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Site Report: UA Kenai Fire Training Site (MAPTS)

Site Name: UA Kenai Fire Training Site (MAPTS)
Address: Mi. 3.2 Kalifornsky Beach, Soldotna, AK 99669
File Number: 2333.38.034
Hazard ID: 454
Status: Active
Staff: Bill O'Connell, 9072693057
Latitude: 60.475797
Longitude: -151.137874
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Residual unleaded gasoline and diesel fuels have infiltrated soils during fire training exercises. The fire training site operated from 1980 to 1988. Contaminated subsurface soils, lagoon sediments, and low level groundwater contamination.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
11/22/1988 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Funded by UAA. R&M Consultants report. The site had one 500 gallon above ground unleaded gasoline tank and one 1,000 gallon unleaded gasoline UST. Also, there was a 500 gallon diesel UST. Fire training occurred between April and November. On a typical training day, 1,000 gallons of diesel and unleaded gasoline were consumed. Most fuel was burned, however, a residual infiltrated the gravel pad, or was carried by surface runoff. Groups leasing the grounds may have burned fuels other than unleaded gasoline and diesel. Spill cleanup debris from other sites were commonly burned at the site. Surface runoff is collected by a partially lined ditch leading to an oil/water separator which discharges to a lagoon. The fire training site had a well to provide fire fighting water. An 18-inch band of hydrocarbon residue existed around the perimeter of the lagoon. Lagoon was unlined and 6" sludge in the lagoon was primarily sodium bicarbonate. Groundwater is at about 15 feet. Surface soil samples contained up to 41,000 ppm TPH and trace amounts of BTEX. HVOs were not detected in either the soil samples or the lagoon water. The oil/water separator water discharge had 17 ppm benzene and 102 ppm TEX. Lagoon water had less BTEX and 14.1 ppm TPH. Water ponding adjacent to Slikok Creek contained traces of ethylbenzene. Former Staff
12/30/1988 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). UAA funded. R&M Consultants report. (10) borings were drilled and (5) monitoring wells were placed outside the fenced compound. The volume of soil requiring treatment is estimated to be 4,000 cubic yards. Tainted GW was detected in monitoring wells 3 and 4. Former Staff
6/9/1990 Site Characterization Workplan Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). UAA funded. JMM Consultants. Work plan and QAPP for soil sampling. USTs will be evaluated as well as the Lagoon. Two additional monitoring wells to be installed. Groundwater to be sampled. Based on this investigation and previous site work, a remediation plan will be developed. ADEC accepted with recommendations to be included in the work plan. Former Staff
10/1/1990 Site Characterization Report Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). UAA funded. JMM Consultants. Subsurface soil contamination in area near USTs. Groundwater beneath the site shows seasonal variation in contamination. Sediments in lagoon have elevated TPH and low levels of BTEX. Excavated soils were to be used in a cold-asphalt process. Report dated 10/90. Former Staff
12/21/1990 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). State funded. JMM Consultants. Analytical results for samples collected from the lagoon. Sediments contained up to 214,000 ppm TPH, 28.9 ppm ethylbenzene, 69.8 ppm toluene, 268 ppm xylenes, and benzene was detected in only one sample at 1.38 ppm. Lead was detected in only one sample at 84.4 ppm. Benzene was not detected in the water and 0.0203 ppm TEX was detected. Sediment depths were measured and varied from 0 to 2.5 inches thick. Former Staff
7/31/1991 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
1/1/1992 Site Added to Database Unleaded gasoline and diesel fuels. Former Staff
9/17/1992 Update or Other Action The oily sludge was excavated from the lagoon during April 1992 and placed in a lined and bermed bio-remediation cell. Areas of known contamination were also excavated and placed in another bio-remediation cell. UAA tilled the soils in the bio-cells once or twice a month during the summer. UAA hired R & M Consultants, Inc. to conduct the Phase II site assessment on the site to further define the extent of contamination in the areas that need further excavation. R & M Consultants, Inc. conducted the site assessment in September, 1992. Former Staff
12/1/1992 Update or Other Action Investigation conducted in October 1992 included sampling 23 boreholes located primarily west and southwest of Cell 2. Up to four samples were collected from each boreholw with EPH (DRO) concentrations up to 3,800 mg/kg at 13 - 13.5 feet bgs in TB20. Three areas of impacted soil were delineated west and south of Cell 2. Bill O'Connell
12/15/1992 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Surface water exposure, multiple factor, and Recreation Area values changed from site managers form. Former Staff
