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Site Report: Former APA Cannery (Ugashik)

Site Name: Former APA Cannery (Ugashik)
Address: East side of Ugashik River, Ugashik , AK 99613
File Number: 2500.38.001
Hazard ID: 4373
Status: Active
Staff: Stacee Henderson, 9072628202
Latitude: 57.508200
Longitude: -157.399400
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


A Targeted Brownfield Assessment was completed for the cannery, Winray abandoned vessel, upland area where boat maintenance and storage occurs, and garbage pits. Former cannery was identified to have environmental hindrances requiring further evaluation and cleanup, including petroleum releases to the surface, and asbestos containing materials. Reported to DEC in January 2007. The former APA Cannery facility includes a powerhouse, annex, tank farm, and associated property amongst the buildings. The cannery was developed in the 1920s by the Red Salmon Company (part of the APA) to support local fisheries within the area. In 1940, Lem Wingard purchased the Red Salmon Company and operated the cannery until 1957. Alaska Packers Association (APA) operated the cannery for one additional year until 1958. Currently abandoned, the APA cannery has since been owned by two private individuals. The Ugashik Tribal Village Council bought the north dock and north cannery building from the current cannery owner in 2000. The north cannery building is addressed in a separate site. The cannery, built to process and pack locally caught salmon, operated from several buildings at the facility. These buildings include the north cannery building, the main cannery building, the powerhouse, the boiler room, two ice plants, a chemical storage shed, and the crew barracks (Figure 1 4). Other features at the cannery include four Bunker C fuel oil aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) of approximately 24,000-gallon capacity (still partially to completely full), three water storage towers, and what was previously believed to be several small ASTs (2,000-gallon capacity or less) of unknown contents located near the riverbank on the south end of the cannery property. Upon closer inspection during the field activities these turned out to be old boilers and not ASTs. FKA 2500.57.001.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/1/2002 Brownfields Award Site received Targeted Brownfields Funding from EPA for a site assessment in FFY 2002. This TBA included Hazard IDs: 4373 Former Alaska Packers Association (APA) Cannery; Hazard ID: 4374 Former Boat Repair Yard & North Cannery Building and Hazard ID: 25410 Ugashik Ferry Win-Ray. Lisa Griswold
9/1/2002 Brownfields Award Site received Targeted Brownfields Funding from EPA for a site assessment in FFY 2002. This TBA included Hazard IDs: 4373 Former Alaska Packers Association (APA) Cannery; Hazard ID: 4374 Former Boat Repair Yard & North Cannery Building and Hazard ID: 25410 Ugashik Ferry Win-Ray. Lisa Griswold
4/30/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contamination was confirmed above ADEC cleanup levels during the Targeted Brownfield Assessment for areas covered by Hazard IDs 4373 Former APA Cannery and 4374 Former Boat Repair Yard & North Cannery Building. Hazard ID 25410 Ugashik Ferry Win-Ray did not contain contamination in the sediment above cleanup levels. Lisa Griswold
3/1/2007 Update or Other Action DEC receives copy of Ugashik Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA) that was completed April 30, 2003. John Carnahan
4/4/2007 Site Added to Database Site added to the database. John Carnahan
3/2/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 75358 name: Former Alaska Packers Assn. Cannery (Ugashik) Deborah Williams
5/1/2009 Update or Other Action Discussed bunker C tanks and evidence that tanks may be leaking with John Brown of PERP. Janice Wiegers
5/7/2009 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Potentially responsible party letter sent to Brian Bennett; called Mr. Bennett to discuss the letter and cost recovery requirement. Mr. Bennett thought 25,000 gallons could be present in the bunker C fuel tanks. He indicated the cannery was originally operated by Lem Wingard - who may have been associated with Alaska Packers or Red Salmon Packing. The property may also have been owned by the Trillium Corporation and another set netter. Mr. Bennett uses the property as a fish camp in the summer while commercial fishing. Janice Wiegers
2/24/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with Brownfields staff and John Brown from PERP to discuss progress on removing Bunker C from existing tanks. John Brown has been in contact with the RP (Brian Bennet) and the community to discuss methods to remove the Bunker C that is still stored on site. The best options appears to be recycling the Bunker C for energy recovery with a multi-oil burner. This will require heating up the Bunker C and mixing with diesel. John Brown will continue to work with the community and other entities to find equipment and a means to attempt enery recovery. PERP will probably require a workplan for this process to ensure additional spillage will not occur. Janice Wiegers
