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Site Report: Debarr Walmart

Site Name: Debarr Walmart
Address: Tract A and portions of Tracts B and C, Creekside s/d and Tr. A-1-AA of DeBarr Vista #8 (7041 DeBarr Rd.), North of Debarr Road between Patterson St. and Creekside Street , Anchorage, AK 99501
File Number: 2100.38.474
Hazard ID: 4321
Status: Active
Staff: Livia Bracker, 9072697695
Latitude: 61.211408
Longitude: -149.744876
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The site was contaminated by numerous surface and subsurface spills including petroleum products and solvents associated with use of the property since the 1950s for fueling, maintaining, cleaning, and storing heavy equipment and vehicles associated with a road and highway construction company. The site is comprised of three former tax parcels that now belong to Walmart, and a portion of the adjacent Patterson Street right-of-way and Muldoon Community Assembly property to the west of the Walmart property. The three Walmart-owned tax parcels were formerly identified as separate sites in the database as M-B Contracting West Yard, East Yard and North Yard sites, and were administratively combined into the DeBarr Wal-Mart site in 2005 when Walmart entered into a Prospective Purchaser Agreement with the State of Alaska and purchased property that included the three sites. The property was subsequently replatted so that the three tax parcels no longer exist and are now within Tracts A, B and C of the Creekside Subdivision. The area of the site includes the property that the contamination originated on, approximately 28-acres formerly occupied by the M-B Contracting business, and an area estimated at 0.8 acres to the west of the property that has been contaminated as a result of contaminant migration in groundwater. Hazard ID 4321 / File No. 2100.38.474 previously identified as separate database records: M-B Construction West Yard; Reckey 2002210930602; File No. 2100.38.451 M-B Construction North Yard; Reckey 2002210930601; File No. 2100.38.442 M-B Construction East Yard; Reckey 2000210926401; File No. 2100.38.452

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/25/1992 Update or Other Action Shannon & Wilson letter on file describing August 1992 groundwater monitoring at west yard location and showing locations of former regulated USTs with respect to buildings on the property. Eileen Olson
1/2/2001 Update or Other Action East Yard added to database as a site: Contamination by chlorinated solvents and DRO contamination associated with buried containers and debris encountered during test pit investigation for prospective purchaser. Eileen Olson
1/2/2001 Update or Other Action East Yard: Letter sent advising M-B Contracting principle John Miller of cost recovery requirements for Department oversight. Eileen Olson
1/3/2001 Update or Other Action East Yard: Initial ranking. Additional groundwater monitoring wells to be installed; ranking will change from medium to high priority if groundwater is found to be impacted. Eileen Olson
2/5/2001 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other East Yard: Approved plan by consultant URS dated January 31, 2001: "Work Plan, Soil Excavation and Groundwater Investigation, Debarr Road and Creekside Street.” Eileen Olson
2/27/2001 Update or Other Action ADEC received and approved request by URS on 2/28/2001 to transport and dispose of approximately 200 tons of contaminated soil from the east yard property. Eileen Olson
2/28/2001 Update or Other Action On file - Contaminated Soils Disposal Authorization by the Municipality of Anchorage Solid Waste Services to dispose of approximately 200 tons of contamined soil generated from site investigation at the former east yard. Eileen Olson
3/23/2001 Update or Other Action East Yard: Staff provided a letter explaining requirements and conditions for No Further Remedial Action (NFRAP) status for this site. No PCE is present in the groundwater, and DRO levels in groundwater are well below the 1.5 mg/L cleanup level. PCE is present at up to 0.234 mg/kg in soils in a defined area surrounding the area where former buried containers and contaminated soils were excavated, exceeding the 0.03 mg/kg cleanup level. In an email dated March 23, 2001 consultant URS estimated "the volume of soil containing greater than 0.03 mg/kg PCE to be a maximum of 560 cubic yards." ADEC's letter states that based on site-specific conditions, the remaining PCE concentrations do not appear to pose a risk to human health, safety, welfare or the environment. Eileen Olson
3/23/2001 Update or Other Action East Yard: ADEC received report dated March 23, 2001 by consultant URS "Application for No Further Action Status, Mr. John Miller Property". The report documents excavation of PCE contaminated soil at the location specified as TP 9. The 32 tons of contaminated soil initially removed from Test Pit #9 was transported off-site by Alaska Soil Recycling to their Chemron facility in Palmer, Alaska, for thermal treatment. All abandoned containers discovered in the excavation were removed from the site for disposal by Energy Recovery Services (ERS) on October 26, 2000. Soil generated through subsequent excavation was transported to Anchorage Municipal Landfill. All soil transport was conducted under authorization by ADEC. Eileen Olson
5/30/2001 Update or Other Action East Yard: Conditional Closure Approved; Record of Decision Signed; and Institutional Control Record Established (NEC to be recorded on title, signed by DEC's Jim Frechione). URS Inc. documented PCE impacted soil was encountered during the removal of drums and buckets from the East Yard. The soil contained a maximum of 0.234 ppm PCE, which exceeds the applicable cleanup level (in 2001) of 0.03 ppm. The soil also reportedly exceeded the ADEC cleanup level for DRO. URS estimated that 560 cubic yards of PCE impacted soil remains at the site. Conditional closure status was granted in the form of a NFRAP (No Further Remedial Action Planned)letter. Note that conditional closure status was rescinded on 3/1/2005 folowing the discovery of additional contamination at the East Yard site. Eileen Olson
3/18/2003 Update or Other Action North Yard: Investigation of the North Yard was initiated following a fall 2002 walk-through and records review by consultant TERRASAT for a prospective buyer reported in the 3/18/2003 Phase II report that was not submitted to DEC until much later. Contamination was linked to the use of the North Yard property and adjacent East and West Yard properties for the M-B Contracting highway construction business. The 10-acre North Yard site was impacted by numerous surface spills of petroleum hydrocarbons, with the southern portion of the property impacted by contamination from the heavy equipment wash rack and associated oil-water separator and leach field located on the adjacent property to the south, the West Yard site. Although the wash rack and oil-water separator were located along the north section of the West Yard (that is, close to the property boundary between the West and North Yards), prior to the construction of the oil-water separator system wash rack effluent discharged directly into a large open pit that was present along southernmost portion of the North Yard, adjacent to the wash rack. Based on air photos, the pit was used for several years. Maximum DRO and RRO levels in soil in the area of the pit before cleanup by excavation and on-site treatment and landfarming were 55,000 mg/Kg DRO and 100,000 mg/Kg RRO. Eileen Olson
6/5/2003 Update or Other Action West Yard area: Sketches made by property owner Jack Miller were provided to DEC by environmental consultant ChemTrack. The sketches show the construction of the wash rack system that included an oil/water separator tank and associated piping to a leachfield area. Information was faxed to DEC on 6/5/2003. Also provided, a copy of the water well log for the drinking water well in the West Yard (the well was drilled on August 13, 1956 and the depth to water was 19 feet below the ground surface. The well log indicates that water was encountered at 123 feet in "water gravel" below hardpan and clay. The information did not include the date the wash rack system was installed. Eileen Olson
7/28/2003 Update or Other Action All Yards: DEC received workplan titled "Remedial Action Outline" prepared by ChemTrack. The workplan included diagrams from the TERRASAT reports showing the three areas of the M-B Contracting property designated as the North, West and East Yards. The workplan proposed conducting bench and pilot tests at the wash rack area in the North and West Yards where TCE impacted soil and groundwater were present. The plan also noted that following remediation of TCE to below regulatory levels ChemTrack would submit a work plan for treatment by landspreading of DRO-contaminated soil. Eileen Olson
7/30/2003 Update or Other Action DEC letter dated July 30, 2003 sent to responsible party, Jack Miller for M-B Contracting requesting all environmental work documentation for the tax parcels identified as the North, West and East Yards on drawings submitted by consultant ChemTrack. Eileen Olson
8/4/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC received a letter from M-B Contracting Co. in response to ADEC's July 30, 2003 letter requesting environmental work documentation. M-B notes that the TERRASAT Phase I and II site assessments were delivered to ADEC on July 30, 2003. M-B also states that ChemTrack conducted additional investigations and drilled wells in two areas of the site, and is finalizing their findings and will transmit a report when it becomes available. Eileen Olson
8/14/2003 Update or Other Action DEC letter dated August 14, 2003 sent to John Miller of M-B Contracting noting that environmental work was done at the site by ChemTrack without submittal of a workplan to DEC and outlining regulatory requirements for work plans and notification to the Department. Eileen Olson
