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Site Report: Eareckson Air Station SS25

Site Name: Eareckson Air Station SS25
Address: WWII Fuel Tanks, Island Road aka PS-83, Amchitka, AK 99546
File Number: 2649.38.001, 2649.38.025
Hazard ID: 49
Status: Active
Staff: Erica Blake, 9074512182
Latitude: 52.720331
Longitude: 174.108417
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Eareckson AS is situated on Shemya Island, approximately 1,500 miles southwest of Anchorage, Alaska at the westernmost tip of the Aleutian Islands. Shemya Island is part of the Near Islands group of the Aleutian Archipelago. The U.S. Army first developed facilities on Shemya Island in 1943 to support operations against the Japanese occupation forces on the nearby islands of Attu, Agattu, and Kiska. In 1954, the site was deactivated, and was turned over to the Civil Aeronautics Authority in 1955. In 1958, the Air Force returned to Shemya Island to support various Air Force and Army strategic intelligence gathering activities. It has remained active in this capacity to the present. In 1995, the station was downsized and reverted to caretaker status and a private operation and maintenance contractor took control of the facility under contract to the Air Force. Shemya Island is owned by the U.S. Government and is under the jurisdiction of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. SS025 is located on a hillside in the southcentral portion of the island. The site was used as a bulk fuel storage facility that was composed of 64 fuel aboveground storage tanks and a network of subsurface pipelines. The tank farm was constructed in the 1940s, and the ASTs were removed between 1986 and 1988.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/10/1990 Update or Other Action Installation Restoration Program Stage 1 Final Technical Report submitted by CH2M Hill. This is the site of a dismantled bulk fuel storage area. The storage tanks have been removed. Tank graves or containment areas, which appear to be shallow excavations, are all that remain. An abandoned, partially buried pipeline was observed along with several oily seeps. Soil samples from this site yielded TPH values of 420 to 1,100 mg/kg. Former Staff
10/4/1990 Update or Other Action Preliminary Assessment for Shemya Air Force Base submitted by USAF. This site was added during the 1988 field visit. It is the location of an abandoned tank farm. All that remains in the area are the earthen berms that surrounded each tank and abandoned pipelines. POL seeps were observed at this site. Does not appear to be any containment on the spill, signs of contaminant migration. Former Staff
10/4/1991 Update or Other Action Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Field Investigation Plan Volume 1 of 2 submitted by CH2M Hill. There are localized areas of this site that appear contaminated. The source may be released fuel oil, these areas may be very localized and pose insignificant risk. Significantly contaminated soil will be recommended for excavation. If significant groundwater contamination is identified, it will be further evaluated. Former Staff
2/1/1993 Update or Other Action 1992 IRP Field Investigation Report submitted by CH2M Hill. A reconnaissance level geophysical (EM) survey was the only work conducted at this site during the 1992 IRP field investigation. Anomalies were encountered in various locations at this site. Former Staff
4/28/1993 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Ray Burger
12/1/1993 Update or Other Action Eareckson Air Force Station (formerly Shemya AFB, Alaska) 1993 Installation Restoration Program Basewide and Limited Source Investigation Workplan. Prepared by Jacobs Engineering Group. SS25 is the site of a dismantled bulk fuel storage area. Reportedly there were 60 or more 40,000 gallon fuel tanks within a one-half by one-quarter mile area. All that remain are tank excavations, earthen containment berms, and abandoned pipelines. It is unknown whether SS25 has ecological significance. Nature and extent of contamination has not been fully characterized. Site has been recommended for further investigation in 1994. Ray Burger
4/28/1994 Site Added to Database TPH contamination. Ray Burger
12/1/1994 Update or Other Action Final Remedial Investigation, Workplan and Sampling and Analysis Addendum, 1994 Field Season, Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (formerly Shemya AFB, Alaska). Prepared by Jacobs Engineering Group. SS25 is the site of dismantled bulk fuel storage area. Reported 60 or more 40,000 gallon fuel tanks. During the 1988 field investigation, several oily water seeps were observed along the downslope eastern perimeter of this area. Results yielded TPH values from 420 to 1,100 mg/kg. CH2M Hill's report on the 1992 field investigations presented additional findings on the 1988 samples. Two semivolatiles were detected, including di-n-butylphthalate and nitrophenol. The objective of the 1994 investigation at SS25 is to evaluate the current contaminant source. Field activities for SS25 will begin with soil vapor sampling followed by borehole advancement and monitoring well installation. Ray Burger