5/2/2013 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter DEC sent state interest letters to multiple potentailly responsible parties requesting information on their knowledge of the site and plans for cleanup. Janice Wiegers
5/31/2013 Update or Other Action Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) letter to Davide Syre returned as undeliverable. Janice Wiegers
6/3/2013 Update or Other Action Del Monte Corporation responded to the PRP letter. Janice Wiegers
9/25/2013 Update or Other Action Wards Cove Packing responded to the PRP letter and indicated that they have no record of owning or operating a facility in Ugashik. Wards Cove acquired Red Salmon Cannery in Naknek, but did not find records indicating they acquired the Red Salmon Cannery in Ugashik. Janice Wiegers
3/17/2016 Update or Other Action Letter sent to PRP on this day requesting a work plan by May 1, 2016. Joshua Barsis
6/28/2016 Update or Other Action Sent information request letters to current owners, due date July 30th, 2016 Erin Gleason
6/28/2016 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Sent PRP letters to Dennis and Beth Courney, Aurthur Woinowsky, Ugashik Traditional Village, and Crossco, LLC. They are the current owners of the site along with Brian Bennett. Bennett was already sent a PRP letter on May 6, 2009. Erin Gleason
8/11/2016 Update or Other Action Site visit is planned for 8/30/2016 with ADEC, Environmental Resources Management (ERM, representing Big Heart), and Big Heart Pet Brands. Access agreements sent to all current land owners. Erin Gleason
8/25/2016 Update or Other Action Access agreements received from all current land owners. Erin Gleason
8/30/2016 Site Visit ADEC, Big Heart Pet Brands, and ERM Consulting conducted site visit. Took pictures, met with current land owners, ERM took soil samples and estimated volume of fuel left in tanks. Erin Gleason
9/15/2016 Update or Other Action Sent Brian Bennett a work plan request letter asking him to remove the AST and the petroleum product inside. Erin Gleason
9/27/2016 Update or Other Action Sent work plan request letter to Big Heart Pet Brands asking them to characterize and/or cleanup historic contamination at the site. Work plans is due January 15, 2017. Erin Gleason
10/14/2016 Update or Other Action Response received from Brian Bennett re above ground storage tanks. Erin Gleason
10/19/2016 Update or Other Action Letter received from Big Heart Pet Brands detailing their intent for the site. Erin Gleason
10/31/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75358 Former Alaska Packers Assn. Cannery (Ugashik). Erin Gleason
2/10/2017 Update or Other Action Work plan deadline extended to Feb 28th. Erin Gleason
3/29/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed March 3, 2017 characterization Work plan. ADEC requires changes/additions. Revised work plan by April 14, 2017. Erin Gleason
4/21/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held J. Cook and E. Gleason had phone meeting to discuss work plan revisions. Erin Gleason
5/15/2017 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Revised work plan submitted to ADEC on 4/14/2017. ADEC requested revisions. Second round of revisions submitted on 5/4/2017. 5/5/2017 ADEC granted a partial approval of the site characterization work plan. ADEC does not approve of the proposed exposure frequency (EF) and averaging time (AT), and the 10 ug/dL lead level in the blood. These two items will be resolved at a later date. Erin Gleason
5/30/2017 Update or Other Action Brian Bennett did not submit work plan on March 1st 2017 as required. Removal of aboveground storage tank (AST) and contents was not completed. ADOL spoke with Mr. Bennett and has proposed a compliance order by consent (COBC) to achieve work. COBC will be in place June 2, 2017. Erin Gleason
6/14/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held 80% field work complete update meeting held between ERM, ADEC, BHPB, and BDLaw. Erin Gleason
9/15/2017 Update or Other Action NEC filed on Brian Bennett's property Erin Gleason
12/14/2017 Update or Other Action Site characterization report received from ERM. Erin Gleason
4/20/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting held with Erin Gleason, Kara Kusche, Tod Blessing from ADEC and Steve Witzmann from ERM to discuss the appendix I - four phase data from the 12/2017 report. ADEC provided comments. ERM will revised appendix I and resubmitted to ADEC for approval. Erin Gleason