8/16/2003 Update or Other Action DEC received "Site Characterization Work Plan and Evaluation of Groundwater Analytical Data" dated August 16, 2003 by consultant ChemTrack that provides the locations of three newly constructed monitoring wells that were sampled on July 25, 2003 and that includes laboratory data for that sampling event. Eileen Olson
8/26/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting between DEC staff and consultant ChemTrack with submittal of workplan titled "Pilot Project Chemical Oxidation Trichloroethylene (TCE) and diesel range organics (DRO)" to Rich Sundet of DEC. During the meeting DEC and ChemTrack agreed that ChemTrack would modify the pilot bench test to become a pilot field test of the proposed in-situ oxidation treatment for soils contamined by DRO, RRO, TCE and related chlorinated compounds that exceed cleanup levels. Eileen Olson
9/2/2003 Update or Other Action DEC received annotated site photograph showing well locations and information regarding target compounds. ChemTrack provided the information by email. Also provided was a document titled "Pilot Project Information" dated September 2, 2003. Eileen Olson
9/4/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Conditional approval granted for "Pilot Project" workplan dated 8/26/03 with review comments for "Site Characterization Work Plan and Evaluation of Groundwater Analytical Data" dated August 16, 2003 also provided. Eileen Olson
10/1/2003 Update or Other Action DEC received report titled "In-Situ VOC Oxidation Pilot Project & Bench Test Report, MB Contracting". The report documents a field pilot test for soil and a bench test for groundwater treatment using potassium permanganate to oxidize trichloroethene (TCE). Eileen Olson
10/1/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC received a plan prepared by ChemTrack titled "Wash Rack Area Soil In-Situ Oxidation Project Sampling and Analysis Plan." Eileen Olson
10/24/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC received a letter from ChemTrack noting that on Sept. 5, 2003 ChemTrack met with ADEC to discuss excavation of stained areas and on Sept. 12, 2003 ADEC verbally approved a plan to excavate and stockpile surface stained soil. ChemTrack requested formalization of verbal approval and submitted a short work plan noting where they were excavating soil and where it would be stockpiled. Eileen Olson
10/27/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC received "MB Contracting Equipment Yard Excavation, Analytical Sampling & Stockpiling Work Plan, DRO/RRO Contaminated SOil, September 2003" prepared by ChemTrack. Eileen Olson
11/5/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC received "West Yard Stockpile Sampling & Analysis Plan" dated November 5, 2003. The plan proposs sampling and analysis of a ~1,000 cubic yard stockpile produced by excavating surface stained areas. 350 cubic yards of the stockpile was from one excavation at the drum storage area. Eileen Olson
11/5/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff met with ChemTrack representatives to discuss proposed in situ treatment of TCE and DRO in North and West yards. Eileen Olson
11/6/2003 Site Visit Staff visited the site to observe structures including former wash rack system. Noted excavations made for pilot testing of groundwater treatment. Photographs on file. Eileen Olson
11/17/2003 Update or Other Action ChemTrack email received with attached figure and data for new monitoring wells and requesting a meeting to discuss the project. Eileen Olson
11/25/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC received ChemTrack submittal titled "In Situ Chemical Oxidation Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in Groundwater". The submittal describes the general procedures for remediation of trichlorothene (TCE) in groundwater by chemical oxidation. Eileen Olson
11/26/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter issued approving the November 25, 2003 workplan by ChemTrack for the remediation of groundwater at the site. The letter notes that ChemTrack is responsible for contacting Jennifer Parker with the EPA Region 10 UIC program regarding infection wells to be used for the treatment program and any need to register them with EPA. The letter approves of the plan as an interim action and notes that characterization of groundwater and soils is not complete. Eileen Olson
12/15/2003 Update or Other Action North Yard site added to database and initial ranking completed. DRO, RRO and solvent (VOC) contamination of soil and groundwater. Eileen Olson
12/17/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other All Yards: DEC letter issued discussing two issues including the need for written work plan approval and complete work plans, and a request that a work plan be submitted to investigate potential contamination associated with the oil/water separator system. Eileen Olson
5/17/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC received a work plan by ChemTrack titled "MB Contracting East Equipment Yard Buried Drum & Debris and Contaminated Soil Investigation, May 2004". Eileen Olson
5/27/2004 Update or Other Action Request dated May 27, 2004 to transport DRO-Impacted soil to a landfarming treatment area in the west yard. Eileen Olson
6/16/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC received ChemTrack submittal dated June 16, 2004 and titled "Response to the June 18, 2004 E-Mail, DRO in West Yard". Eileen Olson
7/15/2004 Update or Other Action North Yard: Report by consultant ChemTrack received "MB Contracting Equipment Yard, Excavation, Analytical Sampling & Stockpiling Report, North Yard DRO/RRO Contaminated Soil...July 2004." The plan addressed only the excavation, sampling & analysis, and stockpiling of soils containing DRO/RRO compounds; soils containing VOC compounds were not addressed during this phase of work. ChemTrack's cover letter requests 'no further action' status for the North Yard. Eileen Olson
10/6/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC received "Land Spread Work Plan...October 2004". Eileen Olson
11/7/2004 Site Visit All Yards: Site visit by DEC E Olson and Jim Frechione. Eileen Olson
1/7/2005 Update or Other Action North Yard: Rec'd report dated Dec. 2004 with cover letter dated 1/7/05 requesting site closure of North Yard; report entitled "New Well Installation and Soil & Groundwater Analytical Sample Report, M-B Contracting Equipment - North Yard...December 2004" Cover letter also addresses information requested in Dec. 3, 2004 email from DEC including field observations and total volume of excavated soil. Report documents the installation of three monitoring wells NY-1, NY-2 and NY-3. Eileen Olson
2/7/2005 Update or Other Action East Yard: ADEC received report titled "Draft MB Contracting Equipment Yard, Drums & Debris, Contaminated Soil Report...January 2005." (No 'final' report submitted). Eileen Olson
2/10/2005 Update or Other Action North Yard: DEC received a report "New Well Installation and Sample Analytical Report" dated February 10, 2005. The report includes a modified diagram of the North Yard and boring logs for 3 new wells in the North Yard, and that requests No Further Action status for the North Yard with the exception of three areas "exclusions" that have not yet been addressed investigated and/or cleaned up. Eileen Olson
3/1/2005 Update or Other Action East Yard: DEC changed the NFRAP action database entry of 5/29/01 from NFRAP to "update" because the NFRAP was rescinded. Eileen Olson
3/1/2005 Update or Other Action East Yard: Miller Property/Muldoon and M-B Contracting East Yard, formerly Reckey 2002210930603, were combined into one site. New Reckey is 2000210926401 and new site name M-B Contracting East Yard Eileen Olson
3/7/2005 Update or Other Action North Yard: DEC sent letter regarding North Yard site status; two areas remain to be investigated and remediated. Eileen Olson
4/5/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held All Yards: DEC's Jim Frechione and Rich Sundet met with Sig Jokiel, Chuck Ronan and Steve of ChemTrack at ChemTrack's request to discuss environmental issues at MB Contracting and future work there. ChemTrack noted they had sent a letter to DEC regarding the installation of monitoring wells on the North Yard and were waiting for a response. Other issues with the other MB Yards were also discussed. They also proposed several plans for the landspreading of the 10,000 cy stockpile on the West Yard but DEC requested that they receive further clarification from the property owner regarding the long term use of the property; otherwise it may be a waste of time/money generating and implementing a plan that may impose ICs that are unsuitable for another type of land use that would require more stringent cleanup levels. The meeting ended with ChemTrack agreeing to discuss the long term land use with the property owner. Rich Sundet
5/3/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held All Yards: Staff Olson and Sundet met with Chuck Ronan and Steve McCain of ChemTrack to discuss requirements for completion of contaminant characterization and other environmental activities at the site. Eileen Olson
5/3/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other East Yard: DEC letter sent that outlines the remaining requirements for investigation and cleanup through NFRAP and possibly site closure. Monitoring well installation adjacent to excavated areas and confirmation sampling for VOCs is required to ensure site is adequately characterized. Rich Sundet signed letter. Eileen Olson
5/9/2005 Update or Other Action East Yard: Rec'd "MB Contracting Inc. East yard Supplemental Sampling & Analysis Plan, May 09, 2005". The plan proposes excavation of 10 trenches in areas identified as likely burial areas based on magnetic anomalies detected by a previous consultant. Eileen Olson
5/16/2005 Update or Other Action East Yard: ADEC received revised version of plan submitted and dated 5/19/2005, but with same title: "MB Contracting Inc. East yard Supplemental Sampling & Analysis Plan, May 09, 2005". The plan proposes excavation of 10 trenches in areas identified as likely burial areas based on magnetic anomalies detected by a previous consultant. Eileen Olson
