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Site Report: Haines-Fairbanks Pipeline MP 399.5 - GV 49

Site Name: Haines-Fairbanks Pipeline MP 399.5 - GV 49
Address: Alaska Highway Mile 1288, Haines-Fairbanks Pipeline MP 399.5, Tetlin, AK 99779
File Number: 900.38.001
Hazard ID: 4471
Status: Active
Staff: Sophia Bracio-Martinez, 9074511682
Latitude: 63.228267
Longitude: -142.259014
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Gate Valve #49 of the Haines-Fairbanks Pipeline is located near mile post 1288 of the Alaska Hwy. The Corps of Engineers (ACOE) identified the most likely locations where petroleum contamination may have been released from the pipeline. These included: 1)pump stations and gate valves, 2) documented spills, 3) releases reported by local residents or other persons, and 4) scraper traps and pump stations. The ACOE conducted Site Investigations (SI) at these locations to determine if petroleum contamination is present. The Gate Valve #49 SI conducted in 2007 detected contaminants in soil gas. Additional field screening was conducted in 2008 and a remedial investigation further delineated the fuel contamination in 2011. 1,753 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the site in 2014. The excavated soil was thermally remediated at OIT in North Pole, AK. It was not feasible to remove all of the contaminated soil during the 2014 effort and another 1,925 tons of contaminated soil was excavated from the site in 2015. Contaminated soil was left in place as further excavation was prohibited due to adjacent roadbed.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/17/2007 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Workplan approved this date. Anne Marie Palmieri
10/22/2007 Site Added to Database Site added to the database. Mitzi Read
4/29/2008 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Workplan for USACE ROST activities approved. Anne Marie Palmieri
9/4/2008 Site Characterization Report Approved Report from 2007 activities approved this date. 20 goresorbers installed to map presence of petroleum. 6 samples collected; highest DRO found was 1400 mg/kg, highest GRO found was 1400 mg/kg. Anne Marie Palmieri
3/5/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 75458 name: auto-generated pm edit Haines-Fairbanks Pipeline MP 399.5 Anne Marie Palmieri
9/29/2010 CERCLA SI 2008 ROST SI Report approved. 8 probes, no samples were collected. Petroleum contaminated soil found; additional investigation needed. Anne Marie Palmieri
12/20/2012 CERCLA RI Report Approved RI approved this date. Report covers GVs 45, 49, 52, and 59. Field work was conducted in 2010-2011. Anne Marie Palmieri
2/4/2013 Update or Other Action project manager changed from Palmieri to Morris. Anne Marie Palmieri
6/23/2014 Cleanup Plan Approved The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the 2014 Work Plan for Contaminated Soil Removal, Pipeline Milepost 347(Gate Valve #45), 383(Gate Valve #48), and 399.5(Gave Valve #49), Formerly Used Defense Sites, Vicinity of Northway, Alaska. Jessica Morris
12/29/2014 Update or Other Action The ADEC Contaminated Site Program submitted comments on the Draft 2014 Contaminated Soil Removal Report, Pipeline Milepost 347(Gate Valve #45), 383(Gate Valve #48), and 399.5(Gave Valve #49), Formerly Used Defense Sites, Vicinity of Northway, Alaska. Jessica Morris
5/4/2015 Final Cleanup Report Reviewed The ADEC Contaminated Site Program approved the Removal Action Report for Contaminated Soil Removal, Pipeline Milepost 347(Gate Valve #45), 383(Gate Valve #48), and 399.5(Gave Valve #49), Formerly Used Defense Sites, Vicinity of Northway, Alaska. 1,368 cubic yards of contaminated soil as removed from the Gate Valve #49 site, and additional removal action is necessary. Jessica Morris
7/31/2015 Cleanup Plan Approved The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the 2014 Work Plan for Contaminated Soil Removal, Pipeline Milepost 399.5(Gave Valve #49), Formerly Used Defense Sites, Vicinity of Northway, Alaska. Jessica Morris
11/24/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Rec'd Gate Valve NO. 49 Contaminated Soil Removal Report this date. Danielle Duncan
12/17/2015 Update or Other Action Staff changed to Danielle Duncan and hard file transferred to the Juneau office. Kristin Thompson
1/5/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Completed review of Gate Valve NO. 49 Contaminated Soil Removal Report and provided comments this date - no major issues. A photoionization detector was used to guide the excavation of approximately 1924.6 tons of contaminated soil. The Alaska Highway road prism prevented further excavation and an unknown amount of contaminated soil remains in place. After the report is finalized, the ADEC will close the site and provide the Alaska Department of Transportation notification of the location of the contaminated soil and the site (Haines-Fairbanks Pipeline MP 399.5 – GV 49) is already located on the ADEC Contaminated Sites database for general information. Danielle Duncan
1/20/2016 Update or Other Action Accepted responses to my comments this date - should have a final report soon. Danielle Duncan
2/16/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Rec'd the final contaminated soil removal report this date. Danielle Duncan
2/25/2016 Update or Other Action Approved the final report for GV49. As soon as a closure letter document is received, the ADEC will close the site on the database and notify the DOT of the location of the remaining contaminated soil. Danielle Duncan
6/30/2016 Update or Other Action Requested closure documentation. RP replied that we should have the NDAI in the next 2-3 weeks. Danielle Duncan
7/29/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Rec'd the draft NDAI this date and provided comments. We expect to receive a final NDAI soon. Danielle Duncan
8/22/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75458 auto-generated pm edit Haines-Fairbanks Pipeline MP 399.5. Danielle Duncan
9/1/2016 Update or Other Action Rec'd the Project Closure Report form the USACE this date. Danielle Duncan
3/8/2018 Update or Other Action The site has been cleaned up to the extent practicable, but contamination above the MAC exists in the ROW and the ADEC is working with the DOT to determine a way to track the contamination/apply ICs. Until an agreement is made the site remains open. Danielle Duncan
6/28/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended a teleconference with the USACE, M. Brunner, J. Halverson, R. Maekawa, and B. Astley to discuss the ADEC position that site closure without institutional controls is not appropriate at this time. Danielle Duncan
6/28/2018 Update or Other Action The ADEC sent a letter today to the USACE with the following conclusion: The ADEC disagrees with the recommendation to close the site without further action or institutional controls due to the presence of benzene, gasoline range organics (GRO), xylenes, and naphthalene in soil above ADEC's promulgated risk-based cleanup levels in 18 AAC 75. The ADEC looks forward to working with USACE to resolve the issues surrounding implementation of institutional controls at the site, such that the protection of human health and the environment are ensured. The ADEC will wait for the USACE's response to this. Danielle Duncan
4/4/2019 Update or Other Action Sent a request for a written plan by June 30, 2019 that describes what actions, with proposed deadlines, that ADOT&PF will take to address the remaining contamination at this site either through: 1) removal, or 2) implementation of institutional controls. Danielle Duncan

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