7/26/2018 Update or Other Action ADEC received revised appendix and comment matrix for 2017 characterization report on 7/2/2018. ADEC reviewed the response to comment matrix and the appendix I four- phase input values. ADEC has provided additional comments and requested a final draft be submitted. Erin Gleason
10/1/2018 Enforcement Agreement or Order Compliance order by consent established between ADEC, ADOL, and Big Heart Pet Brands Erin Gleason
10/25/2018 Update or Other Action Received interim work report from Big Heart Pet Brands. On 10/14/2018 the field team mobilized to Ugashik. They transferred 9,000 gallons of fuel from the innermost vertical cannery above ground storage tank to two temporary ISO tanks to reduced the risk of release. The ISO tank is inside secondary containment. Approximately 16 inches of fuel remains in the vertical AST on the downhill side of the tank. The ISO tanks are temporarily staged at the site, pending transportation offsite. Erin Gleason
12/11/2018 Update or Other Action Received third round of response to comments from ERM on behalf of Big Heart Pet Brands on 10/5/2018. ADEC has reviewed the comments and is still not in agreement. ADEC requests that a meeting be scheduled before 12/20/2018. The purpose of the meeting is to arrive at a final draft. Erin Gleason
1/18/2019 Update or Other Action ADEC received letter requesting extension for fuel removal from ERM on behalf of Big Heart Pet Brands. Erin Gleason
1/18/2019 Site Characterization Report Approved Received final draft 2017 characterization report. Report is now approved. Erin Gleason
2/6/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received lead characterization work plan from ERM on behalf of Big Heart Pet Brands in accordance with deadline set out in article #34 of the Compliance Order by Consent and Agreement Settling Liability. Erin Gleason
3/6/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC has reviewed the Lead Contaminated Soil work plan and provided written comments to Big Heart Pet Brands in accordance with Paragraph 35 of the Compliance Order by Consent and Agreement Settling Liability. Erin Gleason
3/15/2019 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75358 Former Alaska Packers Assn. Cannery (Ugashik). Erin Gleason
3/29/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the draft Former Ugashik Cannery Property Fuel Contamination Cleanup Work Plan on 3/1/2019. This document is being provided in accordance with Paragraph 39 of the Compliance Order by Consent and Agreement Settling Liability (COBC). ADEC has reviewed the document and in accordance with paragraph 40 of the COBC, ADEC has reviewed the document and requests changes. Erin Gleason
4/2/2019 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Received response to comment table on lead work plan from ERM on 3/22/2019 ADEC has reviewed comments and concurs with all revisions. ADEC sent email on 3/27/2019 with an updated RTC table. ADEC received final draft lead removal work plan with all revisions incorporated from ERM on 4/2/2019. The lead removal work plan is now approved. Erin Gleason
4/11/2019 Update or Other Action Received transport treatment and disposal form for 101 cyd of lead contaminated soil to go from Ugashik Cannery to the Columbia Rdige Landfill. ADEC approves pending acceptance by the landfill. Erin Gleason
5/16/2019 Update or Other Action Meeting with ERM, Big Heart, and ADEC to discussion Fuel Contamination Removal work plan. The one outstanding comment from ADEC was discussed (#3) and resolved. ADEC last comment was sent via email on 5/2/2019 so in accordance with paragraph 41 of the COBC, the final work plan will be due 6/1/2019. Erin Gleason
5/30/2019 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC received the final draft Former Ugashik Cannery Property Fuel Contamination Cleanup Work Plan on 5/30/2019. This document is being provided in accordance with Paragraph 41 of the Compliance Order by Consent and Agreement Settling Liability (COBC). ADEC has reviewed the document and it is now approved. Erin Gleason
6/10/2019 Update or Other Action Sent Brian Bennett a letter providing him a copy of Fuel Contaminated WorkPlan (dated 5/30/2019). Erin Gleason
6/24/2019 Update or Other Action Alma Bennett refused to sign for the certified copy of the work plan that was sent by ADEC. ADEC sent copy to Brian in Ugashik. Erin Gleason
7/9/2019 Update or Other Action ERM submits a plan for incremental sampling methodology to characterize the lead contaminated soil on behalf of Big Heart Pet Brands. Erin Gleason
10/9/2019 Update or Other Action Received fuel removal manifests from ERM. The fuel from the above ground storage tanks has been removed from the site and is being shipped to Anchorage for disposal. Erin Gleason
