Site Report: Rowan Deadhorse Yard Tract 52
Site Name: | Rowan Deadhorse Yard Tract 52 |
Address: | ADNR Lease Property ADL400091 Tract #52, Deadhorse, AK 99734 |
File Number: | 300.38.266 |
Hazard ID: | 4454 |
Status: | Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls |
Staff: | IC Unit, 9074655229 |
Latitude: | 70.220000 |
Longitude: | -148.397000 |
Horizontal Datum: | NAD83 |
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We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.
A preliminary investigation conducted during lease transfer activities found DRO up to 9,390 mg/kg between the Maintenance Shop and the Old Building. Excavation activities ensued, along with test pitting at several other areas of concern identified during an ADNR site inspection. Lease transfer is from Rowan to Stallion.
Action Information
Action Date | Action | Description | DEC Staff |
8/6/2007 | Site Characterization Workplan Approved | Recieved Phase II work plan. Based on Phase I results, fourteen areas of concern were identified at the site that must be addressed prior to the lease being reassigned from Rowan to Stallion by ADNR. A preliminary excavation at AOC 4 (maintenance shop) removed 85 cy of petroelum impacted soil where confirmation samples indicated DRO remained up to 9,390 mg/kg. Excavation will continue at this AOC. Test pits will be excavated at each of the AOCs and analytical samples collected from areas where PID readings exceed 100 ppmv. If PID readings exceed 500 ppmv, samples will be analyzed for GRO/BTEX as well. | Bill O'Connell |
8/27/2007 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | Initial ranking completed. | Mitzi Read |
8/27/2007 | Site Added to Database | Site added to the database. | Mitzi Read |
11/23/2007 | Site Characterization Report Approved | Received Phase II report and conducted QA/QC data review. A total of 388 cy of petroleum impacted soil were removed from AOC 4 and disposed of at Oxbow Landfill. Additional excavation was impracticable due to the presence of buildings. Confirmation samples contained DRO up to 11,000 mg/kg along the base of the foundation of the Old Shop Building, where most of the highest DRO concentrations were located. Samples collected from test pits at the other AOCs contained DRO up to 3,550 mg/kg. Visual observation was conducted along the edge of the pad and no sheen or impacted vegetation was noted. | Bill O'Connell |
2/8/2008 | Conditional Closure Approved | The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Contaminated Sites Program (ADEC) has completed review of the report titled Rowan Deadhorse Yard Phase II Environmental Investigation and Remediation Activities dated November 2007. This site had been contaminated by the release of a hazardous substance; however, based on the information provided to date, the hazardous substance contamination has been adequately addressed and does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. Therefore, ADEC has determined that no further remedial action is required, and that the Rowan Deadhorse Yard Tract 52 can be closed subject to the conditions outlined below. | Bill O'Connell |
2/8/2008 | Institutional Control Record Established | There is contamination remaining above established cleanup levels at the Rowan Deadhorse Yard Tract 52 but ADEC has determined there is no unacceptable risk to human health or the environment, and this site will be conditionally closed. This decision is subject to the following conditions: 1. A Notice of Environmental Contamination will be recorded on the ADEC database to document that there is residual contamination remaining on site above the most stringent ADEC cleanup levels; 2. Any proposal to transport soil off site requires ADEC approval in accordance with 18 AAC 78.274(b) | Bill O'Connell |
8/12/2008 | Update or Other Action | The Old Shop building will be removed by Stallion to make way for a new man camp. Because the building will no longer be in place, Rowan is responsible for excavating the contaminated soil that was inaccessible during the 2007 work in accordance with an agreement made between Rowan and the ADNR. However, due to time constraints, Stallion will be placing a liner and fill over the former Shop area until next season when Rowan will addres the remaining contamination. | Bill O'Connell |
7/2/2009 | Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other | Work Plan Addendum reviewed for contaminated soil removal at the Stallion (FKA Rowan) Deadhorse Yard. The Old Shop Building has been removed so contaminated soil excavation will resume at AOC #4. It is anticipated that approximately 340 cy of soil will be excavated and disposed of as polluted soil at the Oxbow Landfill. | Bill O'Connell |
6/3/2010 | Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other | Reviewed report for Remediation at AOC #4. AOC #4 is an area between the Maintenance Shop and former Old Shop building that was excavated to the extent practicable in 2007. In 2008, the Old Shop Building was demolished allowing for additional excavation of AOC #4 in 2009. Approximately 285 cy of petroleum contaminated soil was excavated from the former Old Shop area and disposed of as polluted soil at the Oxbow Landfill. Confirmation soil samples collected from the bottom and sides of the excavation contained DRO up to 488 mg/kg and benzene up to 0.2 mg/kg. Contamination remains at AOC #4 adjacent to the Maintenance Shop and along the northern limits of the 2007 excavation. | Bill O'Connell |
6/12/2012 | Institutional Control Compliance Review | An IC review was conducted on this site and the staff assigned was changed from Bill O'Connell to IC Unit. | Evonne Reese |
3/18/2015 | Institutional Control Update | An IC reminder letter was issued to the responsible party on this date. | Kristin Thompson |
6/20/2018 | Institutional Control Compliance Review | IC compliance review conducted and Closure/IC Details updated. Reminder system already set for next follow-up in 2020. | Kristin Thompson |
3/19/2024 | Institutional Control Update | DNR-SAIL added as affiliate (Office of Primary Responsibility). For DNR LAS information: ADL# 420403 | Jennifer McGrath |
7/9/2024 | Institutional Control Compliance Review | IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was issued to the responsible party and cc’d to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. | Gaige Robinson |
Contaminant Information
Name | Level Description | Media | Comments |
DRO | > Method 1 (Arctic only) | Soil |
Control Type
Type | Details |
CS Database Notation And Letter To Landowner/RP |
Description | Details |
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. | Standard condition. |
Other | ADNR has required ROWAN to post a bond to cover cleanup costs once the old shop building is removed. |
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) | Standard condition. |
Periodic Review | ADEC will conduct a review of site conditions every five years. |
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