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Site Report: FIA - Alaska Airlines Air Cargo - GSE - HOT

Site Name: FIA - Alaska Airlines Air Cargo - GSE - HOT
Address: Block 2, Lot 4C FAI, Fairbanks, AK 99701
File Number: 100.38.193
Hazard ID: 4204
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: Shawn Tisdell, 9074512752
Latitude: 64.814464
Longitude: -147.873742
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In August 2005, a 5,000 gallon single wall underground heating oil tank (UST) was removed from the site. At the time of tank removal, 15 cubic yards of contaminated was excavated and removed from the site for disposal. A portion of contaminated soils remained in the excavation due to the close proximity to the building foundation. The UST was replaced with a double-walled, above ground storage tank (AST). DRO, GRO and benzene in groundwater in the former location of the UST continues to exceed ADEC cleanup levels.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
2/3/2006 Site Added to Database Site added to the database. Mitzi Read
2/3/2006 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Soil contamination was found during the removal of a 5,000-gallon heating oil tank. Groundwater contamination associated with the HOT (spills and overfills) is unknown at the time of ranking. Groundwater contamination associated with a former UST array is documented in file # 100.26.127. This site may also be impacted by the nearby Fuel Hydrant System. Mitzi Read
2/3/2006 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Site transferred from Toivo Luick, PERP, Spill Number 05309921706. Mitzi Read
2/3/2006 Update or Other Action Heating Oil UST Removal Report Received. Mitzi Read
2/3/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held PM met with Amy Fuller Lyman (AA) and E&E consultants to discuss further site characterization requirements. Contamination due to the 4 USTs on the south side of the property could be NFRAPed with continued groundwater monitoring however, the HOT release, and contamination in the vicinity of MW-2 needs further characterization to determine the extent and source of groundwater contamination. Soil samples from the HOT excavation contained DRO up to 2,000 mg/kg. Only one sample was submitted for GRO and BETX analysis, this sample contained 16.2 mg/kg GRO, and was non-detect or below cleanup levels for BETX analytes. No groundwater samples were taken. Kim DeRuyter
2/6/2006 GIS Position Updated Site located with TopoZone Pro with a high degree of confidence. Mitzi Read
7/17/2006 Site Characterization Report Approved Site Characterization work plan proposes the installation of 4 monitoring wells using Geoprobe direct push technology, equiped with OVM, and PID to characterize soil contamination. Groundwater samples will be analyzed for GRO, BETX, and DRO. Kim DeRuyter
12/18/2006 Update or Other Action 2006, Annual Groundwater Monitoring/Subsurface Site Characterization Report received. Groundwater contamination in the southern plume is consistent with previous data. 15 MIP direct push borings were completed to 10 - 13' bgs to characterize the northern plume. The results of the MIP investigation indicate this plume is not the result of leaks from the FIA fuel hydrant line, but is more likely the result of leaks and overfills associated with the former buried heating oil tank and overfills of the day tank. New monitoring wells were installed to characterize this groundwater contamination, the highest concentrations were observed in MW-09; GRO 10.2 mg/L, DRO 105 mg/L and benzene at 0.4 mg/L. A monitoring well (MW08) presumed to be down gradient did not detect contamination. Sent letter requesting the complete laboratory data package and raw MIP data which was omitted from the report. AK Airlines should sample for VOCs and PAHs to eliminate these as COCs during the next GW monitoring event. Kim DeRuyter
1/23/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 75173 (Autogenerated Action)
8/30/2007 Update or Other Action Received a call from Mike Gray with URS. URS has been hired by Alaska Air to follow up on a corrective action report that E&E was working on. He spoke with Kim DeRuyter for a history on the site and he will contact us again in a few weeks with a plan for the site. Ann Farris
1/25/2008 Site Characterization Workplan Approved URS submitted workplan for gw monitoring in Spring 2008. Proposed installing 3 new wells for further characterization and will monitor existing 6 gw wells too. Neal Everson
2/25/2009 Update or Other Action Reviewed reports for summer 2008 field work. Sent letter approving recommendations submitted by URS. Neal Everson
9/14/2009 Update or Other Action Project manager changed to Tamara Cardona-Marek. Janice Wiegers
11/24/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the 2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report. DRO exceeded cleanup levels in wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-7, and MW-9 (up to 5.82 ppm in MW-9). GRO exceeded cleanup levels in well MW-9 (3.56 ppm). Benzene exceeded cleanup levels in wells MW-7 and MW-9 (up to 212 ppb in MW-9). DEC requested the results of the 8260 analysis, investigation of the vapor intrusion pathway, and additional groundwater gauging to identify trends that may affect contaminant migration. Tamara Cardona-Marek
1/15/2010 Update or Other Action DEC received a revised version of the 2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report. New version includes the VOC analysis (8260) results for well MW-9. Some VOC's were detected but none above their respective cleanup levels. Tamara Cardona-Marek
4/6/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received and reviewed the 2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report. Concentrations of DRO, GRO , and benzene exceeded the groundwater cleanup level in at least one of the wells sampled. Results are similar than the 2009 results. Building survey was submitted and DEC has determined that additional vapor intrusion evaluation must be completed. Benzene plume is beneath the portion of the building that houses the offices. Benzene levels in groundwater exceed the target level for vapor intrusion evaluation in commercial settings. Tamara Cardona-Marek
4/6/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75173 Heating oil tank . Tamara Cardona-Marek
