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Site Report: Kalakaket Creek RRS - Drum Storage Area 2 [OT001]

Site Name: Kalakaket Creek RRS - Drum Storage Area 2 [OT001]
Address: South Shore of Kalakaket Creek, 22 Miles South of Galena, Galena, AK 99741
File Number: 860.38.008
Hazard ID: 4674
Status: Active
Staff: Sophia Bracio-Martinez, 9074511682
Latitude: 64.427261
Longitude: -156.835914
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


PCBs, and dieldrin and diesel from leaking drum storage. Contaminants exceed migration to groundwater, but groundwater samples were collected and contamination was not detected. The remedial action conducted in 2009 removed PCBs in soil, confirmation samples were below 1 ppm. Diesel contamination to ~ 2,000 ppm was detected in confirmation samples at the limits of the western excavation, and 327 ppm in the eastern excavation. Since groundwater contamination was not detected at the site, subsurface soil contamination below health based levels will not require institutional controls or long term monitoring. The 2010 Record of Decision identifies the selected rememdy for this site to be source removal and offsite disposal of PCB, dieldrin, and 1,2,3-TCP contaminated soil.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/28/2008 Site Added to Database Site added to the database. Mitzi Read
7/29/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Contaminants were found only slightly above cleanup levels. Ranked with De Minimis Exposure for Direct Contact with Surface Soil and Outdoor Air Inhalation. Ranked with Low Potential Exposure for Wild or Farmed Foods Ingestion and Ecological pathways. Kim DeRuyter
4/9/2010 Update or Other Action The ETM ranking was updated to reflect the presence of nearly 100 cubic yards of PCB soil contamination delineated during the investigative sampling conducted in 2009. Kim DeRuyter
4/12/2010 Update or Other Action The February 2010 Draft Clean Sweep and Environmental Remediation report documents the excavation of 150 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil, and approximately 100 cubic yards of PCB contamninated soil from the site. Confirmation samples collected from the limits of the excavation were below the health based cleanup levels approximately 2000 ppm DRO, 7,000 RRO. PCBs were not detected above 1 ppm. The report recommends a site closure determination. A shallow monitoring well remains in place at the site, though groundwater contamination was not detected. Kim DeRuyter
5/24/2010 CERCLA ROD Approved The CERCLA ROD, Petroleum Decision Document and LF001 Decision Document were signed by DEC and the USAF. Kim DeRuyter
9/14/2010 Update or Other Action Site closure determination will be completed when the groundwater monitoring well is properly decommissioned. Kim DeRuyter
1/26/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff met with 611 CES to discuss PBR contracting and site issues. The drum storage 2 site Monitoring well decommissioning was discussed. Dennis Shepard
8/5/2015 Update or Other Action DEC contacted the Air Force RPM to determine the status of the monitoring well at the site. Kalakaket sites are subject to long term monitoring (LTM) with annual reporting. The Air Force contractor has conducted inspections in 2011- 2014 and has not confirmed the status of the monitoring well. Dennis Shepard
8/25/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station Supplemental Work Plan 2016 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control, Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station, Alaska. The Work proposed in the supplemental is consistent with the requirements of 18 AAC 75.375(b)(2) and the approved Work Plan Addendum 2013 Environmental Long Term Management which was approved by DEC on May 29, 2013. Dennis Shepard
5/10/2021 Update or Other Action On 5/4/2021, ADEC completed an interview provided by USAF's contractor, in preparation for the 2nd Five Year Review (FYR). In the interview, ADEC noted the following: Metal debris that was observed protruding from the LF1 landfill cap in 2012, as documented in the 2013 report, has not been addressed; the required 18 AAC 60 post closure documentation has not been submitted to the Solid Waste Program; a ROD amendment or ESD has not been completed as recommended in the 1st FYR; and based on review of photographs, multiple monitoring wells appear to be frost jacked. Jamie McKellar
10/27/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVAL: Final 2020 Remedial Action Operations, Institutional Control / Land Use Control Report, Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station, Alaska (EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC, October 2021). Recommendations in the 2020 RAO IC/LUC report include, but are not limited to: installation and replacement of signage at LF002, repair and replace several monitoring wells, and a recommendation to sample soil and surface water in the location near the airstrip where sheen was observed in 204, 2015, and 2020. Jamie McKellar
6/29/2023 CERCLA ROD Periodic Review On 6/29/2023, DEC approved the Final 2nd FYR for the former Kalakaket RRS. As part of this approval, USAF is required to complete multiple activities within the next two years: File a NAUL by 12/31/2024; file an ESD by 8/30/2024; inspect the LF1 landfill cap during Federal Fiscal Year 2024; investigate the sheen observed on the Kalakaket runway by 6/29/2024; and file a FYR addendum by 12/31/2025. Jamie McKellar
9/10/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other WORK PLAN APPROVAL: Technical Memorandum – Final Work Plan – Landfill Assessments at LF002 (4676 & 4677) and Limited Sampling at OT001 (4674), Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station Alaska; USACE – Alaska District Contract No. W911KB22D0016, Task Order W911KB22F0095 (AECOM, July 2024) Sophia Bracio-Martinez

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