary remedial actions are taken so the site can be returned to beneficial use. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact either of us. Debra Caillouet
3/23/2010 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Work Plan Addendum, Taku Gardens DDT Hot Spot Investigation and Delineation, March 22, 2010 ADEC has no objection to the implementation of the proposed work to characterize the extent and remove DDT contamination found in excavation confirmation sample 09FW-A-EXBLD15-20 from the summer of 2009 at the Building 15/17 excavation. Debra Caillouet
6/17/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Memorandum, June 2010 Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan Addendum, Former Communications Site (Taku Gardens) May 2010 1. Please add sampling the sub-slab and indoor air for VOC’s at Building 13 as this location is noted in the draft RI as having been built over soil with high PID readings. 2. In Section 2 the sampling procedures should be more clearly defined as we discussed in our teleconference today and a procedure for the indoor air sampling provided. Debra Caillouet
6/25/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comments were sent to the Army on the draft Final Remedial Investigation Report Debra Caillouet
7/8/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft Taku Gardens Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan Addendum, July 6, 2010 1. Please identify the groundwater sampling method that will be used. Previous sampling was completed using low-flow methodology and DEC suggests it would be appropriate to continue this. 2. The 2010 Post Wide Work Plan when finalized will need to be included in the Administrative Record for OU6. As long as low flow groundwater sampling is used, DEC has no objection to implementation of this work plan. Debra Caillouet
7/27/2010 Site Visit A site visit was conducted by ADEC members Brent Porter and Janice Weigers to observe field sampling techniques related to indoor air, outdoor air and sub slab sampling. CH2MHill samplers included Rich Horn and Brandon Jones-Stanley. Additonally a US Corps of Engineer rep was on site. ADEC staff observed sampling of inddor air VOCs and radon and sub slab VOS and radon at units 34L, 42L and 47L. Observations were also made of the outdoor air summa canisters located along the perimeter fence line adjacent to the Glycol heat transfer building. Brenton Porter
9/14/2010 Update or Other Action Rebuttal to the comment response on the draft Final RI was sent to the Army. Debra Caillouet
12/7/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The draft Final Remedial Investigation report was recieved. Debra Caillouet
12/20/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held A teleconference was held to discuss the implication in the draft Final RI that institutional control policies were in effect. The Army agreed to remove these statements from the RI. Debra Caillouet
12/21/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comment was sent on Technical Memorandum, Draft Taku Buiding 15/17 DDT Hotspot Investigation After-Action Report, 8 December 2010 Debra Caillouet
1/19/2011 Update or Other Action Comment was sent to the Army on the Draft Feasibility Study Former Communications Site, Fort Wainwright December 2010 The FS completely missed including soil that is contaminated above the migration to groundwater cleanup levels. This is a major omission and will require a significant rewrite of the document. Debra Caillouet
1/19/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other comment sent on Draft Feasibility Study Former Communications Site, Fort Wainwright December 2010 Debra Caillouet
1/25/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final Revision 1, 2007/2008/2009 Former Communications Site, Drum and Debris and PCB Investigation Report, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, January 2011 Debra Caillouet
1/25/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final Revision 1, 2007/2008/2009 Former Communications Site, Drum and Debris and PCB Investigation Report, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, January 2011 The report appears to acceptably document the results of multiple removals at the Former Communications Site, also known as Taku Gardens. Debra Caillouet
1/28/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Memorandum, Draft Taku Building 15/17 DDT Hotspot Investigation After-Action Report, 21 January 2011 Debra Caillouet
1/28/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Memorandum, Draft Taku Building 15/17 DDT Hotspot Investigation After-Action Report, 21 January 2011 Debra Caillouet
6/15/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other FTW 363 Family Housing Replacement Construction, Fort Wainwright Work Plan, Stockpile Design and Operation Plan and Sampling and Analysis Plan, May 30, 2011 Debra Caillouet
6/15/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Former Communications Site Hot Spot Removal Action, Draft Work Plan Addendum, June 15, 2011 Debra Caillouet
8/15/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Memorandum, Final Taku DDT Hotspot Investigation After-Action Report, 10 August 2011 Debra Caillouet
