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Site Report: Togiak School

Site Name: Togiak School
Address: South of Second Avenue, Between F Street & H Street, Togiak, AK 99678
File Number: 2658.38.004
Hazard ID: 4587
Status: Active
Staff: Marc Thomas, 9074655206
Latitude: 59.060219
Longitude: -160.377854
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


A site characterization (October 2007) of the Togiak School property (4.8 acres) indicated historic contamination, including gasoline range organics, diesel range organics, and benzene above ADEC cleanup levels. The site is sometimes referred to as the Togiak Old School. Demolition and construction plans include removal of the south end of the main school building as well as all other buildings and facilities on the southern half of the property. Renovations are also planned for the northern half of the property for continued use as a school. After the buildings are removed, the City of Togiak plans to use the southern half of the property as a recreation facility, meeting hall, and playground/park. Contamination was found at multiple locations on both the northern and southern halves of the property. There are also individual residential buildings on site. FKA file no. 2658.57.001

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
12/28/2007 Update or Other Action Limited site characterization report received in Anchorage office. Report completed for SWRSD and identifies several areas of petroleum contamination associated with tank farms, fuel lines, day tanks, and migration of contamination in the subsurface. John Carnahan
1/31/2008 Site Added to Database Site added to the database. Mitzi Read
2/1/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Mitzi Read
2/28/2008 Update or Other Action Conversation with Rick Dallmann with the SWRSD about their intent to request assesment/cleanup services through the R&R (brownfield) program. Their grant funding through DEED is not sufficient to bring the site through remediation, based on their latest findings. They will seek assistance to help excavate and relocate contaminated soil. John Carnahan
3/25/2008 Site Characterization Report Approved Report was reviewed and comments provided to SWRSD on the content and conclusions. Gross contamination is present, but a clear understanding of extent is not possible from the limited investigation, although it is clear contaminant sources present. Report does not propose a further assessment strategy or outline a corrective action plan other than proposing excavation and removal of contaminated soil for further management. A meeting to discuss future project objectives is planned. John Carnahan
4/30/2008 Update or Other Action Received copy of letter from City of Togiak supporting the proposed reclamation of the site, and provsion of land near dumpsite to land farm contaminated material. John Carnahan
6/2/2008 Update or Other Action Site ranked number one through DEC Brownfield Assessment program. Request for assessment services submitted to management. John Carnahan
7/16/2008 Brownfields Award FY 2009 EPA STRP funds awarded to Southwest Region School District for a characterization and cleanup of the Togiak Old School site. Original NTP #1890281362 lists amount as $75,954.85, however corrective actions including excavation and stockpiling of soils brought total project estimate to $100,925. Cascade Galasso-Irish
8/15/2008 Cleanup Plan Approved Workplan provided by Oasis approved with comments. Soil remediation plan will be modified depending on the amount of material that is stockpiled onsite. John Carnahan
8/19/2008 Update or Other Action Field work commenced with Summit Construction as excavatrion contractor and Oasis Environmental conducting the oversight. John Carnahan
8/27/2008 Update or Other Action Received call from IGAP staff in Togiak (J. Forslund) pertaining to the project. They were not informed of the project prior to initiation, although DEC had met and discussed the project with the school district and the City of Togiak. DEC informed the IGAP staff on the status of the project and plans for corrective action. John Carnahan
9/8/2008 Update or Other Action Received information that the amount of soil removed is exceeding the capacity to store it. A volume estimate is forthcoming, and a plan to create new area for storage. It is likely that the pile will require a land-farming plan adjacent to the storage site. John Carnahan
6/2/2009 Update or Other Action DEC received the Corrective Action Report for the Former Togiak School dated May 13, 2009. The Togiak School grounds encompasses approximately 4.8 acres. Fuel was stored on-site in bulk quantities in aboveground storage tanks. The locations of the tanks were mostly in an old tank farm and two smaller day tanks. Significant contamination was identified during the Phase II Site Assessment (July 2007) by Amundsen Environmental Services. The excavation, stockpiling and backfilling of approximately 4,090 cubic yards of contaminated soil occurred from August 21, 2008 through September 10, 2008. Complete removal of all the petroleum-contaminated soil was not possible because of limited resources. Laterally, the excavation was limited by the presence of the school building. Samples from two locations along the remaining school building had petroleum concentrations greater than DEC direct contact cleanup levels. The results of the excavation confirmation samples indicate that petroleum concentrations exceed DEC soil cleanup levels beneath the school building. Given the depth of the sample locations, the consultant states that the typical site visitor would not be exposed to contamination via direct contact. However, the potential exists for direct contact with subsurface soil or groundwater. The consultant recommends that the vapor intrusion pathway be evaluated for the school building. The groundwater in the area is shallow and there is a potential for groundwater contamination, but the drinking water well for the community is several miles from the site. The groundwater is brackish but could have impacted the surface water/sediments. Deborah Williams