5/20/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other East Yard: DEC conditionally approved ChemTrack's 5/16/05 workplan to install four monitoring wells at the East Yard and sample soil from the borings where the monitoring wells will be installed and at several other locations. In addition, the plan proposed moving the 300 cy stockpile to the West M-B Yard. Eileen Olson
6/1/2005 Site Visit East Yard: CS Program staff observed test pit excavation and soil and groundwater sampling. Excavator encountered heavily stained soil in an area close to MW5. Eileen Olson
7/8/2005 Update or Other Action West and North Yards: Received copy of EPA letter dated July 5, 2005 to M-B Contracting requesting information regarding injection of fluids for groundwater treatment. Injection of potassium permanganate was done at the former oil-water separator and leach field site that straddles the North and West yards. Eileen Olson
7/13/2005 Update or Other Action East Yard: Received letter report dated July 12, 2005 'MB Contracting East Yard Supplemental Analytical Sample Report...July 2005" prepared by ChemTrack. The report documents the collection of additional samples from previously excavated trenches, the installation of 4 monitoring wells, and requests no further remedial action planned status for the East Yard. Seven soil samples were collected from the vicinity of the following 5 areas: 2 soil samples 14 ft from monitoring well MW-5 (installed by TERRASAT in 2002); 1 soil sample adjacent to Excavation 293; 1 soil sample in undisturbed soil near the former PCE location at a depth of 12.25 ft bgs; 2 soil samples at Excavation 294; and 1 soil sample at the East Yard west property line (MB-EY4). A soil sample collected at 14' from MW-5 at 4' below ground surface contained 1,750 mg/kg DRO, with contamination observed from 2 - 9 ft by field staff. The report also notes that the approximately 300 cy soil stockpile in the East Yard was transported to the landspread area per ADEC approval in a letter dated Oct. 1, 2004. Eileen Olson
7/20/2005 Update or Other Action All Yards: Received copy of EPA letter to M-B Contracting requesting information regarding injection of fluids for groundwater treatment. Injection of potassium permanganate was done at the former oil-water separator and leach field site that straddles the North and West yards; EPA sent this letter in response to a May 20, 2005 letter from DEC that EPA was copied on. The DEC letter primarily addressed the East Yard, but also referenced the need to keep EPA apprised of issues related to the water treatment being done in the North and West yards. Eileen Olson
7/21/2005 Update or Other Action All Yards: Met with Walmart representatives and their environmental consultant to discuss site status and planned supplemental site characterization work to include installing additional monitoring wells. Eileen Olson
7/22/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other West and North Yards: DEC received and approved emailed plan by prospective buyer's consultant ChemTrack to install ten monitoring wells in the North and West yards with work to begin on July 25, 2005. Eileen Olson
7/25/2005 Site Visit All Yards: Site visit with EPA representative who conducted site inspection for the Underground Injection Control Program under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Eileen Olson
7/30/2005 Update or Other Action All Yards: DEC sent letter to responsible party, Jack Miller and/or M-B Contracting requesting all environmental work documentation for the Miller and M-B Construction properties near DeBarr and Muldoon Roads including the parcels designated as the North, West and East Yards. Eileen Olson
8/8/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other East and North Yards: DEC review letter for “MB Contracting East Yard Supplemental Analytical Sample Report, July 2005” and request for report of work done in the North Yard in July 2005. Request for NFRAP included with East Yard report not granted as additional characterization is needed. Eileen Olson
8/15/2005 Update or Other Action ChemTrack letter received that responds to ADEC letter dated August 8, 2005 and comments on North and East Yard work. Eileen Olson
8/16/2005 Update or Other Action All Yards: Rec'd letter of this date from responsible party John I. Miller, President of M-B Contracting, responding to DEC's August 8, letter and clarifying that ChemTrack remains the environmental representative for the M-B and Miller properties. Eileen Olson
8/24/2005 Update or Other Action All Yards: Date of letter rec'd from responsible party John I. Miller, President of M-B Contracting, noting that the prospective purchaser of the Miller/M-B properties will request a "Prospective Purchaser Agreement" from ADEC and that any contact between the purchaser and its consultants for this purpose is fine with Mr. Miller. Eileen Olson
10/6/2005 Update or Other Action West and North Yards: DEC copied on letter of Oct. 6, 2005 to John Miller from EPA, rec'd Oct. 17, 2005. Letter follows up Safe Drinking Water Act inspection of July 25, 2005 and requests description of UIC system and records related to design and operation of the system. Although most of the system is in the West Yard it extends into the N. Yard so this database entry is included for both the North Yard and West Yard sites. Eileen Olson
10/31/2005 Update or Other Action DEC received two reports prepared by Shannon & Wilson pertaining to the North, West and East Yards. These are the "Site Summary" report dated July 12, 2005 and the "Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, August 2005". The Summary Report summarized environmental assessment and cleanup activities conducted prior to 2005 by Shannon & Wilson and otheres. The stated purpose of the limited Phase II assessment was to further evaluate the extent of soil and groundwater contamination at the site including whether impacted soil or groundwater is potentially migrating offsite. Work included advancing ten soil borings that were completed as monitoring wells, excavating 22 test pits, stockpile screening, and collecting soil and groundwater samples. The Phase II report references the "July 2005 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 7101 DeBarr Road, Anchorage, Alaska" that has not been submitted to ADEC. Results for soil sampling exceeding ADEC cleanup levels include a concentration of 0.175 ppm TCE detected in Sample B5S6, from Boring B5 at a depth of about 12.5 to 14.5 feet bgs. The highest levels of DRO and RRO were respectively 7,510 mg/kg DRO and 17,300 mg/kg RRO from Test Pit TP7. Stockpile Test Pits SP1, SP2, and SP3 were advanced in the areas of the stockpile that were reportedly associated with the wash rack excavation. Concentrations of TCE in excess of the applicable ADEC cleanup level of 0.027 ppm were detected in Stockpile Test Pits SP1 and SP2. TCE was detected at 2.36 mg/kg in Sample SPlS2 and 0.0364 ppm in Sample SP2S3. Sample SP1 S2 also contained 256 ppm DRO which exceeds the applicable ADEC cleanup level. Monitoring Wells BlMW through BlOMW were sampled between July 28, 2005 and August 1, 2005. With the exception of the concentration of TCE in the sample collected from Monitoring Well BSMW, the target analytes were either not detected or below the applicable cleanup levels. Sample B5MW contained 0.0116 ppm TCE which exceeds the applicable ADEC cleanup level of 0.005 ppm. Eileen Olson
11/2/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held All Yards: DEC mgmt. Jim Frechione and Rich Sundet met with representatives of the prospective buyer and owner of the three M-B properties (East, West and North Yards) regarding resolution of outstanding environmental issues and potential agreements for completion of cleanup and establishment of ongoing liability. Eileen Olson
11/22/2005 Update or Other Action Received report dated November 22, 2005 "Groundwater Sampling, 7101 DeBarr Road, Anchorage, Alaska" prepared by Shannon & Wilson for Walmart documenting the results of groundwater sampling for the ten borings completed as monitoring wells as part of the "Limited Phase II ESA" for the site; the results of evaluation and where possible, sampling of 8 wells that were installed by the consultant to the previous owner. The report concludes that "DRO-impacted groundwater is likely migrating offsite west of the Maintenance Building" and recommended off-property placement of additional wells. Eileen Olson
12/6/2005 Update or Other Action Received plan dated 12/5/2005 prepared by Enzyme Tech by email from Shannon & Wilson titled "Revised Landfarm Proposal for an Estimated 12,000 Cubic Yards of GRO, DRO and RRO Impacted Soils, 7101 DeBarr Road." Shannon & Wilson's email states that "...Enzyme assumes that most (if not all) of the soil should be treated during one summer. If a portion doesn't get to the required levels, the now clean soil would be removed to other areas on the site and the remaining impacted soil would continue to be treated. Since the proposal is performance based and if the mobilization fee is refunded and if a small enough quantity of impacted soil remains we could use these funds that are not payed to Enzyme to treat the soil offsite." Eileen Olson
12/12/2005 Update or Other Action Prospective Purchaser Agreement (PPA) between ADEC and Walmart signed, copy in file. The PPA outlines the investigation and cleanup requirements required by the Department, and describes the conditions under which Walmart's liability for existing contamination is financially capped. Eileen Olson
4/5/2006 Update or Other Action Cost recovery billing by Dept. of Law to Walmart for costs beginning after July 15, 2005 through approximately December 31, 2005. As agreed upon between ADEC and Walmart, July 15, 2005 is the cutoff date for cost allocation such that the past property owners, Jack Miller and M-B Contracting were responsible for all Department oversight costs incurred before 7/15/2005 and Walmart is responsible for oversight costs incurred on and after 7/15/2005. Eileen Olson