5/10/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received and reviewed the 2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report. Wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-7, MW-9, and MW-11 contained levels of DRO exceeding the cleanup levels and ranging from 1.72 -14.6 mg/L. Well MW-9 contained GRO above cleanup levels at 3.69mg/L. MW-7 and MW-9 had benzene exceedong the cleanup level (0.112 and 0.168 mg/L). Tamara Cardona-Marek
7/22/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received and reviewed the vapor intrusion work plan submitted by URS. Work plan proposes to install near slab vapor probes. Revisions are required prior to approval. Tamara Cardona-Marek
8/1/2011 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Work plan for vapor intrusion assessment has been approved after revisions. Tamara Cardona-Marek
11/1/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the Groundwater/ Vapor Monitoring Report from URS. Four near-slab soil gas probes were installed adjacent to the source area and sampled for BTEX vapors. Although there were detections of gas in all probes , all were about half the recommended target level for commercial shallow soil gas samples. Tamara Cardona-Marek
11/1/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75173 Heating oil tank . Tamara Cardona-Marek
11/2/2012 Update or Other Action DEC received and reviewed the 2012 Groundwater Monitoring Report submitted by URS. Unlike previous sampling events conducted in the fall, this sampling event was conducted in the spring (May). Groundwater direction remained consistent with previous events, however elevation revealed a deeper than previous groundwater table. Free product was observed in well MW-9. Benzene was the only constituent above cleanup levels in well MW-7. Tamara Cardona-Marek
10/28/2013 Update or Other Action Site symbol visually adjusted using ArcGIS and documents from file. 10/28/13; MLB. 64.814464, -147.873742. Michelle Barnes
1/26/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report submitted by URS. Contaminants of concern (COCs) above cleanup levels continue to be observed in the area surround the former underground heating oil tank. DRO increased in MW-2 and decreased in MW07, MW09 and MW-11, all still in excess of cleanup levels. GRO and benzene exceeded cleanup levels in MW09, and benzene continued to exceed cleanup levels in MW07. Analytes from upgradient well MW-10 and downgradient wells MW08 and MW-12 remain below COCs cleanup levels and do not appear to be increasing. Robert Burgess
2/11/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The ADEC reviewed the 2014 and 2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report. Contaminants of concern including DRO, GRO and benzene continue to exceed groundwater cleanup levels and remain localized within and close to the former location of the underground heating oil tank. To determine if the size of the dissolved plume is steady state or shrinking, a trend analysis of contaminant concentrations was requested. A discussion on groundwater flow direction and gradient trends were requested in the next site characterization report. The next groundwater sampling event will be during the spring or summer of 2016. Shawn Tisdell
1/31/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received Groundwater Monitoring Report for 2016 sampling event. Shawn Tisdell
3/31/2017 Site Characterization Report Approved The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), has reviewed the January 31, 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Reports for the above listed facility. Results indicated that contaminants of concern (COCs) including diesel range organics (DRO), gasoline range organics (GRO), benzene, ethylbenzene and xylene exceed groundwater cleanup levels and remain localized within and close to the former location of the underground heating oil tank. A sheen was observed in MW02, MW07 and MW09. A significant trend to determine whether the contaminant plume was steady state or decreasing could not be determined with available data. Perimeter wells MW08, MW10 and MW12 did not exceed cleanup levels. Shawn Tisdell
4/3/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff met with an Alaska Airlines Environmental Affairs manager via a teleconference to discuss upcoming site activities with a newly selected consultant from SLR International Corporation. A groundwater monitoring event will be conducted during 2017 and the site will be evaluated for closure. Shawn Tisdell
4/5/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting was held with DOT environmental staff to discuss Fairbanks International Airport contaminated site status. Shawn Tisdell
8/28/2017 Update or Other Action DEC approved transport of approximately 45 gallons of fuel contaminated soil to OIT. Soil will be generated during well replacement and work is planned for August 31st. Janice Wiegers
1/23/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff met with DOT staff to discuss general coordination of contaminated site issues regarding leased properties at the Fairbanks International Airport and specific site information including cleanup activity status and upcoming work or proposed state action. Shawn Tisdell
3/22/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2017 groundwater monitoring report. During the June sampling event, frost jacking impacted several wells and damage to wells MW09 and MW07 was observed. MW09 was repaired. MW07 could not be repaired so it was decommissioned and replaced prior to the September 2017 sampling event. The replacement well is labeled MW-07R. Results of the monitoring events are similar to previous events. Groundwater flow direction is northward and contaminants of concern exceed groundwater cleanup levels in MW02, MW-07R and MW09 but not in perimeter wells MW08, MW10 and MW12. An additional sampling event is recommended between late June and August 2018. Shawn Tisdell
6/5/2018 Update or Other Action Reviewed responses to report, a groundwater sampling event is scheduled for the week of June, 18, 2018. Shawn Tisdell
3/12/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC and DOT staff met to discuss progress and potential future cleanup action at this site. Shawn Tisdell