8/16/2011 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Spill transferred by PERP staff Paul Lhotka. Spill no. 11309922501; spill date = 8/13/11; substance = polyproplylene glycol; quantity = unknown; PERP file no. 108.02.002; description: FWA 11-054. Preliminary report. During routine excavation operations to replace polyproplylene glycol valves on the Taku heating system, a substance that smelled like polyproplylene glycol was discovered at the bottom of the excavation at Building 49. The preliminary investigation suggests a failed valve seal at this location. Mitzi Read
8/24/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Work Plan Addendum Former Communications Site Hotspots Removal Action Final, Fort Wainwright, August 18, 2011 Debra Caillouet
9/6/2011 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved 330 yds excavated from Bldg 42 Debra Caillouet
9/9/2011 Update or Other Action notified of a new release discovery. Responded early this afternoon to a report that suspected contamination was encountered while excavating the new E/W swale just south of building 8. Jacobs Engineering (JE) personnel, Corps con-reps and contractor reps were also on site. Work in the immediate area was halted and the site was cordoned off to prevent entry. JE obtained samples for lab analysis and will expect 24 hr turn around (hopefully we'll get results back as soon as Monday). Due to the odor and the relatively low PID readings (20-100ppm range), we suspect solvents; however, full "Taku" suite of testing will be accomplished. Work will continue in other segments of the swale unless additional suspected contaminated areas are encountered. More to follow upon receipt of test results. Debra Caillouet
9/15/2011 CERCLA FS Final Feasibility Study, Former Communications Site, Fort Wainwright Alaska, July 2011 revision. Based upon the changes ADEC is accepting this Final July 2011 Feasibility Study, that was received on July 29, 2011, for our files. Debra Caillouet
9/16/2011 Update or Other Action Notified of a historical diesel release south of Building 8 Debra Caillouet
9/20/2011 Update or Other Action Diesel south of Building 8 showed DRO up to 5800 mg/kg, 800 yards have been removed. This area will be a drainage swale and the Army wants to line it to prevent further migration. DEC has requested additional information before concurring. Debra Caillouet
9/28/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comment was sent to ATSDR on Public Health Consultation, Vapor Intrusion Assessment: Taku Gardens Fort Wainwright Alaska, September 21, 2011 Debra Caillouet
10/28/2011 Update or Other Action Administrative Record, Operable Unit 6, Former Communications Site, Fort Wainwright Alaska The Federal Facilities Agreement in paragraph 17.3 states that, “A copy of each document included in the administrative record developed by the Army shall be supplied to ADEC, and shall expeditiously be provided to U. S. EPA upon written request. The Army shall provide to U.S. EPA and ADEC an Index of documents in the administrative record on a quarterly basis, if changes have occurred.” ADEC is requesting that the Index of documents for OU6 be provided prior to the submission of the revised draft Proposed Plan so that ADEC can determine if all of the documents comprising the Administrative record have been received. ADEC has no record of receiving the Index of documents for OU6. Debra Caillouet
12/2/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comment sent on Draft 2010 GW report Debra Caillouet
2/27/2012 Update or Other Action Revised Schedule for Primary and Secondary Documents for OU6. Proposed Plan June 23, 2012 ROD January 11, 2013 Debra Caillouet
2/29/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comment sent on the 2010 Field Activities, After Action Report, draft 27 February 2012 Debra Caillouet
3/28/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Former Communications Site, 2010 Field Activities Report, Fort Wainwright, Final March 2012 Debra Caillouet
4/12/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Staff rejected multiple groundwater results due to poor sampling procedures in the 2011 Taku Groundwater Monitoring draft report. Debra Caillouet
4/12/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Significant comment was sent to the Army on the Taku 2011 Construction Support After-Action Report Fort Wainwright, Alaska Draft April 2012 Debra Caillouet
5/29/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2012 FCS Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan Addendum Final, 24 May 2012, Fort Wainwright The work plan is for installation and sampling of wells associated with the trichloropropane plume and drinking water well at Fort Wainwright. Debra Caillouet
6/4/2012 Site Visit The project manager and Quality Assurance Officer were on-site to observe groundwater sampling on June 4 and 5. Debra Caillouet
7/17/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Former Communications Site, 2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Fort Wainwright (FINAL) July 2012 Debra Caillouet
7/23/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Former Communications Site 2011 Construction Support, After-Action Report, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Final July 2012 approved. Debra Caillouet