8/1/1995 Update or Other Action Final Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study Report Volume I submitted by Jacobs Engineering. Aerial photographs combined with visible topography and soil borehole data indicate a possible fault scarp located in the central portion of the island near the eastern boundary of source area SS25. Subsurface lithology in area SS25 contains argillite bedrock and andesitic bedrock. One of the largest values of soil phosphorous is located at SS25 with value of 123 mg/kg. Three wells were installed in the now-abandoned tank farm (source area SS25). Depth to groundwater ranged from 4 feet to 46 feet. It is reasonable to assume that fuel product has been released at SS25 source area, however, the releases have not resulted in a measurable thickness of product within the saturated zone. Ray Burger
3/15/1996 Site Characterization Report Approved Final Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study Report, Volume IV, Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (Formerly Shemya Air Force Base Alaska). Primary exposure pathways for this source area were groundwater and potential for migration of groundwater to the water gallery or discharge of groundwater to surface water seeps and springs along the eastern boundary. Although hydrocarbons are present in soils and groundwater, Tier I and II risk evaluations determined that the exposure pathways are not complete. Furthermore, hydrogeological evaluation determined SS25 is not hydraulically connected to the water gallery. The primary source of fuel (tanks) has been removed and the pipelines are targeted for removal in early 1996. No further response action planned is recommended for SS25. Ray Burger
6/12/1997 Update or Other Action Final Installation-Wide Environmental Baseline Survey. Restoration activities completed for SS25. 1984-1991 Activities: Conducted Stage 1 investigation in 1988. Conducted Stage 2 Investigation in 1990. 1992-1993 Activities: Conducted Field Investigation in 1992. Conducted Limited Source Investigation in 1993. 1994-1995 Activities: Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study conducted in 1994. Performed Site Characterization in 1994. Gretchen Pikul
8/1/1998 Update or Other Action Final Basewide Monitoring Program Work Plan submitted by Jacobs Engineering. Current site status of SS25 is that the fuel tanks have been removed and the site is designated as NFRAP. Four groundwater samples will be collected, one from each of the well locations. Surface water samples will be collected from two identified drainage areas downgradient of SS25. Gretchen Pikul
10/30/1998 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Air Force on response to comments for Decision Documents Volumes 3 and 4. Two main issues - (1) documents lacking detail necessary to describe remedial investigation, risk assessment, remedial, and no-further-action decisions, and (2) Air Force determination that no analyses will be performed for DRO, GRO and RRO based on a 1994 Department approval of specific petroleum constituents for risk assessment studies. No resolution reached on these 2 main issues - outcome resulted in potential for dispute resolution process. Gretchen Pikul
11/23/1998 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meetings with Air Force on Decision Documents Volumes 3 and 4. Two main issues - (1) level of detail needed in documents, and (2) no DRO, GRO and RRO analyses in long-term monitoring. No resolution reached on these 2 main issues - outcome resulted in potential for dispute resolution process. Gretchen Pikul
12/1/1998 Update or Other Action Final Management Action Plan (updated December 1998). SS25, WWII Fuel Tanks: 64 former aboveground storage tanks and network of underground piping. Tanks removed by ACE in 1986-1988; pipeline removed in 1996. RI sampling included surface soil, subsurface soil, surface water, sediment, and groundwater. Risk assessment found no expected risk to ecological or human health. Biannual GW monitoring is being performed to make sure no migration occurs to water gallery. NFRAP recommended but not yet approved. Gretchen Pikul
12/30/1998 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Air Force on Decision Documents Volumes 3 and 4. Two main issues - (1) level of detail needed in documents, and (2) no DRO, GRO and RRO analyses in long-term monitoring. Avoided formal dispute resolution process - began working on document detail needed and necessary analyses for long-term monitoring. Gretchen Pikul
1/20/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Air Force to discuss appropriate sites to be included within the Decision Documents Volumes 3 and 4 and the appropriate site status (transfer to Compliance, RCRA, Remedial Actions, and No-Further-Remedial-Action-Planned). SS25 decided to be NFRAP. Gretchen Pikul
