Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
8/30/2007 |
Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program |
Site transferred by PERP staff Gay Harpole. Spill No. 06239929702; Spill Date = 10/14/06; Substance = Diesel; Quantity = 250-300 gallons. |
Mitzi Read |
9/6/2007 |
Site Added to Database |
Site added to the database. |
Mitzi Read |
9/7/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking completed. |
Mitzi Read |
9/22/2008 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
Follow-up to cleanup report with cost recovery language sent this date. |
Rich Sundet |
9/22/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
On 9/22/08, CS issued a letter to Samantha Ange of Chickaloon Village in follow-up to conversations on 8/18 and 19/2008 with CS and DEC's review of your consultant Tutka’s report “Site Cleanup Report Chickaloon Village Housing Fuel Spill” dated 8/10/2007. During those conversations, Samantha requested comments regarding the report as well as whether further work is needed to occur and whether or not a risk is posed to any occupants of the residence on site as the result of the remaining contamination. The report noted that about 90 cubic yards (cy) of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil was excavated from the release of the home heating tank and placed into a landfarmed cell (cell) about 21 feet from the northeast corner of the residence on the property. The cell measured about 34 feet square and the soil was placed onto a liner and a cover consisting of per Mr. Guyer on September 18, 2008 of plastic sheeting over the contaminated soil. The release was estimated between 250 and 300 gallons of heating fuel oil. On August 19, Samantha noted that the residence consists of a single family dwelling that has a block foundation and a crawl space. The report noted that excavation was to the maximum depth of the excavator which was about 16 feet below ground surface (bgs). Mr. Guyer noted on September 18, that field screening measurements, and as shown on Table 1 of the report, indicates that contamination to at least 3 ft. bgs was removed from the sidewall of the excavation closest to the residence but that high contamination remained in the bottom of the pit and on the south and east sidewalls of the excavation (i.e., on the south sidewall up to 488 ppmv was detected and on the east sidewall up to 525 ppmv detected and at the bottom of the pit 408 ppmv was measured where a sample collected showed 1,650 mg/kg DRO). Confirmation soils in the excavation pit showed that at the bottom of the pit remained contamination above applicable 18 AAC 75.341 Method Two cleanup levels, i.e., diesel range organics (DRO) at 1,650 mg/kg (Method 2 cleanup level is 250 mg/kg), gasoline range organics (GRO) at 406 mg/kg (Method 2 cleanup level is 300 mg/kg), and benzene at 0.0352 mg/kg (Method 2 cleanup level is 0.02 mg/kg). The above noted constituents of concern were also detected in the cell above their respective cleanup levels (i.e., DRO up to 2,710 mg/kg, GRO up to 904 mg/kg, and benzene up to 0.101 mg/kg. The report inferred that Chickaloon Village Family Housing personnel would till the soil in the cell and perhaps add fertilize and/or water to the mixture to enhance natural attenuation. During our conversations, Samantha noted that personnel periodically till the soils during the past two summers. The report states that the nearest drinking water well on site is the private well on the property which is about 75 feet to the southwest of the former heating tank location/release area. The report also provided a well log which noted that well was drilled to a depth of 195 feet bgs and had a measured static water level of 147 feet bgs, indicating a possible upward gradient in the aquifer. The report also noted that the groundwater flow direction is unknown. Mr. Guyer noted on August 26, 2008 that information indicates that on a regional basis, groundwater flows to the south southwest, i.e., from the release area towards the private drinking water well on site. In its letter, DEC requested a workplan to sample the drinking water well, characterize the remaining contamination after excavation and a CSM. DEC also requesting information on the status of the cell.