7/23/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft Former Communications Site Groundwater Summary, Fort Wainwright, Alaska July 2012. Data transcription errors were noted. Debra Caillouet
9/4/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Revised Draft Former Communications Site Groundwater Summary, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, August 2012 Debra Caillouet
10/30/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2012 Former Communications Site Action Memorandum, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Draft October 2012 Debra Caillouet
1/2/2013 CERCLA Proposed Plan Final Proposed Plan received Debra Caillouet
1/2/2013 Update or Other Action Electronic version of the OU 6 Administrative Record received. Debra Caillouet
1/4/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The 2012 FORMER COMMUNICATIONS SITE ACTION MEMORANDUM, FORT WAINWRIGHT, ALASKA FINAL was signed by the DEC Section Manager. The Action Memorandum describes the removal actions that occured after the RI/FS was completed and before the Proposed Plan was issued. Debra Caillouet
3/18/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The ATSDR Health Consulation for Vapor Intrusion Assessment dated March 7, 2013 was received. Debra Caillouet
4/12/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Former Communication Site, 2012 Groundwater Monitoring Data Report, Fort Wainwright Alaska April 2013 The report does state that these results will be compared with previous and future sampling events to identify changes over time. Please provide the plan or the schedule for producing the plan, to provide the first of these reports that includes trend analysis. Debra Caillouet
4/23/2013 Update or Other Action The draft Record of Decision was reviewed and comment sent to the Army. Debra Caillouet
4/29/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Former Communication Site, 2012 Groundwater Monitoring Data Report, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Final, April 2013 The report states that these results will be compared with previous and future sampling events to identify changes over time. Please provide the plan or the schedule for producing the plan, to provide the first of these reports that includes trend analysis. Debra Caillouet
11/21/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comment was sent to the Army on the Draft Taku Gardens/ FCS Sub-Slab Soil Gas Monitoring Recommendation and Work Plans. Debra Caillouet
1/29/2014 CERCLA ROD Approved The Record of Decision for Operable Unit 6 was approved. Debra Caillouet
2/20/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Former Communications Site Sub-Slab Soil Gas Port Repair (Draft), February 2014 Debra Caillouet
10/15/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78248 name: POL Area (Area B) Debra Caillouet
10/15/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78251 VOC Area (Area C). Debra Caillouet
12/12/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Operable Unit 6 Former Communications Site, Vapor Intrusion Study, Summer Sampling Event, (Year 1, Second Quarter) After-Action Report, Draft, Fort Wainwright Alaska, December 2014, was approved as written. No exceedances were identified. Debra Caillouet
1/14/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comment was sent to the Army on the red-line draft Remedial Design/Remedial Action Plan. Debra Caillouet
6/30/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Remedial Design / Remedial Action Work Plan for OU6, Former Communications Site, Fort Wainwright, AK, April 2015. Debra Caillouet
8/20/2015 Update or Other Action Re-named Site in Database to add (OU-6) designation. Site is part of a CERCLA Federal Facilities Agreement as one "Operable Unit" #6 Fred Vreeman
8/20/2015 Site Visit Site visit with US Army, EPA, DEC. to inspect site and review controls in place. Army RPM provided briefing. Housing areas are occupied and Army reported most residents are confident with cleanup and controls in place. Fred Vreeman
9/2/2015 Update or Other Action Transferred to Fairbanks Susan Carberry
11/20/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided review comments for the Draft OU6 Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan. Dennis Shepard
12/14/2015 Meeting or Teleconference Held A RPM meeting was held in Anchorage, AK to discuss multiple site issues at Fort Wainwright. OU-6 Groundwater monitoring, reporting and schedule was discussed. EPA made comments concerning the sample results and remedy discussions that would be presented in the 5 year review. Dennis Shepard
4/25/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2016 OU-6 groundwater monitoring work plan. Dennis Shepard
4/25/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the OU-6 Former Communications Site, Groundwater Monitoring Workplan, Fort Wainwright, dated April 2016. Dennis Shepard
6/28/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided review and comment of the Draft OU-6 Former Communications Site Vapor Intrusion After Action Report, dated June 2016. Chloroform exceeded the default DEC sub-slab target level, but was below the sub-slab target level when the site-specific attenuation factor was applied. Dennis Shepard