4/17/2006 Update or Other Action Received plan from Walmart's consultant, Shannon & Wilson, titled "Cleanup and Site Characterization Work Plan" dated March 2006. Eileen Olson
5/9/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Rich Sundet and Eileen Olson of the CSP met with Walmart's environmental consultant Shannon & Wilson to discuss informal work plan review comments sent by Mr. Sundet on May 4, 2006. Eileen Olson
5/11/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approval with conditions granted. DEC sent review letter dated May 11, 2006 that followed up a May 9, 2006 plan review meeting by outlining the Department's understanding of how each review item will be addressed. The main points of the letter were that the tasks of determining whether off-site migration of contamination is occurring or could occur and the completion of a well search should be prioritized, with four of the eight planned monitoring wells to be installed as a priority, and generally placed along the hydrologically downgradient property boundary. Eileen Olson
5/12/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent this letter modifying item 1 of the letter dated May 11th, withdrawing the requirement to sample certain soils based on documentation that they were adequately characterized. No samples will be required unless soil is highly contaminated. The basis for the change was a review of site data showing that the contaminants of concern have been identified in the areas to be excavated. Together the May 11th and May 12th letters by DEC clarify tasks to be done by Shannon & Wilson, including the development of a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) prior to DEC's consideration of conditional closure (see May 11th letter). Eileen Olson
5/18/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Plan approval for removal of four heating oil USTs at 7101 DeBarr Road on May 19, 2006. Plan was submitted as an email dated May 18, 2006. Eileen Olson
7/5/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter sent requesting a revised work plan from Walmart to be submitted by July 17, 2006 to replace the workplan submitted on April 17, 2006. This timeframe should allow ADEC adequate time for review before the August 1, 2006 implementation date for the approved workplan. Setting a deadline is in keeping with the terms of the Prospective Purchaser Agreement (PPA) that requires ADEC to review and approve or disapprove the remedial action plans described in the PPA within 30 days following receipt. The PPA allows ADEC discretion with respect to setting deadlines, stating that “If the plans are disapproved, deficiencies shall be corrected within a time determined by ADEC.” Eileen Olson
7/11/2006 Update or Other Action Received workplan titled "Revised Cleanup and Site Characterization Work Plan, 7101 DeBarr Road, Anchorage, Alaska, June 2006." Eileen Olson
8/4/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC review letter sent approving "Revised Cleanup and Site Characterization Work Plan". The letter included a discussion of PPA requirements and effectively revised certain requirements of the PPA based on lapsed scheduling, for example, ADEC requested that Walmart postpone decommissioning onsite monitoring wells to ensure adequate data points are available until a new request to decommission the wells is made and approved by ADEC. ADEC received the original workplan on April 17,2006 and provided review comments in letters dated May 11 and May 12,2006, both of which were provided as attachments to the subject revised workplan. Eileen Olson
8/25/2006 Update or Other Action Received "Work Plan for Additional Assessment Activities, 7101 DeBarr Road" that includes a revised project schedule. The original project schedule was specified in the PPA (see 12/12/2005). Eileen Olson
8/30/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review letter for "Work Plan for Additional Assessment Activities" dated August 25, 2006, with partial plan approval of Task 1 (groundwater sampling) and statement re schedule. Eileen Olson
11/16/2006 Site Added to Database "DeBarr Walmart" site added to the database - refers to all three yards (North, East and West Yards) previously investigated as separate contaminated sites with corresponding database entries for each yard. Mitzi Read
11/16/2006 Update or Other Action Received report dated Nov. 15, 2006 "Groundwater Sampling, 7101 Debarr Road, Anchorage, Alaska" documenting the results of sampling of 14 on-site monitoring wells and the on-site drinking water well. Results from the water well were non-detect for the analytes measured (BTEX, DRO and VOCs). The well is reportedly not in use and will be abandoned in the future. TCE concentrations were above site cleanup levels in one monitoring well B5MW at 0.0104 mg/L (vs. cleanup level of 0.005 mg/L); otherwise analytes detected in other monitoring wells were below site cleanup levels, although the water in MW19 was strongly colored purple presumably from the addition of potassium permanganate to cleanup groundwater at the site. The depth to groundwater in B5MW was 12.64 feet below the ground surface. Noted in the report conclusions:"we do not know whether Wells MW5, MW19, MBC-7 and MBC-8 were properly installed or developed." Additional monitoring wells are scheduled for installation off-property (west of the west Walmart property boundary) in December 2006. Eileen Olson
12/1/2006 Update or Other Action Received report documenting removal of four 500-gallon unregulated heating oil tanks: "UST Closure and Site Characterization Activities, 7101 DeBarr Road...August 2006". The report includes a drinking water well survey within a 0.25-mile radius of the Walmart property's western boundary and documents the removal of USTs associated with homes along the southern boundary of the western portion of the site. Four heating oil UST's, designated Tanks T1 through T4,were located adjacent to the four former residences located at 7103, 7123, 7143, and 7163 DeBarr Road,respectively. Tank excavation and closure sampling were done on May 19,2006. The report documented that DRO and BTEX concentrations in soil remaining at the former tank locations were below the applicable ADEC soil cleanup levels. Approximately 55 cy of excavated soil from the vicinity of the fill pipes was placed adjacent to the existing approximately 10,000 cubic yard impacted soil stockpile. Eileen Olson
1/8/2007 Update or Other Action Received figure showing proposed monitoring well locations for four off-property wells to be installed west of the DeBarr Walmart property. Eileen Olson
1/12/2007 Update or Other Action Received report "Limited Soil Sampling, 7101 DeBarr Road" describing the results of excavation of six test pits on December 15, 2006. Excavation was done to determine whether soils beneath the Fabrication Ship and MaintenanceB Building in the former West Yard (southwest portion of DeBarr Walmart site) were impacted by DRO and TCE. Based on the analytical results, soils are not impacted by DRO and TCE. Eileen Olson
1/17/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter sent w/subject line "Notice under Prospective Purchaser Agreement and Approval of Groundwater monitoring well locations" that 1) approved the proposed locations for four offsite monitor wells to be installed west of the DeBarr Road Walmart site, 2) requested that Walmart provide information by February 1, 2007 responsive to item 4 of the Department's August 4, 2006 letter that requested "a brief status report including funds expended and work completed to date" and a revised schedule of work that includes the work items listed in Shannon & Wilson's work plan dated August 25, 2006; and 3) noted that the limitation of liability set forth in the PPA is contingent upon Walmart complying with the requirements of the PPA, including adhering to deadlines approved by the Department. Eileen Olson
1/29/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC received response from Wal-Mart representative Lounsbury to 1/17/2007 letter requesting updated schedule. Eileen Olson
5/9/2007 Update or Other Action Received plan titled "Work Plan for Pre-Construction Soil Characterization" dated May 8, 2007. The proposed work includes: 1) excavating a shallow infiltration basin west of the treatment cells to accomodate precipitation runoff from the treatment cells, with the excavated soil used as fill in the former wash rack excavation, and 2) characterizing the soil excavated from the basin, and 3) determining current conditions in the washdown wash rack excavation. Proposed are excavation of 5 test pits at the location of the proposed stormwater basin and 5 test pits to characterize undisturbed soil in the vicinity of the former wash rack excavation. Eileen Olson
6/21/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review letter granting conditional approval of work plan for pre-construction soil characterization, received May 10, 2007. ADEC requested additional sampling and an additional test pit, and noted that a higher frequency of post- treatment analytical sampling for the landspread soils than the one sample per 400 cubic yards now proposed may be required. Lastly the letter states that the plan approval covers only the plan to excavate and sample test pits and does not constitute approval of the plan to construct an unlined shallow infiltration basin and the associated changed soil treatment approach that is briefly described in the plan. Letter also required public notice of soil treatment area but this was later determined not to be a regulatory requirement and was rescinded (see 6/22/2007 entry). Eileen Olson
6/22/2007 Update or Other Action Requirement for public notice of soil treatment (stated in ADEC letter dated 6/21/2007) rescinded based on ADEC determination that treatment area is not considered to be off-site. Eileen Olson
