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Site Report: City of Kiana Former Tank Farm

Site Name: City of Kiana Former Tank Farm
Address: Cemetary Lane, Kiana, AK 99749
File Number: 460.38.003
Hazard ID: 4618
Status: Active
Staff: * Currently Not Assigned, 9072693057
Latitude: 66.973844
Longitude: -160.429398
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In 2001, a site reconnaissance effort identified diesel range organics (DRO) above ADEC cleanup levels in soil. In 2000, a total of seven aboveground storage tanks (three vertical and four horizontal) were moved to the new community tank farm. According to the site reconnaissance report, two prior confirmed spills had occurred at the location of the former tank farm; on 5/18/1990 - 500 gallons of fuel oil; and on 7/16/1996 - 950 gallons of diesel (Prevention and Emergency Response Program (PERP) spill no. 96389919801, PERP file no. 460.02.002). 2001 reconnaissance report also notes minor soil staining beneath a 300-gallon heating oil tank at the City of Kiana Firehouse on Casonoff Street, north of the high school. Fuel handling practices at this potential source area will be addressed with the responsible party in conjunction with the former tank farm.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
4/2/2008 Site Added to Database Site added to the database. Mitzi Read
4/2/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Mitzi Read
12/20/2011 Update or Other Action Project manager changed from Melinda Brunner to Jim Fish. Janice Wiegers
12/27/2012 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter State Interest letter sent to City of Kiana by PERP staff Ashley Anderson due to petroleum contamination found on adjacent site known as Kiana AVEC Power Plant Tank Farm, Hazard ID 26145. AVEC's consultant (TPECI) has indicated that older contamination found during excavation at the AVEC powerplant site may have migrated from the City tank farm which is located uphill. Janice Wiegers
7/17/2015 Update or Other Action Reviewed the ETM and concluded no changes were warranted. The surface soil in 2001 sample was 11,400 mg/kg DRO and no changes at the site have taken place. Willett Boger
9/13/2016 Update or Other Action Sent letter to all Kiana site RPs requesting a joint cleanup to leverage mob/demob cost for further site delineation. Darren Mulkey
7/12/2018 Workplan Requested Work plan for additional characterization requested by 10/1/18. Kara Kusche
10/1/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviews and provides comment on the "City of Kiana Former Tank Farm Site Characterization Work Plan" dated September 18, 2018. The work plan proposes to complete 10 test pits and sample for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs to further site characterization. Kara Kusche
10/16/2018 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC approves the "City of Kiana Former Tank Farm Site Characterization Work Plan" dated October 10, 2018. Kara Kusche

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