8/1/1994 Preliminary Assessment Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SA1R - Phase I SA Review (CS/LUST)). Reviewed a phase 1 site assessment. Bryson Twidwell
8/15/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Reviewed a remedial action plan. Bryson Twidwell
8/31/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RARR - Remedial Action Report Review (CS)). Reviewed a remedial action report. Bryson Twidwell
10/12/1998 Cleanup Plan Approved Approval provided for thermally remediating petroleum contaminated soils on-site by SPI. Don Fritz
12/21/1998 Update or Other Action Samples collected by NTL from areas named "Cell 1 and Cell 2" did not contain DRO above Method Two MTG cleanup levels. Max DRO at 202 mg/kg Bill O'Connell
7/29/1999 Update or Other Action Workplan for excavation and stockpiling of approximately 700 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil approved. Don Fritz
11/4/1999 Update or Other Action Cell 2 decommissioned. Approximately 950 cy of contaminated soil was moved to Cell #1 and 500-600cy of 'clean' soil was stockpiled on site. Samples collected from soil pile 1 had max DRO at 76 mg/kg, samples from soil pile 2 had DRO up to 720 mg/kg with an estimated 60 cy of contaminated soil remaining. Samples collected beneath the former Cell 2 liner indicated contamination was present beneath the liner Bill O'Connell
5/17/2002 GIS Position Updated DEC supplied updated latitude and longitude based on a report prepared for the Kenai River Special Management Area. Heather Goldman
6/16/2003 Update or Other Action Soil and groundwater data received from NTL. Soil samples were reportedly collected from the 'stockpile' interpreted to be soil storage cell 1. DRO was detected up to 467 mg/kg. Monitoring wells TB14 and TB 18 were sampled. Hydrocarbons not detected in TB18, TB14 had DRO at 0.422 mg/l and benzene at 0.0289 mg/l. Bill O'Connell
1/4/2005 Update or Other Action File number issued 2333.38.034 Aggie Blandford
11/18/2005 Site Characterization Report Approved Baseline Sampling Results report recieved from Golder Associates. 12 test pits were excavated at various locations including in the soil pile at soil storage cell #1, below ground surface at soil remediation cell #2, and near the former UST. One groundwater sample was collected from TB-14. In cell #1 DRO was detected at a maximum concentration of 584 mg/kg. Beneath soil remediation cell #2, DRO was detected up to 21,400 mg/kg in test pit 6 at 7-8 feet bgs within the smear zone. Field screening conducted at soil piles 2,4, and 5 did not indicate the presence of contamination. Groundwater contained benzene at 0.0113 mg/l in TB-14. Bill O'Connell
5/31/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Summer Sauve from UAA and their consultants at Golder. Golder will prepare a request to spread the stockpiled soil based on previous sampling results and awork plan for groundwater sampling for 2007. Bill O'Connell
8/30/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Bill O'Connell
9/28/2007 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Received work plan for additional characterization at the UAA MAPTS facility in Kenai. The soil in Cell I will be landspread on site and test pits excavated to evaluate the impact of Cell I on the underlying soil. Groundwater samples will be collected from 8 monitoring wells on site and groundwater flow direction will be calculated.. Bill O'Connell
7/9/2008 Site Characterization Report Approved Received 2007 monitoring report for MAPTS Kenai. The soil piles were not spread and no test pits were excavated as stated in the work plan. Groundwater samples were collected from 7 monitoring wells. Well RM-1 is now serviceable. None of the groundwater samples contained contaminants above Table C cleanup levels Bill O'Connell
7/22/2008 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Reviewed SAP for additional characterization at the UAA Kenai MAPTS facility. Eight test pits will be excavated and soil samples collected and a groundwater sample will be collected from well TB-14. Bill O'Connell
5/8/2009 Site Characterization Report Approved Received Aditional Site Characterization Sampling and Analysis for Former Mining and Petroleum Training Site. Ten test pits were excavated in the area of Cell 2 to delineate the extent of hydrocarbon impacts to subsurface soil and one groundwater sample was collected from well TB-14. The groundwater sample did not contain contaminants above Table C cleanup levels. Soil samples collected from the test pits contained DRO up to 5,960 mg/kg in test pit 4 at 12-13 feet bgs and benzene up to 0.0429 mg/kg in the sample from test pit 3 at 9-9.5 feet bgs. The total volume of soil with contaminant concentrations above Method Two cleanup levels is approximately 4,500 cubic yards, in situ. Bill O'Connell
11/5/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Remedial Alternatives Evaluation, UAA Kenai. The consultant evaluated Institutional Controls, Ex-Situ Biopiles with Natural Attentuation of Groundwater, and In-Situ Oxidation and Enhanced Bioremediation. The report provided a summary of activities to date, but did not recommend one of the alternatives. Bill O'Connell