8/16/1999 Update or Other Action Remedial Investigation Baseline Groundwater Monitoring Report, August - September 1998, Basewide Monitoring Activities and Findings - Final dated June 18, 1999. Four monitoring wells and two surface water seep locations were identified for 1998 BMP sampling activities. Three of the four monitoring wells were successfully sampled. MW04 could not be sampled because the well did not produce enough water to be adequately purged. The GW sample obtained at MW06 in 1994 exhibited copper and chromium concentrations above background levels. The 1998 data indicates that these metals are currently below background levels. Benzene was detected in 1994, but was not detected in 1998. POL constituents in the surface water samples along the eastern hillside of SS25 - Benzene decreased in concentration compared to the 1994 samples, but ethylbenzene increased at both locations. 1998 GW results from MW06 indicate levels of lead in excess of groundwater cleanup levels. Gretchen Pikul
3/10/2000 Update or Other Action Comprehensive Basewide Monitoring Report, June 1999 Basewide Monitoring Activities and Findings (draft dated October 1999); ADEC comment letter dated January 7, 2000; final dated 1-31-00, received by Air Force on 3-1-00, and ADEC on 3-10-00). SS25 is one of the site that has the most prevalent organic contamination. There is a defined groundwater plume of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) contamination was identified. Recommended to add monitoring well at SS25. Groundwater depths in SS25 range from 9 to 45 feet bgs. Silver and thallium above background levels in MW06. Manganese and nine VOCs above method reporting limits in MW07. Ten VOCs detected above reporting limits in MW08. POL constituents remain in the surface water along the eastern hillside of SS25. Six VOCs detected above reporting limits. All VOC concentrations decreased from 1998 to 1999. Gretchen Pikul
8/16/2000 Update or Other Action Basewide Monitoring Program Workplan (draft dated June 14, 2000; ADEC comment letter dated June 16, 2000; final dated August 16, 2000). In accordance with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Basewide Monitoring Report, the following work will be conducted for Site SS25: 1) groundwater samples will be collected from three monitoring wells (MW06, MW07, MW08) and analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO, VOCs and the full suite of TAL metals. 2) Co-located sediment and surface water samples will be collected at two locations. 3) Co-located sediment and surface water samples will be collected from one new monitoring location in the drainage-way where water from the two seep eventually flows. Gretchen Pikul
7/27/2001 Update or Other Action Year 2000 Basewide Monitoring Program Report (draft final dated April 9, 2001, ADEC comment letter dated May 24, 2001, final dated July 7, 2001). Activities conducted during the Year 2000 field effort at SS25 were a continuation of the BMP initiated in 1998. Activities consisted of collection of groundwater, surface water, and sediment samples. An additional surface water/sediment location was also sampled during the Year 2000 field effort. Surface soil results indicated the presence of elevated levels of GRO and DRO at several locations across the site. In general, highest levels of petroleum constituents were detected in the subsurface samples at one of two depths: 1) depth of the water table 3) within three feet of the surface. Gretchen Pikul
12/10/2001 Update or Other Action Decision Document Report Volumes III and IV (draft dated March 1996; draft final dated April 1997 and received May 1997; ADEC comment letter dated October 1, 1997 with extensive comments; related meetings in 1998 on October 30, November 23, November 24 and December 30; related meetings in 1999 on January 20 and 26, February 2 and 25, June 22-25 during site visit, August 24 during FY00 project scoping meeting, and October 1; received Review Draft Decision Documents on November 30, 1999 ADEC comment letters in February 2000; related meetings in 2000 on January 4; related meetings in 2001 on January 4 and 16; ADEC comment letter on Draft Final Technical Memorandum - Risk Assessment Assumptions for Decision Documents (dated March 19) with comment resolution meeting on May 18, final memorandum dated June 2001; draft Proposed Plan for 6 sites received August 24, ADEC comment letter dated September 19, 'response to comments' received December 10, 2001). Gretchen Pikul
2/27/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC participated in a meeting regarding 2002 Missile Defense program field work. A previously unknown UST was discovered during excavation activities for the Defense Satellite Communication System structure (in vicinity of this site). Approximately 15,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed and is currently in long term stockpiles located on abandoned runway B. Based on the limited construction timeframe, the soil was removed in lieu of in situ remediation. According to the preliminary data, the most elevated DRO level detected in the contaminated soil is 1,800 mg/kg. Follow-on activities will include: (1) Missile Defense will program a study to determine the best possible management or treatment options for the contaminated stockpiles; (2) A comprehensive report detailing the 2002 project will be issued; and (3) An Operation and Maintenance plan will be developed for management of the contaminated soil stockpiles until a final decision can be made on management or treatment options. An Air Force Memo outlines this meeting. Gretchen Pikul