7/6/2007 Update or Other Action Received plan "Infiltration Basin and Monitoring Well Decommissioning" transmittal that provides drawings and other details of proposed shallow infiltration basin to be constructed adjacent to the soil treatment cells as a stormwater catchment and diversion system. Transmittal proposes holding off monitoring well decommissioning that was required by ADEC to be completed by August 2007; based on overall project delays decommissioning would be premature. Eileen Olson
8/8/2007 Site Visit Site visit, met with Project Superintendent Bill Moores and Shannon & Wilson representative Nick Protos. Work in progress during visit, soil spreading in treatment cells. Eileen Olson
8/10/2007 Update or Other Action Received report titled "Limited Soil Sampling . . . 7101 DeBarr Road" with transmittal sheet dated 8/10/2007. The report documents excavation of a total of 16 test pits; 11 test pits were located within the area of the proposed infiltration basin, and five test pits were located adjacent to and surrounding the former wash rack excavation, including one just east of that excavation. Two samples from test pit 3 contained TCE; 0.0354 ppm at 7.5' bgs and 0.0448 ppm TCE at 9.5 bgs. Eileen Olson
8/14/2007 Update or Other Action Received report titled "Off-Site Well Installation . . . August 2007" on August 20, 2007. Note that by definition the site includes the area of contamination, so that an accurate title would have been "off-property" well installation. Work reported includes completing four borings as monitoring wells (B11MW, B12MW, B13MW and B14MW) and collection of soil and groundwater samples. Based on the off-property investigation, soil and groundwater were encountered on the neighboring prpoerty at 7041 DeBarr Road, with concentrations of trichloroethene (TCE) exceeding the ADEC applicable cleanup level in both soil and groundwater samples collected from the monitoring well B12MW location. TCE was present in soil from the 12.5-13.9 foot interval at a concentration of 0.0358 versus the cleanup level of 0.027 mg/kg, and groundwater exceeded the cleanup level at 0.00872 mg/L versus the cleanup level of 0.005 mg/L. The report conclusions state that the extent of the TCE plume has not been fully delineated, and more definitive conclusions regarding plume dimensions can be made if/when the on-site and off-site wells are sampled concurrently. Eileen Olson
8/21/2007 Update or Other Action Received report titled "Assessment of Cobbles Remaining from Contaminated Soil Stockpile . . . 7101 DeBarr Road." The report documents that over 700 cubic yards of cobbles and some boulders were segregated from soil and smaller gravel during transfer of contaminated soil from initial stockpile locations. Disposal of the cobbles as partial backfill for a former excavation was requested. The cobbles were described as non-porous and as having no apparent surface contamination. Eileen Olson
8/24/2007 Site Visit Site visit, met with Shannon & Wilson and Lounsbury representatives, viewed stockpiled oversize material. Work in progress during visit included adding cobbles to former washrack excavation at and above groundwater level, compacting. Eileen Olson
8/31/2007 Update or Other Action Approval granted to install two monitoring wells as per plan dated 8/24/07. (partial plan approval) Eileen Olson
1/16/2008 Update or Other Action Received report "Well Installation and Sampling, Walmart Supercenter W59-00, Sam's Club #6602-06, 7101 DeBarr Road, Anchorage (NE), Alaska, January 2008". The report documents the results of Shannon & Wilson's monitonng well installation and groundwater sampling requested in ADEC's letter dated July 17, 2007, based on Shannon & Wilson's August 21, 2007 work plan that was approved by ADEC on the same date. After Walmart began construction of four treatment cells to treat approximately 12,000 cubic yards of impacted soil in July 2007, Shannon & Wilson excavated a shallow infiltration basin (basin)to accomodate runoff from the treatment cells. The soil from the basin excavation was used as fill in the former washdown area excavation. Work reported in this report included advancing two soil borings, installing two monitoring wells (B15MW and B16MW) adjacent to the infiltration basin and downgradient of the treatment cells and infiltration basin, and sampling the wells on September 11 and October 18, 2007. Also reported was groundwater sampling for wells B11MW-B14MW on October 18, 2007. Shannon & Wilson concluded that based on the off-site investigation activities in October 2007,impacted groundwater is present in the southeast portion of the neighboring property, located at 7041 DeBarr Road, with concentrations of TCE exceeding the ADEC applicable cleanup criterion were measured in the primary and duplicate groundwater samples collected from Monitoring Well B12MW. Eileen Olson
1/29/2008 Update or Other Action Received report "Soil Treatment Cell Characterization, 7101 DeBarr Road . . . January 2008" prepared by Shannon & Wilson. The report documents the first sampling event for four treatment cells, with sampling done November 1 and 8, 2007. The estimated total volume of soil placed in the treatment cells was 10,775 cubic yards, representing the volume remaining after cobbles greater than 6-in. diameter were screened out of an initial estimated volume of 13,000 cubic yards. Shannon & Wilson concluded that DRO is the only remaining contaminant to be remediated, and that the bulk of the treated soil continued to exhibit DRO concentrations greater than the applicable cleanup levels. The maximum detected DRO level was 1,000 mg/kg. Eileen Olson
3/21/2008 Update or Other Action Received plan titled "Plan to Conduct 2008 Groundwater Monitoring of Off-Site Wells at 7101 DeBarr Road." The plan proposes to collect groundwater samples from monitoring wells B11MW through B14 MW for the first two consecutive quarters in 2008. (See 8/20/2008 report on Off-Site wells: Wells B11MW-B14MW were installed April 3 and 4, 2007 and were sampled at the time of installation and in October 2007). Eileen Olson
5/23/2008 Update or Other Action Received report titled "Groundwater Monitoring of Off-Site Wells" dated May 21, 2008. The report documents the third of four monitoring events for four off-property wells (B11MW, B12MW, B13MW and B14MW) that were installed and sampled in April 2007, with subsequent sampling events taking place in October 2007 and March 2008. B11MW contained detectable TCE at 0.00124 mg/L, a concentration below the ADEC cleanup level. B12MW contained TCE above the 0.005 mg/L cleanup level, with 0.00956 mg/L TCE detected. No other contaminants were detected in the groundwater monitoring wells. Eileen Olson
9/3/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 75301 name: Wash rack, dry well & surface spills Eileen Olson
9/15/2008 Update or Other Action Received "Amendment to July 2006 Work Plan for Confirmation Sampling of Treated Soil" dated 9/15/2008 requests amendment of the Work Plan to eliminate screening using a PID for selecting analytical samples, instead proposing to collect analytical samples from the same locations and depths (approximately 18 inches below the surface of the treatement cells) as those selected for the 2007 event. Sample collection is at a frequency of one analytical per 400 cubic yards of landspread soil. Eileen Olson
12/18/2008 Update or Other Action Received report "Soil Treatment Cell Characterization" dated December 12, 2008. The report concludes that analytical results show that approximately one-third of the treated soil exhibits DRO concentrations greater than the applicable cleanup level of 250 mg/kg. Nine of the 12 samples exceeding the cleanup level were equal to or below 335 mg/kg. The highest concentration of DRO detected was 511 mg/kg. The report notes that the work plan approved by ADEC required collection of 15 screening samples from each sub-cell, and notes that these screening samples were eliminated because headspace results from screening samples collected during the 2007 event did not correlate to analytical results. Therefore soil screening for 2008 was performed only on soil from the analytical sample locations. Eileen Olson
6/22/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking of multiple source areas with ETM: 1) Initial ranking completed for source area id: 78902 name: Waste oil drum storage area in former West Yard. 2) Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78898 name: East Yard Drum and Debris burial. 3) Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78899 name: East Yard pre-1995 stockpile. 4)Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78900 name: Heating oil tanks southern part of West Yard on DeBarr. 5) Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78901 name: Surface petroleum stains North Yard. 6) Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78903 name: Injection wells for treatment of TCE-contamination, West Yard. 7) Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78903 name: Injection wells for treatment of TCE-contamination, West Yard. 8)Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78905 name: Soil Treatment Area - 10,775 cy from all areas of site landspread in North Yard. 9) Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78909 name: 1991 Regulated and Unregulated Tank removals. Eileen Olson
9/23/2010 Update or Other Action ADEC received report prepared by Shannon & Wilson for Lounsbury & Associates titled "FINAL SUMMARY REPORT, WAL-MART SUPERCENTER #4359-00 AND SAM’S CLUB #6602-06, 7101 DEBARR ROAD, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA." The report stated that it provides a summary of cleanup and assessment activities conducted between 2006 and 2010 at 7101 DeBarr Road in Anchorage, Alaska (Property), and a status update of WalMart’s obligations under the 2005 Prospective Purchaser Agreement (PPA) (ADEC, 2005). Eileen Olson
10/26/2010 Update or Other Action ADEC received the "Work Plan for Post-Treatment Soil Sampling" prepared by consultant Shannon & Wilson that proposes eliminating the field screening requirement from the approved work plan and collecting one sample from each of 28 equal-sized grids from about 0.5 to 1.5 feet below the ground surface using hand tools (augers, shovels, or spoons). The work plan also proposes for the first time transporting the post-treatment soil off-site for disposal (the approved June 2006 work plan indicated that soil would be treated to below 250 mg/kg DRO and would be re-used on the Wal-Mart site). Eileen Olson
