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Site Report: FAA Northway Utility Bldg 600 Tank 52-A-12

Site Name: FAA Northway Utility Bldg 600 Tank 52-A-12
Address: Northway Airstrip, Northway, AK 99764
File Number: 170.38.021
Hazard ID: 4705
Status: Active
Staff: Jamie McKellar, 9074515175
Latitude: 62.961408
Longitude: -141.936847
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Petroleum-contaminated soils associated with decommissioned 500 gallon underground heating oil tank. a A release investigation was conducted in FY92, and soil and groundwater samples were collected. TPH and DRO concentrations were detected in soil above ADEC cleanup criteria, and groundwater contained dissolved PHC constituents, including benzene, above MCLs. The release investigation determined that the soil contamination resulted from the former 2,000-gallon heating oil tank, as field observations during excavation did not indicate the presence of a release from UST 52-A-12. A FY94 CAP selected in-situ bioremediation by air sparging as the most cost-effective remediation alternative, which commenced in FY95. The soil and groundwater were not sampled between FY95 and the FY99 SI. Soil and water samples were collected during the FY99 SI, which focused on assessing remedial progress. Analyses of the soil and water samples suggested that significant remediation had occurred. However, sample results still indicated that DRO concentrations were above ADEC cleanup criteria in soil and groundwater. Based on the FY99 SI results, FAA consultants recommended further remediation or institutional controls (such as limiting the land to industrial use), and decommissioning the air sparging system, as it would have limited effectiveness in remediating site soils in a suitable timeframe. However, the utility building is scheduled to be removed; thus, the FY99 SI recommended excavating and landspreading the remaining contaminated soil after building demolition. In FY03, FAA began groundwater monitoring and will continue groundwater monitoring through FY10.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/26/2008 Site Added to Database Site added to the database. Mitzi Read
8/29/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Kelly Hansen
11/4/2015 Update or Other Action Site management reassigned to Carnahan. John Carnahan
3/13/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Provide comments on work plan to address RI at multiple sites: Haz IDs 1698, 23343, and 4705. John Carnahan
4/18/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent to FAA requesting information on status of the investigations at these sites. John Carnahan
5/3/2017 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Provide approval for FINAL WP FAA RI Northway Field FAA Sta, April 2017. John Carnahan
11/13/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Provided DEC review comments to 2016 Draft RI for three sites, Bldg 600, Bldg 601, and Basketball Court. John Carnahan
3/1/2019 Update or Other Action Received Site Characterization report for three sites for work completed in 2017. Report was delayed due to DEC review and approval of HRC calculator. John Carnahan
4/16/2019 Institutional Control Update DNR (Patty Burns - email this day) reviewed the DNR’s management agreement file, ADL 416177, and the deed for the land in question (attached) and determined that the land associated with this site was deeded to DOT under the authority of the Alaska Omnibus Act, June 25, 1959. As a result, DNR has no landowner interest in the site and there is no need for DNR to concur with proposed institutional controls. John Carnahan
9/17/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final Report, FAA Remedial Investigation, Northway Field FAA Station, Northway, Alaska Dated September 2019. Results from the hydrocarbon risk calculator (HRC) confirmed that contamination at the Water Treatment Building and Power Plant areas of concern do not meet the DEC human health risk standard. In the case of the CAA Garage, the HRC calculations did not indicate an unacceptable risk to human health, but sampling used to inform the calculations was not representative of the entire area of concern due to drilling limitations at the asphalt pad that covers much of the area of concern. Environmental risk assessment off-ramps have been selected for all three areas of concern due to their small size (less than 0.5 acres) and the fact that contaminants of concern are petroleum constituents and are not bioaccumulative. Kevin Fraley
6/10/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent comments on the draft 2021 RI and GWM WP. The Radio Range Tower, Power Plant Building, Water Treatment Building, and CAA Former Garage building will have work done at their locations. Surface soils and surface water will be sampled for lead and PCBs at the Radio Range Tower. Existing groundwater wells will be sampled for GRO, DRO, VOCs, PAHs at the PPB and WTB AOCs. At the Garage AOC, soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells will be installed and sampled and run for all POL CoCs, with the addition of EPH and VPH for use in HRC calculations. Tim Sharp
8/30/2021 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC approved the Final RI and GWM WP for the FAA Northway sites. Soil borings and monitoring wells will be installed and sampled at the CAA Garage AOC, and the HRC will be used to assess if the contaminants exceed risk criteria. Surface soils and surface water will be sampled for lead and PCBs at the Former Radio Range Tower and other groundwater wells will be sampled at other AOCs for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Tim Sharp
5/5/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC sent comments on the 2021 Draft RI and Groundwater Monitoring Report for FAA Northway Station. The report details efforts to characterize and monitor contamination at several areas of concern (AOCs). Soil borings and monitoring wells were installed and sampled at the Former Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) Garage AOC, also known as the Basketball Court site. The Hydrocarbon Risk Calculator (HRC) was used to assess remaining risk criteria. Surface soils were sampled for lead and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at the Former Radio Range Tower AOC. Groundwater monitoring was conducted at five other AOCs. Tim Sharp
10/24/2022 Update or Other Action On October 21, 2022 ADEC approved the Final Remedial Investigation and Groundwater Monitoring Report Alyssa Wood

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