12/11/2003 Update or Other Action Air Force has reprioritized all remaining sites as medium and low priority due to security on island, no local community affected, and no current human health or ecological risk determined by risk assessment and investigations. Since the Air Force is required to complete all high priority projects by 2007, the Eareckson projects are being placed further in the outyears. See ADEC e-mail dated December 11, 2003 regarding sites ST46, SS23, SS25, ST50, and ST51 and requested monitoring during the interim years. Gretchen Pikul
10/17/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Discussed future of site at the TRIAD meeting and the fact that the extent of the plume is unknown and that 2008 groundwater data will be needed to make a decision about the site. Jonathan Schick
3/1/2008 Update or Other Action Technical Memorandum on Historical Data Review at Twelve Environmental Restoration Program Sites submitted by MWH. For SS25, surface water sampling results from the 2000 BMP indicated that Total Aromatic Hydrocarbon concentrations exceeded ADEC cleanup levels in a surface water sample collected from a previously unsampled location. Therefore, additional surface water monitoring appears warranted. Results from 2000 BMP indicate that the groundwater contaminant plume has migrated past the most downgradient well historically used for monitoring (MW08). Proposed sampling for SS025 includes: 1) Five surface soil samples 2) Surface water and sediment samples from two locations 3) Two surface water and sediment samples from seeps south of the site 4) GW samples from 6 wells 5) GW sample from a new well point located east of MW04. Jonathan Schick
3/5/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Jonathan Schick
5/6/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC staff issued a letter to the USAF regarding the submission of a Remedial Investigation Work Plan that does not address all of the site characterization information required by the state. It is the recommendation of the ADEC that a more comprehensive remedial investigation be conducted to collect a sufficient amount of information to characterize the subsurface contamination at each of the 12 sites in question. Jonathan Schick
7/1/2008 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Remedial Field Investigation at Twelve Environmental Restoration Program Sites Work Plan - Final submitted by MWH. Sample types and locations for SS025 consist of: 1) Five surface soil samples from previously identified hotspots. 2) One subsurface soil sample will be collected from a test pit advanced next to the location of former well COE-22. 3)One surface water and sediment sample set from location HA23, and one other from a location further downgradient. 4) Two surface water and sediment sample sets from seeps located south of the site. Groundwater samples from eight well locations. One GW sample from a new well point east of MW04. One GW sample from a new well point installed in the northeastern portion of the site. ADEC approves the work plan. Jonathan Schick
12/4/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC recieved a copy of a Work Plan Addendum for 6 sites including SS005, ST009, SS012, SS023, SS025, and ST050. They are scheduled to begin work to further delineate the extent of contamination at these 6 sites on Monday December 8, 2008. For site SS25, groundwater monitoring in August 2008 found contamination in downgradient well SS25-MW01 and well point SS25-WP02. Four additional downgradient wells will be sampled to better define the extent of contaminant migration. Jonathan Schick
12/9/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC Staff issued a letter to the 611th indicating that the Work plan Addendum for 6 sites at Eareckson AS would not be approved. We are not able to approve this Work plan Addendum at this time because of the one day turnaround time and the lack of information provided to render decisions applicable to this sampling program. Upon reviewing this document several questions arise about the proposed field activities. Without having an opportunity to review the data collected from the Remedial Field Investigation performed this summer, we cannot determine the appropriateness or comprehensiveness of the proposed sampling strategy. Therefore, by proceeding with this Work plan Addendum without the ADEC’s approval, there is a chance that we will not concur with the conclusions and recommendations derived from this Remedial Field Investigation. Jonathan Schick
7/29/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC Staff recieved a draft version of the Remedial Field Investigation at 12 Environmental Restoration Sites Remedial Investigation Report dated July, 2009. THe report details the findings from the Remedial Field Investigation that took place during 2008. The purpose of the RFI was to gather additional information about the 12 subject sites in order to support a Risk Assessment. Additional Site characterization will be necessary at SS12 where the PCB contamination extends beyond the bounds of the 2008 investigation. Jonathan Schick