3/4/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter issued with subject line "Conditional approval of Work Plan for Post-Treatment Soil Sampling October 26,2010". Because off-site transport & disposal of the approximately 10,775 cubic yards of soil treated by land spreading was proposed in the Oct. 26, 2010 plan (and was not proposed in the June 2006 approved work plan), an increased frequency of sampling from one analytical sample for every 370 cubic yards was to one sample per 100 cubic yards of soil was a condition of approval, with all samples analyzed for DRO and RRO, and half of the samples also analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260C, and 10 percent of the sample, those with the highest field screening readings, analyzed for PAHs. Eileen Olson
3/16/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC email to counsel for Walmart regarding outstanding issues for site closure and for PPA closeout including review comments for summary report submitted by Shannon & Wilson on 9/23/2010. The outstanding issues for the site include (1) the adequacy of the summary report required by the PPA* dated 9/23/2010 – that is, was the work required by the PPA done, and is that work adequately documented in the summary report to meet the reporting requirements of the PPA and Shannon & Wilson's master plan dated July 2006 (the plan was required under the PPA); (2) the environmental status of soil and groundwater within the right-of-way or on the adjacent property to the west of Walmart's property boundary where TCE concentrations have remained just above the cleanup level, with the question being what oversight will be required by ADEC during excavation of the right of way for utilities, etc.; and (3) ADEC requirements with respect to continued groundwater monitoring. ADEC noted it would request that the summary report provide more definitive statements regarding the environmental status of the site, including a figure showing areas with potential or documented contamination exceeding site cleanup levels, as well as recommendations regarding continued groundwater monitoring. For (2), ADEC expects to require oversight by a qualified environmental consultant during excavation or other earthmoving at the western property boundary to ensure that contaminated soil and/or groundwater is identified and if present handled properly. (3) will depend to some extent on Shannon & Wilson conclusions and recommendations not yet provided and on construction plans – if excavation within the right of way will take place in the next few months, so that soils within the right of way will be investigated, the unknowns associated with that area (west of the western property boundary) would likely be resolved. In any case, it is unlikely but possible that ADEC will require the replacement of wells decommissioned for construction or continued groundwater monitoring. Eileen Olson
5/10/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff met with consultant Shannon & Wilson and Lounsbury on behalf of Walmart to discuss outstanding requirements for completing work at the site and for closing out the Dec. 2005 PPA. Following the meeting the consultant notified ADEC in accordance with the approved August 2006 work plan that post-treatment soil sampling and well decommissioning will be started within the next three weeks, with more specificity provided prior to conducting the site activities. Additionally, Shannon & Wilson noted that prior to decommissioning of the wells, groundwater samples would be collected on 5/13/2011 with analysis for DRO/RRO/VOCs from Wells B1MW, B2MW, and B3MW. (Post-treatment soil sampling was not done). Eileen Olson
5/11/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC staff responded to the notification of pending work given on May 10, 2011 by consultant Shannon & Wilson with the request that all field screening samples be taken from a minimum depth of 18” below the landspread surface, but above the natural ground surface, since any remaining contamination is likely to be found at depth within the landspread soil. The landspread area has not to ADEC's knowledge been disturbed since 2008, and is reportedly vegetated. ADEC also requested that samples be analyzed by 8270C instead of 8260B to include PAHs. ADEC further clarified that approval is required before wells B1MW, B2MW and B3MW are decommissioned, but the other on-property wells may be decommissioned within the time frame indicated. Submittal of laboratory analytical results was requested within 30 days of receiving final results, with field notes and photographs of site work to be included with the report for the work. Eileen Olson
6/3/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved Shannon & Wilson's proposal via email of May 31, 2011 to decommission Wells B1MW, B2MW, and B3MW on June 6 and 7 at the same time as previously approved decommissioning of other wells takes place. In support of the proposal Shannon & Wilson provided laboratory analytical results for samples from the three wells collected on May 13, 2011 and tested for DRO/RRO, VOCs, and PAHs. The samples did not contain detectable concentrations of the tested analytes. Wells B15MW and B16MW (located in the infiltration basin) will remain until the treatment cells are removed. ADEC's approval requested detailed field notes of the decommissioning as the well construction details (wells were not installed by S&W) were in question. Eileen Olson
6/8/2011 Update or Other Action ADEC received a plan via email this date from Shannon & Wilson summarizing soil treatment activities for the approximately 10,775 cubic yards of landspread soil at 7101-7163 DeBarr Road and requesting approval to re-use the post-treated soil, without conducting additional post-treatment sampling as fill on environmentally non-sensitive areas of the Wal-Mart property, with those areas not yet identified but expected to include placement under landscaping and parking areas. Tables providing previous field screening and analytical results and figures showing sample locations were provided. S&W noted that it would provide specific plans regarding placement of material on-site prior to implementation. Eileen Olson
8/10/2011 Update or Other Action ADEC received a report for off-property groundwater sampling dated July 14, 2011 titled "Groundwater Sampling of Off-Site Wells, 7101-7163 DeBarr Road". The report documents the sampling of four groundwater monitoring wells (B11MW - B14MW, installed in 2007) located at the Muldoon Community Assembly church property adjacent to and west of the Walmart property. Concentrations of trichloroethene (TCE) above the ADEC’s Table C cleanup level of 0.005 milligram per liter (mg/L) were detected in the primary and duplicate samples collected from Monitoring Well B12MW. Depth to groundwater from the top of casing (flush-mounted with the ground surface) varied from 11.19 to 15.90 feet below the ground surface. B12MW has been sampled 5 times including the June 14, 2011 event documented in this report; TCE exceeded cleanup levels during all events. Eileen Olson
8/18/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter issued that conditionally approves the "Work Plan for Soil Sampling, Patterson Street Right-Of-Way, 7101-7163 DeBarr Road" dated June 27, 2011 and received by ADEC on August 8, 2011. Eileen Olson
11/11/2011 Update or Other Action ADEC received the report "Soil Sampling, Patterson Street Right-of-Way, 7101-7163 DeBarr Road, Anchorage, Alaska; ADEC File No. 2100.38.474" dated October 24, 2011. The report includes soil sampling results for borings within the Patterson Street right-of-way, adjacent to and west of the Walmart property. Eileen Olson
11/23/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received and reviewed a plan this date titled "Post-Treatment Soil Fill Plan, 7101-7163 DeBarr Road, Anchorage, Alaska; ADEC FILE ID 2100.38.474" dated November 21, 2011 and prepared by Shannon & Wilson. The plan proposes placement of soil beneath a parking area with no additional sampling. Following a discussion with the consultant regarding apparent errors in the plan, the consultant noted that he would submit a new plan with clarifications/corrections. Eileen Olson
12/9/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received and reviewed a revised plan dated Dec. 9, 2011 titled "Post-Treatment Soil Fill Plan, 7101-7163 DeBarr Road" prepared by Shannon & Wilson. Plan revisions to the previous plan submitted on Nov. 21, 2011 with the same title included corrections to the area to be filled with the post-treatment soil (an area of approximately 275,000 square feet, in an approximately 1-foot lift, to be paved over as a parking lot). A plan review letter specific to the plan was not issued but comments were discussed with the consultant particularly with respect to PAH testing requirements, and the requirements for collection of 10 samples for PAH analysis and others pertaining to the post-treatment soils were incorporated into ADEC's letter dated December 13, 2011 with subject line "Status of Prospective Purchaser Agreement (PPA) for DeBarr Walmart Site". Eileen Olson
12/12/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff met with representative of consulting firm Shannon & Wilson to discuss requirements for completing obligations under Prospective Purchaser Agreement (PPA) of December 2005. Eileen Olson
12/13/2011 Update or Other Action ADEC issued a letter to Walmart with subject line "Status of Prospective Purchaser Agreement (PPA) for DeBarr Walmart Site" dated December 13, 2011. Eileen Olson
2/16/2012 Update or Other Action ADEC received a response from Walmart's local legal counsel to ADEC's request for financial documentation showing that all funds set aside for cleanup at the site had been expended (see ADEC letter dated December 13, 2011). Eileen Olson