3/21/2011 Brownfields Award NTP #18400211030C for FY 2010 on this date. SOA CIP funds $30,000 awarded to Southwest Region School District for a stockpile sampling and environmental site evaluation on Togiak Old School Site. Contract extended through 2011, with the report submitted in 2011 and approved in 2012. Cascade Galasso-Irish
8/19/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "Togiak School Vapor Intrusion Evaluation and Pore Water Sampling Work Plan" dated August 08, 2011 submitted by OASIS Environmental reviewed, and comments given to OASIS. Air and water sampling planned for September 2011. Melinda Brunner
9/1/2011 Site Characterization Workplan Approved OASIS Environmental's "Togiak School Vapor Intrusion Evaluation and Pore Water Sampling Work Plan" dated August 30, 2011 approved. Melinda Brunner
9/8/2011 Update or Other Action Site reassigned Melinda Brunner. Janice Wiegers
12/27/2011 Update or Other Action OASIS Environmental's draft document entitled "Togiak School Vapor Intrusion Evaluation and Pore Water Sampling Report" received December 22, 2011. Document under review. Melinda Brunner
1/13/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comments provided to OASIS Environmental on the draft document entitled "Togiak School Vapor Intrusion Evaluation and Pore Water Sampling Report" that was received December 22, 2011. Melinda Brunner
3/14/2012 Site Characterization Report Approved OASIS Environmental's final document entitled, "Togiak School Vapor Intrusion Evaluation and Pore Water Sampling Report" describing investigations done at the site in September 2011 approved by Brunner. The report states the vapor intrusion investigation at the school found sub-slab vapor levels beneath the shop (Sample SS-3) exceeded target levels, as described in ADEC's "DRAFT Vapor Intrusion Guidance for Contaminated Sites, July 2009," for napthalene, 1-methyl napthalene, and 2-methylnapthalene. Between the two vapor samples taken from the crawlspace beneath the school (Samples CS-1 and CS-2), DEC's target levels for 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, napthalene, xylenes, ethylbenzene, styrene, propylbenzene, 2-methylnapthalene, and butylbenzene for residential indoor air were exceeded. The results of the vapor intrusion sampling suggest that there is potential for harmful levels of contaminants from the subsurface diesel fuel plume to enter the air in the former school building. Additional sampling would be required to determine actual contaminant concentrations inside the building. Possible efforts to mitigate the potential risk of vapor intrusion into the building include, but are not limited to, ventilating the crawlspace, putting a vapor barrier down over the soil inside the crawlspace, and/or sealing the floor of the building to prevent the entry of vapors. Also according to the report, the pore water samples were taken from 7.3-17.7 feet below ground surface. The water samples were compared to both ADEC's surface water quality standards and groundwater cleanup levels, nonetheless. Of the three samples taken on the Togiak Bay side of the seawall, one sample (Sample PW-3) exceeded the surface water quality standards for total aqueous hydrocarbons and total aromatic hydrocarbons, and all three samples (PW-1, PW-2, and PW-3) exceeded the groundwater cleanup level for diesel-range organics (DRO). The three samples taken on the school side of the seawall (PW-4, PW-5, and PW-6) all exceeded the groundwater cleanup level for DRO. No sheen was observed on Togiak Bay at the time of sampling. Melinda Brunner
4/2/2012 Update or Other Action Final report entitled, "Togiak School Vapor Intrusion Evaluation and Pore Water Sampling Report, Togiak, Alaska," dated January 30, 2012 transmitted to Rick Dallman (Southwest Regional School District), Jonathan Forsling (Traditional Council of Togiak), Kimberly Andrews (DEED), Darryl Thompson (City of Togiak), and Arla Johnson (Bristol Bay Native Association). Transmittal letter notes that vapor intrusion into the buildings should be further investigated and possibly mitigated before they are used. Groundwater contamination also needs further characterization. Melinda Brunner
7/24/2013 Brownfields Award FY 2014 SOA funds awarded $162,028 for a continuation of investigation to include groundwater monitoring and vapor intrusion assessment for ADEED Togiak School. NTP# 18803602007. Cascade Galasso-Irish
7/30/2013 Update or Other Action Call from Summit Construction - planning to install vapor barrier and/or ventilation beneath library as upgrade activity currently in progress. Both measures will help to mitigate potential vapor intrusion concerns. Scheduling and details will be provided as they develop, with installation planned 2013 field season. John Carnahan
10/28/2013 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Workplan approved for installation of 10 addtional monitoring wells, five temporary and five permanent, collect one soil sample from each bore hole location during initial sampling event, collect groundwater samples from each monitoring well location during the initial event, collect groundwater samples from the five permanent wells during tow additonal rounds of monitoring, collect six porewater samples along the coastal zone near Togiak Bay, and collect two outdoor air samples and two crawl space samples after the Vapor Intrusion mitigation barrier has been placed. Keri DePalma
