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Site Report: Tenakee Springs Tank Farm

Site Name: Tenakee Springs Tank Farm
Address: Beach Road, Tenakee Spr., AK 99841
File Number: 1527.38.010
Hazard ID: 4251
Status: Active
Staff: Rebekah Reams, 9074512144
Latitude: 57.780111
Longitude: -135.219463
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In 2003, field screening soil from borings at the tank farm, marine head pipeline, and generator building indicated that petroleum contamination above Method Two migration to groundwater cleanup levels was present. In June 2006, the ADEC received complaints that soil transported from the tank farm site to intertidal lands for unloading equipment from a barge contained petroleum. On 5/11/2006 DEC staff traveled to the site and collected samples from four locations for diesel range organics (DRO) analysis; results confirmed that the soil was contaminated with petroleum above regulatory cleanup levels. ADEC requested the City of Tenakee move the soil; a plan was submitted to move the soil to City land in the spring of 2007. A Tenakee Springs resident complained that material from the bulk fuel tank farm has a distinct petroleum odor and was being spread along the public road in Tenakee Springs. Tank Farm construction project workers had alerted residents that material at the tank farm was polluted yet the soil spreading was done anyway. In discussion with the Mayor of Tenakee Springs, the resident was told the City would not test the soil. The resident requested a sampling kit, collected soil and tap water samples himself and sent them for analysis. Contaminated Sites staff contacted the City of Tenakee by phone on 5/3/2006 and the Mayor confirmed that the City of Tenakee Springs did not think the complaint was valid and did not intend to investigate by collecting soil samples for laboratory analysis. Complaints about oily smelling soil were confirmed by other residents by phone on 5/4/2006. Results of the DRO analysis on the fill soil near the complainant residence was at 3,100 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and on the residence well tap water was 0.54 milligrams per liter (mg/l). The concentration in soil is above ADEC action levels for DRO. In 2014, the biocell that had been set up had remediated. The tank farm area has DRO concentrations greater than migration to groundwater but below direct contact cleanup levels. A groundwater monitoring well on site is similarly contaminated and drinking water wells nearby tested below cleanup levels but continue to be monitored. More cleanup action is expected to occur. In June of 2016, a site visit confirmed that the tanks are too unstable to support an excavation. An interception trench will be dug instead and groundwater monitoring will continue. The City of Tenakee has been advised that the old tanks should be removed and the area characterized and cleaned up. Remaining DRO on site is between migration to groundwater and direct contact, but there is heavy sheen, odor, and potential product in front of 2 of the valves. In 2021 additional investigation was completed to further define the extent of contamination. Site investigation activities consisted of installing three monitoring wells MW-3 through MW-5 and collecting soil and groundwater samples. Analytical samples reported the presence of Benzo(a)pyrene (1.45 mg/kg) and lead (573 mg/kg) above human health cleanup levels and DRO (3,470mg/kg), benzo(a)anthracene (1.25 mg/kg), and naphthalene (0.0508 mg/kg - 0.112 mg/kg) above migration to groundwater cleanup levels in soil at sample location MW-3 through MW-5. Groundwater monitoring is currently conducted on a semi-annual basis and analytical results have identified the presence of DRO, RRO, lead, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene and dibenz(a,h)anthracene above groundwater cleanup levels at this site.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/11/2006 Update or Other Action Under direction of Contaminated Sites Project Manager Wanstall, Southeast Area Response Team staff traveled to the site on May 11, 2006. Rebecca Marjerison collected soil samples at 4 locations as near as possible from where the soil was reportedly transported; the location is near a generator building and where a marine header to bulk fuel tank farm pipeline was formerly located. The origin of the contaminated material has been covered with shot rock and so has at least part of the roadbed where the contaminated material was placed near the Harry residence. Bruce Wanstall
5/24/2006 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Conservative assessment of the contaminant migration and exposure pathways. Bruce Wanstall
5/25/2006 Site Added to Database Site added to the database. Bruce Wanstall
6/22/2006 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Certified letter sent to the Mayor of Tenakee Springs requesting site investigation of the bulk fuel farm and power plant property and locations in the community where soil from the contaminated site was transported to and used as fill material on public right of ways. Bruce Wanstall
6/26/2006 Update or Other Action Review lab Report from ADEC sampling; compare with field notes and incorporate the data into a pollution incident status letter requested by complainant; sent to complainant; copied to the Mayor of Tenakee Springs and Dept of Law. The laboratory data indicate that contaminated material was transported from the tank farm site and placed in the road right-of-way adjacent to residential drinking water wells. Bruce Wanstall
7/28/2006 Update or Other Action Organize and review the file; contact the RP on status of cleanup schedule and strategy Bruce Wanstall