8/1/2009 Update or Other Action Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Work Plan for 12 ERP Sites Final submitted by MWH. Petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) constituents and metals have been detected at this site during pervious investigations. The 1994 RI/FS indicated that, when the RI was conducted, the primary migration pathways for chemicals at SS025 were soil to groundwater and surface water through open pipeline trenches at the former pump stations. Groundwater and surface water may be in hydraulic communication in areas along the eastern hillside. Jonathan Schick
8/25/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC staff submitted comments on the Draft Remedial Field Investigation Report for 12 SItes at Eareckson AS. The report detailed the results of the investigation that took place in 2008. THe State's concerns are regarding the incomplete characterization of the PCB contamination at SS12 adn some inconsistencies between the Work Plan and the Field Investiagtion including some subsurface sampling that was excluded from the RFI. Jonathan Schick
10/29/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff met with the Air Force RPM to discuss the groundwater plume at SS025. The State is concerned that the extent of the contamination has not be adequately delineated adn is requesting that the Air Force install additinal monitoring points to the east so that all parties can agree on an appropriate remedy once the extent of the impacts to groundwater are fully understood. Jonathan Schick
12/21/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC staff recived a letter from the AIr Force RPM stating that the Air FOrce does not agree with the State's position that the groundwater plume at SS025 is not adequately delineated. The letter states that monitored natural attenuation with institutional controls is the preferred alternative for the site, and additional characterization is unwarranted at this time due to the high cost of mobilization and lack of site risk. Jonathan Schick
4/1/2010 Update or Other Action Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Report for 12 ERP Sites Final submitted by MWH. Petroleum, oil and lubricant (POL) constituents and metals have been detected at this site during previous investigations. (Gives a history of work previously conducted at this site). In the eastern portions of SS025, a north-south trending structural fault that could channel groundwater toward the south along the fault line is potentially present. Groundwater and surface water may be in hydraulic communication in areas along the eastern hillside. Migration away from the area does not appear to be a significant concern. Jonathan Schick
6/11/2010 CERCLA RI Report Approved Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Final version of the Remdieal Investigation Report for the Remedial Field Inestigation at 12 Environmental Restoration Program Sites dated June 2010. The 2008 RFI sampling indicates that contaminant concentrations in surface soil, surface water, and sediments at SS025 are generally low. Groundwater at SS025 is still impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX). Comparing the 2008 results to the historical results, it appears that the groundwater contaminant plume at SS025 is stable to decreasing. Jonathan Schick
7/29/2010 Update or Other Action ADEC submitted comments on the Draft Remedial Field Investigation at 12 Environmental Restoration Program Sites (Addendum) which included an island wide background metals sampling event. The State;s main concern with the report is the statistical analysis of the background metals as the 95% UCL was used as the background concentration instead of the UPL or UTL. Additionally the report detailed the follow-on remedial investigation of the PCB impacts at SS012. Jonathan Schick
11/3/2010 Site Characterization Report Approved Contaminated Sites Staff issued a letter to the USAF approving the Final version of the Remedial Field Investigation at 12 Environmental Restoration Program Sites Remedial Investigaion Report Addendum. The report detailed the additional investigation of the extent of PCB impacted soils at SS012 the Old White Alice Site at Eareckson Air Station. Samples were collected around the perimeter of the previous investigations and also down the slope that drops from the site to the north/northwest. Also the addendum detailed the collection and calculation of background metals concentration from across the island at locations not associated with known contaminated sites. Jonathan Schick
7/15/2011 Update or Other Action Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the Air Force's Remedial Project Manager with comments on the Draft Feasibility Study Report with the state's concerns about the inadequate characterization of the groundwater at several of the sites within the report. Jonathan Schick
8/17/2011 Update or Other Action Contaminated Sites Staff recieved responses to our comments on the Draft Feasibility Study Report that were submitted to the Air Force in July 2011. The responses were not in concurrence with our concerns about the inadequate characterization of some of the groundwater at the sites and a comment resolution meeting will be necessary to resolve the outstanding issues. Jonathan Schick