1/17/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft report received; Former Togiak School Groundwater, Pore Water and Vapor Intrusion Investigation Report, Togiak Alaska. ADEC File 2658.57.001 January 2014 Keri DePalma
2/5/2014 Update or Other Action Site reassigned to DePalma. John Carnahan
5/21/2014 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter A letter was sent to the US Bureau of Indian Affairs, Alaska Region as a Potentially Responsible Party at Alaska Village Schools. Keri DePalma
6/10/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Interim report received-Togiak School February 2014 Groundwater Sampling. Samples collected from monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-3 exceeded the groundwater cleanup level for DRO with concentrations of 5,170 micrograms per liter(µg/L)and 3,340 µg/L, respectively. MW-3 sample also exceeded groundwater cleanup levels for bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and arsenic with results 7.0 µg/L and 12.0 µg/L, respectively. All other analytical detections were below DEC groundwater cleanup levels. Keri DePalma
6/17/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Interim Report-Togiak School May 2014 Groundwater and Vapor Intrusion Sampling received. The groundwater and air sampling event was conducted 7 May 2014 through 9 May 2014. A total of five groundwater monitoring wells were sampled during the May 2014 field Monitoring wells MW-6 through MW-10 were not sampled during this event as they were temporary wells installed in October 2013 and removed after sampling. A total of four air samples were collected during the May 2014 field effort, two outdoor air samples and two crawlspace air samples. Samples collected from monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-3 exceeded the groundwater cleanup level for DRO with concentrations of 3,600 micrograms per liter (µg/L) and 3,000 µg/L, respectively. The total recoverable arsenic results from the MW-2 and MW-3 samples also exceeded the groundwater cleanup level for arsenic with results of 10.0 µg/L and 12.0 µg/L, respectively. All results for air samples were compared to Indoor Air Residential Target Levels found in Appendix D of the ADEC Vapor Intrusion Guidance for Contaminated Sites (ADEC 2012b) as there are no target levels specified for outdoor air. No exceedences were present in samples collected during the May 2014 event. Keri DePalma
8/26/2015 Update or Other Action File transferred to Joy Whitsel Joy Whitsel
1/8/2016 Update or Other Action DEC sent a letter to Southwest Region School District acknowledging receipt of the Togiak School vapor intrusion corrective action memo. The memo, dated September 17, 2015, documented the completion of construction work at the old school in Togiak, Alaska to mitigate vapor intrusion. DEC is satisfied that the actions described in the memo mitigate the current risk from contaminants below the school building. However, DEC is concerned that a potential for inhalation exposure exists in the shop area, based on the data collected. The site characterization completed to date indicates that significant contamination remains under the school and shop area and potentially under other areas on the former school property. In order to consider this site for closure, complete characterization of the school area needs to be completed, in particular northeast of the shop building. Groundwater characterization is not sufficient, and groundwater and surface water monitoring is needed. Results of groundwater assessments will help prioritize the remediation steps necessary to protect surface water and groundwater. Joy Whitsel
3/14/2016 Update or Other Action Received notice from DEC Wastewater division that winter storms caused damage to the sea wall, resulting in State Declaration of Emergency Disaster area. Construction activities involving de-watering of excavation groundwater would occur within 1/4 mile of the Togiak School contaminated site. Review of the data by DEC Contaminated Sites staff indicated that contaminated groundwater did not appear to extend beyond school property and that there would be no concern of encountering contaminated groundwater from any known contaminated site during sea wall construction activities. Joy Whitsel
3/2/2017 Update or Other Action DEC responded to contractor request for information regarding groundwater monitoring well locations. Discussion with the contractor determined that three monitoring wells are present in the footprint of the proposed new powerhouse and tank farm area. Further discussion is needed regarding disposition/ relocation of these wells. Joy Whitsel
3/17/2017 Update or Other Action DEC approved a proposal to decommission and relocate three groundwater monitoring wells within the proposed footprint of an Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Inc. (AVEC) power plant and bulk fuel storage facility. The groundwater monitoring wells will be used to monitor existing groundwater contamination from the Togiak Old School site. Joy Whitsel
6/28/2019 Update or Other Action Letter provided to BIA providing a list of 31 sites where BIA is a PRP and requesting a meeting to discuss long-term planning for cleanup at these sites. Gretchen Caudill

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