12/13/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held A two day Federal Facilities Agreement (FFA) and Stakeholders meeting was held on December 13 & 14, 2016. The main focus of the meeting was to develop a site discovery and site intake process that would satisfy requirements of the Fort Wainwright FFA, RCRA Permit, and two party agreements. The Army, EPA and DEC committed to a flowchart of the preliminary source evaluation process. Timelines were established for scoping a land use control implementation plan (LUCIP) and developing a contracting schedule for Fort Wainwright contaminated site investigations and remedial actions. Seven sites were proposed for inclusion into the FFA (three party agreement) by the Army and the RPMs documented the assignment of the regulatory path for these sites using a newly developed and agreed to signature form. Dennis Shepard
1/1/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2015 Annual Institutional Controls Report, Fort Wainwright, Alaska (August 2016). Dennis Shepard
1/11/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Operable Unit 6, Former Communications Site, Vapor Intrusion After-Action Report, Year Two-First Quarter, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. No volatile contaminants were detected above the project indoor air target levels. Dennis Shepard
1/11/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Operable Unit 6 Former Communications Site, Vapor Intrusion Study Annual Report (Year One), Fort Wainwright, Alaska, dated January, 2016. No volatile contaminants were detected above the project indoor air target levels during the first year of quarterly monitoring. Dennis Shepard
1/12/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2016 Former Communications Site, Groundwater Monitoring Report, Fort Wainwright, October 2016. Dennis Shepard
12/29/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2016 OU-6 Annual Institutional Controls Report for Operable Unit 6 (OU-6), the Former Communications Site. The Record of Decision includes selected Institutional Controls (ICs) as part of the final objectives for the final remedy for cleanup efforts at this site. Inspection forms were completed for the following features; residential homes, building structures, mechanical buildings, playgrounds, open play/play areas, a summer lawn, a pavilion area and 33 monitoring wells. Additionally the area was inspected for potential land use changes that may be harmful to human health and the environment. Based on the findings from the 2016 IC inspection, the ICs are being implemented and are effective. It is recommended that IC inspections at OU-6 be conducted in 2017 using information gathered during the 2015 and 2016 inspections. Erica Blake
1/29/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Operable Unit 6 (OU6) Groundwater Monitoring Report. The report describes biannual groundwater monitoring and well decommissioning activities that took place in 2016 at OU6 Former Communications Site (FCS) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Dennis Shepard
1/30/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Operable Unit 6 (OU6) Former Communications Site, Vapor Intrusion Study Annual Report (Year Two), Fort Wainwright, Alaska, dated January 2018. This Year Two Vapor Intrusion Study Annual Report described four sub-slab sampling events conducted from February 2016 through November 2016 at the OU6 Former Communications Site (FCS). Samples were collected and analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Method TO-15 during the Year Two sampling events. Results were compared to sub-slab target levels from the DEC Vapor Intrusion Guidance for Contaminated Sites (2017) and site-specific target levels from the Operable Unit 6 Former Communications Site Vapor Intrusion Study (2016). None of the sample results exceeded the site-specific target levels. These results support previous findings that soil gas does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health at the FCS. Erica Blake
4/23/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Operable Unit 6 Former Communications Site Vapor Intrusion Study Year Four Work Plan Addendum. Dennis Shepard
8/6/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Operable Unit 6 Former Communications Site Vapor Intrusion Study Annual Report (Year 3), Fort Wainwright, Alaska, dated July 2018. The document describes results from Year 3 sub-slab soil gas sampling conducted April 2017 through May 2017 at the Operable Unit 6 (OU6) Former Communications Site (FCS) at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. The FCS is formerly known as Taku Gardens. Of the 110 primary and 11 duplicate samples collected during the Year 3 sampling event, none of the sample results exceeded the site-specific target levels. The potential for intrusion of harmful concentrations of contaminants into indoor air is low, and results are consistent with previous results that soil gas does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health at this site. Erica Blake