9/6/2011 Update or Other Action Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the Air Force regarding their response to our comments on the Feasibility Study Report for the 12 Site Remedial Investigation. ADEC does not feel like the groundwater impacts at some of the sites is adequate or complete and additional monitoring wels may need to be installed to deterine a remedy. Jonathan Schick
9/22/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contmainted Sites Staff met with the Air Force's Remedial Project Manager to discuss issues remaining on the Draft Feasibility Study for th 12 Site Remedial Field Investigation at Eareckson Air Station. The topics discussed in the meeting were regarding the need to expand the monitoring well network at several of the subject sites so that the extent of contamination could be accurately documented for the Record of Decision for the sites. Additional monitoring well points were agreed to a some of the sites and long term monitoring was agreed to become the preferred alternative at ST009. Jonathan Schick
12/20/2011 CERCLA FS Contaminted Sites Staff recieved the final version of the Feasibility Study Report for 12 sites at Eareckson Air Station. The comments from the draft were resolved and the changes incorporated into the Final document. Gives a historical summary of site SS025 and provides remedial alternatives with detailed analysis of each. The preferred alternative for SS025 is Monitored Natural Attenuation with long-term monitoring and IC's. Jonathan Schick
6/12/2012 Update or Other Action Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Draft Proposed Plan for several of the 12 sites that went through the Remedial Investigation together in 2008. The proposed plan does not include the proposed remedy for SS025 but this site will be addressed in another Proposed Plan that should be available for review in the near future. Jonathan Schick
3/1/2013 Update or Other Action Proposed Plan for Remedial Action Eareckson Air Station ERP Sites SS010, SS023/ST035, SS025, ST046, ST050, and ST051. After the public comments are received and reviewed, the Air Force will prepare a Record of Decision (ROD) To document the final remedies selected for multiple sites, including SS025. Petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) constituents and metals have been detected at this site during previous investigations. In general, groundwater in the vicinity of SS025 is primarily contained within the upper regions of the fractured bedrock zone. Contaminants detected in 2008 included GRO, DRO, residual range organics (RRO), and BTEX, along with other PAHs and VOCs. Jonathan Schick
3/17/2014 CERCLA ROD Approved The ADEC Contaminated Site Program approved the February 2014 Record of Decision for SS010, SS023/ST035, SS025, ST046, ST050, and ST051. The selected remedy for SS025 was Long-term Management with Institutional Controls to restrict access to or inappropriate use of soil and groundwater. The remedy also includes Monitored Natural Attenuation of contaminants in groundwater in sampling events conducted every 2 years. Jessica Morris
8/27/2014 Long Term Monitoring Established The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final Work Plan for Environmental Long Term Monitoring and Site Inspections ((FT001, FT002, FT003, OT048, SS007, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, SS010, SS023, ST035, SS025, ST009, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051) and Limited Site Characterization (Building 3055 Area) at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. This scope of work is not sufficient to meet the long term monitoring objectives outlined in the most recently established RODs. The USAF will hold a scoping meeting with ADEC to plan additional well installation to meet these long term monitoring requirements. Jessica Morris
5/1/2015 Update or Other Action Report for Environmental Long-Term Monitoring and Site Inspections at FT001, LF016, LF018, FT002, FT003, OT048, SS002, LF024, LF028, SS010, SS023/ST035, SS025, ST009/ST044, ST046, ST050, ST058. A visual inspection of site SS025 was completed on 25 September 2014. The site has IC's in place that prevent and/or restrict the following: unauthorized excavation, handling, or relocation of contaminated subsurface soil; future construction of building without proper engineering controls in order to prevent vapor intrusion; the use of groundwater as drinking water; exposure to groundwater through dermal contact, inhalation, or ingestion; and the unauthorized purging/discharge of contaminated groundwater. Jessica Morris
10/22/2015 Update or Other Action The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program reviewed and commented on a draft scope of work for investigation, remedial process optimization, and long term management studies at several sites for Eareckson Air Station. Jessica Morris
