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Site Report: Chenega Bay Former Tank Farm

Site Name: Chenega Bay Former Tank Farm
Address: 8793 Chenega Bay Road, Chenega Bay, AK 99574
File Number: 2209.38.003
Hazard ID: 4638
Status: Active
Staff: Bill O'Connell, 9072693057
Latitude: 60.065196
Longitude: -148.010662
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


In a 2003 site characterization report for the Chenega Bay former tank farm (and the existing at the time tank farm), Hart Crowser indicated that seven test pit soil samples and three seep samples were analyzed. Soil sample results exceeded Method Two migration to groundwater for DRO and benzene. Background samples were also collected to support Method Three values and the sample results also exceeded the Method Three levels. This tank farm consisted of six horizontal tanks and was located about 300 feet southwest of the existing tank farm which consists of three horizontal tanks. The former diesel generator area was located immediately north of the former tank farm and provided electrical power to the village of Chenega. In 2003, a site characterization was conducted by Hart Crowser. Soil samples collected from the surface soils near the former day tank exhibited concentrations of DRO and benzene up to 19,900 mg/Kg and 0.049 mg/Kg, respectively. Soil samples collected from the subsurface soils revealed levels of DRO up to 1,670 mg/Kg and benzene up to 0.096 mg/Kg near the former dispenser. The ADEC cleanup levels for DRO and benzene are 250 mg/kg and 0.022 mg/kg, respectively.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
4/24/2003 Update or Other Action Date of Hart Crowser Site Characterization Report - Existing and Former Chenega Tank Farms received 5/7/2003. Existing tank farm (as of late 2002) was determined to be the same location as the former Chenega Bay Saltery which is being considered for conditional closure as of June 2008. Soil samples collected at former tank farm were analyzed for PAHs, GRO, DRO, RRO and BTEX. DRO results up to 19,900 mg/kg DRO and 0.096 benzene with exceedances of Method Two migration to groundwater by both constituents in both the surface and the subsurface soil. Surface water (seep) samples were analyzed for BTEX and PAH - all results were nondetect. Keather McLoone
6/3/2008 Site Added to Database Site added to the database. Mitzi Read
6/4/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Keather McLoone
6/9/2008 Update or Other Action In a phone call on this date to Chenega Bay Village Council to discuss various sites in Chenega, DEC learned that the "existing tank farm" (as of late 2002 field work) is no longer there. Keather McLoone
3/17/2010 Update or Other Action email to ADOT inquiring about landowner status received the following response "I don’t think they belong to DOT. At one time DOT owned the Chenega small boat harbor, but in 1998, we sold our interest in the small boat harbor to the North Pacific Rim Housing Authority. DOT’s property lines were described in a DNR tidelands survey (reference: ATS 1523), which started at the MHW line. Comparing the Google Earth image to the survey, it indicates that the tanks lie above the MHW line and outside ATS 1523. Most likely the ASTs sit on land owned by either the Chenega Corporation or the Village of Chenega." which means that neither the former tank farm nor the new tank farm (the three horizontal tanks that this individual was looking at on Google). Keather McLoone
1/13/2012 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 75705 name: former ASTs Keather McLoone
9/2/2015 Update or Other Action Lat/Long updated using CS webmap as compared to figure in the 2002 workplan. Lisa Griswold
9/4/2015 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter PRP letter sent to Native Village of Chenega IRA Council Lisa Griswold
9/4/2015 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75705 former ASTs. Lisa Griswold
10/10/2016 Update or Other Action The Chenega Bay Former Tank Farm was located on the eastern side of the village of Chenega. The former diesel generator area was located immediately north of the former tank farm and provided electirical power to the village. In 2003, a site characterization was conducted by Hart Crowser. Soil samples indicate up to 19,900 mg/Kg DRO and 0.049 mg/Kg benzene in surface soil near the former day tank, and DRO up to 1,670 mg/Kg and benzene up to 0.096 mg/Kg in subsurface soil near the former dispenser, all above ADEC Method 2 Cleanup levels. A Method 3 cleanup level was submitted, however background soils used (peat) may not have reflected the soil around the former tank farm (gravel and sand). TAqHs were also detected in seep samples conducted north of the former day tank. Lisa Griswold