8/24/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Operable Unit 6 (OU6) Former Communications Site 2017, Activities and Groundwater Monitoring Annual Report, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, dated August 2018. The document describes well decommissioning and biannual groundwater monitoring activities that took place in 2017 at the OU6 Former Communications Site (FCS) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). Six monitoring wells were decommissioned and 25 monitoring wells were sampled during the 2017 spring and fall groundwater sampling events. Diesel range organics (DRO), residual range organics (RRO), 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP) and trichloroethene (TCE) remain contaminants-of-concern (COCs) at OU6. Continued monitoring is recommended until monitored natural attenuation (MNA) depletes the residual contamination in the plumes. Erica Blake
8/1/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final 2019 CERCLA Sites Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6 (Dated July 2019). DEC provided a conditional approval on April 15, 2019 so the contractor could begin the 2019 groundwater sampling in advance of finalizing this work plan addendum. Review comments for the draft version of the document was provided on April 26, 2019. The document was prepared to help guide the site activities, data review, and reporting tasks for work conducted at Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA) during the 2019 field season. The U.S. Army Garrison (USAG) Alaska CERCLA sites associated with this Work Plan include Operable Units (OUs) 1 through 6. Erica Blake
5/6/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final 2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report Operable Unit 6 (OU6) Fort Wainwright, Alaska (dated April 2020). This report documents the 2019 groundwater monitoring activities at Operable Unit 6 (OU6) the Former Communication site (formerly known as the Taku Gardens) on Fort Wainwright. Groundwater samples were collected from 25 wells during May 2019, and two wells were resampled in August 2019. Groundwater results from 2007 to 2019 were used to conduct a statistical evaluation of contaminant trends and plume stability. The contaminant plumes are adequately delineated and not expanding. An institutional controls (IC)inspection was conducted in the fall of 2019. There were 4 deficiencies, intentional excavations (likely by dogs) in the backyards of some residences. The four deficiencies were corrected. Groundwater monitoring at OU6 is planned to continue. Erica Blake
7/28/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final 2020 CERCLA Site Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6 Fort Wainwright, Alaska (dated July 2020). The document was prepared to guide site activities, data review, and reporting tasks for work conducted at Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). CERCLA sites covered by this work plan include Operable Units (OUs) 1 through 6. All six OUs will also be included in the annual institutional controls (IC) inspection. Erica Blake
2/11/2021 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved 280 gallons of purge water generated from six sites (Bldg 3570, OU1, OU2 (DRMO1 and DRMO4), OU4 Landfill, OU5 EQFS, and OU6) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska to be transported from the Fort Wainwright hazardous waste facility (Building 3489) to U.S. Ecology in Grand View, Idaho. The purge water was generated from groundwater sampling activities on Fort Wainwright during the 2020 field season. Erica Blake
4/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the "Draft 2020 Monitoring Report Former Communications Site, Operable Unit 6, Fort Wainwright, Alaska" (dated March 2021) on March 8, 2021 and have provided the Army with review comments. The draft report describes groundwater monitoring activities that occurred during the 2020 field season at Operable Unit 6. Erica Blake
5/25/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the responses to comments for the "Draft 2020 Monitoring Report Former Communications Site, Operable Unit 6, Fort Wainwright, Alaska" (dated March 2021) on May 25, 2021 from the U.S. Army. The responses to comments were reviewed and accepted pending a comment backcheck of the final document. Erica Blake
6/3/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided approval for the "Final 2020 Monitoring Report Former Communications Site, Operable Unit 6, Fort Wainwright, Alaska" (dated May 2021) to the U.S. Army. The document presents results of the 2020 groundwater monitoring conducted at the Operable Unit 6 (OU6) Former Communications Site (FCS) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). The OU6 FCS groundwater monitoring program focuses on five areas of contamination, three adjacent diesel range organics (DRO) plumes, one 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP) plume, and one trichloroethene (TCE) plume. Groundwater sampling and an institutional control inspection was conducted. Erica Blake
6/15/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided review comments for the "Draft 2021 CERCLA Sites Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6, Fort Wainwright, Alaska" (dated May 2021) to the U.S. Army. The document describes proposed site activities to collect data and evaluate progress towards achieving remedial action objectives (RAOs) at the six Operable Unit (OU) sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). In addition to sampling activities, institutional control (IC) inspections will be conducted. Erica Blake