11/12/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with ADEC and UAA to discuss remedial alternatives. The preferred alternative, and one not included in the recent submittal, is to excavate and landfarm contaminated soil onsite, using the treated soil piles as backfill. One more round of groundwater monitoring is anticipated for 2010. Bill O'Connell
11/20/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting today with UAA and consultant. A work plan for final site remediation is anticipated in the near future. Bill O'Connell
1/29/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Remediation Plan for UAA Kenai MAPTS sites. Remediation activites will include the folllowing: 1. A berm will be constructed around the inside, fenced perimeter of the site using soil from soil piles 1-5 that has been documented to be clean. 2. A temporary storage cell will be contructed adjacent to the proposed excavation area to allow dewatering of saturated soil prior to landfarming. 3. Approximately 7,000 cy of soil (5,600 in situ, 1,400 from Cell 1) will be excavated. Excavation will proceed into the saturated zone in an effort to remove all impacted soil. Confirmation samples will be collected to confirm removal and 4. The soil will be landfarmed, amended with nutrients if necessary, and tilled every two weeks. After field screening indicates contaminant concentrations have been reduced, the soil will be used to backfill the excavation. Bill O'Connell
2/2/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with UAA and consultant to discuss remediation plan detailed above. It is anticipated that dirt work will begin sometime in April 2010. Bill O'Connell
4/21/2010 Update or Other Action Remedial plan implemented on April 19. Site work has begun with construction of the berm and excavation is anticipated to begin shortly. Bill O'Connell
9/8/2010 Site Visit Site visit today, no odor, approximately 11,000 cy of soil landfarmed on site. Bill O'Connell
10/1/2010 Update or Other Action Approved request to use landfarmed soil on Eastern Portion of property as backfill in the excavation. This soil originated from the following locations: 1. Soil Storage Cell 1, which contained DRO up to 584 mg/kg in test pit samples collected in 2005. 2. Soil designated "clean" during the Cell 2 excavation, with PID readings less than 30 ppmv and 3. Soil from the smear zone of Cell 2 designated "moderate" with PID reading less than 50 ppmv. The soil approved for use as backfill was landfarmed and tilled 3 times from June 2010 to August 2010 then field screened and sampled in September 2010. In the nine samples collected from areas with the highest PID results, DRO was detected from 68.4 mg/kg to 341 mg/kg. Bill O'Connell
11/16/2010 Update or Other Action Project status update from Shannon and Wilson. The top two feet of landfarmed soil in the eastern portion of the landfarm was backfilled into the excavation. Field screening conducted in the western and southern portions of the landfarm indicate the continued presence of petroleum contamination and no samples were collected. Additional soil was removed from the southwestern corner of the excavation and landfarmed in the western portion of the landfarm. Some excavated soil was stockpiled and will be spread at a later data. Confirmation samples collected from the limits of the excavation just above the groundwater interface did not contain contaminants above cleanup levels. Bill O'Connell
4/7/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Work Plan for well decommissioning and soil sampling at UAA MAPTS. Eight monitoring wells and the steel-cased water supply well will be decommissioned in accordance with ADEC guidance. The 36-inch diameter well TB-17 will be removed by an excavator and backfilled with native material. Tilling of landfarmed soil will continue once every two weeks. Once UAA’s site manager estimates the soil is sufficiently remediated, Shannon and Wilson will mobilize to the site to conduct field screening and confirmation sampling, if appropriate. The landfarm will be divided into 30’ x 30’ cells and one field screening sample will be collected per cell. Confirmation samples will be collected at a rate of one sample per 200 yards of soil. Bill O'Connell
4/28/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Work Plan for Well Decommissioning and Landspread Soil Confirmation Sampling. All monitoring and water supply wells at the site will be decommissioned. The landfarmed soil will be tilled every two weeks during Summer 2011 and if indications are the soil meets cleanup levels, soil confirmation samples will be collected. The landfarm area will be divided into 30’ x 30’ grid squares and one analytical sample will be collected from each 5 grid squares in the area with the highest field screening results and analyzed for DRO and BTEX. Bill O'Connell