9/1/2006 Update or Other Action A letter was received from the Mayor of the City Tenakee Springs providing an account of events and communications with DEC. The City of Tenakee has agreed to take a cooperative approach with DEC to conduct additional environmental study to ensure that weathered petroleum from historical oil release is controlled at the tank farm property and in the community. Bruce Wanstall
11/16/2006 GIS Position Updated Bruce Wanstall
12/21/2006 Update or Other Action Review of Mayor Bloom's letter dated 8/29/06; attempt to contact the City by phone during office hours to obtain an update on the cleanup plan with CDI. Office hours until now have been on Thursday between 2 and 4 o'clock; no answer today. Bruce Wanstall
1/5/2007 Update or Other Action A letter was sent to the Mayor of Tenakee Springs requesting submittal of a workplan pursuant to site investigation of the Tenakee Springs Tank Farm and locations where contaminated soil was used as fill material on public right of ways. Bruce Wanstall
1/5/2007 GIS Position Updated Bruce Wanstall
2/2/2007 Update or Other Action Contaminated Sites Program reviewed the draft Corrective Action Plan received from the City of Tenakee Springs that schedules transfer of diesel contaminated soil when the ground is adequately thawed. Bruce Wanstall
2/5/2007 Update or Other Action 2007 Corrective Action Plan approval with comments sent by letter to Mayor Don Pegues. Bruce Wanstall
6/27/2007 Update or Other Action Review CAP schedule; attempt to call the City Office to obtain a progress update; no contact made. Check with consultant; no contact made. Bruce Wanstall
7/17/2007 Update or Other Action Contaminated material that was transported off-site (bulk fuel tank farm) is now located in a controlled biocell on property next to the Public Works building. Bruce Wanstall
7/18/2007 Update or Other Action The ADEC received notice that the 2007 corrective action plan for the Tenakee Springs Tank Farm contaminated site has been completed. Contaminated material was moved from the shoreline to approved upland City property for bio-remedial treatment and the drinking water well in the area of concern has been sampled and shipped for laboratory analysis. Bruce Wanstall
12/3/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Evaluate the site status using the environmental tracking module and send a letter to the Mayor of Tenakee Springs requesting an update on the status of the biocell. Bruce Wanstall
1/11/2013 Update or Other Action Call to Mayor Don Pegues to discuss the site's current status and future assement needed to determine the remainin contamination. Mr.Pegues said the soil remains in the approved location from 2007 and he is in agreement to proceed with soil and groundwater sampling in the spring. CSP staff reminded Mr. Pegues to have the consultant submitt a workplan prior to conducting any field investigation. Denise Elston
6/10/2013 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Sent the City of Tenakee a letter requesting the Environmental Status of tank farm. Mayor Pegues informed the department that groundwater analysis would take place this summer and he would send the report once the results were recieved. Denise Elston
9/5/2013 Update or Other Action Phone call to mayor Don Pegues requesting a status update of the groundwater sampling and analyses at the bio-cell. He said this would be implemented within the next two weeks and he would contact the department after the samples were collected. Denise Elston
2/28/2014 Update or Other Action Spoke with Mayor Pegues and he said that once the ground thaws, they will have biocell soil tested in addition to groundwater monitoring wells and the single private well in the immediate vicinity. Danielle Duncan
3/21/2014 Update or Other Action Spoke to Michelle Houston (USCG) (463-2476) re: safety at the tank farm due to info indicating probable leaks and lack of seconadary containment and liner in addition to no secondary containment at the marine header pipe. Working on a possible inspection. Danielle Duncan
4/1/2014 Update or Other Action Per USCG, as of 2006, the fuel tanks are new and have scheduled inspections (one coming in September). The old tank farm is abandoned. Danielle Duncan
4/23/2014 Update or Other Action Sent certified letter requesting work plan for cleanup; require action within 30 days, or a notice of violation will be filed. Danielle Duncan
4/28/2014 Update or Other Action Request for workplan within 30 days. Danielle Duncan
6/5/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and requested some additions to the workplan submitted by CDI. Danielle Duncan
6/17/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approved CDI work plan this date. The workplan outlines the following: 1. Sampling of the biocell (2 samples). At least one of these samples will be from the bottom of the biocell (approximately 5-10 cubic yards in volume). Samples will be taken from areas having the highest PID readings. 2. Sampling of groundwater monitoring wells (3 samples). A peristaltic pump and Teflon tubing will be used to purge the onsite wells and a disposable bailer or Teflon tubing will be used to collect samples post-purge. Samples will be deposited in laboratory certified, pre-preserved vials. 3. Sampling of private drinking water wells (2 samples). These will be obtained using the same methods as for the monitoring wells, but will also run the faucet for three minutes prior to sampling. In addition, the following will also be completed and reported to DEC: 4. Current photographs and a location map of the biocell location. 5. Current representative photographs of the tank farm from multiple angles, showing the condition of the containment area. 6. A copy of the current Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) for the facility. Danielle Duncan