6/5/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed a report titled "2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report" which provides details for the June 15th, 2018 groundwater sampling event. Seven wells were sampled. Benzene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes, 1,2,4- and 1,3,5- trimethlybenzene, 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene, and naphthalene exceeded cleanup levels. Contaminant in the groundwater remain near the source area with levels reported to remain generally stable or decreasing. Shawn Tisdell
4/29/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and provided comments on the 2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report. Groundwater concentrations are relatively stable. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons were tested during this event and naphthalene was detected above cleanup levels in the upgradient wells MW-10 and MW-11 (0.0049 and 0.0075 µg/L). A request is made in this report for site closure. Comments provided by ADEC requested clarification and modification to the report and a request for a review of site closure criteria and evaluate if this site meets that criteria. Shawn Tisdell
6/19/2020 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC approved of revised 2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report. Shawn Tisdell
6/19/2020 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approval provided for disposal of approximately 20 gallons of purge water from groundwater sampling events. The purge water will be transported to Clean Harbors Aragonite Incineration facility near Dugway, UT. Shawn Tisdell
3/1/2021 Workplan Requested Request was made for well decommissioning workplan to be submitted. Shawn Tisdell
5/3/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed Final Cleanup Report and Closure Plan, provided comments including request for additional groundwater trend evaluation to demonstrate that the size of the dissolved plume is steady state or shrinking. Shawn Tisdell
7/15/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Amended Final Cleanup Report and Closure Plan received and is under review. Shawn Tisdell
7/20/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Updated Final Cleanup Report and Closure Plan received. This report included a response to comments on the 9/2020 Initial Cleanup Report and included a Mann-Kendal trend analysis. Shawn Tisdell
5/6/2022 Meeting or Teleconference Held A meeting was held with DEC and site consultant staff from SLR to discuss site closure steps. A well decommissioning work plan was requested. An Environmental Covenant will be required for site closure, as institutional controls will be necessary to manage contamination that will remain at this site. Shawn Tisdell
6/6/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Updated Final Cleanup Report and Closure Plan was reviewed and approved. Shawn Tisdell
9/7/2022 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The July 2022 Well Decommissioning Work Plan was reviewed and approved. Six onsite wells, including MR-7R, MW-08, MW-10, MW-11, and MW-12 are planned for decommissioning during September or October of 2022. Shawn Tisdell
11/2/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final documentation of well decommissioning work received. Six wells: MW-7R, MW-08, MW-09, MW-10, MW-11 and MW-12 were decommissioned in accordance with the ADEC-approved well decommissioning work plan. Shawn Tisdell
11/7/2024 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. Shawn Tisdell
11/7/2024 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued Cleanup Complete Determination – Institutional Controls issued for site. Site closure documents available for download in the Site report documents tab. Shawn Tisdell
11/7/2024 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75173 Heating oil tank . Shawn Tisdell

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Benzo(a)pyrene > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Benzo(a)anthracene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Naphthalene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Environmental Covenant


Description Details
New Construction Restrictions 1. If the use of a building on the Site changes, or if buildings are constructed within 30 feet of the contamination on the Property, ADEC must be notified and may require that the landowner complete an evaluation of vapor intrusion and mitigation of any vapor intrusion risks.
Groundwater Use Restrictions 2. No groundwater wells shall be installed on the Site without prior ADEC approval.
Groundwater Use Restrictions 3. Contaminated groundwater underlying the Site may not be pumped, drained, or dewatered; or used for irrigation, dust control, or any other purpose without prior ADEC approval. If that use is approved under this covenant, that use is still subject to all applicable treatment, monitoring, disposal, and permitting requirements.
Subdivision Restriction 4. ADEC must be notified in advance of any subdivision or replat of the Property or lease lot. This Covenant must be included as part of future Property transactions, including leases, and attached to subsequent associated parcels, as determined applicable by ADEC
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. 5. ADEC approval is required prior to moving soil or groundwater where contamination remains above applicable cleanup levels. If ADEC approval for movement is granted, any moved soil or groundwater must still be characterized and managed following regulations applicable at that time.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) 6. Movement or use of contaminated material in a manner that results in a violation of 18 AAC 70 Water Quality Standards is prohibited.
Groundwater Use Restrictions 7. Groundwater throughout Alaska is protected for use as a water supply for drinking, culinary and food processing, agriculture including irrigation and stock watering, aquaculture, and industrial use. Contaminated site cleanup complete determinations are based on groundwater being considered a potential drinking water source. In the event that groundwater from this Site is to be used for other purposes in the future, such as aquaculture, additional characterization and treatment may be required to ensure the water is suitable for its intended use.
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
25457 FIA - Sitewide 100.38.079
24413 FIA - Alaska Airlines - Air Cargo 100.26.127

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