1/14/2020 Update or Other Action Received final lead manifest from ERM Erin Gleason
2/10/2020 Update or Other Action Received lead contaminated soil cleanup report from ERM on behalf of Big Heart Pet Brands on 12/31/2019. ADEC has reviewed the report and it is now approved. All lead contaminated soil around the former oil storage building has been removed to below 400 mg/kg on lot 3A and below 800 mg/kg on lot 3b. All contaminated soil around the wash house and the main warehouse has been removed to below 800 mg/kg. It should be noted that ADEC does not have authority regarding Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste. All details within the report regarding RCRA must have separate approval by the US EPA. Erin Gleason
2/24/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received final draft lead report from ERM on behalf of Big Heart Pet brands. Revised report includes final disposal manifests. Erin Gleason
2/27/2020 Site Characterization Report Approved Received final fuel removal report from ERM on behalf of Big Heart Pet Brands. The revised report includes final waste manifests. Erin Gleason
3/24/2020 Update or Other Action Letter sent to Brian Bennett today explaining the status of the site and requesting a summer 2020 schedule for the ADEC approved fuel contaminated soil work plan.Shedule is due by April 15th,2020 and report of summer work is due by September 15th, 2020. Erin Gleason
3/24/2020 Update or Other Action Received draft environmental covenant from Big Heart Pet Brands. ADEC and ADOL will review and provide comments. Erin Gleason
4/14/2020 Update or Other Action Deadline for workplan/schedule for Brian Bennett extended to May 8th due to covid pandemic and intrastate travel ban. Erin Gleason
4/15/2020 Update or Other Action Brownfield file 2500.57.001 consolidated on this date. Cascade Galasso-Irish
5/8/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Brian Bennett and Dan Young of Terrasat Environmental via teleconference held on this date. Brian has hired Dan to conduct the removal, characterization, and treatment of the fuel contaminated soil on his property. They propose to treat the soil with phytoremediation. Erin Gleason
11/17/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting held today with ADEC and ADOL to discuss completion of Big Heart Pet Brands COBC. ADEC has emailed Big Heart requesting that they proceed with notification of completion per paragraph 68a of the COBC. Erin Gleason
12/10/2020 Update or Other Action Received letter requesting ADEC issue a certification of completion in accordance with the requirements outlined in paragraph 68b of the COBC. ADEC will review and respond. Erin Gleason
12/22/2020 Update or Other Action ADEC has determined that the Big Heart Pet Brands, Inc. has demonstrated compliance with the applicable requirements of the Compliance Order by Consent (Dated October 1, 2018), has completed all requirements outlined in the Order, and the Order is thusly terminated. Letter sent to Big Heart on this date. Erin Gleason
11/11/2021 Workplan Requested Work plan request letter sent on this date by Lisa Krebs-Barsis to request either a schedule implementing the characterization work laid out by Big Heart Pet Brands in their work plan, or a new work plan by March 25, 2022. Naomi Mason
4/27/2022 Workplan Requested Work plan request letter sent to Brian Bennett on this date. Work plan requested immediately, contact ADEC by May 6, 2022 to notify the department of intent and ability to move forward with cleanup during 2022. Dan Young responded requested another two weeks to complete the work plan. ADEC will allow this. Work plan is now due by 5/13/2022. Naomi Mason
5/2/2022 Update or Other Action Received a phone call from Brian Bennett indicating he would be out in Ugashik for the summer and plans to conduct characterization this summer under Dan Young's new work plan. Naomi Mason
5/13/2022 Update or Other Action Dan Young requested an extension for the work plan on May 10, 2022. A second extension was granted on this date. The work plan is now due by May 31, 2022. Set up meeting between ADEC and Terrasat to prevent delays once the work plan is sent for review by ADEC. Naomi Mason
5/25/2022 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting between ADEC and Terrasat (Dan Young) to discuss work plan. The proposed work plan will address all four contaminated areas remaining on the site and will involve phytoremediation, excavation, monitoring wells, and soil samples. Naomi Mason
8/5/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Work Plan received from Terrasat on this date at 06:48, consultant is departing for Ugashik at 07:00. Work plan partially and conditionally approved on this date to accomplish some soil excavation on this date. Phytoremediation and groundwater monitoring is scheduled to be achieved in May 2023. Naomi Mason