8/31/2016 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program conditionally approved the 2016 Uniform Federal Policy - Quality Assurance Project Plan (UFP-QAPP) for Site Characterization at 14 Former POL Sites, Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska. The conditions for the UFP-QAPP are as follows: 1) We do not object to the long term monitoring work being completed as outlined in the UFP-QAPP; however ADEC cannot concur that efforts will be counted towards meeting the end point criteria outlined in the decision documents until an adequate monitoring program has been established. 2)The QAPP states that field screening results and field observations will be used to determine additional groundwater monitoring well locations. These locations should to be coordinated with ADEC. 3) The leaking underground storage tank (LUST) sites at Eareckson Air Station will need to be characterized and closed in accordance with LUST regulations that are included in 18 AAC 78. 4) The scope of work for this investigation may not be sufficient to fully characterize the sites listed in the work plan, and additional investigation may be necessary. Jessica Morris
11/14/2016 Site Visit ADEC staff travelled to Eareckson Air Station for 4 days to conduct site visits and become familiar with the ecology and topography of the island. Site visits were conducted to all pertinent sites and meetings were held to with ADEC and USAF to discuss a path forward for the sites. Jessica Morris
3/31/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final UFP-QAPP Site Investigation for Perfluorinated Compounds and Long Term Management Studies, Eareckson Air Station. The work plan was approved with the condition that the monitoring program proposed was not sufficient to meet the requirements in the RODs. ADEC requires a work plan for remedy implementation to establish an adequate monitoring program. Jessica Morris
11/27/2017 Site Visit ADEC staff travelled to Eareckson Air Station for 3 days to conduct site visits and institutional control inspections. Site visits were conducted to all pertinent sites and meetings were held to with ADEC and USAF to discuss a path forward for the sites. Jessica Morris
2/23/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program provide comments on the Draft Site Characterization Report at 13 Former POL Sites, Phase I, Eareckson Air Station. Jessica Morris
2/23/2018 Update or Other Action The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program submitted comments on the Draft Site Characterization Report at 13 Former POL Sites, Phase I, Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. Jessica Morris
5/2/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program submitted comments on the Draft Remedial Process Optimization Report for Eareckson Air Station. The purpose of the report was to present an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current selected site remedies and make recommendations for optimization of an island-wide monitoring and management program for contaminated sites at Eareckson. ADEC had numerous comments on the document, and requested a project team meeting to further discuss a more effective and efficient program at Eareckson. Jessica Morris
1/8/2019 Institutional Control Compliance Review The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Contaminated Sites Program received a copy of the Final Long Term Monitoring and Institutional Controls Inspection Report for Eareckson Air Station. The report is accepted as final documentation of the field activities. The report is approved with the conditions noted in the ADEC’s comments 1/8/19 letter. The field efforts completed are not considered sufficient to meet the overall long term monitoring requirements outlined in the site records of decision and regulations for closure end point criteria. ADEC is working with the USAF to develop a more efficient island-wide long term monitoring strategy for Eareckson Air Station. Jessica Morris
7/5/2019 CERCLA ROD Periodic Review DEC provided comments to the U.S. Air Force on the "Five-Year Review Report and Period Review for Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska, Draft” dated November 2018 on July 5, 2019. Melinda Brunner
10/9/2019 Update or Other Action Approved 2019 Remedial Action Operations, land Use/Institutional Control Supplemental Work Plan. William Schmaltz
6/25/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The purpose of this project is to continue environmental long-term management at multiple sites at Eareckson AS, Alaska. The objectives of this project were to conduct groundwater sampling at eight sites, surface water sampling at four sites, sediment sampling at three sites, conduct IC inspections at 19 sites, and conduct an assessment of necessary repairs at LF026. The assessment of LF026 is documented in a separate technical memorandum; this LTM report presents the findings of the IC inspections and the results of groundwater, surface water, and sediment sampling. Darren Mulkey
