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Site Report: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

Site Name: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Address: 325 Gold Street, Juneau, AK 99801
File Number: 1513.38.074
Hazard ID: 4455
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 58.302503
Longitude: -134.407087
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Historic church burned down in 2006. During site preparation phase of new church construction, test pits were excavated and diesel range organics (DRO) contamination in soil and groundwater was discovered. Contamination is believed to be migrating onto property from an unknown upgradient source. Groundwater was encountered from 3 to 11 feet below ground surface (bgs). The site and surrounding area are served by Juneau city water system.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/7/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Site visit to 4th and Gold St. where Holy Trinity Episcopal Church reconstruction is scheduled for this fall. Met with church representatives Steve Haavig (CDI), Jeff Robertson (architect), Andrew Campbell (builder), et al. Four previously excavated test pits, and 3 today, revealed fresh petrol contamination in narrow, distinct layers. Contamination heaviest at most upgradient point of site at 10-12' bgs and determined to be DRO migrating on-site from an unknown upgradient source. Discussed the need for a GW diversion system, a permanent OWS and a vapor barrier around the new building foundation. Daniel Fremgen
8/31/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking completed. Mitzi Read
8/31/2007 Site Added to Database Site added to the database. Mitzi Read
9/7/2007 Cleanup Plan Approved GW diversion channels and OWS system already installed on-site. Daniel Fremgen
10/23/2007 Cleanup Plan Approved Revised cleanup plan approved. Future excavated contaminated soil will be incorporated into asphalt and used in local paving projects. Daniel Fremgen
2/27/2008 Update or Other Action Site visit w/ Steve Haavig (CDI) due to reports of a sheen migrating off-site across Gold St and into the city sewer. Determined to most likely be emanating from a small spill of kerosene used to power some heaters. Checked the condition of the OWS and found that the sorbent pads were saturated and in need of being replaced. Sheen present in OWS. Contsruction employee said that the OWS was, until very recently, covered with large amounts of snow and inaccessible. Assurances were made that clean sorbent pads would promptly be placed in the OWS and on-site to absorb the spilled kerosene. Daniel Fremgen
2/12/2009 Update or Other Action Bicknell, Inc was to have notified the Department of the final disposition of the soil but has not as of this date. Soil was excavated too late in 2007 to be used in any paving projects that season and instead was stockpiled on the left (west) side of Montana Cr. Rd across from Ninnis Dr. for use in 2008. Contact info: 789-5727; Daniel Fremgen
3/13/2012 Site Visit Visited the site to inspect the Oil Water Separator. Erik Norberg
3/29/2012 Site Visit Visited the site to inspect the Oil Water Separator. Erik Norberg
6/28/2012 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued DEC has completed a review of the environmental records associated with the petroleum contaminated soil from an unknown source upgradient of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church located at 325 Gold Street in Juneau. The church was destroyed by a fire in 2006. Based on the information provided to date on the petroleum contamination at the site, the DEC has determined that there are no contaminant concentrations remaining on site that pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. All pathways at this site by which contamination may reach human or ecological receptors are either De Minimis Exposure or Pathway Incomplete and no further action under Chapter 18 is warranted. This determination is in accordance with 18 AAC 78.276(f) and does not preclude DEC from requiring additional assessment and/or cleanup action if future information indicates that this site may pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. Erik Norberg
9/11/2013 Update or Other Action Staff changed from Erik Norberg to Denise Elston. Kristin Thompson
8/26/2014 Institutional Control Update A Settlement and Release Agreement was signed on September 24, 2009 by Holy Trinity Church and the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ). Holy Trinity agrees not to file any future claims against CBJ due to migration of contamination onto church property from an unknown source. As part of the agreement CBJ will maintain the oil/water separator. Evonne Reese
11/14/2014 Site Reopened Administrative action in order to change the site status to Cleanup Complete with Institutional Controls with an amended decision document. No further remediation is required. Evonne Reese
11/14/2014 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued Amended decision from the 2012 Cleanup Complete Determination in order to add institutional controls. An updated Cleanup Complete Determination letter send to the responsible party on this date. Evonne Reese
11/18/2014 Update or Other Action A agreement regarding the maintenance of the oil-water separator was sent to the Public Works Department at CBJ on this date. Evonne Reese
3/2/2015 Institutional Control Update Notice of Environmental Contamination recorded at the Recorder's Office. Evonne Reese
7/15/2015 Institutional Control Update ADEC contacted the responsible party to request an update on the oil-water separator maintenance which is required yearly as part of the institutional controls agreement for this site. IC Unit
8/13/2015 Institutional Control Update The responsible party confirmed that the oil/water separator was cleaned out on June 1, 2015. Approximately 5 gallons of water/fuel/oil mixture was removed and disposed of. There was nothing abnormal to note. Reminder system reset to follow up in one year. IC Unit
7/19/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review A letter was issued to the responsible party reminding them of their obligation to inspect and maintain the oil-water separator annually, which is required as part of the institutional controls agreement for this site. Kristin Thompson
7/26/2017 Institutional Control Compliance Review A letter was issued to the responsible party reminding them of their obligation to inspect and maintain the oil-water separator annually, which is required as part of the institutional controls agreement for this site. Kristin Thompson
7/27/2017 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting A letter was received verifying that the oil-water separator was cleaned and the oil boom replaced on June 5, 2017. There was approximately two gallons of an oil/fuel/water mixture removed and properly disposed of. Kristin Thompson
2/13/2019 Institutional Control Update Received the letter by CBJ Public Works documenting maintenance of the oil-water separator on 6/7/2018. There was approximately two gallons of an oil/fuel/water mixture removed and the oil boom was replaced. Mossy Mead
2/26/2019 Institutional Control Update An institutional controls reminder letter was sent to the landowner on this date. Mossy Mead
6/7/2019 Institutional Control Update Received confirmation from CBJ that the oil/water separator located on this property was cleaned and maintained June 3, 2019. This site is in compliance with all IC requirements. Evonne Reese
6/16/2021 Institutional Control Compliance Review Received confirmation from CBJ that the oil/water separator located on this property was cleaned and maintained this past month. There was about a gallon of oily water which was property disposed of. This site is in compliance with all IC requirements. Evonne Reese
6/7/2024 Institutional Control Compliance Review Received confirmation from CBJ that the oil/water separator located on this property was cleaned and maintained June 7, 2024. This site is in compliance with all IC requirements. Gaige Robinson

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Notice of Environmental Contamination A deed notice is required and will be filed by DEC.


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. Standard condition.
Other CBJ agrees to maintain, pump, and clean the oil water separator every year in the month of June, starting June, 2012.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) Standard condition.
Periodic Review ADEC will conduct a review of site conditions every five years.

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