10/6/2014 Update or Other Action Spoke with CDI and they said that the field work is done and that lab results are in. I should be getting a report in the next few weeks. Danielle Duncan
11/11/2014 Update or Other Action Rec'd site investigation report and SPCC plan from CDI. Danielle Duncan
2/20/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved Approved CDI's Report for work done last fall. Report states that there is contamination at the tank farm and beach area in concentrations in between migration to groundwater and direct contact. MW 2 is also contaminated and will continue to be monitored. The nearest drinking water well to the site tested below cleanup levels for petroleum constituents - contamination does not appear to be migrating off-site. Requiring that the tank farm and beach areas be excavated as much as possible as the tanks themselves are on a slope. The biocell located on the west side of the City Hall and Library building was sampled for DRO, RRO, GRO, and PAHs and no analytes were detected in concentrations exceeding ADEC cleanup levels therefor the biocell has remediated. Danielle Duncan
2/20/2015 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75216 Bulk Fuel Tanks. Danielle Duncan
7/15/2015 Update or Other Action Requested that a work plan be submitted within 30 days to the ADEC for review for the following activities: 1. Sampling of the Snyder drinking water well for DRO. 2. Excavation of contaminated soil from the tank farm site as much as practical – the soils that are stained and obviously impacted by petroleum must be removed. The contaminated soil can be placed in new lined, biocell location for remediation. Danielle Duncan
8/27/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Rec'd CDI's work plan titled "Cleanup action and bioremediation plan" dated August 2015. Danielle Duncan
9/1/2015 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approved CDI's work plan "Cleanup Action & Bioremediation Plan Tenakee Springs Tank Farm, dated August 2015. The work plan addresses contaminated soils and groundwater documented in the Site Investigation Report dated October 2014, submitted by CDI. Excavation of contaminated soils in the vicinity of the old tank farm will occur as much as practicable without creating excess runoff or sacrificing stability of the tank farm. If possible, I will accompany CDI during their work to familiarize myself with the site and the physical hazards of excavation near the tank farm. 5 areas of contamination will be excavated and a bioremediation cell will be set-up to remediate the soil. Confirmation samples will be submitted for analysis of DRO using AK Method 102. A groundwater sample and a duplicate will also be collected from the Snyder Mercantile drinking water well and analyzed for DRO. Danielle Duncan
10/30/2015 Update or Other Action Spoke with the RP and the materials have been ordered and are being flown in (3-4 days from now). The first order of business is setting up the biocell. I plan on doing a site visit at the request of the RP when the work has begun. Danielle Duncan
11/20/2015 Update or Other Action The City is having difficulty getting the HDPE liner in town and will let me know when it has arrived. I plan on doing a site visit as early as February to "ok" the biocell location and cleanup work will begin this spring. Danielle Duncan
6/10/2016 Site Visit Site visit to meet with the Mayor and their consultant. Visited the old tank farm which is in a state of rust and is not very safe to excavate around. Will draft a letter requesting that an interception trench be dug for the petroleum stained soil and what appeared to be product below 2 of the tank valves. The down gradient contamination on the hill is on a very steep slope and can naturally remediate. Also checked out the new tank farm and checked that the PPR conex was full and brought back the new keys. Danielle Duncan
6/22/2016 Update or Other Action Sent a letter today requesting the interception trench be dug and photos sent. I also requested that the Snyder well be sampled. Remaining DRO soil contamination is between migration to groundwater and direct contact cleanup levels. Danielle Duncan
8/9/2016 Update or Other Action RP has dug the trenches and put the first absorbent pads in. During and after digging the trenches, he left pads in dug-out pools on either side of the dike drainage pipe to catch runoff oil. He dug a trench perhaps 30 feet along the upper side of the dike and piled the soil atop it. Also dug two lateral trenches to the drain valves of the two center Union 76 tanks. All the trenches drain towards the dike drain pipe pool which is 10" deep at the intake of the pipe. The most contaminated soil was at the base of the tanks. The trenches are dug to solid clay at base of tanks. There are new absorbent pads at these places. Old pads will be placed in a garbage bag as they get oil in them. I'll monitor the area periodically, and change the pads. Danielle Duncan
7/14/2017 Update or Other Action The Synder Mercantile and the on-site MW-2 will be sampled this summer. Danielle Duncan
1/8/2018 Update or Other Action Per the consultant, the groundwater has been sampled and a report of that activity and drinking water well information will be provided in a report. Danielle Duncan
12/7/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Cox Environmental Services sampled the onsite groundwater monitoring well (MW-2) and the downgradient well at Snyder Merchantile (SW-1) On September 27, 2017. Groundwater samples MW-2 and SW-1 were analyzed for diesel range organics (DRO) and residual range organics (RRO) and the results were non-detect; per the report, these results indicate DRO and RRO contamination do not appear to be present in on-site shallow groundwater (MW-2) or in the deeper downgradient drinking water well at Snyder Merchantile in excess of ADEC groundwater cleanup levels for DRO and RRO. Danielle Duncan