8/16/2022 Update or Other Action Spoke with Terrasat on this date to get an update. He was out in Ugashik from Friday, August 5 through Friday, August 12, 2022 performing excavation and sampling activities. Final report will be submitted this winter. Naomi Mason
8/18/2022 Update or Other Action Received photos of the soil stockpiles on the doubled 6-mil liner. Approximately 476 cubic yards are stockpiled on site to date. Naomi Mason
9/27/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated Soil Removal Work Plan reviewed, comments and request for revisions sent to Brian Bennett on this date. Terrasat intends on removing soil and conducting phytoremediation. ADEC does not approve of phytoremediation in situ before characterization is completed. Naomi Mason
3/23/2023 Update or Other Action Letter sent on this date to RP requesting laboratory analytical results, screening results, and field notes from the site visit that occurred in August 2022 by March 31, 2023. Naomi Mason
3/31/2023 Update or Other Action Received field notes and lab data from RP. Eight soil samples and one "water well" sample were submitted for laboratory analysis. According to field notes, soil samples were collected as excavation confirmation samples. It is not recorded whether they were collected from the highest PID readings, which ranged from <10 to 89.9 ppm. No concentrations were detected above soil cleanup levels. Water sample revealed background concentrations of inorganic constituents. Naomi Mason
9/20/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A work plan was approved to move 465 cubic yard of contaminated soil excavated from the above ground storage tank (AST) site in 2022 to an unlined area on Lot 4 east of the former AST site. Soil will be characterized and spread to 3 feet thick. A 10-inch berm will be constructed around the soil set back one foot from the soil. This work plan approval was for limited activities and is not approval for a biocell or for phytoremediation or for additional excavation and sampling in other source areas. A workplan must still be completed to address those activities. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
9/21/2023 Update or Other Action Received the 2022 "Site Characterization and Remedial Activities of Former Ugashik Cannery Property" report dated September 14, 2023. The report described field investigation on Aug 5-10, 2022. Stacee Henderson
2/9/2024 Update or Other Action Emailed consultant and RP to request an update on the report for the work performed in fall 2023. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
7/31/2024 Update or Other Action Emailed consultant and RP to request an update on the report for the work performed in fall 2023. Stacee Henderson
8/14/2024 Update or Other Action Emailed consultant and RP to request an update on the report for the work performed in fall 2023. Stacee Henderson
9/5/2024 Update or Other Action Emailed consultant and RP to request an update on the report for the work performed in fall 2023. Stacee Henderson
9/26/2024 Workplan Requested Certified letter sent on this date. Requested the 2023 site characterization report and a work plan for 2025. The report must be submitted by October 31, 2024. A work plan for 2025 site characterization is due by December 31, 2024. Stacee Henderson
10/30/2024 Update or Other Action Extension request approved on this date. The 2023 site characterization report is due to the department by November 14, 2024. Stacee Henderson
11/18/2024 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with RP (B. Bennett), consultant (D. Young), and DEC (A. Carlson, S. Henderson) to discuss the site history, 2023 field efforts, and 2025 work plan objectives Stacee Henderson
12/31/2024 Update or Other Action Received an email with Addendums to the Site Characterization and Remedial Activities of Former Ugashik Cannery Property 2023 Field Season report. Comments were addressed. The report with addendum is approved. A treatment cell was constructed. Approx. 235 cubic yards of soil, from a stockpile onsite, were placed in the treatment cell. Five samples were collected with exceedances of DRO (233 mg/kg to 5,230 mg/kg) and Naphthalene (0.116 mg/kg). Analytical samples were collected from the base of the treatment cell, prior to construction, with results below CULs. One Drinking Water sample was collected with no analytes detected above WQ standards. Stacee Henderson

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments

Control Type

Type Details


Description Details
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
4374 Former Boat Repair Yard & North Cannery Building (Ugashik) 2500.38.002
25410 Ugashik Abandoned Ferry Win-Ray 2500.57.001

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