10/14/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Well Decommissioning and Landspread Soil Confirmation Sampling Report for KPC MAPTS. All of the groundwater monitoring wells were decommissioning in accordance with ADEC Guidance. The former 8-inch water supply well was also decommissioned by excavating to 5 feet bgs, cutting the casing, then filling the entire well with bentonite chips. The landspread area (actually a landfarm) was tilled on 5 occasions in Summer 2011 then sampled on August 5th. 30 soil samples were collected based on field screening results. Soil samples collected from the Eastern and Western portions of the landfarm did not contain contaminants above ADEC cleanup levels and this soil was approved for use as backfill in the excavation. Soil in the Southern portion of the landfarm, historically the most contaminated, contained DRO concentrations up to 1,550 mg/kg. Once backfilling is complete, this soil will be spread in a six inch lift over the entire bermed area and tilled in 2012. Bill O'Connell
9/11/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Work Plan for 2012 Landspread soil confirmation sampling. Approximately 3,250 cy of soil remain in the landspread area on the eastern side of the site. This soil will be field screened on a 30’ x 30’ grid and if field screening indicates contaminant concentrations are likely below cleanup levels, up to 10 confirmation samples will be collected from the highest PID field screening location per 6 grid squares. The three samples with the highest PID readings will also be analyzed for emerging contaminants PFOS and PFOA. The formerly lined area will be field screened with a PID and if contamination is suspected, up to three soil samples will be collected. Bill O'Connell
12/18/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Landspread Soil Confirmation Sampling Report for UAA MAPTS Site. Approximately 3,250 cy of the more heavily contaminated soil that was formerly landfarmed on a liner was moved to the eastern portion of the site and spread in a 1.5 foot lift. The balance of the approximately 12,000 cy of contaminated soil that was initially excavated has met cleanup levels and was returned to the excavation. The remaining soil was tilled every other week during summer 2012 then sampled in September. A 30 foot by 30 foot grid was set up and field screening conducted at the center of each grid square. 10 soil samples were submitted for laboratory analysis of DRO and BTEX based on field screening and spatial representation. DRO was detected up to 1,230 mg/kg with 5 of the 10 samples containing DRO above the 250 mg/kg cleanup level. BTEX was not detected above cleanup levels. Additionally, three of the samples were analyzed for PFOS and PFOA, which are emerging contaminants commonly found at fire training areas. PFOS and PFOA were not detected above cleanup levels. Field screening was conducted under the formerly lined landfarm area. PID readings did not exceed 6.1 ppmv and the liner was inspected and found to be in good condition so samples were collected below the formerly lined area. Landfarming will continue in 2013. Bill O'Connell
9/10/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed work plan for PFOS and PFOA sampling in groundwater at KPC MAPTS. Two monitoring wells will be installed downgradient of the excavation and sampled for PFOS and PFOA. Soil samples will not be collected. Bill O'Connell
10/21/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed sampling data from PFOS/PFOA groundwater investigation. One new well, B1MW was installed and one existing well RM4 was discovered. The sample from RM4, closest to the former fire training area, contained PFOS at 0.0023 mg/l, above the cleanup level of 0.0013 mg/l. PFOS was detected below the cleanup level in B1MW at 0.000034 mg/lg. PFOA was detected in RM4 at 0.000094 mg/l and was not detected in B1MW. Bill O'Connell
11/25/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed work plan for PFOS and PFOA in groundwater. Two monitoring wells will be installed; one downgradient and one upgradient from the site. The new wells will be developed and sampled for PFOS and PFOA following installation. Bill O'Connell
11/25/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed sampling data from PFOS/PFOA groundwater investigation. One new well, B1MW was installed and one existing well RM4 was discovered. The sample from RM4, closest to the former fire training area, contained PFOS at 0.0023 mg/l, above the cleanup level of 0.0013 mg/l. PFOS was detected below the cleanup level in B1MW at 0.000034 mg/lg. PFOA was detected in RM4 at 0.000094 mg/l and was not detected in B1MW. Bill O'Connell
1/29/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting today with UAA and Shannon and Wilson to discuss expanding the PFOS investigation to include an area to the northwest of the source area thought to be cross-gradient based on previous groundwater flow calculations. There are private properties, some with drinking water wells that are approximately 700 feet from the source area. Additional investigation may include the installation of additional monitoring wells in this area as well as public notification and drinking water well sampling as necessary. Bill O'Connell