9/3/2019 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Sent today to Chevron~ Danielle Duncan
9/10/2019 Site Visit Site visit with Arcadis and the mayor. It appears that Chevron will be taking this project on and there may be some residential drinking water well sampling this fall. Danielle Duncan
1/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On January 19, 2021 ADEC received "Well Installation Work Plan Tenakee Springs Tank Farm" dated January 12, 2021. The work plan summarizes work to further characterize hydrocarbon impacted soil and groundwater at the site. Rachael Petraeus
4/12/2021 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC approved the "Well Installation Work Plan Tenakee Springs Tank Farm" following comment resolution Rebekah Reams
4/6/2022 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approved transport of 0.12 cubic yards of soil and 30 gallons of water generated during the fall 2021 site work Rebekah Reams
5/12/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2021 Fourth Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on October 27, 2021. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-3 through MW-5. MW-1, MW-2 and SW-1 could not be accessed. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for GRO, DRO, VOCs, PAHs, and lead analysis. Groundwater flow direction was not determined and depth to groundwater was 2.30 to 3.15 feet below ground surface. MW-4 was purged dry and samples were collected with a bailer due to insufficient water to use bladder pump. Rebekah Reams
5/20/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2022 First Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on March 23, 2022. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-3 through MW-5. Samples from MW-3 and MW-5 were collected with a bladder pump and samples MW-4 were collected with a bailer due to insufficient water present to sample with the bladder pump. MW-1 and MW-2 were not sampled or gauged due to access issues. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for GRO, DRO, VOCs, PAHs, and lead analysis. Duplicate samples were collected at MW-4 and reported significant differences between primary and duplicate samples. Groundwater flow direction was not determined but is presumed to be to the south and depth to groundwater was 2.04 to 2.89 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
8/24/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2022 Second Quarter Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on May 17, 2022. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-3 through MW-5. MW-1, MW-2 and SW-1 could not be accessed. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for GRO, DRO, VOCs, PAHs, and lead analysis. Groundwater flow direction was not determined and depth to groundwater was 2.19 to 3.12 feet below ground surface. MW-4 was purged dry and samples were collected with a bailer due to insufficient water to use bladder pump. Rebekah Reams
10/3/2022 Update or Other Action DEC approved a groundwater monitoring work plan addendum to reduce the list of analytes from DRO, GRO, RRO, PAHs, VOCs, and lead to the following list of analytes based on groundwater monitoring results: DRO, RRO, BTEX, Naphthalene, Lead, Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene,Benzo(g,h,i)perylene, Chrysene, Dibenz(a,h)anthracene, and Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyene. Rebekah Reams
11/1/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments on the Subsurface Investigation and Well Installation Report which documents the monitoring well installation of MW-3 through MW-5 and associated soil and groundwater sampling at these locations and the 2022 Third Quarter Groundwater Monitoring Report which documents groundwater monitoring conducted on July 19, 2022. Rebekah Reams
11/7/2022 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75216 Bulk Fuel Tanks. Rebekah Reams
2/3/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Subsurface Investigation and Well Installation Report which documents the monitoring well installation of MW-3 through MW-5 and associated soil and groundwater sampling at these locations was finalized following comment resolution. Rebekah Reams
3/13/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Due to historic low yield at site wells and resulting difficulty collecting samples with a bladder pump, DEC approved the use of a bailer for future groundwater monitoring events at this site. Each monitoring well will be purged one well volume or until dry using a bailer. The well will be allowed to recharge to approximately 80 percent of its pre-purge volume, then the bailer will be carefully lowered into the well to minimize water agitation and sampling will be completed. Rebekah Reams
8/24/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved the Site Investigation Work Plan following comment resolution. This work plan proposes to advance 16 soil borings in the vicinity of the former ASTs, collect four soil samples from the former off-site soil pile, install nine monitoring wells, and collect surface water samples if surface water is observed at the site. Rebekah Reams
11/6/2023 Site Visit ADEC conducted a site visit with Chevron and Arcadis to observe site characterization work including advancing soil borings, installing monitoring wells, and collecting surface water samples. No work was conducted while onsite due to pending property access agreements; however a site walk was conducted and proposed soil boring and monitoring well locations were observed. Rebekah Reams
4/19/2024 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved offsite transport of 55 gallons of purge water and 165 gallons of soil waste. Rebekah Reams

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