6/21/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided responses to comments for the "Draft 2021 CERCLA Sites Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6, Fort Wainwright, Alaska" dated May 2021 to the U.S. Army. Review comments were provided on June 15, 2021, and responses were received and reviewed June 21, 2021. A final version of the work plan has been requested, upon receipt of the final ADEC will be able to provide approval. The document is a work plan with proposed site activities to collect data and evaluate progress towards achieving remedial action objectives (RAOs) at six Operable Unit (OU) sites (OU1 through OU6) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Erica Blake
7/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided review comments for the "Draft-Final Fifth Five-Year Review Report, Fort Wainwright Fairbanks, Alaska" to the U.S. Army. The document is the fifth Five-Year Review for Fort Wainwright. The remedies at six Operable Units were evaluated. Erica Blake
7/30/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided approval for the "Final 2021 CERCLA Sites Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6, U.S. Army Garrison Alaska" (dated July 2021) to the U.S. Army. The document describes site activities to collect data and evaluate progress towards achieving remedial action objectives (RAOs) at six Operable Unit sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). Erica Blake
8/26/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided responses to comments for the "Draft-Final Fifth Five-Year Review Report, Fort Wainwright Fairbanks, Alaska" to the U.S. Army. The Fifth Five-Year Review document evaluated the protectiveness at six Operable Unit sites. Erica Blake
10/6/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided an acknowledgement of receipt letter for the "Final Fifth Five-Year Review Report, Fort Wainwright Fairbanks, Alaska" (undated) to the U.S. Army. The FYR report describes and evaluates the implementation of performance remedies in place at six Operable Units (OUs) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (OUs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). ADEC does not concur with the protectiveness determinations in the final FYR report. Erica Blake
3/18/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided review comments for the "Draft 2022 CERCLA Sites Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6" Fort Wainwright, Alaska, U.S. Army Garrison Alaska (dated February 2022) to the U.S. Army. The document describes proposed site activities to collect data and evaluate progress towards achieving remedial action objectives (RAOs) at six Operable Unit sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). This work plan is intended for use in conjunction with the "Draft Fort Wainwright Environmental Investigations and Monitoring Postwide Quality Assurance Program Plan Fort Wainwright, Alaska" (dated December 2021). The post wide work plan is still in review and at the time of this review has not yet been approved. Erica Blake
5/3/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent comments for the "Draft Operable Unit 6 Former Communications Site Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated January 2022." The draft report describes groundwater monitoring activities and an institutional controls inspection that occurred during the 2021 field season at Operable Unit 6. Tim Sharp
5/24/2022 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved transport of approximately 247 gallons of purge water generated from long-term monitoring activities conducted in 2021 (from Neely Rd - Two-Party Site, OU1, OU2-DRMO1 & DRMO4, OU4, OU5-WQFS & EQFS, and OU6) from Fort Wainwright Bldg 3491 to U.S. Ecology in Grand View, Idaho. Erica Blake
5/24/2022 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved transport of approximately 132 gallons of purge water generated from long-term monitoring activities conducted in 2021 (OU2 DRMO Yard - Two-Party Site, OU3 Fairbanks Fuel Terminal, OU4, and OU6) from Fort Wainwright Building 3491 to U.S. Ecology in Grand View, Idaho for treatment and disposal. Erica Blake
8/1/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC has completed a review of the Draft 2022 Monitoring Report for the Former Communications Site, Operable Unit 6 (OU6). The report presents the results of the 2021 groundwater monitoring conducted at OU6 on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). The OU6 groundwater monitoring program focuses on five areas of contamination, three adjacent diesel range organics (DRO) plumes, one 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP) plume, and one trichloroethene (TCE) plume. In addition, groundwater samples were collected from background wells near a water supply well. DRO and residual range organics (RRO), TCP, and reductive dechlorination breakdown products of TCE such as 1,2-dichloroethene (DCE), trans-1,2-DCE, and vinyl chloride were detected above remediation goals (RGs) described in the Record of Decision (ROD). Tim Sharp
9/11/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed the Draft 2022 Institutional Controls (IC) Report, which details the 2022 IC inspections conducted at Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). The purpose of the annual IC inspection is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of ICs associated with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Record of Decision (ROD) source areas and Two-Party source areas on FWA. Tim Sharp