2/18/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Work Plan for Additional Evaluation of PFOS and PFOA in Groundwater and Drinking Water at KPC MAPTS. Three new monitoring wells will be installed; one downgradient and two in an apparent cross gradient area along the western boundary of the KPC property. The wells will be constructed, developed and sampled in accordance with ADEC guidance. Five drinking water wells to the northwest of the site will also be sampled and a sample will also be collected from the KPC drinking water system. Soil samples will not be collected during monitoring well installation. Bill O'Connell
6/2/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed report on Additional Evaluation of PFOS and PFOA in Groundwater at the KPC former MAPTS. The objective of this effort was to evaluate the extent of PFOS/PFOS in groundwater and determine if it has impacted drinking water wells located northwest of the site. Drinking water well sampling was conducted in February 2014 and consisted of sampling five private drinking water wells and also the KPC drinking water which is connected to the city water system. Neither PFOS nor PFOA were detected in any drinking water samples. Three soil borings were advanced and completed as monitoring wells B4MW, B5MW and B6MW. B4MW and B5MW were installed along the western property line northwest of the source area, B6MW was installed approximately 650 feet north of the source area across College Loop Road from the site. The new wells were surveyed and groundwater flow as calculated to be to the northwest. The new wells were developed then purged prior to sampling. IDW water was filtered through a carbon filter and discharged to the ground surface. Groundwater samples were then collected from the newly installed wells and also wells B1MW, B2MW, B3MW, and RM4. The samples from wells B2MW, B4MW, B5MW, and RM contained PFOS at concentrations above the ADEC cleanup level of 1.3 parts per billion (ppb) ranging from 1.4 ppb in well B4MW to 11 ppb in well B2MW. Bill O'Connell
6/4/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Site Remediation Report for Kenia Peninsula College MAPTS. The report contains a summary of activities conducted at the site since approximately 1988 in an effort to first characterize, and then remediate petroleum contamination in soil and groundwater that resulted from the use of diesel fuel and gasoline as accelerants during fire training activities. The report focuses primarily on activities conducted since 2010 including the excavation, landfarming, and sampling of petroleum contaminated soil. Soil was excavated to a depth 2 feet below the water table in an effort to remove smear zone contamination. Excavation was conducted in two phases in an effort to remove additional contaminated soil to the west of the source area. The total volume of soil excavated and landfarmed was approximately 12,000 cubic yards and included soil from Soil Storage Cell 1, Soil Remediation Cell 2, and soil below Cell 2. Final excavation confirmation samples were collected just above the groundwater interface and contained DRO up to 6,670 mg/kg and benzene up to 0.279 mg/kg. Although contaminants remain at concentrations above Method Two migration to groundwater cleanup levels, the groundwater sampling conducted between 1988 and 2010 indicated a steadily decreasing trend until groundwater concentrations were below Table C cleanup levels and the monitoring wells were decommissioned. Contaminated sidewall samples were bounded by field screening and/or analytical samples with contaminant concentrations below the most astringent cleanup levels, suggesting the remaining contamination is de minimis in extent. Soil was tilled, field screened, and sampled and when samples indicated that soil contamination had been significantly reduced, the soil was backfilled into the excavation. Backfilling was completed in September 2013. Based on the activities conducted to date, petroleum is no longer considered a contaminant of concern at the site, however PFOS in groundwater will continue to be monitored on a regular basis until a trend can be established. Bill O'Connell
6/10/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed work plan for semiannual groundwater sampling at the Kenai MAPTS. Four existing wells will be sampled during each event, B1MW, B4MW, B5MW and B6MW. Wells will be purged then sampled using low-flow techniques and the purge water will be filtered through a granular activated carbon filter then discharged to the ground surface. Samples will be analyzed for PFOS and PFOA. During the June 2014 event, samples from B1MW and B5MW will also be analyzed for DRO. Bill O'Connell