3/7/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff Rich Sundet, Eileen Olson and ADEC AGO representative Breck Tostevin met with Walmart's local counsel and Shannon & Wilson staff to discuss the remaining requirements of the PPA and requirements for achieving Cleanup Complete w/ICs status for the site. Participants agreed that Walmart would submit a summary report demonstrating that the requirements of the PPA have been met and will later (following additional excavation and construction work that is expected to provide additional environmental information) submit a closure report demonstrating that requirements for CC w/ICs have been met. Eileen Olson
3/8/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC review letter issued for report titled "Soil Sampling, Patterson Street Right-Of-Way" received November 11, 2011. The letter notes that borings closest to the area where TCE is present in groundwater at levels exceeding the cleanup level did not extend to groundwater and so did not provide additional characterization information for the groundwater contaminant plume and smear zone that may be associated with it. Eileen Olson
3/8/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved "Post-Treatment Soil Fill Plan" dated December 9, 2011. The plan proposes placing approximately 10,000 cubic yards of treated soil in a one-foot lift over an area of approximately 275,000 square feet that will be paved and used as a parking lot. The plan is approved with the condition that the soil be sampled for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), with a total of 10 samples to be collected from an equivalent number of volume-based units. Eileen Olson
3/22/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter conditionally approving "Work Plan for Post-Treatment SOil Sampling". Eileen Olson
6/8/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC review letter for "Soil Sampling" report dated April 25, 2012, received May 1, 2012. The report documents sampling of approximately 10,775 cubic yards of petroleum hydrocarbon and solvent contaminated soil that were treated by landspreading beginning in July 2007. As documented in the report, cleanup levels for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were exceeded in 2 of 10 grid areas that were sampled in accordance with Walmart’s approved Post-Treatment Soil Fill Plan dated December 9, 2011. ADEC's letter confirmed that the post-treated fill may still be placed beneath the future Walmart parking area in the southeast area of the Walmart property with the additional condition that soil from the 8 grids that did not exceed PAH cleanup levels will be placed in areas, if any, that are within 30 feet of occupied buildings. Eileen Olson
7/19/2012 Update or Other Action ADEC received an electronic copy of Shannon & Wilson's "Groundwater Sampling" letter report dated July 16, 2012 for the May 21, 2012 sampling of monitoring wells B12MW, B15MW and B16MW, all located along the western side of the site. Tetrachloroethylene concentrations exceeded the groundwater cleanup levels listed in Table C, 18 AAC 75.345, in B12MW as they have during all sampling events since the well was installed in 2007. Contaminant levels in the other two wells did not exceed detection limits. Eileen Olson
7/27/2012 Update or Other Action ADEC letter issued to Walmart outlining ADEC's requirements under the PPA and requesting clarification regarding intent to obtain site closure, and response to letter dated 3/27/2012 to project manager by Walmart counsel regarding characterization of the Patterson Street right of way. The letter noted that if Walmart chooses to continue cleanup under the PPA and does not indicate its intent to achieve site closure, ADEC will need to carefully manage the remaining environmental actions and corresponding funds available for completion of the PPA. Eileen Olson
8/1/2012 Update or Other Action Staff copied on AGO letter to Walmart counsel regarding the assurances made during a March 7, 2012 meeting between Walmart and ADEC representatives that Walmart intends to complete the necessary steps to obtain site closure irrespective of its position that it has met its funding obligation under the PPA. The letter responds in part to a letter by Walmart counsel dated April 9, 2012 requesting acknowledgement that Walmart has satisfied its funding obligations under the PPA. The letter determined that the funding obligations under the PPA have not been satisfied and listed actions that were eligible for reimbursement from the funds set aside for cleanup under the PPA. Eileen Olson
8/1/2012 Update or Other Action Rec'd copy of ADEC Division of Water Wastewater Discharge Authorization Program review and approval with conditions of GMC Contracting's Notice of Intent for dewatering discharges of over 250,000 gallons in accordance with the general permit. The authorization letter includes conditions required by the Contaminated Sites Program (CSP) including requirements to closely monitor for observable contamination groundwater if encountered, and soil at the groundwater-soil interface, along a 250 foot corridor within an area documented to be contaminated by trichloroethylene (TCE). CSP will also be notified prior to excavation in the area of known and suspected TCE contamination. Eileen Olson
9/13/2012 Site Visit Site visit to observe trenching to install a water line at and below groundwater (encountered at about 15 feet below ground level) in the south Patterson Street from the edge of DeBarr Road northward. Eileen Olson
10/10/2012 Site Visit Staff visited site with ADNR and ADEC WQ staff during initial pumping and development of dewatering well in northwest corner of Walmart property where waterline installation is planned. Eileen Olson
10/12/2012 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC received and approved a request to dispose of PCE-impacted soil and debris at the MOA Anchorage Regional Landfill. The soil and debris was excavated during utility trenching activities (date not provided) and stored in three piles (80 cubic yards total) and could not be used to backfill the utility trench due to the presence of debris(concrete and lumber). Samples collected on September 13, 2012 were analyzed for GRO, DRO, and VOCs. The samples contained a maximum of 0.0908 mg/kg PCE, 0.249 mg/kg methylene chloride, with DRO, BTEX, naphthalene, carbon disulfide, and trans-1,2-dichloroethene at concentrations less than the ADEC cleanup levels. Eileen Olson
10/19/2012 Update or Other Action ADEC WQ Division issued an amended Dewatering Authorization letter this date that includes Contaminated Sites Program conditions for monitoring groundwater levels using sentinel piezometers between the area of documented groundwater contamination and the area to be dewatered. Eileen Olson
10/25/2012 Update or Other Action ADEC through AGO state counsel issued a letter dated October 25, 2012 responding to Walmart counsel's Sept. 27, 2012 correspondence with a counterproposal listing the remaining requirements for closure of the Prospective Purchaser Agreement (PPA). ADEC's letter also outlined the requirements for achieving site closure (cleanup complete with institutional controls). Eileen Olson
10/26/2012 Update or Other Action ADEC was copied on ADNR's Amended Temporary Water Use Authorization (TWUP) dated October 26, 2012 for the site. The amended TWUP was issued to amend the TWUP issued Sept. 15, 2012 to: 1)Increase the water withdrawal up to 4,000 gallons of water per minute initially (5,760,000 in a 24-hour period), up to a maximum of 8,OOO gallons per minute (5,760,000 in a 24- hour period). Quantities of excavation dewatering water shall be kept to a minimum by working in a maximum of 50 linear feet of open trench at anyone time; 2) Add Municipal storm sewer to the allowable discharge plan in order to accommodate the increased water withdrawal during dewatering for underground utilities; 3) ModifY condition fifteen (15) to "Amended Authorization 2009DB003-144"; and 4) Add conditions seventeen (17) and eighteen (18). Conditions (17) and (18) respectively require notification to ADEC if a surface water quality violation is observed during dewatering activities, and require that Walmart follow the engineering controls outlined in the Shannon & Wilson document that is an attachment to the TWUP. Eileen Olson
11/5/2012 Update or Other Action ADEC was notified by email from Tom Adams of Lounsbury, Walmart's representative, that work under the ADNR Amended Temporary Water Use Authorization and ADEC Water Quality's Amended Dewatering Authorization; that is, additional dewatering and underground utility work, will be postponed until April 2013. Eileen Olson
11/16/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff and state counsel met with Walmart representatives including counsel to discuss the requirements for closure of PPA and site closure and other issues included in ADEC state counsel's letter dated October 25, 2012. Walmart verbally requested and received an extension of time until January 31, 2012 to provide characterization plans that were to be submitted by January 1, 2013 as stated in the October 25th letter. Eileen Olson
1/17/2013 Update or Other Action ADEC responded to request by neighboring property owner to review and comment on work plan that Walmart is planning to submit by January 31, 2013. ADEC agreed that it will provide a copy of the plan to the requestor when it is submitted. Any comments submitted to ADEC will be taken into consideration during ADEC's review of the plan. Eileen Olson
4/8/2013 Update or Other Action ADEC issued a letter to counsel for the neighboring property owner west of the Walmart site, the Muldoon Community Assembly (MCA) church following a teleconference on this date between ADEC staff and counsel and an MCA representative, MCA counsel and consultant ALTA. ADEC's letter included a copy of the cost estimate and plan by Walmart received April 1, 2013 (dated 1/24/2013) and information on vapor intrusion including a questionnaire regarding the type of foundation the buildings owned by MCA have. ADEC further notes that it is in the process of reviewing the proposed work and plan to request more detailed work plans once an appropriate approach is determined. Eileen Olson