11/15/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC approved the Final OU6 Monitoring Report on this date. Tim Sharp
2/22/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC completed a review of the Draft 2024 CERCLA Sites Work Plan for Operable Units 1-6. The work plan details proposed site activities to collect data and evaluate progress towards achieving remedial action objectives (RAOs) at six Operable Unit (OUs) sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). In addition to sampling, institutional controls inspections will be conducted at all six OU sites. This work plan is intended for use in conjunction with the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) included in the document as Appendix A, and includes additional sampling as part of preparation for the Sixth Five Year Review, to be accomplished in 2025. Tim Sharp
4/8/2024 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC Approved the 2022 IC Report for Fort Wainwright CERCLA and Two-Party Sites on this day. Tim Sharp
5/21/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC approved the 2024 CERCLA Sites Work Plan on this date. Tim Sharp
6/10/2024 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC reviewed and supplied comments on the Draft 2023 Institutional Controls (IC) Report, which details the 2023 IC inspections conducted at Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). The purpose of the annual IC inspection is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of ICs associated with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Record of Decision (ROD) source areas and Two-Party source areas on FWA. Tim Sharp
6/17/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has completed the review of “Draft 2023 Monitoring Report Former Communications Site, Operable Unit 6” which details the groundwater sampling activities at the Operable Unit 6 (OU6) Former Communications Site (FCS) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska, during June 2023. This document also provides a summary of the institutional control (IC) inspections conducted at the OU6 site in 2023. Comments were returned to the army on 6/17/2024. Carly Jensen
8/21/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has reviewed the Tanana Trails Glycol Release Investigation Work Plan received on August 12th, 2024. This work plan is also serving as notification that excavation will be taking place within a land use control boundary. This workplan was prepared to describe the work being done to investigate a potential subsurface glycol leak from the heating system for Tanana Trials Subdivision and the characterization of excavated soils and liquids for disposal. This workplan is now approved. Carly Jensen
10/23/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation received the “Final 2023 Monitoring Report Former Communications Site, Operable Unit 6” on October 09, 2024 which details the groundwater sampling activities at the Operable Unit 6 (OU6) Former Communications Site (FCS) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska, during June 2023. This document also provides a summary of the institutional control (IC) inspections conducted at the OU6 site in 2023. Final approval of this document was issued on October 23, 2024. Carly Jensen
3/13/2025 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) received the Draft 2024 Monitoring Report Former Communications Site, Operable Unit 6 on February 12, 2025. DEC has reviewed the Draft 2024 Monitoring Report which documents the 2024 monitoring results, the findings of the Institutional Control inspection, and recommendations. Based on the review of the Draft 2024 Monitoring Report DEC has provided comments to the Army to be addressed in the final draft of the report. Carly Jensen

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Aroclor 1260 > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
1,3-Dichlorobenzene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation
DRO > Table C SoilGroundwater
Dioxins - Total Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Federal or State Agency GIS Database Note
Land Use Plan / Maps / Base Master Plan
Institutional Control Management Plan Site-specific ICs have been formalized in the Base Master Plan and a Time Critical Removal Action, and the Federal Facilities Agreement, which created a new Operable Unit 6. Taku Gardens housing can not be occupied until the Army, the EPA and ADEC agree that residential occupancy is safe; no excavation is allowed; drinking water wells can not be installed; an 8 ft high fence with 3-strand barrbed wire must be maintained around the perimeter. Access is restricted and overseen by DPW.


Description Details
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions
Groundwater Monitoring
Groundwater Use Restrictions
Maintenance / Inspection Of Engineering Controls
New Construction Restrictions
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.
Contaminated Soil Stockpile: Monitoring / Treatment
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
25439 Fort Wainwright Training Area TA-101 MMRP 108.38.102

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