9/12/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Spring 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report for Kenai MAPTS site. Semiannual groundwater monitoring is being conducted to evaluate trends in PFOS and PFOA concentrations. Samples were collected from monitoring wells B1MW, B6MW, B4MW, and B5MW and analyzed for PFOS and PFOA . The samples nearest the source area, B1MW and B5MW were also analyzed for DRO. Groundwater cleanup levels for PFOS and PFOA were recently re-calculated based on updated toxicity data. The updated cleanup level for PFOS is 0.0011 mg/l and for PFOA is 0.00073 mg/l. PFOS was detected above the cleanup level in the samples from wells B4MW and B5MW at 0.0015 mg/l and 0.0021 mg/l respectively. PFOA was not detected above the cleanup level and DRO was not detected. Bill O'Connell
3/20/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Fall 2014 PFOS/PFOA monitoring report for UAA MAPTS. Groundwater samples were collected from wells B1MW, B4MW, B5MW, and B6MW in November 2014. PFOS was detected above the cleanup level in B4MW and B5MW at concentrations of 0.0018 mg/l and 0.0015 mg/l, respectively, which is above the current cleanup level of 0.0011 mg/l. PFOA was not detected above the cleanup level. Bill O'Connell
7/10/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed work plan for monitoring wells installation and sampling NE of the Site. The objective is to evaluate the downgradient extent of PFOS and PFOA contamination in groundwater at the site. Bill O'Connell
11/3/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed report for Additional Evaluation of PFOS and PFOA in Groundwater, UAA Kenai Peninsula College MAPTS. Two new groundwater monitoring wells, B7MW and B8MW, were installed off of UAA property in the right of way along K Beach Road downgradient of wells B4MW and B5MW in an effort to delineate the extent of PFOS and PFOA in groundwater. The wells were installed and sampled in July 2015. Neither PFOS nor PFOA were detected above cleanup levels in the new wells. Bill O'Connell
2/17/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Work Plan for PFOS/PFOA Groundwater Monitoring at Kenai Peninsula College. Monitoring wells B1MW, B4MW, B5MW, B6MW, B7MW, and B8MW will be sampled for PFOS/PFOA in March/April 2016. Update, this sampling was deferred until 2017 when the results from installation of the new monitoring well are available. Bill O'Connell
8/22/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Work Plan for Additional PFOS/PFOA Evaluation at the Kenai MAPTs site. The objectives of the work are to install and sample at least one additional monitoring well to delineate the extent of groundwater contamination, sample private wells in the vicinity of the plume, and evaluate other parcels for the presence of drinking water wells. Bill O'Connell
2/7/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed June 2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report for UAA MAPTS. Groundwater samples were collected from 6 monitoring wells in March 2016 and sampled for PFOS and PFOA. PFOS was detected above the cleanup level in B4MW and B5MW. PFOA was detected, but below the cleanup level. Bill O'Connell
2/7/2017 Update or Other Action The cleanup levels for PFOS and PFOA were revised in November 2016. The new cleanup level is a combined PFOS + PFOA cleanup level of 0.4 ug/l. Bill O'Connell
3/6/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Additional Evaluation of PFOS and PFOA in Groundwater and Drinking Water report for UAA MAPTS site at the Kenai College Campus. In 2016, water samples were collected from wells on nine adjacent properties, one additional monitoring well was installed and sampled to delineate the extent of groundwater contamination, and a survey was conducted. Of the nine private wells sampled, PFOS and/or PFOA was detected in four of the wells but at concentrations below ADEC and EPA criteria. The new downgradient well B9MW also contained detectable concentrations of PFOA and PFOA, but below ADEC and EPA criteria. With the new well and the recent survey to determine groundwater flow, the extent of PFOS and PFOA in groundwater has been successfully delineated. Bill O'Connell
5/16/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed work plan for groundwater and drinking water monitoring at Kenai MAPTS. Samples will be collected from monitoring wells B4MW, B5MW, and B9MW and from the four private wells where PFOS and/or PFOA were detected during previous sampling events. Groundwater wells will be sampled once in May, drinking water wells will be sampled twice; once in May and again in September. Bill O'Connell
12/26/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2017 Groundwater and Drinking Water Monitoring report for UAA Kenai MAPTS site. Four drinking water wells northwest of the site were sampled on two occasions in 2017 and three monitoring wells were sampled once. Drinking water well samples continue to exhibit concentrations of PFOS and PFOA below both the DEC cleanup level of 0.4 ug/l as well as the EPA health advisory level of 0.07 ug/l for PFOA and PFOS combined. Groundwater samples indicated PFOS remains in monitoring well B4MW above the cleanup level with a concentration of 1.07 ug/l. Monitoring well B5MW contained PFOS below the cleanup level at 0.313 ug/l for the first time since sampling of this well began. The report notes that water levels were the lowest in this well since sampling began in 2014. The report also includes an evaluation of site closure strategies, given the current data at the site, and includes an evaluation of Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA), MNA with additional monitoring well or wells, purchase of adjoining parcels currently impacted by contamination, and On-Property containment using a permeable reactive barrier or pump and treat groundwater remediation system. Bill O'Connell