10/11/2016 Update or Other Action Request for Site Characterization Work Plan sent on this date. The work plan is due by December 8, 2016. Lisa Griswold
11/29/2016 Update or Other Action Request for extension of deadline for site characterization work plan approved. Site characterization work plan is to be submitted by February 6, 2017. Lisa Griswold
2/1/2017 Update or Other Action ADEC approved extension of Site Characterization work plan submittal date. Work plan is to be submitted by April 3, 2017. Lisa Griswold
5/11/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent to RP requesting that the site characterization work plan be submitted as soon as possible as it is now past due, and informing them that site management has been transferred to Rodman. Lisa Griswold
5/11/2017 Update or Other Action Site transferred to Rodman Lisa Griswold
7/3/2018 Workplan Requested Work plan request letter and two previous letters emailed to RP. Work plan due August 31, 2018. Amy Rodman
7/16/2019 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC Contaminated Sites Program staff has reviewed and approved the “Village of Chenega Former Tank Farm: Remedial Action and Remedial Investigation” (Work Plan) dated June 2019 from Kasteler Consulting, Inc. (Kasteler) for the Chenega Bay Former Tank Farm site in Chenega, Alaska. This Work Plan was submitted to ADEC via email on June 25, 2019. Proposed field activities generally consist of excavating contaminated soil for offsite thermal remediation, field-screening and sampling (soil and groundwater) for laboratory analysis. Amy Rodman
8/26/2020 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC approves the “Addendum to Work Plan for Contaminated Soil Excavation an Disposal, and Seep Sampling; Former Tank Farm; Chenega, Alaska” dated July 31, 2020. This addendum refines and clarifies items in the 2019 work plan, but does not significantly change the planned work. Kara Kusche
8/28/2020 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approval issued to transport ~20 yards of soil to Alaska Soils Recycling in Anchorage for thermal remediation. Kara Kusche
10/2/2020 Update or Other Action Spoke with consultant Jayne Martin of BGES. She states that due to fall storms, soils are pretty saturated and the PID wont work as effectively. She states that it may be best to delay work until 2021, weather dependent on 2020. ADEC agrees with this approach to ensure data and cleanup during the field effort is maximized. Kara Kusche
7/28/2021 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with consultant (BGES) and native village representatives. Discussed 2021 sampling results, site status, paths to closure with or without institutional controls. Agreed upon next steps: the parties will have conversations with the community and landowner (Alaska Dept. of CCED) to see if institutional controls will likely be acceptable or not. Will then submit a work plan for additional characterizations and other activities to move towards site closure goal. Kara Kusche
4/26/2022 Site Characterization Report Approved Final report approved. Soil and grab groundwater and surface water samples were collected in the former tank farm, dispenser, and generator areas in June 2021. Eighteen supersacks were filled with contaminated soil and staged at the heavy machinery equipment yard. No samples were collected near the generator day tank area in the two test pits. Ten samples were collected from the dispenser area. Four of the samples collected had exceedances of migration to groundwater cleanup levels for either benzene, naphthalene, or DRO. None of the soil sample results exceeded human health cleanup levels. Groundwater was encountered at 5.5 feet bgs. In the dispenser area sheen was encountered on groundwater in three test pits. A groundwater grab sample collected from Test Pit 3 in the dispenser area exceeded groundwater cleanup levels for DRO and lead. Grab samples collected from surface water seeps near the dispenser and generator did not have cleanup level exceedances though contaminants were detected. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
4/16/2023 Update or Other Action Notified that 18 supersacks were placed at landfill without prior coordination. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
3/19/2024 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Received ASR's receipt of soil. Lisa Krebs-Barsis

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