4/25/2013 Update or Other Action Letter dated 4/25/2013 received from consultant ALTA Geosciences for Muldoon Community Assembly property west of Walmart property addressing various issues raised during teleconference of April 16, 2013. These included comments on proposed well location in Shannon & Wilson plan for additional site characterization dated January 24, 2013. The letter also attached a copy of ADEC's Building Survey questionnaire completed by MCA staff survey form in which MCA provides information regarding building construction, heating and ventilation, occupancy and use. The MCA structures are all slab-on-grade construction with no basements or crawl spaces. The letter provides non-objections to 1) ADEC performing an indoor air quality test and 2) Shannon & Wilson installing additional wells on the MCA property. Eileen Olson
10/28/2013 Update or Other Action ADEC received a work plan for additional site characterization. Eileen Olson
11/21/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC issued a letter with subject line "Conditional Approval of Work Plan for Additional Site Characterization Activities." The plan, received Oct. 28, 2013, was intended to meet the conditions of the Accord of Satisfaction signed Oct. 2, 2013 by the state and Walmart. The purpose of the Accord was to set forth the necessary tasks required to close out the remaining requirements of the December 2005 Prospective Purchasrer Agreement (PPA). Conditionally approved tasks included locating and sampling the on-site drinking water well; install and sample six soil gas probes, with soil samples collected at depths corresponding to the maximum depth of each probe; installing and sampling 5 borings and 6 monitoring wells, and meeting reporting requirements. Eileen Olson
12/31/2013 Site Visit Staff visited the site during soil gas sampling of the six gas probes that were installed December 19-20, 2013. Eileen Olson
2/12/2014 Update or Other Action ADEC received soil gas and soil sample analytical results for sampling done on December 31st 2013. Eileen Olson
2/21/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC issued a revised conditional approval letter on this date. The letter revises ADEC's conditional approval letter dated November 21, 2013 with revisions made based on a review of soil gas and soil analytical data provided to ADEC on February 12, 2014. The data shows that trichloroethene (TCE) concentrations in soil samples collected above the groundwater, present at about 15 feet below the ground surface, exceed applicable site cleanup levels for migration to groundwater. The soil samples were collected from probes placed on the east side of the Muldoon Community Assembly building, on the portion of the site west of the Walmart property. The letter states that the revised locations are intended to better characterize the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination, and will help to define the westward extent of the TCE contaminant plume. The revised approval also requests a figure showing the two proposed off-property monitoring well locations (located with an accuracy of plus or minus 15 ft.) for ADEC approval before field work begins.(ADEC received the requested figure by email on 3/5/2014). Eileen Olson
6/5/2014 Site Visit ADEC CSP staff observed soil boring and sampling activities on June 4 and 5, 2014. Four of the six planned borings were completed, with the other two to be completed after additional research is done regarding subsurface utilities. Work was done under the "Work Plan for Additional Site Characterization" dated Oct. 28, 2013 and ADEC's conditional approval letter dated Nov. 21, 2013 and revised conditional approval letter dated February 21, 2014. The general soil boring procedure included (1) uncovering the split spoon sampler; (2) collecting a representative soil sample and placing it in a labeled, sealable plastic bag (3); collecting a soil sample for volatile analysis and adding methanol to the sample; (4) collecting a soil sample for non-volatile analysis; and (5) logging the soil types and notes. Groundwater was encountered in the borings at roughly 15 to 17 feet bgs. Joshua Barsis
6/13/2014 Site Visit ADEC CSP staff observed an excavation on this date aimed at locating and sampling an onsite drinking water well (DWW). The well was originally installed in August of 1956 and completed to 123 feet bgs. The excavation continued to roughly 10 feet bgs, where what remained of the DWW was encountered. The well appeared to be broken off and was filled with a brown “bentonite textured” material. Also encountered during excavation at a depth of 4-5 feet below the ground surface was the upper 4 or 5 feet of the original DWW casing, which was either cut or broken off from the intact portion of the well. The DWW could not be sampled because it was filled with an unknown material. The well was last known to be intact on 9/25/2006 when it was sampled by Shannon & Wilson. Joshua Barsis
6/19/2014 Site Visit ADEC CSP staff observed groundwater development, purging, and sampling of monitoring well MW3A. The well was developed using a surge block (1" PVC pipe, capped on both ends), then purged using a submersible pump and sampled after the water returned to 80% of its original level immediately following purging. Joshua Barsis
6/20/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Staff received and approved a request to revise the location of monitoring well B2A/MW2A previously attempted in an area that failed due to an unknown obstruction encountered at approximately 10 feet below the ground surface. Eileen Olson
6/25/2014 Site Visit Staff Barsis observed boring, soil sampling, monitoring well installation and development of monitoring well B1/MW1A located at the southeast corner of MCA building on property to west of Walmart property. Staff also observed the start of boring B2/MW2A, which is the last monitoring well planned for the site during the current investigation. Work is being done in accordance with the "Work Plan for Additional Site Characterization" dated Oct. 28, 2013; ADEC's conditional approval letter dated Nov. 21, 2013; ADEC's revised conditional approval letter dated February 21, 2014; and a well location diagram received by ADEC on 5/24/2014. MW1A and MW2A were initially sampled on 7/1/2014. Joshua Barsis
11/20/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Walmart requested and was granted a change in the sampling schedule from mid-Dec. 2014 to Nov. 20 or 21. Based on a review of groundwater analytical results and field notes for the Sept. 16, 2014 monitoring event, received on Nov. 17, 2014, ADEC requested that MW-12 be sampled in lieu of MW-6. MW-6 was sampled twice and had no detectable solvents. MW1A and MW2A were first sampled on 7/1/2014. Monitoring wells MW3A, MW4A, MW5A, MW6A and MWD were sampled 6/20-21/2014. Eileen Olson
1/25/2015 Update or Other Action ADEC received field notes and analytical results for the November 20-21, 2014 groundwater sampling event. No contaminants were present above cleanup levels. Two compounds were detected; trichloroethene was detected in all 6 wells and cis-1,2-Dichloroethene was detected in one well. Eileen Olson
2/17/2015 Update or Other Action ADEC requested that same six wells be sampled in forthcoming March 2015 sampling event as during last event in November 2014 (Wells MW1A, MW2A, MW3A, MW4A, MW5A and B12MW). Eileen Olson
3/23/2015 Update or Other Action ADEC received notice from consultant that groundwater monitoring well sampling will be done over the next two days 3/24-25. Eileen Olson
5/21/2015 Update or Other Action ADEC received report "Final Additional Site Characterization...May 15, 2015." The report includes the results of the March 2015 groundwater sampling event. Eileen Olson
9/10/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On 9/10/2015 ADEC issued a letter closing out Walmart's Cleanup Funds obligations under the 2005 Prospective Purchaser Agreement (PPA). The letter has subject line "Satisfaction of Walmart Cleanup Funds obligations under the PPA and Requirements for Cleanup Complete with Institutional Controls status Debarr Walmart site, Anchorage." The letter summarizes the environmental record on file for the site and reviews the "Final Additional Site Characterization...May 2015" report prepared by Shannon & Wilson. The report was a requirement of the Accord and Satisfaction ("Accord") agreement effective October 2, 2013 that was intended to satisfy Walmart’s Cleanup Funds obligations under the PPA. ADEC's letter states that the report does not meet all requirements for the Summary Report required by Paragraph 1.f. of the Accord but ADEC accepts the report with respect to satisfying Walmart's PPA Cleanup Funds obligations. ADEC's letter outlines the missing elements of the summary report and notes that the site will be eligible for Cleanup Complete or Cleanup Complete with Institutional Controls (CC/ICs) status if additional actions are taken and standard conditions met that are listed under the ADEC Decision section of the letter. Eileen Olson
2/24/2016 Update or Other Action ADEC received the "Work Plan for Groundwater Monitoring Well and Soil Gas Probe Decommissioning" for the site. The plan includes information regarding the placement of approximately 10,000 cubic yards of treated soil and documentation that the drinking water well located in the former West Yard area (now the southern portion of Tract A) was properly decommissioned by M-W Drilling, Inc. on December 7, 2006. Eileen Olson
3/15/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC's letter dated 3/15/2016 conditionally approved the 2/24/2016 plan to decommission the remaining monitoring wells and soil gas probes at the site. Eileen Olson

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