1/18/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed December 2018 Groundwater and Drinking Water monitoring for Kenai MAPTS. Groundwater samples were collected from 3 monitoring wells and four drinking water wells. PFAS exceeded the action level of 70 ppt in groundwater monitoring wells B4MW and B5MW, with the sum-or-five-pfas detected up to 1,940 ppt in B4MW. PFAS were not detected in drinking water samples above the action level. Bill O'Connell
8/23/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2019 groundwater sampling work plan. Samples will be collected from B4MW, B5MW, and B9MW. Bill O'Connell
8/17/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2019 sampling report for UAA MAPTS. PFOS and PFOA exceeded the lifetime health advisory (LHA) level in well B4MW and B5MW, but not in the sample from B9MW. PFOS + PFOA was detected up to 6.4 ug/l at B4MW, above the LHA of 0.07 ug/l. Bill O'Connell
8/18/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed work plan for 2020 sampling. Groundwater samples will be collected from B4MW, B5MW, and B9MW and drinking water samples will be collected from four wells located just offsite. Bill O'Connell
12/22/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed fall 2020 sampling report for groundwater and drinking water at the UA Kenai MAPTS. PFOS continues to exceed the groundwater cleanup level at B4MW and B5MW and PFOA + PFOS also exceeds the lifetime health advisory (LHA) level in these wells. Drinking water samples from four nearby properties remain below the LHA. Data from this event is consistent with previous monitoring events. Bill O'Connell
6/18/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sampling for 2021 approved in accordance with 2020 work plan Bill O'Connell
12/23/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2021 PFAS groundwater sampling report for UAA MAPTS site. Monitoring wells B4MW, B5MW, and B9MW were sampled for PFAS along with drinking water wells from three private properties adjacent the site. PFOS continues to exceed the DEC Table C cleanup level in B4MW and B5MW and PFOA+PFOS continues to exceed the EPA Lifetime Health advisory level in these same wells. Drinking water wells contain PFOS and PFOA below the lifetime health advisory level. The 2021 data is consistent with previous monitoring efforts. Bill O'Connell
2/14/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sampling for 2022 approved in accordance with 2020 work plan Bill O'Connell
1/24/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Reviewed 2022 sampling report. Groundwater samples were collected from B4MW, B5MW, and B9MW and drinking water samples were collected from three offsite properties. One of the properties that is typically sampled refused a sample in 2022 and requested that no further samples be collected. PFOS was detected in B4MW and B5MW at concentrations that exceed the groundwater cleanup level and numerous additional PFAS were detected. Downgradient well B9MW contained detectable concentrations of PFOS and PFOA, but below the groundwater cleanup level and drinking water action level. PFAS concentrations in groundwater are consistent with previous results. PFAS in drinking water samples continue to be below the action level and are also consistent with previous results. Bill O'Connell
6/14/2023 Update or Other Action B9MW approved for decommissioning and will be reinstalled after development activities are complete Bill O'Connell
1/17/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed November, 2023 sampling report for UAA MAPTs facility. Groundwater samples were collected from B4MW and B5MW and drinking water samples were collected from three wells. PFOS concentrations continue to exceed Table C cleanup levels in B4MW and B5MW but are consistent with previous results. Drinking water samples did not contain PFOS or PFOA above the current action level, however both were detected in at least one sample. Bill O'Connell
9/30/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed work plan for monitoring well and drinking water well sampling for PFAS at the Kenai MAPTS facility. A revised drinking water well search has identified six additional drinking water wells in the vicinity of the site that are proposed for sampling along with wells at nine properties sampled previously. Monitoring wells B4MW, B5MW, and B9MW will also be sampled. Bill O'Connell

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