Rich Sundet |
10/8/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
In a telephone conversation on 9/22/08, Samantha Ange requested a response from CS whether the contamination at the subject residence 17993 may pose a risk to future occupants of a proposed subdivision located on the adjoining 40 acre parcel located as near as 690 feet to the east of the subject residence/release. Between 9/22 and 10/8, Ms. Ange provided figures of the location of the residence in perspective to the proposed development. Based on information that Ms. Ange provided and Keith Guyer of Tutka that regional information shows groundwater flow was to the south/southwest of the residence, CS informed Ms. Ange in a 10/8/08 email that the only exposure pathway that could cause an impact to occupants to the proposed development from the release at residence 17993 was through ingestion of contaminated groundwater - however, it is not known even whether groundwater is contaminated because of the release. Further, groundwater in the area of the release is between 147 to 220 ft. below ground surface, and the subject residence is cross gradient and a bit downgradient from the release to the proposed development. Thus, there is little likelihood that contamination from the release will impact the proposed development. CS also informated Ms. Ange that to absolutely determine whether this risk may exist the association could delieate the release and demonstrate whether it has or may in the future reach groundwater and/or when drinking water wells are designed the association's engineer determine whether any drawdown from the new wells could draw water from the area of residence 17993. |
Rich Sundet |
12/12/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
Discussion with RP regarding what work needs to be conducted at the site. |
Katrina Chambon |
5/13/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
File transferred to Danielle Duncan in Juneau, 5-13-2014 |
Annie Ariel |
5/19/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
Corrected location on GIS webmap. |
Danielle Duncan |
5/20/2014 |
Workplan Requested |
Spoke to RP and they will be hiring a consultant to sample the land farm and well. I expect to see a workplan in 30 days. |
Danielle Duncan |
6/23/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
No work plan as of yet. RP going to work on going out for bid. |
Danielle Duncan |
2/13/2015 |
Workplan Requested |
Spoke to RP - no funds. They will let me know when they have some funding - maybe this spring. RP had the water sampled and tested privately and although ADEC cannot use this data, the water tested clean. |
Danielle Duncan |
5/22/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Spoke to RP - no funding for sampling available at this time. |
Danielle Duncan |
8/5/2015 |
Workplan Requested |
Requested work plan via certified letter this date. |
Danielle Duncan |
10/20/2015 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75443 300-Gal Aboveground HHOT. |
Danielle Duncan |
2/16/2016 |
Workplan Requested |
Sent a second request for a work plan certified: 7014 2120 0001 4209 6342. |
Danielle Duncan |
7/12/2016 |
Workplan Requested |
Sent 3rd request for a work plan this date. Certified # 7014 2120 0001 4210 0889. Was rec'd by RP on 7/25/16. |
Danielle Duncan |
10/9/2017 |
Workplan Requested |
Sent a 7/12/16 letter requesting a work plan to the responsible party this date. |
Danielle Duncan |
5/29/2018 |
Workplan Requested |
Sent the 5th formal request for a work plan this date certified # 7016 2140 0000 7037 9762. A deed Notice of Environmental Contamination has been drafted and if a work plan is not received by July 30, 2018, the ADEC may take administrative or other actions regarding the cleanup of this site. |
Danielle Duncan |
10/8/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
The responsible party is working on applying for Brownfield Funding for the project. |
Danielle Duncan |
5/7/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
The responsible party is still pursuing Brownfield funding. |
Danielle Duncan |
7/3/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
Per the responsible party: "we have a working draft of a Request For Proposals (RFP) that is currently making its rounds for edits so that we can secure an environmental contractor in order to get an ESA Phase II Assessment done... we hope to get the RFP approved by our people and sent out by the end of this month." |
Danielle Duncan |
11/2/2023 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Contaminated Sites Program (CSP) received the 17983 All Elks Road Site Characterization Work Plan, dated August 2023 submitted to the DEC via electronic mail by BGES, Inc., on behalf of Chickaloon Village Traditional Counsil on August 21, 2023. The DEC provided comments in a letter dated October 25, 2023. BGES addressed the comments and submitted a revised workplan to DEC on November 2, 2023. The DEC has reviewed the revised workplan and it is approved. |
Andrea Carlson |
12/24/2024 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Approved the revised Site Characterization Report 17983 All Elks Road (report) dated December 2024, with additional comments in the final comments table. The land farm was sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs, at approx. 12-inches deep. All sample results from the land farm were below Method Two cleanup levels for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. However, the limit of quantitation (LOQ) and/or detection limit (DL) for multiple analytes exceed the DEC respective clean up levels. One drinking water sample was collected from the kitchen faucet of the residence on the property, and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. A duplicate sample was not collected. Results from the drinking water sample indicate non-detection for all analytes. |
Stacee Henderson |
12/24/2024 |
Update or Other Action |
The advancement of soil borings for the collection of soil samples to define the extent of soil contamination; the installation of monitoring wells for the collection of groundwater samples to evaluate groundwater conditions; and the collection of indoor and outdoor ambient air samples and soil gas samples to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion were not completed as intended, in accordance with the approved Revised Site Characterization Work Plan (dated October 2023). Therefore these data gaps remain. |
Stacee Henderson |