6/25/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "Draft Technical Project Report, 2019 Environmental Long Term Management Activities, Eaceckson Air Station, Sites FT001, FT002, FT003, OT048, SS007, SS010, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, LF015, LF018, LF024, and LF026, May 2020". The purpose of this project is to continue environmental long-term management at multiple sites at Eareckson AS, Alaska. The objectives of this project were to conduct groundwater sampling at eight sites, surface water sampling at four sites, sediment sampling at three sites, conduct IC inspections at 19 sites, and conduct an assessment of necessary repairs at LF026. The assessment of LF026 is documented in a separate technical memorandum; this LTM report presents the findings of the IC inspections and the results of groundwater, surface water, and sediment sampling. Darren Mulkey
6/25/2020 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting 2019 Technical Project Report. The purpose of this project is to continue environmental long-term management at multiple sites at Eareckson AS, Alaska. The objectives of this project were to conduct groundwater sampling at eight sites, surface water sampling at four sites, sediment sampling at three sites, conduct IC inspections at 19 sites, and conduct an assessment of necessary repairs at LF026. The assessment of LF026 is documented in a separate technical memorandum; this LTM report presents the findings of the IC inspections and the results of groundwater, surface water, and sediment sampling. Darren Mulkey
8/20/2021 Update or Other Action On August 19, 2021 ADEC approved the Final Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plan for Long-Term Management and Remedial Action Operation Activities for Eareckson Air Force Station, Alaska, Dated August 2021. This quality assurance project plan explains the conceptual site model, defines the long term management and remedial action operation inspection activities to be completed at each site, and specifies the quality control and quality assurance aspects of the monitoring and inspection program. Daniela Fawcett
4/27/2022 Update or Other Action On 4/27/2022 ADEC approved the Eareckson Air Station, Alaska, REMEDIAL PROCESS OPTIMIZATION REPORT dated April 2022. This Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Report presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of current selected site remedies and makes recommendations for optimization of the IWM Program, as appropriate to establish a more integrated groundwater monitoring program at Eareckson AS. RPO is a systematic approach for evaluating and improving the effectiveness of site remediation without increasing site risk. This RPO Report presents a site-by-site evaluation of effectiveness of the sites selected remedy and provides recommendations to: • Streamline groundwater monitoring. • Develop a holistic approach to site management. • Maintain the remedial action objectives (RAOs) set forth in established Record of Decisions (RODs) and Decision Documents (DDs). Daniela Fawcett
6/27/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for the Draft Final 2021 Long Term Management, Land Use and Institutional Controls Report Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, Alaska Sites CS566, DA002/DA002A, DA003, FT001, FT002, FT003, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, ML001, MU001, OD001, OT048, OT617, PL560, PL575, SS005, SS007, SS010, SS012, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, TA555, TA556, TA616, TU553, TU554, TU558, TU559, TU567, TU568, XU912, ZZ001, dated June 2023.The report describes the institutional control inspections and sampling efforts conducted during November 15 through November 30th, 2021. Forty-two different sites were investigated at the Eareckson Air Station located on Shemya Island, Alaska. Groundwater was sampled at nine sites, surface water was sampled at five sites, and sediment sampling was conducted at two sites. Contaminants above cleanup levels remain present at most sites with stable or non-discernable trends. Most land use controls appear to be in good condition and Monitoring and continued inspections were recommended for all sites. Ginna Quesada
7/3/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC submitted responses to comments for the Draft Final 2021 Long Term Management, Land Use and Institutional Controls Report Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, Alaska Sites CS566, DA002/DA002A, DA003, FT001, FT002, FT003, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, ML001, MU001, OD001, OT048, OT617, PL560, PL575, SS005, SS007, SS010, SS012, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, TA555, TA556, TA616, TU553, TU554, TU558, TU559, TU567, TU568, XU912, ZZ001, dated June 2023. Ginna Quesada
8/3/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC approved the "Final 2021 Long Term Management, Land Use and Institutional Controls Report Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, Alaska Sites CS566, DA002/DA002A, DA003, FT001, FT002, FT003, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, ML001, MU001, OD001, OT048, OT617, PL560, PL575, SS005, SS007, SS010, SS012, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, TA555, TA556, TA616, TU553, TU554, TU558, TU559, TU567, TU568, XU912, ZZ001, dated July 2023." The report recommends continuing with land-use control site inspections and monitoring the groundwater until all remedial objectives are met. Erica Blake

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